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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 640x480, vegansrock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11616418 No.11616418[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Choose Life /ck/
Go Vegan

>> No.11616423
File: 1.23 MB, 2132x1016, Vegan jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go vegan and die

>> No.11616427
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>> No.11616430

Plants are sentient so it's all death.

>> No.11616449
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>Plants don't have a right to live too.

Explain how this makes sense, vegans.

>> No.11616457

plants are alive too and no vegan cares about the slave wages the pickers get or the shit handed pickers who cause e coli outbreaks
checkmate atheists

>> No.11616458

I don’t think you know what sentient means

>> No.11616464
File: 49 KB, 468x444, veganwhore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They told me "choose life, go vegan"

>> No.11616466

>dae plants are alive daaaa!!!!!! XD

Common sense says no. Evidence says no. Assuming its true animals eat plants and you eat animals as opposed to just eating plants

>> No.11616479

Normal people choose life & death actually.

>> No.11616488

>animals eat plants
humans are animals

>> No.11616496

>Common sense says no. Evidence says no.

Are you unironically trying to argue plants are not living organisms?

>> No.11616499

yeah I was a little surprised by that one

>> No.11616543

I'm pro-choice, as in I like having choices and not being a picky eater.

>> No.11616568
File: 446 KB, 684x869, tumblr_ntnuhzfLJ01uegvy1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being this deluded? life is a proscess of death and the universe a carnival of abject and meaningless cruelty

also all those veggies are dead

>> No.11616588

I was gonna call you a retard but I remembered all vegans are retards

>> No.11616590
File: 146 KB, 1000x1000, a25e7300e05795a3e2a5a676b48141fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>animals eat plants
what about carnivorous or omnivorous animals? are Bears wrong for eating meat?

>> No.11616605

Not the point

Plants are not sentient. You have no proof or sense otherwise. That wasn’t the only point either

Not clever. Not an argument.

Red herring

Next up please

>> No.11616611
File: 13 KB, 292x172, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't taken the transhumanism pill

>> No.11616618

>ripping a living, breathing plant out of the ground is somehow "life"

>> No.11616622

>Red herring
>Next up please

dont dodge.....if its so easy then explain the moral difference between a wolf ripping the throat out of a frightened sheep and a human taking a pnumatic gun to a seeps head.....the result is dead animal eigther way

>> No.11616631

is eating non sentient animals acceptable?

>> No.11616637

>That wasn’t the only point either
the second point was more of a "so what?"

sentience doesn't define life.

>> No.11616661

>eat veggies if possible
>meat is just so much cheaper, especially when you cook it yourself
>nothing but veggies just isn't filling

I'm sure you disagree, but you do do and I'll do me. inb4 strawman comic about how that's literally murder and how I'm satan for not agreeing with you.

>> No.11616663

Red herring again. Dismissed.

Eating animals is unacceptable. The only unacceptable standard of plants being sentient is not an issue. Next

Which is not the point. Red herring. Next

>> No.11616665

>lol vegans are so stoppid, we aint no cow!!!

>b-b-but w-wolves eat meat!!!

>> No.11616672
File: 97 KB, 550x392, 1418225923050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about dumb animals.

>> No.11616673

not dismissed, answer the question

>> No.11616674
File: 11 KB, 611x560, 1487434160617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plants move slow enough so it's ok to eat them

>> No.11616678
File: 637 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180916-191948_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try vegtard.

Your vegetables were grown from destroying animal habitats and hunting for meat and other resources works with ecological limitations and pays towards land preservation.

Oh and your supplements were most likely made with ingredients harvested from animal parts.

>> No.11616680

You have no idea what a red herring is as an idea.

It finally comes out that you think you're too smart for your own good. Look back at your arguments. Try to come up with one that doesn't contradict itself

>> No.11616681

>plants are animals because its the only way i can justify my psycopathy

>> No.11616683

Another red herring. Dismissed.

>> No.11616685

lol - the only acceptable response to you anymore

>> No.11616686

answer the questions, stop being so dismissive

>> No.11616692

Right, i forgot the plant food known as apples that grew in my backyard were actually a result of cow blood raining from the skies

>> No.11616694

>animals are humans and plants aren't life at all because it's the only way i can justify my psychopathy*
we don't eat people because nutritionally it's not good for us that's the only reason there's too many health risks involved with eating people so we don't do it

>> No.11616700

do yoyu only eat plants you grow?

>> No.11616701

it's also pretty detrimental for a social animal to eat its own kind

>> No.11616708

Once bears adapt the capacity to understand and hold morals, then your point will be worthy of discussion.

