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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11605992 No.11605992 [Reply] [Original]

Will frozen meals dissappear within our lifetime?
Who even buys this shit?
The only frozen shit I see not dying off soon are frozen pizzas

>> No.11606003

There's no such thing as a stupid questi-

>> No.11606004

I had the sausage tortellini one of those
was relatively decent

>> No.11606009

i like frozen burritos

>> No.11606012

No, they're only getting bigger and better. Walmart has some really nice selections, full meals, lot's of variety.

>> No.11606014

Candlejack is the only one who still buys th

>> No.11606015

Probably not.
>Americans in general are buying more frozen food, with volume growing in 2018 for the first time in five years, according to David Palmer, an analyst at RBC Capital Markets. Nielsen estimates annual U.S. sales of frozen food at $53 billion.

>> No.11606025

I cook stuff from scratch almost every day so I like to have something frozen once in a while to have a little break

>> No.11606055

As long as people have:
>less time to cook
>less skill with cooking
>a desire for savory salty fatty food

Frozen food will be king. Also don't forget flash frozen veggies are a useful and actually healthy staple.

>> No.11606056

most of it is shit but I don't mind jamaican patties as long as they're trans fat free.

>> No.11606077

This. I think the next wave will be meal kits with frozen components. Shelf stability and I-kind-of-did-it-cooking, all in one!

>> No.11606091

NO. https://youtu.be/cTutaYObk_M

>> No.11606095

>As long as people have:
>>less time to cook
>>less skill with cooking

That's silly though. With modern time-saving technology and ability to get expert instruction anytime, anywhere, using our pocket computers we have more time to cook and better skill than at any time in history.

>> No.11606098

yeah but people are lazy and don't want to dedicate 1-2 hours prepping and cooking the meal and then cleaning up the dishes afterwards unless they're a NEET.

>> No.11606100

>That's silly though.
No, you're just retarded and can't understand the concept of convenience. Also:
>more time to cook
How the fuck does that follow from anything?
>modern time-saving technology
You mean like frozen dinners you stupid fuck?

>> No.11606103

If they weren't selling them they wouldn't be selling them.I see them becoming more popular as the zoomers prolly cook less then the millinaials do

old fags are o

>> No.11606164

I have coworkers who eat these things every shift

>> No.11606187

Frozen meals take up 1/4 of the frozen section at the Target I work at and we are constantly stocking the things. They aren't going out of style any time soon and they're finding new ways to improve them. I'll eat them on my lunches and some of them actually taste pretty damn good.

>> No.11606237

What's the point when you can just order delivery

>> No.11606243

frozen veggies are great. Much cheaper than fresh and just as good.

>> No.11606248

lol what's the point when you can just hire a personal chef to cook 4-star French cuisine for you every day at work
fuckin idiot

>> No.11607053

My aunt came up for a month and she bought a shitton of frozen meals, my uncle and I won't really eat that crap all now it just takes up like half the freezer space in both freezers.

>> No.11607086

Not only is frozen food cheaper to buy in bulk over shitty fast food, it is much healthier and tastes better.

You can spend 30 bucks at a grocery store and feed yourself for over a week.

>> No.11607089


>> No.11607096

frozen pizza is the worst frozen meal though. regular pizza is already disappointing, at least I can get a chicken cordon bleu for $2 that I'll like rather than going through the effort of making my own.

>> No.11607101

We are all so busy these days. Frozen meals are more important than ever.

>> No.11607121

reading knowyourmeme doesn't make you an oldfag, dipshit

>> No.11607132

Frozen food is not better than fast food

>> No.11607141

Hahaha if you enjoy compromised texture

>> No.11607156

Do you even lift? Don't rustle my jimmies, Pedobear.

>> No.11607159

It most certainly is.

Enjoy your taco bell sawdust meat.

>> No.11608096

not sure if troll or genuinely retarded

>> No.11608140

Sup frozen meal eating subhuman

>> No.11608164

>taking your frozen meals to work
I would kill myself if I had to do that

>> No.11608176

>Sup frozen meal eating subhuman

>being able to freeze food is one of the milestones in human advancements
>only the poorest of countries and cavemen tier tribes in Africa, South America, Australia and the South Pacific still lack the ability to store frozen food today

>> No.11608185

No mommy to make tendies for you at work, kiddo.

>> No.11608193

>salad dressing made of mayonnaise, ketchup, and sweet relish
nigger what

>> No.11608195
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No way, Americans actually bring frozen meals to work, holy shit..

>> No.11608209
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No way, Americans don't bring a nice homemade toast sandwich to work, holy shit..

>> No.11608211

>tries to the candlejack meme without even saying his na

>> No.11608225

The fact that you don't realize how ridiculous it is to bring frozen meals to work is hilarious

>> No.11608235

Well on Fridays I hunt a wild pheasant out back of the building. I cook it up over a small burner I keep in my locker. Yknow, the usual work lunch.

