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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11603192 No.11603192 [Reply] [Original]

i made a 2500 buck bet with a friend that i can stay vegan for all of 2019. i dont have much to do during the day so i feel this will give me something to work towards. any vegans here wanna talk about their experiences with it and hand over some advice??

>> No.11603204

This sounds retarded, how will he know you indeed ate vegan all the time? Will he perform a feacal analysis at random intervals? Who gives money for this shit

>> No.11603236

it's the fact that i wanna accomplish it and am willing to be held accountable. i'll be logging what i eat.

>> No.11603368

when you are severly malnourished, it shows

>> No.11603409

If you win you should get 2 2080tis

>> No.11603541

Beans are your friend. Vitamin supplements will help if you can't be bothered to look up what to eat.

>> No.11603940

Get into the habit of freezer cooking/doing prep for meals throughout the week on Sunday. The hardest part about being vegan (in my opinion) is you lose convenience. You can't really go to any late night fast food place after work and pick something up because there aren't a ton of options and the urge to get something with meat/dairy will be too strong. Make sure you always have something at home to eat, even if it's just pb&j with carrots and hummus on the side.
Also get into bulk food shopping. If there's a store near you with bins where you can buy oats, chia seeds, nooch, granola, lentils, rice, etc in bulk, go for it. It'll make your grocery list a lot cheaper.
Don't get too ambitious with meals. A lot of vegan recipes have weird ingredients that will be expensive and hard to find and it'll put you off of vegan cooking. Just stick with basics and experiment on your own.
Also, supplement with B12.

>> No.11603949


Sorry for yelling but if I was going to be a vegan for a year I'd want that yelled at me. Also, google stuff online and hummus is your new best friend. Don't be a pleb vegan and eat candy all the time, that's the biggest warning.

Please also review this:

Your best bets for daily cooking are Italian, Indian, and Arabic, they have a lot of veg dishes. Often making a main protein can be added to other stuff. Mushrooms are also amazing, and taste like chicken when chicken-fried. (especially oyster mushrooms, very close to chicken)

>> No.11604015

Excuse me, can you elaborate on what you meant by this post?

>> No.11604043

So just eat normal at home and when you see your faggot friend you eat vegan?
Why the fuck would you fuck your body up just for some money

>> No.11604562

enjoy losing your front tooth by 2020

>> No.11605501

It's really quite easy to do.

I'd recommend putting all your food for a day on a website called cronometer, then you can check if you have any deficiencies that need sorting. Adjust your diet, and in a week, check a typical day again, see if you need to adjust again, etc.

Protein is not a problem. Nobody on a balanced vegan diet will be protein deficient. Your biggest worries will be calcium and B12. For calcium, try to eat some calcium rich fruit and nuts (almonds and apricots) and green leafy vegetables like kale. Do not supplement calcium which has been shown to have negative effect on heart health. For B12, supplement.

The biggest "craving" that you'll get will not be for meat or eggs but cheese which has some wacky compounds in it that your body will miss. After a few weeks those cravings will go.

You will be eating a lot more fibre, which is good and healthy but try to drink more water to prevent bloating.

>> No.11605576

He will fuck you over as even lots of Vodka and wine aren't even vegan.

There's so much shit in human food that you WILL lose.

>> No.11605731

You can use barnivore.com to quickly and easily find out if a drink is vegan.

>> No.11606023

just pay the guy now. your dignity isnt worth 2500

>> No.11606052

Eat fermented foods for K2 (natto, kombucha, vegetable yogurt, sauerkraut, ...). You don't need as much calcium as you think if you avoid eating too salty (aim between 1g and 2g of sodium). Get B12 supplements and sunlight exposure.
Humans are herbivores so you should be fine.

>> No.11606068

don't forget avocados

OP freeze peeled bananas and blend them. You can add stuff like cocoa powder and peanut butter to make it something really good, though I'd say go for the peanut butter that's just peanuts and oil and salt if thats what you like.

try out all those weird fruits you see at the market but never bothered with. Good luck, and I think you will find that being vegan is not as bad as it is talked about on here.

>> No.11606075

K2 is synthesised in the body. There is no health board in the world which has given a dietary K2 requirement.

>> No.11606086

It's only true if you have the gut bacteria for it. Better safe than sorry.

>> No.11606952

Vegan for 7 years, sup.

>> No.11606960

I wouldn't do anything for a whole year that I had to do on a daily basis for 2500 dollars. Anything.

>> No.11606969

Humans are herbivores
That statement isn't true at all is it? In fact, it's completely false...humans are omnivores is the truth here...