>> No.11616709

we'd have adapted a society around it if it was ok for us to do it but it's not so society shuns it
same way we shun being dirty cause it's unhealthy

>> No.11616716

Animals aren’t humans. But they are above our plates. You have no mental gymnastics to justify plant “death” unless you can prove plants having nociceptors, sentience, any ability to perceive life, and any neural networks while simultaneously going through the cognitive dissonance of suddenly caring about life by then saying we should eat animals who eat plants rather than just plants which would equate to less death and suffering. But of course you don’t care and you have no arguments to support the notion you pretend to. So you can continue to smugly believe cutting a tomato is the same as slitting a throat

>> No.11616725

so the taking of life is only cause for offence if the murderer is capable f feeling bad about what they did?

>> No.11616732

Do you think a pig gets slaughtered out of spite because some farmer in Colombia had to grow a banana?

>> No.11616733


>> No.11616738

Nope. That’s you strawmanning. Do you hold a computer to the same standards as a human for getting drenched in water?

>> No.11616740

Bears aren't developed as humans are. I am not going to argue semantics here. Clearly there are sociopaths who take lives and cause harm who feel no remorse. If you want to eat meat, that's your choice. I believe if factory farms didn't exist and everyone had to hunt/raise and kill their meals, more people would be vegan, or at the least vegetarian.

>> No.11616743

Eeeyeeeeaaaaaahhhh.... nah, ill keep eating meat, going to the store in a couple hours and going to pick up 6lb of pork loin, nom nom nom

>> No.11616745

Have you every thought about reading out loud what you post?

>> No.11616746

Farming machines kills so many animals. Also farmers use tons of poison traps to kill pests.

So if you go to the supermarket you choose between death and death either way.

>> No.11616747

>everyone had to hunt/raise and kill their meals, more people would be vegan, or at the least vegetarian
several thousand years of human history would point in the other direction

>> No.11616756

I'll choose both because I like vegetables and fruit, and I don't want the death of the animal to be in vain.

>> No.11616757

>I believe if factory farms didn't exist and everyone had to hunt/raise and kill their meals, more people would be vegan, or at the least vegetarian.
That's true, but it wouldn't be by choice.

>> No.11616758

Nom nom nom pork. I hope the pig that feeds me suffered a lot.

>> No.11616760

Sure, when society was underdeveloped compared to how things are now. Look at your average american and tell me they'd come home from shopping for clothes at the store and slaughter a chicken to eat. Not too many want to deal with that stuff, hence factory farmed meat.

>> No.11616765

I think it would. People are quick to eat meat because it is always readily available. Take that market away and they'd look for alternatives than to have to kill an animal to eat. I am talking about the average human today, not some hundred to thousand of years ago.

>> No.11616770

Yikes. Hope you’re sympathetic to people cannibalizing your children.

>> No.11616772

Post proof. And again

>grow plants for cattle + kill cattle for humans to eat


>grow plants for humans to eat

>> No.11616777
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>> No.11616782

>Not too many want to deal with that stuff,
precisley...that is the arc of human history....thousands of years chasing cows in the wild and then thousands of years of careful work to enusre the cows were domesticated and contained and mannaged so no one needed to run after them

its also worth remebering that there are still indigenous populations on the fringes of 'modern''socioty living lives much as they have four centuries in quite extreme environments were they still hunt and fish for quite essential portions of their diets, people who certainly have to option to abandon their lifestyles for comprably western ones but have decided for a number of reasons that their culture should continue

>> No.11616785

>poison traps to kill pests

the whole point of growing organic is avoiding any kind of poison to keep pests away. So you are partially wrong here.

>> No.11616787

>I am talking about the average human today, not some hundred to thousand of years ago.
Well obviously people who never personally killed something for food wouldn't immediately go out and start doing it, but you'd probably see more and more people doing it over time. The majority of people in history never shied away from killing animals and would only be vegetarian/vegan because it was more efficient to collect eggs and milk instead of killing all your animals or they just couldn't afford it.

>> No.11616789

My point reflects modern society today. I am not talking about underdeveloped countries today, nor how things used to be.

>> No.11616791

Cute selfie

>> No.11616794

Do you think ignoring the central argument is an effective technique? Because it absolutely is on 4chan.

>> No.11616795

>My point reflects modern society today
first world problems then

>> No.11616800

>The majority of people in history never shied away from killing animals
My guess was because back then that's how things were, and was the norm. I don't think too many would be willing to do that today. Your average human tends to be more compassionate in todays time then back in the days were farms were common and cities not so much.

People today are not the same as the people back then, so to compare them would be similar to comparing an 80 year old mans interest to that of a 10 year olds. You can't, because things were different back then as compared to today. As society continues to progress, this idea will further continue.

>> No.11616803

Consider that plants are fully sentient. Of course they lack sensory organs that humans use, but consider the possibility that they have evolved beyond your level of comprehension and have no need for such organs. Could you learn from a plant? Would you? How would that change your perspective to know that every single plant had a superior intellect and knew what you intended to do.

