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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 95 KB, 1000x562, canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11607506 No.11607506 [Reply] [Original]

Aside from poutine, what food is this country known for?

>> No.11607520

Ummm the blood of its flag logo. They have a particular kind of lox from nova Scotia too. Its cold smoked. I'm out after that.

>> No.11607602

A lot of canadian food is a fusion of french and american cuisine.

>> No.11607611

lake fish cooked in traditional french fashion

>> No.11607638

As an American I mostly associate Canada with maple syrup, and being more friendly to duck/foie gras than us, but the foie gras thing might just be because of the fame of Joe Beef and that other place in Montreal 5-6 years ago. I've only been to Winnipeg (don't ask) and Montreal, so Canada is kind of a mystery to me, even compared to Mexico (only ever been to Tijuana). It's kind of like a giant flyover northern neighbor. They send us lots of comedians, and we film a bunch of shit there pretending it's America.

>> No.11607651


>> No.11607686

>be burger
>visit montreal for work
>try poutine
>soggy fries with nasty gravy and shitty unmelted cheese curds
>find panini place next to literal brothel.
>eat paninis for the next two days.

>> No.11607708
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Nanaimo Bars are fucking delicious

>> No.11607716

People who travel for work are cancer.

>> No.11607722

t. neet incel

>> No.11607732

I travel for leisure. People like you are the reason that you see nothing but Starbucks and McDonald's in Manhattan or Paris these days.

>> No.11607741

This proves you’ve never left your basement

>> No.11607752

I'd say you have that backwards, but I honestly believe that you might just not understand hyperbole.

>> No.11607754
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much tastier than they look

>> No.11607758
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>> No.11607768


>> No.11607932

Why are Americans adverse to duck? It tastes much better than chicken.

>> No.11607937

Only urban folk don’t like duck.

>> No.11607953

You have to be shitting me. I'm a Canuck and duck is enjoyed by city dwellers not just here but in places like Paris or Shanghai.

>> No.11607961

We love duck, it's just something you only find at more upscale places here. Lobbying is a huge problem in the states, which is why most people only have access to chicken, beef, and pork, and why we have 300 times more mass shootings each year compared to every other 1st world country. All that aside, it's pretty comfy to be American, though I've never met a Canadian I hated and that universal healthcare thing is something I think everyone should get behind. That said, I still don't understand how an entire country exists North of the hellhole that is literally any state that borders Canada during the Winter.

>> No.11607967

Now that I think about it, upper class fine dining snobs and hipster foodies both love duck. It’s the middle of the road suburban retards who don’t have access to or money for restaurant quality duck, but also are too useless to hunt that don’t like it.

>> No.11607972

>Lobbying is a huge problem in the states
I agree with that, but I doubt it's the real reason people only have access to chicken, beef, and pork, unless the lobbyists somehow managed to restrict access to more exotic meats like duck and rabbit.

>> No.11607983
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Canadian food is the best! You Europoors and Americans don't know what you're missing.

>> No.11607990

They haven't managed to industrialize duck and rabbit production to giant warehouses full of just corn and duck/rabbit shit.

>> No.11607996

I don't know about you but as an American I mostly think of Canadian diet and motor fuel as consisting of a solution of maple syrup and pure, unbridled, unwarranted smug.

>> No.11608055

You'd think that rabbit would be just as easy to factory farm as chicken, and turkeys are factory farmed too so I don't see why they can't do the same with duck.

>> No.11608075
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>> No.11608077

You can find factory farmed duck in the grocery store, and rabbit meat kind of sucks.

>> No.11608082

>unless the lobbyists somehow managed to restrict access to more exotic meats like duck and rabbit
That's exactly what lobbyists do. They work for big agra, and push the shit that the big corporations pay them to push (at the most basic level, corn).

>> No.11608092

How does one become a lobbyist?

>> No.11608133

They usually begin by getting into politics; either working for a politician or running for office themselves. A law degree is pretty much a must, along with being a douche.

