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File: 66 KB, 750x750, deer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11606683 No.11606683 [Reply] [Original]

What would you fags recommend I use as seasoning for venison burgers? Help me out please.

>> No.11606691

Something about juniper and game meats.

>> No.11606695

Extra fat. Deer is too lean for a good burger

>> No.11606697

onion powder
liberal tears

wa la!

>> No.11606699

Better mix in 30% pork or beef fat or you'll be eating sawdust. Other than that salt, pepper and whatever your anime pillow whispered in your ear she wants.

>> No.11606705

>eating game meat identifies you as a republican

>> No.11606710

I'll consider it mainly just because I don't have any. Google is telling me black pepper and salt. I think that's a little too basic so I was thinking using garlic salt instead. I don't have a lot to work with here but I may be able to ask my gf to pick up a few things after she gets out of work.

>> No.11606712

>progressives don't hunt
Oops, someone got really brain killed by bootlicker propaganda. Sorry for you, Cletus.

>> No.11606717

found the teary-eyed metrosexuals

>> No.11606719

I'm aware. My dad mixed it with pork and beef before he gave it to me.

>> No.11606730

Progressives don't hunt.
You suckle soylent in your shithole urban cardboard box apartments

>> No.11606734


Not that anon, but for what it's worth, I've never met an outspoken liberal who hunted. Kind of hard to hunt things with guns or killing the thing you're hunting.

>> No.11606736

hunt cock maybe

>> No.11606755

>outspoken liberal
You mean a sjw zoomer on the internet? That's not how most liberals are.

>> No.11606774

My parents are pretty boilerplate progressives. I distinctly remember one time I was talking about food with them, where I was telling them about some trout I caught and how I prepared it because it turned out really well. I mentioned how I took the head off and gutted it, in order to get to the point that I didn't really do much more to prep it beyond seasoning as I cooked them mostly whole. The moment I said anything about the head and guts, the look on my mother's face was like I'd said something absolutely horrific. Mind you they eat meat, but I guess they don't like to think about the fact that this happens with every single one of their meals, just out of sight.

Anyway, it's much easier to sympathize with Muh Innocent Mammal than some fucking trout, so I have a hard time imagining much hunting going on in the """progressive""" community, what with animal rights movements and such. I'd say progressives who hunt aren't really very good progressives at all.

>> No.11606806


No, I understand the internet is a poor place to gauge how people are in real life. I'm talking about people I know in real life. There was this girl I knew who had a sort of echo chamber of liberal friends, and they all thought nobody should own guns, and none of them did any sort of outdoor activity. They would go to work, go get drunk at a bar, complain about trump and the patriarchy (the women anyways), and that was their life.

All the outspoken liberals I've known in the nerd crowds I inhibit also do not partake in hunting, and for all their proclamations of punching nazis in the face, none of them had ever been in a real fight. Just a bunch of loud narrow minded people with a really shitty perspective on the world. If you didn't agree with them you were the devil, and wrong, and it had nothing to do with you growing up in a different environment. You were simply, and objectively, wrong.

I really really don't mind if people's thought process do not match my own. I've got a real good friend who I'm preeeeetty sure is into...not communism but something very similar to it. Anyways it doesn't matter because unless I ask him about it, it never comes up and he's a normal person.

>> No.11606847

I'm pretty left wing, but have never met anyone who unironically used "the patriarchy" in real life (I'm also a boomer, though). Yeah, people who hunt and fish tend to be more right leaning (wow, stereotypes have some truth to them), but that doesn't mean that plenty of liberals like hunting or just going to the range. I think the main difference is that liberals tend to want stricter gun control (nobody is coming to take your guns), while many pro-gun people on the right are NRA tards.

>> No.11606900
File: 109 KB, 400x243, banshee-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The spurgefest that ensued from my point that as a progressive I hunt both with bow and firearms as do many of my progressive acquaintences proves the right is braindead and wrapped into confirmation bias memes. In fact, I would argue that the vast majority of these alt-right teeth gnashers and moaners itt, have never even walked in the woods and most likely don't own a single weapon. If they do, they would never discharge it because they would be unable to break it down to clean it. This is the sorry state the right has brought us to with childish black and white mentalities, ok? Sad. Really just sad, ok?

>> No.11606908

OP here, how the fuck did an argument break out? You guys are fucking retarded.

>> No.11606912


She's probably like...35 or so, so it's certainly not something from the young generation. She certainly had issues, so maybe it's just crazy people being attracted to more crazy people. She never could wrap her head around how I could appreciate the complexities of her mind but at the same time pity her for having such shitty craftsmanship with master class tools.

We also discussed how I felt like she was a hypocrite for espousing freedom and choice but at the same time her was her choice, not yours. I also pointed how could she be so adamant about nobody having guns but also be perfectly fine with alcohol, which kills more people. To her credit, she did realize that my discussions were putting her in unfamiliar places and helping her emotionally develop. When it was all said and done though I refused to accept how she treated dudes and sex like empty diversions.

Anyways, enough of that. I'd like to believe most people are sensible people, but the loud extreme retards on both sides are the only ones people look at and talk to.


Mutiny capn'

>> No.11606919

Welcome to post-Trump 4channel. It's been like this literally for weeks.

>> No.11607281

Yeah but this is a cooking board. If you wanna talk about that dumb shit then take it to /pol/

>> No.11607501

>He used a bad word.
Um, Anon sweetie, you need to delete your post, it's not advertiser friendly.

>> No.11607892

>That's not how most liberals are.

Not him, but here in the states those shrill "sjw" internet types have basically become the mainstream Democrat party over the last decade or so. The old school blue dog dems don't really exist anymore. The democrats have actually made restrictions and bans on guns an official part of their central platform, when it used to be a tertiary issue that only the coastal dems really cared about.