The green sea slug has been discovered to have obtained the ability to strip chlorophyll from algae it consumes and integrates the algae to allow the slug to obtain energy from photosynthesis. Once the green sea slug has its initial meal, it need not dine again its entire life. Will that not impart some benefit to the green sea slug not enjoyed by other, lowlier slugs? Is it the duty of the green sea slug to so educate other slugs outside of its genetic footprint?
What is the green sea slugs NEXT MOVE? It just freed itself up from the big burden of gathering food and has time to spare!! EVOLUTION PEOPLE! The Indian gentlemen I referred to earlier has evolved the same capability and the scientific community was tripping over itself to prove he was a fraud. Why? because it upsets the status quo. The order MUST, and will, be rearranged to accommodate this new human ability...but not without a fight from the humans so affected!

laughing out loud!! Fight progress, humans!!

There is so much going on! Accept that you know NOTHING at all. That which you believe you know is incorrect. You are an infant, but filled with bad information. The tragedy (for you anyway) isn't that it happened, but that you would be unable to UNDERSTAND that the knowledge of your academic betrayal is irrelevant! You cannot grasp that by knowing that you don't know, you are now free to begin the journey TO knowing. Humans, almost to a person, MUCH prefer to use the revelation as a self pity party. Your breeding demands it!

Pity, that!

>> No.11616805

I never claimed it to be anything else.

>> No.11616806

Nope. Most people don’t hunt their food.

>> No.11616807


I'm just saying that the picture is BS. I'm not saying that going vegan is a stupid idea. Anything that is produced on a huge scale harms the planet.


>> No.11616812

>our average human tends to be more compassionate in todays time
bull shit, the average human today apears more compassionate, but is fully willing to export cruelty elsewhere so long as he doesnt have to look at it....its not compassion its pretense.....not wanting to kill our own chickens doesnt make us more compassionate when our lifestyles are built on imesurable amounts of violence and exploitation to our standard of living

>> No.11616813

>Anything that is produced on a huge scale harms the planet.
I think the vegan argument is rather that one does significantly less harm towards the planet than the other.

>> No.11616815

two life forms competing for the same resources...one prevails and one dies in a fire.

What is so difficult to understand? I thought it was quite clear!

>> No.11616818

>but is fully willing to export cruelty elsewhere so long as he doesnt have to look at it
That is my exact argument. It is easy to eat meat when the violence is done where one doesn't have to deal with it first hand. When it is done elsewhere, no one has to think or see first hand how the animal reacts to dying. Most people today in well developed societies wouldn't be able to stomach that kind of stuff.

>> No.11616820

Your making baseless assumptions, you have no idea what people will or wont be able to stomach. Just because the faggots of society wont be able to doesnt mean everyone else wont, if anything it will help divide the weak from the strong,

>> No.11616821

>Consider that plants are fully sentient.
They’re not though

>Of course they lack sensory organs that humans use
“Of course they don’t have this thing that would otherwise prove me right”

>but consider the possibility that they have evolved beyond your level of comprehension and have no need for such organs. Could you learn from a plant?
Your mental gymnastics don’t even translate to anything comprehensible, if you’re asking if a tomato became essentially in most qualities, a human, then yes, there are serious reconsiderations.

Everything else you posted is just cringey word salad.

Consider this equation yet again since you’ve suddenly become so sentimental

Cows + plants = X

Plants = Y

Which do you think is more? And do you also accept the idea that enslaving and slaughtering is okay even if a hyper intelligent alien species deemed us as the equivalent of a speck of dirt and genocided us for food even though we demonstrate clear abilities to emote, feel pain, and sense reality?

>> No.11616824



And it’s some carnistcuck posting complete biases conjecture. Zero fact

>> No.11616827

yes, but my point is its a shit argument becuase it aplies to your shirts, shows, electronics, consumer goods etc..... and your not trying to give those up are you?

>> No.11616829

>everything dies therefore I must accelerate the process


>> No.11616830

I never said everyone, I said most. You are taking what I am saying and making it something else.

>you have no idea what people will or wont be able to stomach

It's funny, most of the vegans I see on social media say they went vegan because they watched a documentary on factory raised meat and the brutal torture such animals endure. So no, I am not making baseless assumptions, simply arguing points from what I have seen first hand. Anyways, there's not much left to say here, I don't want to argue this for any longer. Have a good day.

>> No.11616835

I've always wanted to have a go at making my own clothes. I don't watch t.v. If I needed to generate my own electricity I'd be able to easily get rid of all my electronic devices and what not. I have absolutely no problem with living a simple life. Everyone is different though.

>> No.11616837

That's precisely the reason why people in Middle Ages were manlets compared to us. Shitty plant diet simply can't do the job. Just look at any manlet-tier country like Filipinos or Mexico - their diet is plant based. Mexico even somehow managed to out-fat USA, so it's not even healthy. For masses, easy access to meat makes them healthier. It's easier to balance diet in underclass home with cheap meat.

