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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11628442 No.11628442 [Reply] [Original]

How should i cook this shit

>> No.11628446

Doesn't really look good enough to eat as a standalone steak. I'd make a stirfry or soup with it.

>> No.11628447

Chuck is for stews or ground meat u inbred

>> No.11628458

Chuck eye is perfectly good as a standalone you dinguses. It's also know as poor man's ribeye.
Op, cook using Gordon Ramsey's method you can find on YouTube

>> No.11628459

What if I covered it in a nice cheese sauce

>> No.11628465

Thank you my dude. I didn't buy this like a retard, I looked at everything and saw this was an affordable cheaper meat. I'll look that up. Gonna serve it with a homemade baked macaroni with the costco cave aged cheddar mixed in

>> No.11628470

>cherry picks which comment to reply to because it's what he was gonna do anyway
Fuck off, you insecure faggot.

>> No.11628472

>being a pretentious faggot
Steak is steak.

>> No.11628476

>guy wants steak
>lmao make stew
>replies to dude who suggest steak method
>fucking rages over not getting a reply
>calls OP insecure
You're projecting hard as fuck, little kid.

>> No.11628478

I responded to the other two posts you swine. I heard your advice and responded to it but now you post in spite out of laziness. Look at yourself.

>> No.11628481

I even responded to the other two with this >>11628459 post

>> No.11628495

>being this uninformed

>> No.11628496

Do you mean his generic 'how to cook steak' video or does he have one for beef chuck eye

>> No.11628502

hello fellow hoosier
You can broil it.
That little flamey thing in or under your oven.

>> No.11628503

You should learn the words you want to use before you try them out, dum dum.

>> No.11628505

I LITERALLY responded to your post first so why are you upset. I fucking GOT TO YOU but I did buy this knowing it was a poor mans steak so I wanted advice on how to do it best as a steak. Sorry I didn't clarify and I do appreciate your advice, it does seem like it would make a good stew.

>> No.11628511

This is me. None of the other posts are me. Okay thanks, enjoy this trainwreck of a thread.

>> No.11628512

Ay buddy. Yeah I was thinking of coating it in olive oil and seasonings, searing it in the cast iron, then throwing it all in the oven for 5 minutes at maybe 450. Curious about if I should flip it though.

>> No.11628517

No worries. I don't mind chatter on a /ck/ thread it's part of why I come here.

>> No.11628533

chuck? stew it
there is no other option. this thread is fucking really really bad

>> No.11628542


>> No.11628574

Throw it on a cast iron pan, 10 seconds on one side, 15 seconds on the other. Wala! Steak medium rare

>> No.11628585

I can't believe it, they really didn't even check the image.
So I'm gonna cover it in olive oil pepper salt and a bit of garlic powder, sear it in the cast iron, then throw it the oven at 450 with half a whole onion for five or six minutes

>> No.11628595

Is that a joke because I think it takes longer than that.

>> No.11628598

25 seconds is all it takes me

>> No.11628600

Okay, so get the cast iron real hot then do a bit on each side?

>> No.11628606

chuckeyes are shoe leather dickhole

>> No.11628615

Dont use olive oil. With those temps, the oil will burn and not taste as good. I really like ghee for beef but google "high smoke point oil", see if you have any on hand that qualify and use that.

>> No.11628616

Found the non cook.

>> No.11628628

I just covered it in olive oil sage salt pepper and a little bit of onion powder lol, to marinate a bit before I start in a half hour, should I go for a lower temp on cast iron (forgive me if that's not possible) or should I just pan sear and oven for a few mins

>> No.11628648
File: 23 KB, 318x312, Daddy_Warbucks_-_Bad_Guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a tough cut best texture and most flavorful cooked low and slow as a stew or braise, or ground and used for hamburger meat, but if you insist on turning it into a "steak" to mimic your betters, marinate it in a fairly acidic solution to help tenderize it. For example, a thai rift would be fish sauce, lime juice, honey, galangal or ginger, garlic, cilantro, lemongrass, hot peppers, sesame oil. But in fact, cooked low and slow can be much better than steak, you just won't feel like Orange Daddy Warbucks eating it.

