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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 1882x1104, sodapop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11604219 No.11604219 [Reply] [Original]

What do you call it?

>> No.11604220


>> No.11604221

Carbonated Beverage.

>> No.11604222

yo girlfriend is a boy

>> No.11604230

I call it Curtis, slang for Sodapop Curtis jajajaja

>> No.11604338

the carbonized jew

>> No.11604339

Soda... do people in the South only drink Coke? Or do they call everything Coke?

>> No.11604342

>full name
Soda Pop

>acceptable variants
Sodies, if you must

Coke is a trademarked brand of cola which is a type of soda pop.

>> No.11604381


>> No.11604389

If you call soda "pop" you are from a barren shithole that doesn't deserve democratic representation like the coastline.

>> No.11604426

When I moved to the south it was hard to get used to the inbreds calling soda "coke." It just seemed deviant, somehow, like most of this shithole southern culture.

>> No.11604433

In Australia we call them soft drinks because they have no alcohol. If they have alcohol we call them mixers.

>> No.11604435

>15 year old poll
Soda has enveloped the country

>> No.11604481
File: 95 KB, 1000x754, D1A0EED1-8520-4C86-BA66-6F3D5D987E1D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha I love these threads

>> No.11604485
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>> No.11604487
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>> No.11604489
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>> No.11604490
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Now for some more decidedly on topic stuff

>> No.11604494

Who knew alaska was so based

>> No.11604496
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>> No.11604501
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>> No.11604508
File: 169 KB, 750x563, 6791B41C-1C24-4EB0-B98E-0F620030FC8C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Business insider says these are the most popular fast food joints by state. I didn’t believe them, but I’m having trouble finding lists that directly oppose it

>> No.11604529

Pop or gtfo

>> No.11604535

Fizzy Lifting Drink

>> No.11604647

Grew up calling it pop. Call it either pop or soda now. Western NY.

>> No.11604681

If you call it anything other than soda you are flyover.

>> No.11604687

Washington watches a lot of hentai. I always thought they were flyover trash, but they may be more redpilled than I thought.

>> No.11604689

They call everything coke, it's like some sort of joke world down there.

>> No.11604691

Holy fuck this is hilarious, fuck california though. Can't wait to be out of this garbage heap in 2 days. Jesus.

>> No.11604692

Dunno but who else felt that little earthquake last night? Where my SE bros at?

>> No.11604697

Holy mother of based
>not in-n-out

>> No.11604701

>that cancerous Appletard filling a thread with off-topic posts because his childish autism doesn't understand we're here for food

>> No.11604726
File: 113 KB, 790x790, HOLD ON A MOMENT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have never seen someone refer to soda as pop in Washington. Who did they ask when making this map? Eeeyaaaaaakkkk/.

>> No.11604771

>merely joking

>> No.11604784

>California doesn’t like Chic-Fi-La
The only ones with worse taste are the fags in Maryland who don’t like the corner piece of the brownie. What the fuck?

>> No.11604793

Canes is not that great, at least they give me a good share of fires but the breading just falls apart. but I've only seen maybe 1-2 in-n-outs in Texas, I would have believed Whataburger.

>> No.11604815
File: 341 KB, 2000x1267, 71AB2D01-3DE4-43CE-97B2-4B8308EBF203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I’m thinking that list might be a little iffy. According to this map, there’s only three counties in all of Texas that even has any In and Outs.

>> No.11604824
File: 36 KB, 657x527, swatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lived in Dallas for the past 10 years now and everyone calls soda "soda." I think with the internet and smartphones now you get less of this regional weirdness and everyone's trending towards behaving like normal people.
>full name
>Soda Pop
No, that's fucking wrong, and you were proven wrong the last time we did this thread. Stop it. First documented mentions of "soda pop" came later than first documented mentions of "soda" so you have no legitimate argument for saying that's the "full name." It's made up babytalk bullshit some retard felt the need to shoehorn into a perfectly fine word because they couldn't understand how "soda" already implies carbonation. Don't make me get out the sources again.