>> No.11616838

You need electronics

You don’t need meat

You need to demonstrate that electronics decimate life within a shout of the same causal chain as livestock

>i know my gratuitous habits are objectively terrible!!! I’ll try attacking these actually important far less terrible habits!!!

Veganism isn’t about immortality, it’s about avoiding slaughtering animals for your gullet among other things

>> No.11616839

Ethipoia and india s diet is plant based as well.

>> No.11616840

Yeah im sure its the beans making Mexicans fat and not the globs of beef and cheese they eat

>> No.11616845

So are the Okinawans, Sardinians, and 7th Day Adventists, all the objectively healthiest highest quality populations on the planet. But yeah they don’t look sexy enough speedos so they suck

>> No.11616846

>It's funny, most of the vegans I see on social media say they went vegan because they watched a documentary on factory raised meat and the brutal torture such animals endure.
Most vegans go back to eating meat, but they do it thoughtfully by not eating it every day without thinking, and trying to buy from better sources.

>> No.11616848

honey is such a pedestrian concept....but PERFECTLY relevant to our little discussion. No adult thinks twice about letting the honeybee toil and labor all summer...collecting the pollen...and in the autumn, the hooded beekeeper comes and takes the whole fucking honeycomb. Which of you morns for the honeybee? Which of you thinks twice of the theft of labor which has occurred? Zoom out, google earth style and look at the macro picture. You are the drone bees and you are harvested of your energy and labor at regular intervals, julst like our friend the honeybee. Is the a difference morality-wise?
It's a harvest of sorts, I suppose. Why does a small child poke a box turtle? Why does a small child study an anthill intently...and then smash it under his heel? That universal unknown. Does it make me feel superior? not really. A freak show? No. Perhaps there is a part of me that hopes for the growth of others. Perhaps I feel a duty to remain open to helping others I deem worthy. As a matter of honour, I will not lie...as a matter of practicality, I will not play Socrates. Come up with your own intellect and stretch your thinking. Spirituality is a human construct, and like all illusions, plays a part in the development of "things". Is it a spiritual force that turns a windmill? A child might think so until the mechanics of asymmetrical earth heating, which make the wind blow, are well understood. a windmill turns, and energy is harvested. A scientific explanation for a "mystical" phenom.
Do you really believe that that which you are can be hidden when operating in the TRUTH plane? It's a logic fallacy from the start. Those of us operating in the TRUTH plane cannot lie, obviously! There is no evil or good here. These planes are so different that the lines of comprehension are impossible to bridge.

>> No.11616850

>all those veggies are dead

Not all of them. A bunch will start growing again if put in water or dirt.

>> No.11616851

>post proof :^)
>*posts proof*
>oh no not from this source, another one please :)

Ah I see what you are trying to play here, yeah not going to fall for it buddy.

>> No.11616854

None of your schizophrenic ramblings pertain to any discussion that didn’t involve your multiple personalities. Please refrain from your unstructured bee hive communication in the future

>> No.11616856

You posted a quora link that was literally entirely a point of conjecture by a carnie cuck farmer. Point out where Im wrong or you concede. Because im not playing your game either

>> No.11616857

>Ethipoia and india
some ethiopians and indians are vegiterian or vegan...some are not....both countries have large populations and a wide spectrum of diets
(meat and dairy are quite important to many groups in ethiopian becuase theyre decended from east african cattle cultures)

okinawans east a lot of veggies and tofu, but there also known for eating fish and pork....not traditionaly vegiterian culture, just more sensible omnivores

>> No.11616859
File: 306 KB, 725x941, 1445731442629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

veganism is the ultimate insult against nature and natures god. What lion would give up meat for morality? There is no greater insult against nature than to give beasts of the field humane consideration. After all don't male giraffes fuck other male giraffes? "It's only natural" is the mantra of the oh so enlightened. Very jewish indeed.

>> No.11616860

Okinawans are 95%+ plant based. Try harder. I can assure that you’re 340 pounds because of NOT eating vegetables, anon

>> No.11616862

>we’re not animals vegans!!! stop comparing us!!!

>but lions eat meat tho!!!! muh nature!!!!

You’re a tendie groveling neet posting from his jizz stained mac

>> No.11616866
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>> No.11616875
File: 151 KB, 640x426, goal-posts-moving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter what proof I'll post you will always discard it as "not credible" or "biased"

>> No.11616876
File: 177 KB, 1125x481, D6D4DE35-A739-4806-9AE9-F6C95B169C16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11616877

you do realize that okinawa eats 75= % of all spam consumed in japan right?....the traditional okinawan died is omnivourous but certainly is mostly vegitable....but the island is not super vegiterian(they love pork, fish, and their cuisine is known for pronounced bonito flake rich dashi)

also i weigh 180, frequent vegan south indian restaurats, and tend to buy meat infreuently at home.....i definatly think people should eat less meat

>> No.11616878

You haven’t posted any proof. You posted conjecture, you couldn’t even point out where I was wrong. Congrats on literally conceding and admitting you have no argument.