>> No.11608223
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>> No.11608273
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Following a wheat midge outbreak in Canada in the mid-19th century, farmers in Ontario began to convert to dairy farming in large numbers, and Cheddar cheese became their main exportable product, even being exported to England. By the turn of the 20th century, 1,242 Cheddar factories were in Ontario, and Cheddar had become Canada's second-largest export after timber.[31] Cheddar exports totalled 234,000,000 lb (106,000,000 kg) in 1904, but by 2012, Canada was a net importer of cheese. James L. Kraft grew up on a dairy farm in Ontario, before moving to Chicago. According to the writer Sarah Champman, "Although we cannot wholly lay the decline of cheese craft in Canada at the feet of James Lewis Kraft, it did correspond with the rise of Kraft’s processed cheese empire."[31] Most Canadian Cheddar is produced in the provinces of Québec (40.8%) and Ontario (36%)[32], though other provinces produce some and some smaller artisanal producers exist. The annual production is 120,000 tons.[33] It is aged a minimum of three months, but much of it is held for much longer, up to 10 years.

Canadian Cheddar cheese soup is a featured dish at the Canada pavilion at Epcot, in Walt Disney World.[34]

>> No.11608286

The halifax style donair has been warped and mangled to be so far removed from shawarma/gyro/kebab that it might as well be it's own thing.

It looks similar but the meat is... we'll it's kind of fucked up and the 'sweet sauce' will shock you the moment it first hits your tongue.

>> No.11608322

Fight me on this.

>> No.11608328


>> No.11608353

When I was in Halifax I went to king of donair. I've never tried tony's

>> No.11608356

Lots of good wild game.

>> No.11608385

KoD is the "original donair do not steal", but it's overrated. Halifax has changed so much in the past few years though that it's perfectly normal to charge +$12 for a subpar donair.

>> No.11608515

Sushi pizza, a huge inspiration for Japanese food in Canada. Peameal bacon in Toronto. Ice wine of Niagara.

>> No.11608548

Lettuce-shelled tacos actually tastes good with breadsticks.

>> No.11609279
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>> No.11609466

these are amaaaazing

>> No.11609583

I've only been to Alberta which other Canadians tell me is just America, or rather, it's a part of Canada more obsessed with the cowboy image than most of America. That being said, while I was there I had a drink called a Bloody Caesar which was pretty good. And I ate some bison meat.

>> No.11609601

Alberta is basically the Texas of Canada. Nice place, in my experience.

>> No.11609603

Hawian Pizza

>> No.11609723

True, but anyone making them with white custard filling can diaf

>> No.11609731
File: 5 KB, 355x154, alberta beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Setting aside the issue of Mad Cow ~15 years ago, Alberta's beef is pretty fantastic.

>> No.11609735

Looks like a Gyros with curdled cum instead of tzatziki.

>> No.11609926

This guy speaks the truth. I live in Canada. There is no Canadian cuisine. They talk about poutine like it's good but no it's just garbage fries with sticky gravy and smegma garnish. Canada is literally just wannabe America. Now they import brown people by the millions to substitute as a culture lmao

>> No.11609963

Didn't they invent Timbits?

>> No.11609968

>Canada is literally just wannabe America.
>now they import millions of brown people
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery I guess.

>> No.11609969

Canada is the largest consumer of KD
For fucks sake, can we have one thread without you fuckers trying to bring politics into everything?

>> No.11609994

Sticking your head in the sand won't make the problem go away.

>> No.11610002

Based and redpilled.
Unbased and bluepilled.

>> No.11610018
File: 10 KB, 278x181, images(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butter tarts

>> No.11610123

Donut holes have been around forever. Fucking Africans and Arabs have been making them for thousands of years

>> No.11610130

Alberta is that you get if you a people try their hardest to imitate ol western movies and cowboy aesthetic

>> No.11610135

That's Arabic, but I doubt there's a difference anymore lol

>> No.11610137

I do not believe you know what this word means.

>> No.11610195

You're not far off. I live in Halifax and donair is fucking terrible. It's shitty, low quality doner made for shitty, boomer flyover tastebuds.

But welcome to Canada, where you can roll leftist virtue signalling soccer mom NPCs, white trash boomers, and flyover-never-left-my-home-province retards, into one person.

I actually fucking hate everyone who lives in this goddam country.

>> No.11610208
File: 31 KB, 800x400, canadian flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doobage, atch

>> No.11610248


>> No.11610267

Literally prove me wrong. All you mainlanders deserve is a fucking rope.

>> No.11610451


Here's tourtière. My grandma made several of these every Christmas, great with ketchup.

