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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11613274 No.11613274 [Reply] [Original]

What you’re ideal food when watching kino?

>> No.11613275
File: 246 KB, 1200x900, simple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a simple man

>> No.11613276

Something that doesn't crunch, doesn't slurp and isn't greasy so that you need to wash your hands or just wipe them excessively with a wet wipe.
I find a banana to be perfect as it requires little to no attention, is good for my health, tastes fine and also has the added benefit of letting me practice my fellatio skills.

>> No.11613277

I used to get Chips and Gravy with a side of Fried Chicken from this local ma and pa store. You know those places that are kinda hidden gems and passed down through the family?
Best Chips and Gravy I have ever had. It was fucking amazing. And the Fried Chicken rivaled some of the best I've ever had.

Unfortunately the family was murdered and the store shut down.

>> No.11613278

after some consideration pizza seems to be the best movie meal

>> No.11613279

>Hello, may I take your order Sir?
>"Yeah I'd like one shit-tier pizza please, quick!"
>Oh.. Hey again sir.. Yes, we'll bring it upstairs in a minute. One shit tier pizza coming up.

>> No.11613280

now post a good pizza to your standards
if it's a flat bread motherfucker with big yellow spots and some basil on top then you're outta here matey

>> No.11613281

For me, it's the crab legs

>> No.11613282
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Mixed nuts and and Jarls(((berg))) cheese.

>> No.11613283

Pizza and donuts are very similar. They taste good with all kinds of topping on, you practically can't fuck it up. (You did a good job at it though)
However, the best tasting ones are simple. With the donut, the simple glazed donut is literally hardwired into our brains as being the ultimate snack because it has a perfect balance between sugar and fat.
With pizza, an example could be ham and pineapple. You got the fatty cheese, the salty ham and the sweet and sour pineapple. It's not a debate of whether "muhhh pineapple doesn't belong!!" or not, it's just plain science. It's a combination that you're biologically engineered to like. If you don't you're an actual freak of nature.

>> No.11613284

>good for my health
t. Walking whale

>> No.11613285

this. Im still waiting for that fat fuck to post this meat pie looking monstrosity that adheres to his murrican standards

>> No.11613286
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>> No.11613287

>american (((cuisine)))

>> No.11613288


Anaemic looking toast always triggers me

>> No.11613289

I love pineapple pizza and yet I still see this as obvious bait

>> No.11613290

>all those vegetables
Gross. Olives only

>> No.11613291

If you don't find shitty pizza maximum comfy you might as well neck yourself

>> No.11613292

glazed donuts are disgusting

>> No.11613293

Was for

>> No.11613294

yes, toast should be black like the cocks you love

>> No.11613295

Scotland was a mistake.

>> No.11613296
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This is also a nice theatre meal

>> No.11613297
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For me it's the butterfinger

>> No.11613298

nachos and cheese

>> No.11613299

I only ever have lunch, no snacks

>> No.11613300

>get a bunch of food and snacks for kino night
>eat it all within the first 30 min of the first movie

why does this always happen bros?

>> No.11613301

>subscribing to a channel of fatties eating
Who would do such a thing?

>> No.11613302

12" submarine sandwich and a miscellany of fried appetizers

>> No.11613303

>the look of desperation and disappointment as the dogs slowly but surely realize they aren't getting any of that food
imagine being a tiny little dog, a creature totally driven by the desire to eat, and having to sit by and watch your immortal masters gobble down enough food to kill you 5 times a day while you're confined to a bowel of biscuits in the evening

>> No.11613304
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>> No.11613305
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A dozen Krispy Kreme donuts usually hits the spot.

>> No.11613309

god /tv/ mods are almost as bad as /v/ mods

>> No.11613320

Ants on a log

>> No.11613332
File: 153 KB, 353x560, 3E04D6F0-E2D9-4781-9420-474263B0375C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t like reading your posts

>> No.11613337

Stop posting things like this it’s not funny

>> No.11613343

Stop posting

>> No.11613380

a big salad

>> No.11613530

Mmm delicious vomit on fries

>> No.11613549
File: 36 KB, 512x384, Malk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cookies and milk

>> No.11613698

You boring omad cunt

>> No.11613775
File: 150 KB, 800x800, 325086-Pek-Chopped-Pork-400g1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fried pek in a lightly toasted seeded breadh sandwiched doused with tomato sauce.

has ANYONE ever had Pek here? It's fucking amazing

>> No.11614387

My sides!
Give them back!

>> No.11614399

Gruyere grilled cheese on pumpnickel with potato leek soup

>> No.11614404

kek you’re a slob m8