>> No.11608242

Falafel carts and curry stands aren't in front of every business here in the US, shariah law also hasn't taken hold yet like it has in the UK.

>> No.11608246

Social interaction

>> No.11608276

>who buys this shit?
The lowest caste of Americans, such as hobos, people on food stamps, hicks, uneducated negroes, people who are too retarded to cook while being too poor to order food or eat at a restaurant, etc. Despite being a very wealthy country a good chunk of their population can not afford to eat a warm, fresh meal, they need to eat their frozen, mushy, robot made garbage that they microwave to survive.

>> No.11608280

If it's ridiculous, why does everyone else do it? I just want to fit in. I think if I brought in a home made meal to reheat they'd all think I was a fag.

>> No.11608339

roast them in the oven and crisp them up

>> No.11608363

why would want that?

>> No.11608405

>Who even buys this shit?
i do. amy's, kashi, and sweet earth are good food. don't discount frozen food, you just gotta look past most of the trash.

>> No.11608415

Amy's pesto tortellini is so good.

>> No.11608425

>if I brought in a home made meal to reheat they'd all think I was a fag
Are you a fucking retard? I live in a semi-rural "le flyober xD" area where lots of guys around the lunch table are eating shit like this at lunch, and there's not a one of them that wouldn't have something homemade instead, they eat it because their either single or their marriage is a sham.

>> No.11608496

So you think frozen dinners at work are "ridiculous" because single people who do this might prefer having a meal cooked by their wife? What the fuck?

>> No.11608511
File: 218 KB, 445x283, biksemadsteff[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have like a hundred fucking dollars worth of Pic Related in my freezer.

Well more like $80 now because it's been a while since I bought them and I've been chowing down.

>> No.11608517

>You mean like frozen dinners you stupid fuck?

Fuck I laughed in our open plan office

>> No.11608520

>What's the point when you can just order delivery

I don't know where you live but frozen food is cheaper than good delivery and better than cheap delivery.

Also most places don't deliver unless you order an amount of food that's more than I should really eat in a single sitting (E.g. "One whole pizza.") and I don't have anywhere near the willpower to not eat the entire pizza, I can't leave a quarter pizza behind, it's all or nothing. Meanwhile with frozen food, I can just buy the bag/box that has an appropriate size and caloric amount for somebody my size.

>> No.11608787

Sup Flyover

>> No.11608824

i dont like or care for them, but in theory they will only get better as time goes and the science behind these labfoods will actually push them into becoming actually decent

>> No.11608837

>Will frozen meals dissappear within our lifetime?
>Who even buys this shit?
college kids, unhealthy single men, and people who work in offices that only have a microwave

The only good frozen meals are from Trader Joe's. Their shepherds pie is amazing. The Amy's ones are OK but they are really expensive for what you get

>> No.11608881

'Sup Amerifat

>> No.11608887

Cooking bulk meals and freezing them is a high-tier strat. For everything else, I can pay someone else to make it and freeze a portion for me.
Like mac and cheese, which I eat maybe once every three months. Why make a roux for one dumb side dish when I could just microwave a $2 package?

>> No.11608937

Frozen food is great if you don't want to waste time cleaning.

>> No.11608943

This we eat cheap microwaved shit, we are friggin superior heh

>> No.11608954

His name was Jimmy Russell. He had a thing for gorillas.

>> No.11608970

God I hate this current generation

>> No.11608981
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Tombstone pizzas are the only good frozen pizzas
Everything else is shit
Fuck digiorno pizza

>> No.11608983
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>> No.11608989
File: 27 KB, 263x361, EC8F87E2-11E8-40B1-B448-5EDB6B719CA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking garbage as fuck
I’d rather lick the side of a skunks cunt than eat them

>> No.11608992

Why is Bikse mad?

>> No.11609039
File: 72 KB, 800x601, 800px-Bert_Williams_blackface_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah niggah!

>> No.11609597


>> No.11609653

Frozen veggies are useful to keep around for a healthy stir fry.

I also keep frozen dough in the freezer for fresh bread rolls.

>> No.11609678
File: 85 KB, 1200x914, 1518306609453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that opinion
>that pic

>> No.11609682

>Will frozen meals dissappear within our lifetime?
>Who even buys this shit?

The same hipsters & doofuses who pay $$$$ for Blue Apron & other delivery services, then realizes it's the same as grocery store frozen food packs.

>> No.11609719
File: 23 KB, 317x432, 0338 - rDCgKqU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to microwave these and roll them up and cut them and eat the strips of soggy cheesy sauce bread
i got made fun of too much now i gotta toaster oven them but hell i might have to microwave one the next time i see it again

>> No.11609806

>we have more time to cook
Everyone works at least 8 hours a day. The idea of a house partner who can stay at home and cook and clean is pretty dead.

>> No.11609810

>i got made fun of too much
Nigger they're like, the bottom barrel of frozen food, right there with those 99c tv "dinners". Eat it however you want, cause if you have it either your life is misery or you're really fucking drunk/stoned