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11611538 No.11611538 [Reply] [Original]

So I found out my housemate eats snacks whilst taking a dump. Pic related. Any of you see an issue with this or is it just me?

>> No.11611547

i once ate a 6 piece chicken nugget box on the shitter

>> No.11611553

It's cool as long as he shares with you

>> No.11611554

Let him make dinner for you. After using the shitter.

>> No.11611562

Fucking disgusting

>> No.11611597

He also uses the toilet a LOT, and always runs the shower afterwards, sometimes for like 20 seconds. Why?! I know he must have some weird bathroom rituals, cant bring it up with him, he's the sensitive autistic type.

>> No.11611655

This violates too many social rules. You don't have a bathroom cubby to store your food in whilst you shit?

>> No.11611664

Probably washes his ass because you are a pleb who does not own a bidet.

>> No.11611665

it's fine, at least they're not pooping in the kitchen

>> No.11611909

Looks pretty clean so of course it's not female roommates so I don't have a problem with it.

I cleaned restrooms for a wedding caterer when I was at uni and the male's was simply wiping up dribbles and picking up cigarette butts from around the urinal but the female's was horrendous. Used tampons and kotex simply discarded on the floor, the toilets sprayed with urine and vomit. Used tissues just strewn everywhere. That's when I realized the myth of the "dainty, more polite and fairer" sex. Females are much more filthy.

>> No.11611936

>he doesn't know about Shit 2 Shower

>> No.11611991

Gross because it's a shower/bath combo and I use the bath occasionally. I hope he's not cleaning the shit off his asshole in the shower.

>> No.11611997

I do this if i have to shit and shower, but not if I just have to shit, then tp is fine.

>> No.11612973

I'll have a drink while taking a dump, but I draw the line at eating

>> No.11613019

what's the point of a shower if you can't clean your asshole? do you want cysts?

>> No.11613080

I drink coffee or beer on the toilet, feels weird to eat food while shit is pouring from your ass however

>> No.11613089

If i go to get a glass of water and stop for a piss on my way back then I'll cover the top of the glass with my hand while pee'ing. So yes, I do see a problem

>> No.11613092

That's exactly what he's doing. He's spreading his cheeks and letting the shit water fall. And to top it off it sound like he doesn't even run the water long enough to wash it all down

>> No.11613097

Ernest Hemingway had a bunch of shitters and showers in his house. It tended to be a violent affair, and he'd have to shower after talking a dump

>> No.11613099
File: 107 KB, 400x400, 1541584480780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like a cookie cutter bulimic op. eats fuck tons of snacks then pukes them out and cleans face/hands in the shower.

>> No.11613106

What the fuck is wrong with you?

For like $0.50 more you can get the 10 piece, 6 piece is such a rip off.

>> No.11613118

nah 20 seconds of shower running doesnt sound usual. most bulimics turn on the shower for longer so the sound of puking gets covered

>> No.11613141

nigga. if you don’t finger your asshole with soap every time you shower then wtf is wrong with you

>> No.11613154

>Any of you see an issue with this or is it just me?
People who consume food anywhere other than the dining room or kitchen tables are subhuman scum.

Sadly, the zoomer generation is packed with failures like this. Another common thing you'll see is zoomers using their phone toys during mealtime. I swear their addiction is worse than someone on hard drugs. My aunt was a heroin addict, and at least she had the common decency to not feed her addition in public.

>> No.11613312

i’m using my phone right now while on the toilet. i’m taking a shit while conversing with you, gramps. do you like that.

>> No.11613410

I just ate 10 white castle while shitting

>> No.11613414

might as well just devour your shit

>> No.11613447

I do this with all my food. It makes sense. Your body feels like shitting when you eat (gastrocolic reflex).

>> No.11613469


Im going to try this next time i take a dump. What could possibly make it better? Food of course. Ill report back with my experience and if its worth it.

>> No.11613481

We don't really have a proper dining table so I eat most of my meals in the bathroom. I have a separate seat though, I don't eat on the toilet like a barbarian

>> No.11613484

that explains why your posts are a big slop o shit

>> No.11613486

t. ungulate

>> No.11613491

based and redpilled slop-poster

>> No.11613514

>he puts toilet paper in a bin
t. latino

>> No.11613535

Latina* ;3

>> No.11613999
File: 1.27 MB, 2576x1932, 20181214_141439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw eating a McDonald's cheeseburger add mac sauce, add shredded lettuce while drinking a little king and taking a shit

>> No.11614015

too broke for a 5 dollar burger? lmao fuck off you disgusting poorfag.

>> No.11614093
File: 362 KB, 3264x2448, 7I4Nt8q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta occupy your hands somehow.
How is it different to reading a paper or texting?

>> No.11614161

you're eating close to shit and piss you gross fuck

>> No.11614182

Bro sometimes you need a little extra shitting ammunition to push out the other shit, you feel me?

>> No.11614187

Maybe they aren't trying hard to hide the fact from OP but just cover the noise itself as a courtesy.