It's stupid, but in America guns are pretty much a cleanly cut left/right issue. I understand that it's different in other areas though.

>> No.11607906

If you add something like juniper, grind it up very fine. Powder it in a mortar, and add it to your grind as though it's sausage for best results. If you leave chunks of juniper berry, you will be unhappy. I like the stuff, but it's best in stews, braises, and sauces (and booze).

>> No.11607934

I'm American, and all I can say is to stop watching Fox News.

>> No.11607958

There's nothing basic about using only freshly ground black pepper and salt if you're seasoning high quality meat.

>> No.11608028

I like the way you worded this

>> No.11608036

black pepper and salt is never a bad idea for seasoning, everyone does it because it works.

>> No.11608085

Ooh, call him a Russian bot next!

>> No.11608202

Firstly dont listen to 90% of faggots here because they dont hunt and have baby sized cocks.

30% fatty bacon
Fresh tarragon
Minced red onion
Salt, pepper

>> No.11608644

>stricter gun control

Cali and New York have almost European style gun control and how has that been working out? Not very well last time I looked. Seems like the nigger and spic gangs dont really give a fuck about your gun control laws
If your dad already added pork fat just treat it like you would beef.Smoked salt and ground juniper berries is simple but tasty.
I hunt and forage so I usually add sauteed wild mushrooms on my venison burgers. Adding ground dried porcini mushrooms to the meat makes it even better.

>> No.11608658

I'm originally from Southern California and currently live half an hour outside of Sacramento. I've never seen a gang in my life, but practically all of my neighbors have concealed carry permits. You have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.11608659

For the actual topic of this thread I'll just say the most important part is some pork fat to keep it together, and then salt pepper and rosemary.

To the topic that has developed I'll just say I've always noticed whether or not someone hunts to be more an issue of region than politics. I live in the midwest and know literal blue-haired SJW types who like to go hunting with their dad or uncles or whatever.

>> No.11608689

>using your personal experience to dismiss facts and statistics

I know what it's like to live Cali and I also know useless anecdotal evidence when I see it. The fact is it's harder to legally carry a gun in California compared to almost every other state. Fact is according to the Los Angeles Police Department there are an estimated 450 gangs active in L.A. comprised of over 45,000 members. Practically every single gang that operates in America with much validity is in operation in Los Angeles

>> No.11608709

>gangland los angeles is all of california
I said I live outside Sacramento. You do realize that that's further away from LA than Vegas or Phoenix, right?

>> No.11609444

>But muh northern Cali.
You must be blind as fuck with your head this far up your own ass if you don't see gangs there.
I have seen gangs in goddamn Ukiah.

>> No.11609470

I vote democrat because the Republican party has made environmental degradation part of their platform, which messes with my hunting and fishing spots. No gun law that actually interferes with my lifestyle has gotten any real support.

>> No.11609474

Gangs of what, soccer mom's or fruit flies?

>> No.11609485

>I'd rather get raped in the ass than fucked over.

>> No.11609540

Hey fuck you man, fruit flies killed my uncle.
It was a fly by.

>> No.11609699

I assume your uncle was gay?

>> No.11609713

He was a bit fruity, but that's not the point.

>> No.11609777

That's a dear. why post a picture of a dear and not a calf if you want recipes for venison?

>> No.11609811
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bleach. Fag

>> No.11609841

Oh deer

>> No.11609902

True, and they won't. Progressives have no issues with responsible hunting firearm possession. The 2nd ammendment clearly predicates the right to bare arms on being "well regulated" which we need and will start doing once we boot those bought and paid for by the NRA out.

>> No.11609912

I live in the real world and have to choose between politicians who will ruin the only thing I live for and those who will potentially inconvenience me. I don't like it but those are the choices you have to make when you actually vote and participate in local politics instead of just being smug on the internet.

>> No.11610078

came here to say this.

>> No.11610090

Curry powder
Lemon pepper

Bon apetit

>> No.11610093

>the right to bare arms
Essentially this constitutionally protects the right to wear t shirts?

>> No.11610096

The founding fathers thought of everything.
Very far sighted of them.

>> No.11610159

Fucking why?
If you want to eat ground up leftovers just get cheaper beef. Venison is for eating whole prices of it.

>> No.11610597

You have obviously never butchered a whole animal, you get a lot of trim thats not good much else apart from mince or dog food

>> No.11610654

same seasonings you use on beef burgers?

>> No.11611451
File: 77 KB, 656x720, - 1516718633305 -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11611527

Based and petapilled!

>> No.11611542

>I am not...
Of course, you haven't been processed yet.

Except the dolphin, he looks fun.

>> No.11611624
File: 18 KB, 260x147, 18361290_226414847845705_1365265321_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why we need civics class to make a comeback.
When you're reading a historical document you need to understand the language of the time.
"Well-regulated" essentially translates to "well-equipped".

Also I've met plenty of progressives who are against the idea of owning guns at all for any purpose. I have a friend who doesn't think guns should even be an option for home defense.

>> No.11611671

>bootlicker propaganda

>> No.11611679

OP here, made the burgers last night. Turned out great. Thanks for the help.

>> No.11611704

Just had venison for the first time this past weekend and I had no idea how true this was. Holy cow it's like 93/7 ground turkey

>> No.11611833

>"Well-regulated" essentially translates to "well-equipped"
Welp, now I've heard everything. You can tell when a movement is on its last legs because they start spewing utter nonsense. Don't piss your pants, you can still have sensible hunting guns if you meet the minimal criteria of sanity which of course excludes a rather large chunk of the right nowadays, sad to say.