>> No.11604825
File: 255 KB, 1000x837, F91395FF-C0E3-4127-929B-0EC273332681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one isn’t most popular fast food joint by state, just the most iconic. But maybe this one’s more accurate in that regard.

>> No.11604829

I'm guessing they use some sort of formula for number of customers against number of locations or something and use that to determine what the most popular place is, but since Mcdonalds has 100+ locations in every state, their numbers probably get fucked over.

>> No.11604833


>> No.11604854

>Texas is In-N-out
I'm calling bullshit Whataburger easily takes the cake

>> No.11604861
File: 146 KB, 1356x1017, 552C28C4-AB4E-46A5-A080-CBAC716B0550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>southerners using a brand name as an umbrella term for anything remotely similar to it

>> No.11604882

What do the semi contiguous green areas of virginia and north carolina call it ?

>> No.11604887

Nevermind I looked it up
""Drink", "cold drink", "carbo", and "soda" are locally common in southern Virginia and the Carolinas"

>> No.11604892

That makes sense, I've only seen them when I've been to Dallas. Combine that with the visitors for the football games they see the in-and-outs locally and go there and pack the place.

>> No.11604896
File: 137 KB, 1024x682, EC420B81-CECA-4DC5-AB4D-72CCE8889CD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lived in the south my whole life and no ones ever said coke when referring to any soda that wasn’t a coke

We DID use “Coke Products” sometimes, but that’s because believe it or not most sodas and beverages of its caliber are offshoots of coke. Sprite, Fanta, and Barq’s to name a few. If you go to Georgia, there’s a museum in Atlanta all about the rich history of Coca-Cola, because Coke was invented there. It’s actually a pretty cool place to visit.

>> No.11604906

I've definitely seen this, but I also live in the hick mountains. 'Coke' is ubiquitous for soft drink

>> No.11604912

That's not really as common as you think and also even if it were it would still be infinitely better than needing to call it "soda pop" like you're a toddler needing sound effects to understand words ("mommy, look! moo-cow!").

>> No.11604950

we don't even have chic here in Oregon besides a couple in Portland, what is this on about

>> No.11604955


>> No.11604958
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>> No.11604965

>goes the weasel

>> No.11604976

Why are you focusing on Oregon? The much more obvious reason that map is bullshit is that no fucking way would Chick-fil-A be the most popular fast food place by any reasonable metric in 38 US states. I'd be surprised to see them even win out in 1 or 2. Now if McDonald's were every state that'd make more sense.

>> No.11604993

If you call all it all "Coke" you're retarded. I'm from the south and I know what I'm talking about. "Pop" was only acceptable until the 90s. If you still call it that today you look like a faggot. That leaves "Soda" as the only available option. God bless.

>> No.11605010
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2016 :3

>> No.11605018

>Lived in the south my whole life
No one actually wants to hear from you. Ever.

>> No.11605027

Wow, okay, rude

>> No.11605029

>effeminate talk
No one actually wants to hear from you. Ever.

>> No.11605064

My boss calls it tap because they used to serve it from a tap like beer

>> No.11605079

Based Alaska

>> No.11605084

Hey now, don’t be rude

>> No.11605089

Hey now, don't post from a mobile device. This is 4channel, not twitter/facebook.

>> No.11605108
File: 32 KB, 645x729, 1508783466744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not flyover

>> No.11605124

>tfw PA

>> No.11605126

I’ll post from wherever I want
Why’s it even matter?

>> No.11605129
File: 287 KB, 1200x743, Washington.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of the only states you would never fly over

>> No.11605136

>flyover is a literal translation and not an expression to describe a location that nobody would willingly visit outside of a business trip

>> No.11605140

one, you're confusing Washington with Alaska and two, only New York city and a tenth of California aren't fly over.

>> No.11605156

Coke. What kind of coke do you want? Diet Dr Pepper.

