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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11611511 No.11611511 [Reply] [Original]

>Drank my own cum in my coffee
>Stole shit from those shopping carts parked with stuff inside
>Gave my dog vodka

>> No.11611515

ate too much food today

>> No.11611520

wow our post numbers are similar thats amazing

>> No.11611523

Dislike kewpie mayo-am I straight?

>> No.11611525

I dislike the McChicken

>> No.11611533

I over-analyze food to the point of under-eating.

Thank Dog for alcohol and cigarettes.

>> No.11611565

im gay

>> No.11611599

i used to open up boxes of my roommates food, take a little, and then superglue it back together so it looked sealed

>> No.11611666

you super glued his leftovers?

>> No.11611674

Is drinking your own cum gay? I'm not OP by the way.

>> No.11611675

No, the box.
for example a box of protein bars, id superglue the ends of the box back together after taking one because he hadn’t opened it yet

>> No.11611687

does your roommate know first grade math

>> No.11611694

i would hope so
hes not my roommate anymore so i cant go and ask him (and no he didn’t move because of me, i moved)
its very possible he noticed and just never said anything i guess. But they were big ass boxes, like the 12 pack cliff bars and stuff. Its not like you count them as soon as you open it

>> No.11611702

Why didn't you just ask him if you could have some?

>> No.11611705

Very cool!!

>> No.11611720

i wish the priest at confession said this after each person was done

>> No.11611725

good fucking question

>> No.11611727
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>he goes to church
>he believes in a god

>> No.11611735

i never said that but i know what a confessional is. I’ve never been to one personally but i have watched ballykissangel and none of the fathers ever complimented anyone on their confessions

>> No.11611738

Very cool!

>> No.11611745

thank you father

>> No.11611749

Ate unhealthy. I disobeyed my doctor.

>> No.11611762

I used to get drunk with my roommates dog all the time.
Stolen spices for my spaget bc poofag(at the time)
Got high as fuck with an old friend and we make spaghetti with brandy and weed. Seemed like a cool idea at the time

>> No.11611788

>I used to get drunk with my roommates dog all the time.

>> No.11611790

my cum was burning holes in my socks so i started eating it after ejaculating
now i just let it dry and scrape off the crusty cum off my body

>> No.11611988

My roommate got back from deployment and I've been using his toaster oven with out asking while he was gone. He confronted me and questioned me if I used it while he was gone. I lied and said no.

>> No.11612044

Very cool!

>> No.11613208

My gf made me start watching This Is Us. I tried to hate it because I knew it was some sappy melodrama but I got sucked into it and now i'm halfway through the second season and I love it. I still find it a bit too sentimental even after admitting to myself I like it, but that being said the show has still made me literally cry more times than I care to admit. I know this isn't /tv/ but they never talk about it and they're all fags anyway.

Also I've been eating my own cum for years. I won't get into why, but it is unironically a very convenient disposal method. It doesn't even taste that bad, it's more just a texture thing. I find it interesting that the taste does change based on what you eat/drink.

>> No.11613342

Okay, now this is cool!

>> No.11613933

Was the first thing because Tara Tainton told you to?

>> No.11613951
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I stole a jellybean from those self-serve self-weigh candy sections in a supermarket

>> No.11613969

fucking based

>> No.11613987

Do you eat your cum because a qt femdom porn girl told you to

>> No.11614274



>> No.11614283

>Enjoys sappy pleb drama
>Eats own cum
Seems legit

>> No.11614284

Do you eat your cum because the trap mode aesthetics picture told you to

>> No.11614289

I drank around 1.5L of my own piss once, I was rolling on mdma and for some absurd reason the idea came into my head that maybe mdma is being excreted in my urine so if I drink it I might get double high.... it wasn't unpleasant, just tasted like salty water and made my stomach hurt a little.

>> No.11614299

I drank piss for the first time ever yesterday.

>> No.11614302

I 100% get the coffee thing. It started for me because I once wanked mid morning at my desk and my half full coffee mug was the onyl acceptable cum dispenser (i don't use socks or my clothing like a fucking animal) and then I drank it from there.

>> No.11614315
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I can understand the appeal of trap rap even though I hate niggers.

>> No.11614319


>> No.11614332

Why do you eat your cum?

>> No.11614367

I have fairly severe OCD. The primary irrational fear that many of my compulsions center around is the idea that I’ll lose certain inherent aspects of who I am and even take on aspects of others that I see as negative. In effect I’m scared of losing my ‘essence’ if you will. Losing some crucial part of myself that makes me who I am. It doesn’t take much imagination to see how semen could be symbolically perceived as one’s essence. I started worrying that by letting it go down a drain, or in a trash can I was losing some intrinsic part of myself abstractly through it, and it was better to consume it just to be safe.

>> No.11614372

These guys are kind of strange by eating it, but literally every male has tasted his own come at some point, it's just a right of passage. I assume all women have licked their fingers at least once after dipping them in their hole, too, although I've yet to hear any admit it.

>> No.11614376


>> No.11614380
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>> No.11614381

oh so youre just good old fashioned retarded

>> No.11614396

Nutrient retention only retards waste valuable vitamins and minerals