>> No.11616881

You do realize Okinawa eats 95%+ plant based? Or are you just bullshitting around this with other irrelevant shit?

>> No.11616883

most brown people are vegetarian because they make $1 a day and cant afford it

>> No.11616886

>veganism is white privilege!!

>vegan nigger xD

>> No.11616893

>but lions eat meat tho!!!! muh nature!!!!

Bad example because lions eat only meat. A better example would be deers, they are herbivores by definition but can also be seen eating dead birds or mice.

>> No.11616897

Not the point

>> No.11616899

A vegan diet is more expensive than a regular diet. You could argue that it is mostly people who are so bored in life and have money readily available, be it because they have rich parents or are successful themselves, so they just follow this diet and give themselves another "cool" conversation piece that they can bring up when bragging about their life.

>> No.11616901

....are you crazy? yes they eat a lot of vegitables, but okinawa eats nearly double the japanese average amounts of pork, consumes most of the nations spam intake, and eats quite a lot of fish too....only about 4-5 % of japan total is strictly vegiterian or vegan, and its ot an easy country to be vegiterian or vegan in as a lot of food is cooked with fish products

>> No.11616902

pigs are great, vegans hate when you kill something with more intelligence than a dog, but that pig doesn't mind eating its young in a pinch, or your corpse for that matter. After its only natural, they were born that way.

>> No.11616906

>Okinawans are 95%+ plant based

>well here’s a bunch of bullshit that doesn’t actually directly refute what you’re saying

Good talk

>> No.11616909

Oh yes it is the point. A string herbivore diet rarely lacks any nutrients while a strict vegan diet can lead to deficiencies, that's why you see a complete unbiased entity (an animal), eating a dead bird.

>> No.11616912


>> No.11616916

how many Okinawan are posting right now? None? No one heres Okinawan? Great, because different species have different genetic health differences, so if we could apple to apple here, that would be great.

>> No.11616920

not in india it isint

>> No.11616922

>Oh yes it is the point
No it isn’t. This wasn’t the discussion and it wasn’t my point. You’re not me. You don’t understand what was being discussed. The point was “i can eat meat cuz animals do too!!” has no implicitness to your point about what kind of animal. You carnists have been BTFO everywhere and are now grasping for any straw you can

>> No.11616925

>>well here’s a bunch of bullshit that doesn’t actually directly refute what you’re saying
they are not vegiterians or vegans, japan in general, is not a highly vegiterian country

theyre omnivores who just eat more vegitables than meat....but they still eat meat and fish fairly regularly

>> No.11616930

>Okinawans are 95%+ plant based
>>well here’s a bunch of bullshit that doesn’t actually directly refute what you’re saying
>>they are not vegiterians or vegans, japan in general, is not a highly vegiterian country


>> No.11616935

When everyone goes vegan do you think they will just free all the cows? To be happy free cows in the forests? LMAO. I highly doubt it. They will just slaughter them all. Most humans hate the foxes in their gardens in the UK. Going vegan makes you placid and lose a lot of your warrior strength. Docile. That is what THEY want. Men who are all vegan pansies. climate change is BS also, has nothing to do with animals. Animals lived in abundance before humans and survived without destroying the planet in massive numbers. Farting etc. More NWO BS.

>> No.11616949

reading from japanese agricultural buisness/tourist info

.Of Japan’s 49 prefectures, Okinawa ranked 17th in pork consumption at 41 pounds per household

>> No.11616952

>choose life
>its just a cluster of cells

>> No.11616958

You’ve just admitted that the idea of animal agriculture is barbaric but argue it should contine because its too complicated for you on what should be done next? It’s either kill them all or nothing? Psychotic. How about try to let them live naturally like we do with other animals? Preserve them like any other endangered animal? You’ve contributed to a disaster and want nothing to do with the repercussions?

>They will just slaughter them all.
What does this even refer to?