>> No.11606984
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>Vegans have less deficiencies on average
>Vegans live ~10 years longer on average
>Vegans have WAY less chance of cancer (8x less)
Soy is actually very healthy, studies have proven many of the meat-industry's stabs at trying to make the best protein source seem arbitrary false. (eat soy, don't listen to alt-right/pol/'s antivegan soyposters, read the studies for yourself, I'll link more if you want)

And here's the biggest kicker:
>Plant-based improves mood, focus and productivity

>> No.11607039

nutritional yeast is also an excellent source of purines.

>> No.11607041

Brush your teeth?

>> No.11607049

He's probably weakening you to rob you of whatever little money you have.

>> No.11607723

Vegan since 15

>> No.11607745

Honestly probably not. The only thing I'd want to do every day for a year is sleep and wake up. I honestly hate the idea of doing anything else with that kind of diligence and having it be absolutely required.

>> No.11607750

Eat normally and lie about staying vegan.
If caught, claim you are maintaining a vegan lifestyle by having ideals and virtue signaling but having no principles, like a proper ideologue.

>> No.11608061

>people suggesting you don't actually go vegan

you'd only be cheating yourself. Veganism is healthier, cheaper, better for the animals and better for the environment. You're going to go vegan some day anyway as you know they've won all the arguments. Might as well start in 2019.

>> No.11608065

>making a bet that cannot be 24/7 enforced
>actually adhering to the bet
>not cheating while friend isn't looking

Why would you not just eat meat when your "friend" isn't around? Unless they're a conjoined twin, there's no way to enforce this bet 24/7. Either you or they or both of you are retards.

>> No.11608068


>> No.11608087

Ah, good point.

>> No.11608097

You already lost.
Computers, leather shoes, glue, chemicals, lots of everyday products base on animal goods or labor

>> No.11608110

Veganism is about reducing animal suffering by all practicable means. Some of the things you mention will be substituted by some vegans, such as buying vegan shoes. But things like computers there is not currently a vegan option.

>> No.11608124

Well then, they must not be true vegans then.
Because not having a computer, or a phone, or a car is still practical, just not comfortable.

>> No.11608128

acceptable bait

>> No.11608134

Forgoing a computer/phone/car is a huge decrease in what someone can do, for a minuscule decrease in animal products. No vegan will do this, and to try and rule them out is a simple "no true scotsman" fallacy.

>> No.11608147

Hey, if it means less veganposters here because
no computer, that's good with me.

>> No.11608305

shhhhhh, meatcucks don't like facts. It triggers them.

>> No.11608361

eat indian and mediterranean food because they already have plenty of delicious vegan dishes and I say this as a borderline carnivore. southeast asian countries are good as well. eating lousy hippy meat substitutes will just make you go insane.

>> No.11608387

it'll cost more money than you make

>> No.11608408

this is what i'm thinkingg

>> No.11608455
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>> No.11608588

>You would only be cheating yourself

You can't say that when there's a 2500 dollaridoo bet on the line for fucks sake. He can still achieve a healther lifestyle attempting to go vegan as much as possible but also cheat whenever it's convenient or necessary. Only his morals would take a beating.

>> No.11609273


Being vegan by definition means making the attempt to remove animal products from your diet within reason. It doesn't mean go live out in the wilderness and forsake 90% of goods and services that use animal products somewhere down the line. Veganism is mostly about the food aspect not the rest and makes exceptions.

>> No.11609434

>Using Peta for your excuse.
>One of the largest animal abuse organizations out there.

>> No.11609473

I do not understand this even slightly. Vegan food is cheaper than non-vegan food by a long, long way. Meat and dairy are way more expensive than rice and beans. There's a reason the vegan options at restaurants are always the cheapest.

>> No.11609482

Can't give any specific product as I'm a britfag, but try all the different meat & dairy alternatives you can find, some are pretty good.

Here in blighty you can get some pretty passable substitutes from tesco, including steaks, burgers, chicken pieces, sausage rolls, chicken nuggets, cream cheese, parmesan and cheddar cheese, which makes doing normalish cooking a lot easier.

Otherwise find a few good recipes books and blogs for ideas for tofu, beans etc.

Fortified plant milks and cereals in the morning can give you most of the calcium iron and B12 you'll need.

The easiest way is to ask other vegans for product recommendations, a lot of stuff like oreos and instant noodles also happen to be vegan by chance.

>> No.11609489

Why the fuck are you lying on the internet?
Like, my dude, it's not even bait at this point.

