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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 103 KB, 682x1024, C817F6DC-5811-4895-9BE0-418AB1C25919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11607727 No.11607727[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11607733

>to live in the land of milkies and honey

>> No.11607737

A thread died for this

>> No.11607740

So you can get banned from /ck/, apparently.

>> No.11607742

>Milkies and honey.

Based jewess.

>> No.11607781

Good thread. I wish there were more threads like this.

>> No.11607787

imagine how pissed the bees would be if they knew what that lady was doing with their honey

>> No.11607794

they'd be jacking their tiny bee dicks with the force of a thousand suns

>> No.11607799

>be bee
>go on /ck/
>see a breeding female dousing herself with food
>not eating it
>not feeding her brood
>not getting fucked and producing offspring for the hive 24/7
Gas the Jews.

>> No.11607803
File: 247 KB, 1777x999, MV5BZGJjOWU2MjUtYzhmMC00ZDIxLWE0NWUtYmI0NzBhYmUwZjIwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,1777,999_AL_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angel Tits.

>> No.11607806


>> No.11607807

God made honey for those sweet sticky milkers

>> No.11607811


>> No.11607817

It's a cyclical system where bees make food for themselves and cross pollinate plants to acquire the resources. It's very significant to the ecosystem.

>> No.11607820

You mean schlicking their tiny bee cunnies? The vast majority of bees are female, and male bees die after ejaculating, which they only do while mating with the queen.

>> No.11607876


>> No.11607929


>> No.11607942

What a way to go.

>> No.11607973

eww hag

>> No.11608024

Found the virgin. Not hard to do on 4channel though.

>> No.11608037

Found the actual virgin

>> No.11608042
File: 31 KB, 470x470, 1543893215683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha very nice fren

>> No.11608078


>> No.11608090

>10,000 bees died for this

>> No.11608160

This is really uncomfortable irl. That shit takes a good while to wash off and you'll still be feeling sticky afterwards

>> No.11608174

The hell? Try using hot water. It's off in a jiffy.

>> No.11608227

dumb bee

>> No.11608258

after all these years, she still hasnt dont any proper porn. hell, not even anything with dildos.

i just want a titty fucking video.

>> No.11608261

>I'm tired of looking at her naked body, I just want to see a penis

>> No.11608268

are you that uncomfortable with your sexuality that you have to close your eyes when you see another mans dick? or perhaps just another man in general in porn?


>> No.11608283

>Litterally trying to explain why getting ecucked in porno makes him chad

Straight guys dont want to see penis, sorry bud.

>> No.11608371

The fact that this thread is still up is proof mods don't give a shit about this board.

>> No.11608397

cock, nice and hard

>> No.11608411

God I wish that was me.

>> No.11608413

are you actually retarded or just a virgin?

>> No.11608424

>virgins have never seen porn
>it takes a sexually experienced man to understand the joy of a penis in porn

>> No.11608428

yep you're retarded

>> No.11608437

You're just at a more deviant point of the kinsey scale than I am. Accept it. It's probably natural. It's pathetic, and indicates a genetic flaw, but it's natural.

>> No.11608445

wow you still don't get it

>> No.11608449

How is this still up

>> No.11608453

I guess no number of meaningless comments will make me understand the joy of seeing another man's penis.

>> No.11608461

not that guy but you do you and I'll do me ok?

>> No.11608466

I don't know why you're responding, though. It's weird.

>> No.11608468

kinda drunk but I like porn and fuck real girls why is that not ok?

>> No.11608471

I'm with you, man, I don't like seeing dicks in porn, I just watch solo girls or lesbian. The minute a dick comes on screen I get soft

>> No.11608485

Even pov stuff?