>Going vegan makes you placid and lose a lot of your warrior strength. Docile. That is what THEY want. Men who are all vegan pansies. climate change is BS also, has nothing to do with animals. Animals lived in abundance before humans and survived without destroying the planet in massive numbers. Farting etc. More NWO BS.
Yeah im sure you’re a big strapping manly man who likes to be around other scantily clad oily manly men, muscular, bulging, handsome!!! I think you enjoy clogging your heart and anus with too much beef, big pharma phaggot

>> No.11616960

>Okinawans are 95%+ plant based
>>well here’s a bunch of bullshit that doesn’t actually directly refute what you’re saying
>>they are not vegiterians or vegans, japan in general, is not a highly vegiterian country
>>reading from japanese agricultural buisness/tourist info
>>Of Japan’s 49 prefectures, Okinawa ranked 17th in pork consumption at 41 pounds per household

One day you’ll realize it

>> No.11616961

daily reminder

>> No.11616964

Post your face right now

>> No.11616966

realize what that your 95%+ number is bs? and that you've cited zero sources for it?....maybe its representative of the rapidly disappearing okinawan traditional diet but certainly not the modern one, and in any case its still dsilly to talk about a culture/cuisine which, even while consimung high amounts of vegitabes, revears the pig as the hights of cuisine as being at all vegeterian in ethic or spirit

>> No.11616967

only one dude said anything about plants being sentient the rest said alive and living

>> No.11616968

I have admitted nothing, you only see what you want to read to suit your agenda. It is unnatural to assign humane qualities to animals. They wont do it for us, you wouldnt do it unless its a religious or cultural thing, possibly economic.

>> No.11616970

You realize every single thing youve said is BULLSHIT right? Or is your unsubstantiated faggotry more valid bu virtue of you sucking more dick?

>> No.11616971

bull shit? pardon me for citing japanes government statistics of pork consumption, didnt know that that was bull shit

>> No.11616974

>chink studies

>> No.11616977

You admitted it. Now you’re backtracking because you realized how bad it made you look.

>It is unnatural
*posts from his computer at a McDonald’s*

>It is unnatural to assign humane qualities to animals
I did no such thing, you only see what you want to read to suit your agenda. Animals don’t need “human qualities” to not be slaughtered for your fat trap

>They wont do it for us, you wouldnt do it unless its a religious or cultural thing, possibly economic.
Ah yes, slaughter everything that isn’t me. MAGA

>> No.11616980

you don't need electronics go join a amish community

>> No.11616982

You didn’t cite anything. You don’t know what cite means. And that “citation” doesn’t even disprove what I say. Maybe you should check back into Reddit if you can’t handle a real argument

>> No.11616986

Why are vegans so angry? Militant even. They portray themselves as happy, peace-loving, pacifist hippies, but they're anything but. Sooooo angry! But most keto/paleo meat eaters...some of the happiest, most well-adjusted, people I've ever met.

>> No.11616991
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>> No.11616993

wow looks real scientific shitlord

>> No.11616994

NPCs like yourself tend to be ignorant and phony

>> No.11616995

wolves slaughter just for the fun of it, they waste and want not, you want to change the environment to suit your agenda, not follow the natural order of things. Very unnatural and deeply flawed thinking.

>> No.11617004

Electronics serve purposes such as preserving animal life. Eating meat serves the purpose of self-fulfilling the cycle of you having no self control

>> No.11617010

Been vegetarian for almost a year and i been so fatigued and low on energy lately i have been really snappy with my girlfriend and my temper has been short and also pretty depressed and not leaving the house much. it’s been hard to figure out what to eat during the day and for dinner and i do go hungry sometimes considering we don’t cook much and always use to eating our at benihana and steak houses n stuff. it’s been a rough journey for me lately in the beginning i felt amazing and never wanted to go back but seriously been considering it lately. i have lost a lot a lot of weight and that isn’t a good thing because i have always been skinny guy 6ft maybe 160lbs at the most and now i’m maybe 130-135lbs and i look and feel bad. my legs are skinny my arms my gut and i have no motivation or energy to exercise. i guess you just really got eat good and stick with it find the right diet. but i’m probably gona try eating some meat tomorrow for the first time n s year becuse the health is really kicking my ass and it’s gona honestly break my heart becuse i stopped eating meat for spiritual reasons and i kinda kept it to myself unless somebody offered me some food that had meat. but ya idk i need my energy back especially right now since i have a one year old son to take care of and another baby on the way n me n my gf are just getting started out builiding our life i really can’t afford to not have energy and also disrespect her because i am fatigued and cranky. nervous tho that’s forsure but sometimes do miss chicken and some steak

>> No.11617017

you can preserve animal life by not messing with animals and just leaving them alone
we humans survived thousands of years without electronics we don't need them

>> No.11617020

vegans tend to be land whale mode, or Auschwitz, with nothing in between

>> No.11617025

>don’t assign human qualities to animals!!!

>b-b-but wolves!!!

Every time with you retards.

>you want to change the environment to suit your agenda
Is your retarded anti vax tier nature crusading any different? I just don’t want to slaughter animals for your fat ass. You just have a lust for male strippers.

Cringe. Who fucking cares? You think you NATURALLY are on a computer at Chick Fil A because we stuck to nature eating our own shit? Flawless thinking. Nice to meet someone that has unearthed the purpose of “nature”!! Without his agenda of course!