>> No.11609499

I'm not lying though. I could get a massive bag of dried lentils to make a whole week of meals for a dollar. Obviously you'd need to add in other things but as a meal basis, that's far cheaper than you will ever manage to get a week of meat-based meals.

>> No.11609508

>One of the largest animal abuse organizations out there.
Source? They were out in force rescuing animals during the recent massive hurricanes and worked to reunite owners. They do some retarded shit but they also do a lot of good. They've exposed several horrendous puppy mills in my county as well as livestock abusers. Just because you don't like that some of them throw blood on spoiled rich bitch women wearing furs is no reason to condemn them.

>> No.11609518

Sure. But if you eat replacement plant based foods like milk, chocolate, fake meats, cheese and yoghurt, they are significantly more expensive than the animal versions, often by a factor of two.

Of course this is mostly due to subsidisation and not real production costs, but it is a factor.

>> No.11609524

He's just a troll. The whole
>Not vegan if you read a book as it has glue from animals
style argument is a futile troll argument, as is
>PETA kills animals

PETA deals with animals in the worst conditions, and as a result euthenises a large number of them. Again, every vegan would agree with putting down suffering animals out of compassion, but the troll you're talking to has no interest in being reasonable.

>> No.11609528

They can burn those poor excuses for "Humans" alive for all I care, but they are notorious for owning kill shelters.

>> No.11609533

>if you eat x,y,z then it will be expensive
Yeah. If you eat wagyu beef it will be more expensive still. Every diet can be cheap or expensive, but the cheapest possible diet is a vegan one, and the most expensive possible diet is a meat-based one.

It's a complete myth that vegan diets are more expensive.

>> No.11609535

But lentils are so cheap you fucking carnist!

>> No.11609541

>If you buy the most expensive vegan replacement foods it's actually expensive

That's your argument?

>> No.11609542

please ignore the troll:

>> No.11609545

>Expecting them to have enough brain power to come up with a real argument.

>> No.11609552

underage b&

>> No.11609561

That's a slippery slope argument, though.

Based on traditional western eating habits, most people are still going to want milk and cheese alternatives because it's crucial to so many basic things. Eating Wagyu beef isn't a typical thing your average Joe is going to do.

I agree with you that making a stew with butternut squash or lentils instead of chicken or lamb is going to save you pretty decent money, but it's offset by the fact that buying decent plant milk that won't curdle to shite in your tea is going to cost you £1.50 a litre instead of 80p.

>> No.11609600

Sorry but no. Vegans don't just eat loads of replacement foods. They learn cook with vegetables, nuts, legumes, grains, and this is much cheaper than a non-vegan diet.

>> No.11609617

So you learn to make your own plant milk too, because you forgot to mention that.

>> No.11609643

Not really? You can easily do without, but if you have to have milk then plank milk is what, 40 cents more than normal milk? Who cares. The saving overall for a vegan diet is huge and well makes up for that.

>> No.11609644

In theory if you are living on the poverty line yes, in practice do you think you are going to persuade carnists like OP to give up the majority of their dietary staples and many of their vices like pizza, alcohol and chocolate for a cause they aren't fully convinced of?

And most vegans I know do eat a ton of replacement foods.

>> No.11609656

Do I think OP will give up pizza and chocolate? Yeah, probably. He's looking for recipes and tips to go vegan. He may try vegan chocolate and pizzas but eating proper food is much, much easier, so he probably will give up on them.

>most vegans I know eat a ton of replacement foods

>> No.11609691

>eating proper food is much, much easier, so he probably will give up on them
You've a much stronger will than I, m8, so fair enough.

I think it's important for carnists to know that replacements are there because most people do eat animal stuff for the taste? I think it'll also get a lot cheaper if there is increased demand (which I think is already happening).

>> No.11609707

>stronger will
But it's not though. Vegan pizzas and chocolate are hard to come by. It takes much more effort to go out of your way and find them as opposed to just eat a proper vegan diet, which is what most vegans do.

>> No.11609754

>Vegan pizzas and chocolate are hard to come by.

Come to Brighton in the UK lad, it's a magical place.

>> No.11609932

judging by their bet, they perform fecal analysis on each other regularly.

>> No.11609995


>> No.11610552

"only his morals would take a beating" nah if he doesn't consume dairy for a while, he will become less tolerant to it and if he eats dairy again, it will not be a fun time for his colon

>> No.11610963

something tells me their colons are already a little worse for wear.

>> No.11611024

eat and drink nothing but the body and blood of Christ for a year and become a prophet

>> No.11611078

The point that all vegans agree upon is that its impossible to take part in modern society without the use of animal products, but that the goal of veganism is to reduce your use of them and the easiest way to start is food and clothing.