>> No.11614194

I agree with this but I've also known people who say this while also leaving their toothbrushes exposd in their bathroom which is arguably worse.

>> No.11614196

A seasoned bulimic doesn't really need more than 20 seconds to get the job done.

>> No.11614210

Do you share this gross habit of yours with people often?

>> No.11614216

Yes but for convenience because I'm going to puke it out right after

>> No.11614238

I DON'T eat in the bathroom because that's fucking gross. I was just saying I've know people who also say it's gross (i.e most people) but have some equally or more unhygienic habits.

>> No.11614252

How often does this topic come up in casual conversation for you?

>> No.11614260

Just something that comes up when drunkingly talking with roomates and such.

>> No.11614263

ooooooh ;)

>> No.11614267

I don't believe that it all. You know what I think?

>> No.11614281

I've talked about stranger and more inane shit with my roomates in the past

>> No.11614361


ugh. Poorfags pls go.

>> No.11614389

I drink coffee on the toilet, great way to start the weekend

>> No.11614510

guys if you eat food on the toilet and eat some poo particles, it just makes you stronger. nbd.

>> No.11614526

I have when I had the stomach flu once. Was on the toilet for more than 12 hours.

>> No.11614529

your parents count as housemates, anon

>> No.11615736


>> No.11615742

Makes sense. Made some room, no need to waste time filling up

>> No.11615767

>Any of you see an issue with this or is it just me?
Morning routine is to make my work lunch while eating a banana bite by bite in the kitchen to start something in the stomach for taking nexium and aleve pills. Once my wrap or leftovers or sandwich is made, and maybe some grapes washed or something like that....Zipping up ye old lunchbox, screwing the top of a hot or cold thermos of the beverage to sip during the commute or mid-morning work. Then, I take a coffee and a granola bar right into the bathroom to do the business, while reading on the tablet for some international news Kind of a pre- IBS kind of morning bathroom visit each morning, so it might be a while in there.
Get dressed.
Grab briefcase, lunchbox and insulated drink container and go out the door to start the commute.

Do I throw away my granola wrapper in the bathroom trash? Yes. Are my hands dirty or am I touching anything whatsoever, nope. I do get crumbs on the bath mats occasionally, but they get washed weekly when I do a towel load anyway. I go from the john right into the shower *shrug* whatever.

I remember when I was first married, getting grossed out at the open bathroom door with my spouse, like uhh, privacy or something, but eventually you might want to talk back and forth about something, so whatever. You get over it. So, no I don't think you should get grossed out.

>> No.11615777

I have never in my life seen items discarded on floors in a women's restroom. WTF kind of shit hole do you live in? What country? Are there no trashcans in each stall? Some idiot designed this building?

>> No.11615781

Post setup

>> No.11615835

>having roommates

>> No.11615914

Because there's food packaging in the bin? That's your only evidence? It was probably just more convenient to toss the trash there quickly while he was passing by the bathroom. I've done that before

>> No.11616023

It was a relatively large midwestern city. Stop whitenighting your filthy gender, the gig is up and some men have cleaned up your filth when you thought only other womyn were seeing it and we know the truth. Literally filthier than the most degenerate men.

>> No.11616061

OP that is fucking disgusting. Goddamn. Goddamn. Also yeah i wouldnt know how to approach your roomie about it either if he's a weirdo. Ugh. That is disgusting.

>> No.11616068

Its gross because you're eating while shitting. Come the fuck on dude

>> No.11616121

Why would this mean he's actually eating and shitting at the same time? I'll sometimes grab the trash from my room and drop it in the restroom garbage before my morning dump.

>> No.11616141

When I take ambien I eat gummies on the toilet then eat cliff bars in bed and roll around with crumb sheets

>> No.11616148

>doesnt know the feeling of a clean butt hole
low class peasant

>> No.11616233

Maybe he's bulimic and isn't shitting. He could go on a mini junk food binge and he runs the water when he's yacking.

>> No.11617275

Any janitor can tell you, ladies eat on the shitter all the time, some look like they set up camp.

Seems like they want to be a tube of constant input constant output.


>> No.11617311

>There are people here who don't use water to clean their assholes.
Fucking filthy savages, I bet shit getting stuck on your underwear is your personal thing, you people also smells like shit everytime.

>> No.11617320

Whilst? That's acceptable. While on the other hand - that's nasty and they need to read more whilst dumping.

>> No.11617503

Does he have back problems? I had to do this after a car accident for several months.

>> No.11618294

>literally leaving your burger in the floor of a fucking public bathroom

>> No.11618889

I would assume it's the same sensation as when I chug a beer while pissing. I like to think the liquid is going in and out right away, like a pipe.

>> No.11618988

Cleaned bathrooms as well, mens room, 5 minutes tops, ladies, at least 20.

Have yet to meet anyone who has cleaned public/semi public restrooms that did not encounter the same.

>> No.11619836

ibs/crohns maybe

>> No.11619906


He's masturbating OP, take it from me I've done similar things when I'm visiting my parents just so no one hears the suspicious sounds of my smacking meat stick.