>> No.11617026

>you can preserve animal life by not messing with animals and just leaving them alone
Yes. So why are you eating meat?

NPCs like you tend to be obese and mentally impaired

>> No.11617028

you do realize that even the word/idea for vegeterianism or veganism is an import for the japanese....theres no native japanese word for it...they say bejeterean which is a crude aproxomation of the english word.....and while vegan/vegeterian monastic cuisine has certainly exsisted for as long as buddhism has been in japan its not so much a diet for the japanese, unless your a monk(and its a cuisine youd have to go out of your way to find in japan, shojin ryori is not everywhere)

>> No.11617029

I'm vegetarian

>> No.11617033

Nothing you said has any relevance. You are officially dismissed you ellipsing reddit faggot

>> No.11617036
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>> No.11617037


>> No.11617040

It is only natural for man to sustain himself on a varied diet, including meat, as it is only natural for the wolf to fulfill his natural inclinations as well. When the subject of animal welfare, and the supposed cruelty about the industry is used as a justification for a unnatural dietary modification, that is assigning humane qualities to animals, which again, is unnatural and repugnant. No culture does this unless its in praise of a sky daddy, or thousand of gods, again, very unnatural and against the order of nature.

>> No.11617041

Think irony may have malfunctioned your circuitry

>> No.11617042

explain why anyone should be vegan and not eat meat
humans are omnivores and even the bible supports the eating of meat

>> No.11617043

sure its relevant......it clearly demonstrates the japanese as omnivores

>> No.11617044

>It is only natural
No one cares you computer using vaccinated autist. You are dismissed. Enjoy your strapping cock

>> No.11617045

Pretty sure that I choose both

>> No.11617046

>muh Ad Hominem

>> No.11617049

Threadly reminder herbivores don't exist, there are only carnivores, omnivores, and omnivores that are shitty at hunting.

>> No.11617051

you and the dismissing.....what is with that any way? you must realize have tedious you sound saying it over and over as if you have any power

>> No.11617052

Yeah who wants better health, environment, and non psychopathy because sand people may say otherwise?

>> No.11617054

Actually eating meat and not using a computer or books or shoes is more vegan than 'real' 'vegans' talking on the internet about being vegan, kek

>> No.11617056

>sand people
watch it, that veganism might be making you racist

>> No.11617058

>unironically drinks almond milk

>> No.11617059

Yep. You malfunctioned. You get dismissed

PSA: If you’ve been dismissed, you’re not getting any additional responses unless mistaken for

>> No.11617065

vegans need to take pills and supplements to stay healthy unlike based omnivores and vegetarian

>> No.11617067


>> No.11617068

Almond milk: Water intensive

Beef: Water intensive, death intensive, environmentally intensive, unhealthy, unethical

Hmmm, hard choice

>> No.11617070
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If you're talking about humans, you mean just ominvores right? Carnivorous humans are, how do you say, "dead from fucking scurvy".

>> No.11617073

how old are you

>> No.11617074

just ignore the retard he obviously has a two digit iq

>> No.11617075

Oh no!!! I take the B12 pill my cows get injected with!!

>> No.11617077

Awww, are your fees fees hurt because you got blown the fuck out?

>> No.11617078

actuualy humans in some extreme environments have found ways around that via fermenting meat in some creative ways....i think the inuits have some interesting techniques for sewing up birds in seal hides and burrying them for months....produces a host of otherwise lacking vitamins and nutriants

>> No.11617080

>animals eat plants
>humans are animals
>Not the point
that's exactly the point and by your own rules humans are vegan, because animals eat plants and humans, being animals, must therefor eat plants. ergo humans are vegan.

check and mate

>> No.11617081

Sure. Whatever mental gymnastics you think you can effectively say “im rubber your glue!!l

>> No.11617084

Nope. BIG strawman and cringe there, big dog. Dismissed BIG time

>> No.11617086

and he dismisses again.....one can only imagine how many peple hes done this too.....even his own mother?! who knows

>> No.11617087

yeah, like your 120lbs of economic might is going to make a dent with chinks and Africans going to be the dominant global population in the next decade. Why dont you go spread your gospel there? India is projected to be one of the largest growth areas for consumption in chicken, beef, and mutton so the worlds rejected your false religion.

>> No.11617088

>laa laa laa i can't hear you!
keep your head in the sand then

>> No.11617091

Is it odd vegan threads recieve the most traffic when the brown part of the globe is awake?

>> No.11617094

You’re admitting you’re wrong now you’re just deflecting blame. NWO attitude. All carnists will meet the rope. Dismissed for such pathetic strawmannery

>> No.11617097

almond milk: tastes like shit and isn't even milk isn't healthy
Beef: healthy, not environmentally intensive, tastes great, life intensive

>> No.11617098

traditional inuit cuisine, while mostly meat, was not all meat, the vitamin C from livers had to be supplemented with seaweed, and even then their rate of cardiovascular issues is twice the average.