>> No.11612114

Vegans #1

>> No.11612324

>cherrypicking and cooked results

Every single time.

>> No.11612327

I'm genuinely interested in some vegan meals. Only meats I eat are steak and chicken anyway so learning more variations of how to cook vegetables would be nice.

>> No.11612333

hmm could those results be because the non-vegan groups include people who absolutely dont give a fuck about their health?

here's a good one: 99% elite athletes, olympic medal winners, longest living people, smartest people, best inventors, notable people in general are nonvegan lol rekt

>> No.11612347

Not that guy but I could easily find 10 more studies that backed what he said. Why? Because they all back what he said, because it's not cherry-picking.

>> No.11612348

What a retarded argument. Most people full stop aren't vegan, but those who are vegan are healthier.

>> No.11612401
File: 60 KB, 960x948, 1543636302512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the scientists were told the outcome after using data, correlation, and faking their p value math by the biggest most powerful cucumber jew.
God I hate antiscience retards like you.

>> No.11612488

I've been vegan for two years but want to stop because all the vegan youtubers look terrible, I want to be nice to animals but I don't want to break my bones and age prematurely

>> No.11612505

None of those happen falsefaggo

>> No.11612506


>> No.11612529

no, that's an old hypothesis.
the intestines metabolise vitamin K1 into K3, which gets transported to tissues, where it's converted to K2 MK-4.
only the conversion of K1 to the higher K2 MK's is done by gut bacteria, e.g. K2 MK-9.

>> No.11612539

it's the other way around.
people who are more health conscious have a higher chance of trying out a vegan diet.
they were healthy before going vegan because they grew up eating animal food, and they're coasting off those built-up resources when they try veganism for a few months, or sometimes years.

>> No.11612568

Most vegan youtubers are ageing prematurely, durianrider, the singing vegan, check out that sv3rige guy. Also the vegan runner suffered 3 fractures since going vegan, I've suffered 2

>> No.11612574

That's just another reason to cheat then.

>> No.11612579


>> No.11612594

nobody cares about the suffering of plants, fruits, and vegetables and it breaks my heart

>> No.11612800

My heart
Please tell me you know who this qt is

>> No.11612807

Tissue Cultured (Processed) Chicken goes on sale within a few weeks. Congratulations on your easy $2500.
The company:
A youtube video to calm the idiot masses:

>> No.11613257

That's not vegan

>> No.11613978

The science directly contradicts your exercise in making up reality as you go along.

>> No.11614069

That's not worth 2500.

>> No.11614089

>making the attempt
wtf if I make the attempt to win a marathon, I'm already the winner
the attempt does not make you a vegan, it makes you a hypocrite

>> No.11614198

You guys should really just consider the vegetarian master-race who buys eggs/cheese locally.

>> No.11614250
File: 90 KB, 124x283, Fred-Fish-e17c343d9fae8732a4bec6f74c2a6f21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just pull in from stupid town

>> No.11614345

you're too stupid to see that I'm not contradicting the scientific findings.
I'm merely explaining them.

>> No.11614377

>"I explained the scientific findings."
No you didn't. You assumed that cohort studies are the only type of scientific research, then made up an ad-hoc explanation without any data backing you up. Get out.

>> No.11614385

You assumed that epidemiological studies are the only type of scientific research, then made up causal links without any data backing you up. Get out.

>> No.11614820
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how about sum reality instead of toilet paper written by vegans

>> No.11615122

If you buy anything with palmoil or something that has been shipped across the world, Commit suicide.

>> No.11615169

How will you make sure he pays you and not just try to get out of it as a joke if you do manage to succeed?

>> No.11615182

Or manage to trick/scumbag you into eating animal products by slipping butter or meat into stuff while you aren't looking if he gets desperate to not pay you?

>> No.11615282
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So, I went raw vegan for two months. Just to see if it was something I was capable of doing. For science. I actually enjoyed it. However, I've found that I absolutely NEED pizza and chicken wings and steak in my life. I like meat and when I was denying myself, I found that I just wanted it even more. This is something you need to consider before you begin.

My big thing is that I needed to feel full. It's just how I am. Smoothies are a great way to do this, as it's basically liquid salad. Make BIG batches of smoothies. Have variety.