>> No.11605165

>Why’s it even matter?
Mobiletards never make decent posts. They're responsible for the decline in quality of the site and western civilization in general. 4channel isn't something you take into public and show your friends or people on the bus. Laying in bed instead of sitting upright at your computer isn't an excuse either. You're supposed to be white. Act like it.

>> No.11605167

They call them Coke in the south because thats where its from the original the first and was in the south for years before the rest of the country started trying to copy it. Kind of like a lot of people still call all plastic bandages "Band-Aid's"

>> No.11605195

You know, you using the name 4channel genuinely should have been enough for me in the first place
This is your last (You), make it count

>> No.11605365

Most of the state is flyover trash but then the big cities are filled with asians and shut in weebs (look up Seattle freeze) so no wonder cartoon boobies are so popular

>> No.11605475

I flew over WA on my way to Korea from St. Louis, flyover.

>> No.11605503

Montanafag, and yes indeedy I used to call it 'pop' until I moved to Kentucky for a few years.
Oddly enough, in defiance of the map, I now call it 'soda'.

>> No.11605865
File: 50 KB, 885x778, 1543956341911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I still have nine months left in the shithole of a state before I sign my ass up for Air Force
Honestly I'm glad I'm going to getting out California, fuck this state

>> No.11605870

black man’s baby

>> No.11605939

This map is outdated, at least for Mendocino County, which now has an In-N-Out.

>> No.11605959

WA has some of the best hiking in the US

>> No.11605960

What do you hate about it specifically? Do you mind sharing?

>> No.11605967

>people travel from all over the world to go hiking in WA

>> No.11605971

>Traveling to or from non-American countries
Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.11606440
File: 7 KB, 259x194, images-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the US military isn't assigned to bases all over the world
Flyover education, everyone!

>> No.11606458

literally what

also britfag here we call it "fizzy drink" because we're fucking children or something


>> No.11606474

I don't care what metric they're using, if Texas isn't Whataburger then it's wrong.

>> No.11606523

The Left

>> No.11606528

t. Faggot in a left State

>> No.11606607

He's correct though, you guys are subhuman. Someone put me out of my misery in this shithole, please.

t. forced to relocate to the south for work

>> No.11606651

I lived in Connecticut for over 20 years and have literally never heard of anyone going to a Chik Fil A. I've never even seen one.

>> No.11606656

Who let all those southerners into Gila county?

>> No.11606684

pretty racist, desu

>> No.11606902

I feel like most people who use the phrase flyover are assholes

>> No.11606942
File: 53 KB, 381x550, flat,550x550,075,f.u1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Liquid Jew. Do you know how much sugar is in that shit? Don't fall for it, white man.

>> No.11607001

t. flyover

>> No.11607019

Californians and New Yorkers who think they're the center of the universe. So yeah, assholes.

>> No.11607058

The center of the universe can't be in two places you dumb flyover.

>> No.11607125

Californians think California is the center of the universe. New Yorkers think New York is the center of the universe. How is that hard to understand?

>> No.11607356

Howdy, flyover, [flyover vernacular follows for best hope at making contact] watcha' got cookin' for dat' 'ere sister-wife o' your'ns?

>> No.11607407

muh giffords

>> No.11607427

Yea fucking right, these people are up their own ass by miles for Whataburger. There's no fucking way. They most have taken this poll in like one city per state and only asked the first person they talked to.

>> No.11607431

>canes is not that great
Leave it to a Texan to not like great chicken.

>> No.11607438

>No, that's fucking wrong, and you were proven wrong the last time we did this thread. Stop it. First documented mentions of "soda pop" came later than first documented mentions of "soda" so you have no legitimate argument for saying that's the "full name." It's made up babytalk bullshit some retard felt the need to shoehorn into a perfectly fine word because they couldn't understand how "soda" already implies carbonation. Don't make me get out the sources again.

>> No.11607447

One more reason California needs to fuck off

>> No.11607472

Is it true potatoniggers call it 'minerals'?