>> No.11628654


>> No.11628668

I can afford a fucking quality steak you jackass it's a chuck eye and I got it because for a something basic to cook for a monday dinner
Thank you for your skew tip

>> No.11628683

look up bobby flay's new york strip steak w/ horseradish mint glaze or vietnamese steak with cucumber salad

>> No.11628708

You did fine. It's less expensive because normalshits haven't caught on yet. It makes a perfectly good steak. No need to stew.

>> No.11628717

>>olive oil

remember to turn off your smoke detectors.

>> No.11628729

You don't know shit about cooking.

>> No.11628903

>muh megacorporate factory farm put the word steak on the packaging, so by god it's the same as a ribeye, ok?
How is it so easy for you tardgobblers to fall pray to this shit? Are you a millennial, perchance?

>> No.11628927

I know it's not a ribeye you fucking mong. Are you so fucking sour that you think the word steak only means the finest of cuts? Its a simple question, I'm gonna cook this meat to cut it, what can you recommend?

>> No.11628948

>I have no idea about what butcher cuts are or anything at all about cooking or food
I'm sorry you didn't know the difference between chuck eye and chuck. I know they don't teach that stuff in public schools but really you should expand your knowledge base.

>> No.11628983

>overpaying for meat
>insisting on being retarded
Whatever, dumbass.

>> No.11629158

What's the difference professor? That meat looks precisely like what is sold as chuck roast here. I'm all ears, now let's here your damagecontrol.jpg, plox.

>> No.11629167

>$6/lb for chuck
Shit, that's like Canada pricing, except we're paying in CAD, not USD.
Are we not being gouged as bad as I have been led to believe, or does OP live in NYC or San Francisco or something?

>> No.11629197

Chuck EYE is the continuation of the ribeye. It's literally 2 inches away from a ribeye

>> No.11629198

grind it up
cook it like a burger
chop it all up
add some rice and veggies and enjoy.

Steaks are overrated

>> No.11629215
File: 47 KB, 802x311, chuckeye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is not tender!
literally 3" of it is ribeye

>> No.11629227

>What's the difference professor?
The fact they are literally different cuts of meat.

>> No.11629472

My kin. Anyway olive oil salt and pepper xo

>> No.11629588

Cut a crosshatch pattern into the steak about halfway through. Mince an onion and completely cover the steak with it. The enzymes will help break down the meat. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes, an hour if you have time. Then brush off the onions and caramellize them. Cook the steak in the pan and top with the onions. Voila - you have a steak that is cheap and not shoe leather.

>> No.11629643

more dumb shit in an otherwise ok thread.

>> No.11630462

It's not tough to start with you literal retard.

>> No.11630589

Slow your roll, broham. I'm not OP.

>> No.11630636

Sous vide. You don't need to bother with creating a vacuum in the bag, and you don't even need the bag, just place it directly into the water. If you don't use the bag you need to turn the heat up so it cooks before it absorbs too much water. The good news is you don't need those fancy cookers, which can't get hot enough, so just use your normal range. You can tell what temperature to hold it at by the bubbles that start showing up in the water.

>> No.11632252

Yeah,sure if OP wants a shitty beef soup with weak-ass broth. If you're gonna sous-vide a steak it needs to go in the bag with a bit of Olive oil and some fresh herbs. The fat helps dissolve the flavor compounds from the herbs and marinated the steak in them. You could poach fish or chicken, but even then you need a court boullion to add flavor, rather than dilute it. This is why superior cooking technology is wasted on peasants. You have no idea why it works or how to use it properly. Everyone wants to be trendy and their lack of knowledge ruins the product.

>> No.11633172

Fry each side in a cast iron pan for 4 minutes. Then bake for like 30 minutes.

>> No.11633272
File: 36 KB, 188x180, Phht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking boiled steak

>> No.11634798