I would also encourage you to go to a thrift store and buy yourself large wooden bowls. The kind you usually keep fruit in on your counter. A good knife and a few good cutting boards. Every morning while you're making your smoothie, load up these wooden bowls with tons and tons of your most favorite vegan things. Salads, chopped fruits, avocados, whatever. The idea is that you're constantly snacking on something and loading up your stomach with things that you absolutely love and can eat with pleasure. Don't force yourself to choke down kale or whatever you don't like. (Although baked garlic-kale chips are the shit.) This is supposed to be about pleasure and healthiness. This isn't a punishment. Take your "gnosh-bowl" with you to work/school/wherever and graze on it all day. Indulge in the things you like.

Nutrition will be important to pay attention to. Make sure that you look online for reputable vegan-related websites that can guide you through the things you'll need. (B12 and D vitamins, iodine, iron, etc...) You can do totally do this and you'll realize after a few weeks of doing this that you will feel different. You'll start to notice the garbage in people's shopping carts vs your healthy colorful cart. You'll probably even sneak a cheeseburger into your day somewhere and be horrified at how much salt and sugar is in processed foods and wonder how the fuck you ate this on a daily basis.

Good luck, OP!

>> No.11615361

>This is supposed to be about pleasure and healthiness. This isn't a punishment. Take your "gnosh-bowl" with you to work/school/wherever and graze on it all day.

>> No.11615490


>> No.11616797

>Myriad rigorous scientific studies
>An anecdote

Which would you rather you had supporting your beliefs?

>> No.11616802

Some good advice ITT, and only a small amount of buttblasted anti-vegan trolling. I'm proud of you /ck/

>> No.11617259

Lol, rekt

>> No.11617306
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>rigorous scientific studies

Never worked in a lab, eh?

>> No.11617310

ITT: carnies trying desperately to defend their barbaric diet

>> No.11617386

That's a good idea if you want to look into nutrition and try lots of new foods. Just avoid buying processed crap and go very very easy on s o y products.

I once went vegan by accident for a month and since I didn't even notice at first, I continued to do so for 6 month. It was fun.
I also knew a girl that went about 95% vegetarian because she was too lazy too cook and got slightly anemic, so if you're used to eat a lot of meat, maybe ease into it.

I bet studies about people that eat only few and high quality animal products would turn out the same. Going vegan people have to learn about food and cooking and can't eat most crap, or at least used to.
Since vegan shit food has increased just as it got trendy, I'm sure people that build their diet on 'vegan-[insert any meat product]' and vegans junk food will fuck up those statistics.
Also I'm surprised all those cronically ill people that go vegan to ease the symptoms aren't already affecting the statistics or did they actually rule them out?

>> No.11617448


>> No.11617504

Being vegan is making the attempt to full faggotry, simple as that.

>> No.11617529

That's only because you are attempting to grasp at your masculinity by associating it with your diet. By doing so you come off as weak, and women internally laugh at you if you imply this outside of a meatjew debugging forum.

>> No.11617842

your friend is fuckin dumb. Like you cant cheat...he cant watch you every second of the day. Id never agree to this, anyone would just cheat and claimed to have been vegan.

Plant based eater here. Its cheap and easy. I might be at a bit of an advantage due to being a natural in the kitchen but still I didnt have a hard time.

I make 2-3 cups rice at a time and maybe a pound of beans in the pressure cooker. Put them in fridge so I can pull them out to make burritos whenever I want. I always have mad tortillas on hand. I make different sauces for them, chipotle mayo, etc sometimes I buy the sauce if Im being lazy but its expensive. I keep avocado, tomato, romaine, onion and jalapeno on hand for toppings.

One thing youll struggle with is making shit taste good only using plant based ingredients. Indian and mediterranean cuisine have been doing it for years though so start there.

Cookbooks you will NEED to survive this year
Oh She Glows
Forks over Knives
Super Easy Vegan Slow Cooker
Minimalist Bakers every day (available online)

You will also need: Slow Cooker, Pressure Cooker, Rice Cooker, and Id recommend a chopper. You will need to cook for yourself a lot, way more than youre used too. So any little utensil that makes it easier will be worth it, especially when it comes to chopping fresh herbs which is annoying, but essential for good vegan food.

Anyways Im at your disposal for a few... Still think your friend is fucking dumb. How can he track you.

>> No.11617849

You dont NEED pizza, youre addicted to it bud.


>> No.11617853

You're gonna spend way more than $2500 extra on food for the year after switching to vegan. This is a negative sum game. You cannot win.

>> No.11617858

>One dumb bitch died
>All vegans are weak


Nah son, Frank Medrano would whip your pansy ass, and hes vegan. So would every single one of these MMA fighters. http://www.fuelforthefighter.com/the-fighter/

>> No.11617868

I buy dry beans in bulk, 15 lb bags for 10.99. My rice is 19.99 for for 5 lbs. Lasts me 2-3 months; if I want to save money I can go poverty mode and eat only bean and rice burritos, and the only other expense is tortillas which are also cheap as fuck.