>> No.11607513

This is why /ck/ is my favorite board

>> No.11608243
File: 74 KB, 750x750, A6A3484BBD824166BADCA5D92A7D2EAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Scotland we call it juice unless you're from Glasgow in which case it's called ginger.

>> No.11608250

I'm from PA and I call it Soda, I live in TN and most people just call anything in a can coke. Unless it's beer, then its all just beer.

>> No.11608294

No, that's fucking wrong, and you were proven wrong the last time we did this thread. Stop it. First documented mentions of "soda pop" came later than first documented mentions of "soda" so you have no legitimate argument for saying that's the "full name." It's made up babytalk bullshit some retard felt the need to shoehorn into a perfectly fine word because they couldn't understand how "soda" already implies carbonation. Don't make me get out the sources again.

>> No.11608329

If you live in a candy corn state just kill yourself now.

>> No.11608336

What fucking metric did they use? Is it normalizing by the number of locations so companies with more locations take a dive? I've lived in CA for decades and didn't know Cane's existed until this summer.

>> No.11608351
File: 52 KB, 952x500, wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW you're a SodaChad in a Coke region...

>> No.11608366

Here in Oklahoma, we hate people that make different dietary choices! Eat Some Damned Beef

>> No.11608384

>hasn't looked at the URL in months

>> No.11608390

I had no idea Alaska was bigger than the rest of the US.
Oklahoma education system, my friends.

>> No.11608452

south isn't a race

>> No.11608483

Nebraska and kansas got screwed up

>> No.11608490

>Being in the Israeli military is something to be proud of
Come on now.

>> No.11608495

Broward County, South Florida here. We call it soda.

>> No.11608498

How many ballots for soda got stuffed, you fuckin election cheaters

>> No.11608507

Is this bait

>> No.11608518

The hell are you talking about? I didn't mail in votes like a goddamn retard, or a person who's genuinely unable to go out to the polls.

>> No.11608595
File: 131 KB, 1024x684, carbonized-rabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down, man

>> No.11608962

>gas station wine
Does anyone actually enjoy this aside from absolute alcoholics? Like, I've never met anyone here who likes it, but I'm sure people elsewhere don't either.

>La Croix

>> No.11608968

meant to reply to >>11604490 but I am an absolute brainlet

>> No.11609043

How can you HATE food like pesto, chicken nuggets or beans.

>> No.11609070

I love canes but there is no fucking way the state fast food for California isn't in-n-out. There isn't a day of the week where I would pick Canes over in-n-out, fuck this list.

>> No.11609178

>implying there's anything remotely interesting or useful in cities aside from businesses to begin with

By your definition major cities are flyovers, since I cannot fathom why anyone would bother setting foot in Jew York or Commiefornia unless their job was at stake.

>> No.11609316

this board should really ban anyone that's never worked in a restaurant. it's still served on a tap "like beer" ya tardo

>> No.11609418

Florida fag here. Been all over the state and have literally never heard someone call soda coke in my life. Your chart is wrong.

>> No.11609532

It has to be based on earnings versus number of restaurants in the state. Nevada has only one White Castle so no way it out earns every other chain there

>> No.11609610

Those midwest ones. Space Aliens has three locations

>> No.11609634

That doesn't mean it's not the most iconic chain from North Dakota.

>> No.11609945

Everyone else in my family calls it "Pop" and makes fun of me for calling it "Soda".

>> No.11610580

You're right, I thought the map was talking about largest

>> No.11610616

They got MY county's wrong.
Image discredited.

>> No.11610776

literally lived in Louisiana my whole life and not once heard it been called coke

>> No.11610792

>both Louisiana based restauraunts are as far a way as they can be from Louisiana
also wtf we barely have chick fil a down here

>> No.11610874

In Northern Mexico we also call every soda a “Coca”, a.k.a. a “coke”. I don’t drink much Coca-Cola(tm) so I have forgotten how are you supposed to ask for one

>> No.11610882

Where do you live? I'm in Danbury and we have like 3 of them, all always packed.