>> No.11610458
File: 87 KB, 640x427, Tourtiere-wedge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.11610459

acadian poutine?
It's like a ball of mash potato filled with the fries, gravy, cheese, and pork

>> No.11610474

you do realise that halifax is also on the mainland, yeah?
stop pretending to be a newfie

>> No.11610480
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>> No.11610513

As an amerilard, I have to say I met a lot of Quebec folk when I was RVing around the US for a couple years and they were really good people. Pretty much drank at buzz maintenance levels all day long, but that fit in with my lifestyle at the time. They were bros. I guess the Quebecois are into RVing big time because they were the majority of Canadians I met on the road.

>> No.11610543

I live there, I'm not from there.

>> No.11610546

then go the fuck back to where you came from you immigrant parasite

>> No.11610555

Quebecers are literally the most hated Canadians for how stuck up and snotty they are
We tried to burn them out of Canada but they demanded to stay and then have been trying to secede ever since so they're just the most entitled and rude people ever.

>> No.11610604

Maple syrup, bacon.

>> No.11610621

Interesting, I never got that feeling at all from them when they were on holiday here in the US, but I carried no confirmation bias and preconceived stereotype baggage about them around with me either. Most of the other Canadians I've met have been at poker tables as a lot apparently retire early or simply stop working since they don't have to pay out the ass for medical insurance and they've been cool too, a lot less volatile and cranky than american players. I have to say, I've never met a Canadian I didn't easily get along with. Most like to drink, so there's that bonding element too, I suppose. Quite frankly the NE Canadians from the Maritimes seemed the most standoffish, arrogant assholes to me.

>> No.11610646


>> No.11610662

>can't handle a little cold and snow
Absolutely pathetic

>> No.11610670

>Maple Syrup
>Butter Tarts
>Montreal Bagels
>Montreal Smoked Meat
>California Roll
>Halifax Donair
>Saskatoon Berry Pie
>Garlic Fingers
>Beaver Tails
>Maple Fudge
We have a lot of regional snacks and treats like Ketchup Chips and Coffee Crisp. I think Canadian liquor is better than our food desu. Lots of amazing craft breweries, lots of great whiskeys, amazing unknown high quality wine and emerging craft spirits as well.

>> No.11610677

I wish Maine was part of Quebec
t. Mainer

>> No.11610697

Québécois are based, they're the only Canadians (besides maybe the Maritimers and Newfies) that can actually hold their drink. They also love eating horse. Definitely the Chad province.

t. Onterrible resident

>> No.11610756

Lived in Halifax for a few months. Donairs are god tier drunk food.

>> No.11610869

ayy caliss de tabernac that's a fucking meat pie you Montrealer shitstain. Real tourtiere has at least 3 meats, potatoes and is fucking tall as fuck.

Just kidding, both are great and yeah, better with ketchup desu.

>> No.11610913

I'm from a francophone town in northern Ontario, must be a regional thing. Osti de tabarnak potato is a bonne idée, I'm going to try that

>> No.11610914

Westernized Asian food

>> No.11610921
File: 54 KB, 320x350, c91d8e495faa01afc7237cee8364f02c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What goes on here?

>> No.11610936

Mining and literally nothing else. There's actually nothing at all there.

>> No.11610939

someone told me the sauce is weird though, like it is sweet or something?

>> No.11610990

The highest wages in Canada to accompany the highest prices of mouldy cheese.

>> No.11611014

Don't forget Nanaimo Bars. I rarely eat our Canadian specialties, though. Typical food is just the standard American and Western fare.

>> No.11611035

Nanaimo bars are fucking amazing. I rarely eat canadian food like you but we have some god tier ethic food. Literally some of the best asian food you can get and since it's all fresh regulated ingredients it's in some cases better than the traditional stuff. I've been to thailand and still one of the best pad thais i've ever had was in Canada.

>> No.11611038

This is actually the biggest one. Canada invented chinese food.

>> No.11611052

you probably went to a shitty poutine place then

>> No.11611063

Depends on the ethnicity. No way is our Japanese food even half the quality of what they have in Japan.

>> No.11611072
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Pineapple pizza oddly enough. Though it was from a Greek immigrant.