Vegan is extremely cheap lol.

>> No.11618681 [DELETED] 

>Vegans had 13% higher testosterone (T) concentration
than meat-eaters (P = 0.0001) and 8% higher than vegetarians (P =
Makes you think

>> No.11618691

>Vegans had 13% higher testosterone (T) concentration than meat-eaters (P = 0.0001) and 8% higher than vegetarians (P = 0.001)
makes you think

>> No.11619057

This. I'm not a vegan, but buying bulk grains, pastas, beans, mushrooms, fruits and vegetables is cheap af. It's the meat that causes the big dent in the food budget. But yeah, I'm not buying factory farmed subsidized tortued animal flesh either, it's humanely raised.

>> No.11619214


>> No.11619403

I have no issues with vegans, but this is straight up cult style recruitment tactics.

You guy are good, but it is dirty, you only pick the facts that support you, ignore the ones which don't.

Vegan is not the cheapest way to go, I spend about $20 a year on food, eat meat, bet my life style is far more green than yours in every way.

If you actually believed half the stuff you preach you would be eating bugs and insects, plain and simple, but most of it is just a line to convert people, you do not give truth, why not? That is the big question, but I do not see you answering it honestly even in an anonymous forum.

>> No.11619661

It's a multi-billion dollar industry of psychopaths vs a bunch of people who think unecessery cruelty shouldn't be part of a self-aware society. Make the connection. Why did you assume less intelligent beings would suffer less? What if it were mentally handicapped human livestock? When does it start to be ethically acceptable to slaughter and torture billions of animals everyday?
Personally going vegan cured most of my digestive issues and once your taste buds adapt you don't want to eat dead corpses anymore. There are no reason to eat meat other than social pressure.

>> No.11619821

Most of the arguments made here have nothing to do with cruelty to animals, many are outright bullshit.

>Why did you assume less intelligent beings would suffer less?
Show me where I said or implied that. More bullshit.

>There are no reason to eat meat other than social pressure.
Or not to be a part of the commercial food chain. Simple fact, it is a shitload of work to grow all your own food and in a sizeable portion of the world it is not really viable, you need to mix in meat and dairy, rely on commercial food chain, or die

You can not even form a cogent argument because there is no room for you to be wrong, there is nothing but your ideology, just regurgitated propaganda from a soapbox without considering the things said by others.

Are you also going to tell me that I will burn in hell for eating the flesh of gods creatures? That is the level of argument you are making.

>> No.11619857

was vegan for 3 years. stopped for no particular reason. i missed milk and cheese i guess. vegetarian now. I ate a lot of sandwiches, peanut butter, cereal and beans. so much more bread than i eat now. i didn't get malnourished, i lost about 10 lbs and stayed like that the whole time. my hair didn't get thin or anything. yes ofc i supplemented b12. the worst part about being vegan was all the fucking questions people ask you on a daily basis. i never once brought it up. my 'friends' would just announce it out of fucking nowhere. cunts.

>> No.11619915

Wim Hof almost climbed everest in shorts and sandals and had to stop at 24,500ft because of a foot injury and he eats vegetarian.

>> No.11620292

he's extremely adapted to cold due to his insane exercises.

>> No.11620417

Much like the meat, dairy, and egg industries who conduct deliberately flawed 'experiments' to "prove" how healthy their products are?

>> No.11620420

Sewrige was a raw vegan loony like all those people in his compilation videos. Normal veganism is perfectly healthy; raw veganism is very difficult and most fail.

>> No.11620430

>it's humanely raised.
Is it humanely slaughtered too?

>> No.11620471

they're undeniably healthy as long as you don't combine them with carbs

>> No.11620778
File: 21 KB, 459x244, pantsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont eat tofu. dont eat soy products at all.

I was vegan for a while. But damn veganism is pretty tough. Look into Quorn, its a brand of meatless protein made of mushrooms. High quality. I strongly suggest eating a lot of fruits and fibrous veggies. kidney beans and rice are a good source of protein and carbs. Ive got a good recipe if you want.

You'll want to take multivitamins too however, most of the nutrients you get in a multivitamin you can get out of some activated almonds, no meme. Almonds vitamin and mineral content is pretty damn solid.

coconut milk is a great alternative to cow milk.