>> No.11610956

Just ask for it with ICE and you'll be fine ;)

>> No.11610972

I've lived in MS for 15 years and never seen nor heard of "Bumpers."

>> No.11611098

>t.butthurt yankee

>> No.11611120

I’ve seen them all over

>> No.11611131

Wendy's was better in Ohio when Dave was still alive, he would make surprise visits, so most ohio locations were top fucking notch.

>> No.11611141

-What food do you hate the most?
-Names a restaurant.

I guess the "Californians are stupid" meme has some merit.

>> No.11611397

its fucking soda you philistine

>> No.11611409

What happened to Missouri and Illinois? Did Zeon drop a giant can of soda on the middle of the country?

>> No.11611427
File: 93 KB, 450x345, 1542261863113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ohio hates pesto

Maybe I AM from ohio after all

>> No.11611625

I like talking to southerners cause they're nice and act like people instead of speedwalking everywhere with their heads down

>> No.11611730

It looks like it's maybe a facebook opinion survey

>> No.11611732

Based maine

>> No.11611756


>> No.11611757

KY - Soda Pop

>> No.11612387
File: 10 KB, 166x117, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, how the hell did something as specific and benign as dim sum end up being hated? are there nothing but offensively bad chinese restaurants in idaho or something

>> No.11612396

Where I'm from, we call it "other"

>> No.11612398

from MA and can confirm there's some sort of weird negative feeling surrounding mayo. kewpie, on the other hand, is fucking great

>> No.11612411

>foraged food
that's hilarious and a little sad at the same time
bigger question: who the fuck would include that they hate foraged food on their dating profile

>> No.11612463


>> No.11612469

Dim sum relies on fresh seafood. You can't get that in Idaho.

>> No.11612850

Even then, it could still be the largest chain from North Dakota while not being the largest chain in North Dakota. My impression of the way the map works is it's restricted to chains that originated in the state in question.

>> No.11613687
File: 148 KB, 684x1024, dcnvsra-7f64cf0d-54a3-4f8a-a237-943f35a394a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cookies with Raisins
Why do people ruin cookies by adding raisins?

Fuck this state.
All the other states have legitimate distastes, but California has to have some sort of political complaint.

>> No.11613694
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>> No.11613707


I call it by whatever brand name I am in the mood for. Otherwise a generic 'fizzy' as a plural for all of them.

>> No.11613715
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>> No.11613727
File: 45 KB, 480x514, sipshark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't fucking believe Trump wants our troops to machinegun thousands of cuties like that at the border :((((

Soda. But I'm not American.

>> No.11613763


Cuties like her don't need to come to the U.S. and if they did want to come they could do so legally.

What we're getting at the border are shit-tier hobbits from central America, piss poor products of dysgenics.

>> No.11614101

Those "hobbits" make good maids, just ask trump, his hotels hire them by the thousands ;)

>> No.11614167


>> No.11614195


>old bay steamed crabs

no one uses old bay for crabs, everyone uses JO seasoning.

>> No.11614206
File: 335 KB, 479x486, pepsibird1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that you, Kelly Osbourne?

>> No.11614235



>Objectively wrong tier

>> No.11614237

fizzy drink

>> No.11614264

To be fair band-aid is a pretty common catch all for adhesive bandages even though it too is a name brand.

>> No.11614280
File: 164 KB, 1024x684, dcnvp1q-81617152-01c1-487b-9341-9bf1bfb6a694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you being unfunny ironically?

>> No.11615778

Fizzy wizzle bubble pop

>> No.11615783

What's going on with Missouri and Wisconsin?

>> No.11616314

There's no way Chic-fi-la is the most popular in Washington. There's literally ONE in the entire Seattle-Bellevue-Tacoma area

>> No.11616411

I'm from OH and call it soft drinks. I live in SC and the rednecks here call beer soda so their kids don't rat them out to their (((teachers))) as being deplorable, irredeemable types. HA!

>> No.11616511
File: 62 KB, 640x483, 1420742840132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11616540

What the fuck is going on in New Mexico and North Carolina?