>> No.11611074

So there's two kinds of tourtiere. There's the Montreal-style meat pie you posted a pic of, and there's the Gaspe/East Quebec style, which is basically lining a turkey roaster (tall oval pan/pot with lid) with dough, and filling it with beef/pork/rabbit/moose/whatever your weird uncles shoot and potatoes.I've got a soft spot for the East QC style since that's where my family is from. If you can get green ketchup, or chow-chow it's fucking god-tier.

>> No.11611088

Canada has no cuisine.

Quebec does however.

Actually, everytime you think of Canada, you probably think of Quebec.

>> No.11611091

t. BQ

>> No.11611113 [DELETED] 

So there's two kinds of tourtiere. There's the Montreal-style meat pie you posted a pic of, and there's the Gaspe/East Quebec style, which is basically lining a turkey roaster (tall oval pan/pot with lid) with dough, and filling it with beef/pork/rabbit/moose/whatever your weird uncles shoot and potatoes.I've got a soft spot for the East QC style since that's where my family is from. If you can get green ketchup, or chow-chow it's fucking god-tier.

>> No.11611126

My family as all from western Quebec, so I assume everything west of Montreal uses a similar recipe. I wonder if there's some maritime influence for the eastern/Gaspe recipe? Especially with the potatoes.

>> No.11611176

Middle class families being unable to afford meat

>> No.11611195

Good. Consumption of flesh is a hindrance to our evolution as a species.

>> No.11611201

Nobody gets up and says
I think I want Canadian for dinner

>> No.11611209


>> No.11611262

I gladly would if there were any fucking work on the island.
>immigrant parasite
Loathe though I am to admit it, NL is still part of Canada.

>> No.11611275

Generally "Quebequois are arrogant" comes from Montreal faggots who think they're Canadian NYC.

Maritime inhabitants are those blue-collar, extremely proud yet have absolutely nothing to be proud of rednecks. Their only claim to fame is their huge, completely unearned superiority complex over the US.

>> No.11611313

California Rolls nor Beaver tails are Canadian

>> No.11611321

t. Basic white bitch that eats at Panda Express

>> No.11611327

All my food/drinks is comped when I'm traveling which is more than half the time, I get per diem, and I keep all the reward points because I charge everything on my CCs. Stay anally fissured dollar general worker.

>> No.11611331

I know whenever I think of weak, effete cucks, I'm thinking of Quebec.

>> No.11611385

You're one weird motherfucker then.

>> No.11611473

it seems all the good Canadian dishes strictly come from Quebec. I can't think of any Anglo Canadian dishes.

>> No.11611747

Never even stepped foot in one. Vancouver has hundreds of personal restaurants owned by immigrants

>> No.11611753

California rolls despite the name are from Canada. Beaver Tails are literally a canadian company that started in Canada and is still in Canada

>> No.11611857

It's usually thought of as an "upper class" meat, and you're not likely to find it at many restaurants that aren't expensive. The only people I know who regularly eat duck are on my moms side of the family, but that's because they hunt

>> No.11611964

It sounds weird with "American" too.

If necessity is the mother of invention, we're orphans. We've never needed to come up with our own style of cuisine - there have been immigrants bringing their cuisines with them since before we were our own nation.

We'll have certain unique preparations and fusions... (un)fortunately most of our local edible flora and fauna are either easily found elsewhere, or lend themselves to stews (and ultimately pies), which are pretty much European.

That said, sipping a cloudberry gin martini while tasting a nearly finished venison stew, and soaking a metric tonne of fiddlehead ferns, so they can be ready for a quick fry in some shallot butter... knowing that you, your friends, and your family put most of this together with things from your own backyards, with the rest coming from within a few km (the cloudberries would be from some godless natural icebox near Hudson Bay most likely) - it might not be a uniquely Canadian experience per se, but I know that that deer grazed on Canadian vegetation, that butter was made from Canadian dairy, those shallots, onions, peppers, garlic, and ferns were grown in Canadian soil... even that gin was Canadian.

It's not normal to eat that way here - maybe a twice a year thing for me - so why would it be normal to import and adapt it elsewhere?

>> No.11612123

Americans don't have smokies?

>> No.11612173

Natives doing drugs and white lumberjacks raping native girls

>> No.11612180

My coworker can't afford meat for his kids lmao. They eat lentils and carrots. Meanwhile me and my gf eat delicious steaks a few times a week