As an ex vegan i can say, plan on having a high budget for food and plan to lose weight, but if you do it right you will maintain a healthy weight for your build. No joke you'll be in the best shape of your life. Oh and always supplement with B-12 vitamins, liquid is preferable.

Good luck OP. Ask me anything, ive got advice out the ass.

>> No.11621324

I thought fermented soy products were ok to eat?

>> No.11621331

I love Quorn but I've never seen it sold outside the UK, also most Quorn isn't vegan, iirc the use egg or something in a lot of it

>> No.11621330

Holy shit, shut the fuck up veganigger. This isn't plebbit.

>> No.11621333

Wrong, cuck.

>> No.11621335

Shut up, veganigger. You are the least fact friendly group out there.

>> No.11621340

Veganiggers. shmtbqhfampidesu.

>> No.11621342


>> No.11621346


>> No.11621400

I think you're going to die alone and probably regret it, man.

>> No.11621446

aside from the part where it doesn't seem feasible to monitor whether or not you have eaten vegan all the time look into as many vegan food substitutes as possible. it will make things some what easier to know shit like cheese and milk have vegan friendly options.

the only ones i can list off hand right now are: yogurt, milk, mayo, butter, chocolate, ice cream, cheese, heck even vegan ground beef

another thing is look into asian food. japanese and korean food have a lot of vegan friendly options

>> No.11621447

If you're going vegan learn how to make some good roasted veggies.

Coat veggies (root ones work great, as do brussles sprouts) in olive oil. Mushrooms too.

Sweat an onion or shallot in cast iron, add garlic and season. add a pepper if that's your thing.

Add veggies and roast anywhere from 400 to 480F for 20-40 minutes. It's ok to overcook veggies for the most part, they just get more caramelized and delicious. Add kraut or anything fermented or an egg and eat.

A great variation is to finish it as a soup. 1/4 cup raw cashews per serving, soak them in boiling water for ~10m and blend with enough water to get them liquid. Add the cashew liquid on top of the cooked veggies and season with a bunch of pepper and a little nutmeg. It's the best soup you'll ever have. More of a roasted veggie stew really.

>> No.11621599

All of the scientific studies in this thread have been posted by vegans.

Why do you think this is.

>> No.11621607

Yep, and their 'studies' "prove" it...

>> No.11621634

>another thread where vegans argue their position strongly and meat-eaters look borderline clinically retarded

Look. The facts are these. Vegans are right, but most of us couldn't care less. It's also morally right to avoid environmentally-unfriendly products, and stop using air travel, and spend your weekends working for homeless charities...

But none of us will do that, because we just couldn't care. It's effort. I'm never going to be vegan, many of you won't ever be either.

But then when faced with your own moral laziness your ego can't handle it so you begin making excuses and buying into falsehoods and, all in all, looking dumb as shit in vegan threads. Stop being so retarded and face facts.

>> No.11621662

but vegans aren't right killing animals for food isn't morally wrong in anyway

>> No.11621665


>> No.11621680

Says whom?

>> No.11621685

Because there is an agenda and subculture associated with the behavior. "Carnists" are just living our lives.

>> No.11621687

God if you're christian or apart of tons of other popular religions

>> No.11621691

As a Christian, I partially agree with this. But what about those who do not follow a religion?

>> No.11621701

that's depends on their ideology beliefs and other shit

>> No.11621709

Your retarded dreamland scenario is entirely text based did you notice? None of this has any basis on practical reality. The fact of the matter is that a vegan diet is extremely comlicated and difficult, nobody here can do it properly and those who praise its effects are malnourished fuckwads that have been on the feel good meme diet for a few months.
Veganism sound nice in theory but almost never works in practice.

>> No.11621714

don't forget vegans need to take pills and other shit just to stay healthy

>> No.11621718

What would give if objectivity though? If it just boils down to a matter of opinion and subjectivity, then its a position built on sand, so to speak.

>> No.11621721
File: 114 KB, 804x853, Seba_Johnson,_Olympic_Skier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been vegan for 7 years. Doing fine. Also pic is Seba Johnson, olympic athlete who has been vegan her entire life (44 years)

>> No.11621723

If a vegan diet is programmed well, no supplements are necessary. Fortified foods are good for this sort of thing.

>> No.11621728

Wow. seven years? That's almost a full decade! Your microdepridations would definitely have made themselves evident by now! It's not like you would have to wait until old age or anything for malnutrition to fully manifest itself.

>> No.11621731

It’s funny that you didn’t post your own photo, but I guess a single anecdote proves my entire point wrong forever.
Anyway, how are your shits?

>> No.11621733

You would need to take a lethal dose of cholesterol everyday to get your B12 from animal products..