>> No.11617099


>> No.11617101


>> No.11617104

If you ever lived on a farm you would appreciate meat a lot more. Every hamburger means that an extremely annoying, stupid being suffered and died and thus you should savor each bite knowing you did a good deed.

>> No.11617105

Xe/Xit can't because there is no argument and deep down Xey know it

>> No.11617109

>not environmentally intensive
It's literally the WORST food, environmentally speaking:

Why do meatcucks have such a poor grasp on reality?

>> No.11617110

true, very few populations ever go compleatly meat, but there are handfulls who manage to survive on quite large amounts of it in terms of diatery staples.....and while they do encounter the odd health defect, they also posess some exceptional qualities ....like the massai who basicly live on beef, milk, and blood as diatary staples and are incredible runners

>> No.11617116

that's because of shitty farming practices

>> No.11617117

And their life expectancy is like 40

>> No.11617121

Are you just going through every pop myth cliche in the book? The Masai and Inuits when actually analyzing their health are all about as healthy as the average fat American

>> No.11617124

Animals don't have souls ergo nothing you do to them (aside from fucking them) is a sin.

>> No.11617127

>no grasp on reality
>willfully ignores human evolution

We are living in the twilight zone

>> No.11617128

These discussions are always futile as deep down everyone knows that vegans are right. We know that killing things probably isn't moral, we know veganism would be a health improvement, and we know that veganism helps the environment.

We just cannot be bothered to do the right thing because meat tastes good. That's it. Arguing that veganism is right isn't going to do anything because we already know it's right. It's just not tasty.

>> No.11617134

I'll choose the sacrifice that provides life.

>> No.11617136

>appeal to nature fallacy
also that nonsequitur was embarrassing. The fact that beef is horrible for the environment can't be disproved by studying evolution.

>> No.11617137

>We know that killing things probably isn't moral
Then why do vegans advocate for killing significantly more beings?

>> No.11617141


>> No.11617142

Or you know, meat is the reason we have this brain capacity to mentally masturbate with in the first place. What do you think eyes in front of our heads indicates?

>> No.11617144

>no u

>> No.11617146

>better health
>better environment
so basically vegans
wrong retard

>> No.11617148

>appeal to nature fallacy

>> No.11617150

Tell me where God breathed into animal a living soul

>> No.11617152

Did I say anything about modern beef factory farming veghead? No. Simply stating facts.

>> No.11617155
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>> No.11617156

I'm talking about the sin part I don't know anything about animals having souls or not

>> No.11617157


Jesus fucking Christ I'm glad we have war and famine.

>> No.11617160

Oh dear.


Educate yourself before looking so stupid next time.

>> No.11617161
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I'd sooner eat a vegan than go without meat.

>> No.11617163

These discussions are always futile as vegans are ideologically driven and immune to evidence and reason. It's inextricably linked to neo-marxism, so that's a whole bag of half thought out nonsense that paves the way to hell.

>> No.11617167

>When you guzzle every drop of your liberal arts professors backwards ideology.

Good thing most of you don't live long without precious vitamin supplements.

>> No.11617170

Man I don't know why I haven't filtered you vegan false flaggers
Will do so now, these threads make /v/ OH NO NO NO threads look like 150IQ discussions.

>> No.11617173

>Evidence says no.
The smell of freshly-cut grass is a distress signal. You're literally smelling its screams of pain.

>> No.11617175


Eat my ass dickhead

>> No.11617177

are you fucking retarded

>> No.11617186


Just brainwashed by some leftist professor

>> No.11617189

im just tweaked out of my mind still awake at 5am and want some carnists to feel the pain they inflict on animal life

>> No.11617191

Vegans live ~10 years longer on average:

>> No.11617192

>my argument was terrible but I'm still right!
jesus have some self-respect. Do better next time.

>> No.11617194

>and want some carnists to feel the pain they inflict on animal life
You should probably just go attack one. Report back with results.

>> No.11617199

jokes on you, buddy

>> No.11617205

i recognise that bulge

>> No.11617211

It means you are able to percieve and feel things and plants do both. When grass is being cut it will release a distress signal warning other grass. That's what you smell

That said I really dont care either way. I hunt and fish and will continue to do so no matter how many retarded images people like you post.
How do we fix threads on /pol/ are worse

>> No.11617217
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As a Doctor I will only say I fully agree that vegetarianism is bad. It's bad for my business, I'm an oncologist, I get paid to treat you, rubes.

>> No.11617232

>implying plants are not living beings that die when harvested and consumed

>> No.11617240
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>> No.11617243
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I eat animals because they're gonna die anyway

>> No.11617262

i eat animals, because they taste good.

>> No.11617265

So what your saying is people are getting pussified, and when people get pussified they turn vegan