>> No.11621734

You know fucking nothing at all..

>> No.11621737

that girl was a olympic skier that never won anything that quit in 1992

>> No.11621739

>"vegans are malnourished!"
>all the tests show vegans are healthier than non-vegans
>"B-but it will suddenly reverse later!"


>> No.11621740

Only sensible post in the thread

>> No.11621742

Every argument I made was answered with boiler plate, completely ignoring everything I said, not a single thing I have said in this thread has been directly addressed.

It is just a vegan circle jerk in here.

By the way, I do care, I avoid the commercial food chain, do not fly, do not even drive, and I help my fellow creatures when ever possible. Perhaps this is why I have no moral issues with eating meat.

It is not hard to care.

>> No.11621746

most people go vegan because of their health and weight unlike omnivores who normally don't care about that shit unless it's getting bad
not at all

>> No.11621749

do you think animal suffering should be avoided where possible?

>> No.11621758

Your claim:
>most people go vegan because of their health and weight
The facts:
>most people go vegan for ethical reasons


>> No.11621762
File: 65 KB, 564x564, 1543820476047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science-based and greenpilled

>> No.11621795

Great evidence and argumentation there, friend...

>> No.11621806

Suffering is part of life. "Avoided where possible" are rather up for interpretation, you left it vague so you could find a foot hold regardless of my response.

I can be fairly confident that most any deer I shoot suffers less than it would if I did not shoot it. In these parts most any deer is going to be eventually eaten by wolves, tend to get eaten the second they get injured or to old to escape. You ever hear a wolf pack tear apart of deer? They do not kill it first, they just dig in, a deer screaming in pain as it gets eaten alive, not a fun sound.

>> No.11621814

>I go out and kill all my own meat
Why would someone come on /ck/ and lie? This is supposed to be a positive, honest board.

>> No.11621815
File: 51 KB, 370x370, 1406584064242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. future murderer

>> No.11621823

KEK this cringe

>> No.11621826

Sure it is. The chicken is still walking around, and the sampling process is less invasive than many veterinary procedures.
The chicken receives shelter, regular and healthy food, and veterinary care in exchange for a part of itself it would have discarded anyway.

>> No.11621836

So this is an example of the great arguments made by the vegans in this thread?

And no I do not go out an kill all my own meat, I take one dear a year, trade for some chickens/rabbits/ducks sometimes.

>> No.11621946

oh man please keep going. I hear there's a wealthy merchant in the town over who will pay handsomely for your talents.

>> No.11621983

Pathetic, you can not address my points so you resort to personal attacks.

Oh well.

>> No.11621987
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>> No.11622079

did you attend the olympic games?

>> No.11622111
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>> No.11622544

If a vegan eats some vegetable soup and later finds out the broth somehow included animal products they're still vegan. If they use a device that uses plastic derived from animal products they're still vegan. Its literally impossible to live in modern society without using animal products in one way or another.

>> No.11622650

yeah, i forgot about the egg. I had thought of it last night before i fell asleep.

>> No.11622972

no the stuff she did isn't really impressive especially for a more skill based sport

>> No.11622987

I doubt God would endorse industrial scale animal torture and slaughter

>> No.11622990

>t. 400 lbs softboi

>> No.11623024

Bible god is a massive cunt, petty and egoistic.

>> No.11623048

I never said super big mega corporation farms we're good and okay but god does support the eating of meat you retard

>> No.11623219

Old testament maybe, new testament god is a cool guy

>> No.11623312

Romans 14:1-23
As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.
Genesis 9:3
Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.
Romans 14:2
One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables.
Romans 14:3
Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him.

>> No.11623313

Virgin cope

>> No.11623315

Ah, the good ol' "nuh uh" rhetorical strategy.

>> No.11623316
File: 252 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_o4y21f2XwE1tzue9go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you.

>> No.11623317
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>> No.11623319

Animals can't be compared to humans

>> No.11623324

>animals can't be compared to one of the kinds of animals
>every moving thing that lives excludes a certain living thing that moves, even though it's supposed to be "every"

>> No.11623326
File: 102 KB, 600x891, F987D6C4-6427-4681-9DCA-A86DFAB33729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11623337

May is not should.

>> No.11623363

so that proves it the Bible supports the eating of meat

>> No.11623377

Including human meat

>> No.11623382

nope human meat is unclean and you aren't supposed to kill your fellow man or defile their bodies
stuff like that is always said in the bible beginning to end

>> No.11623388

>don't eat anything
>eat every thing
>this means that you should eat only things I eat
Bible sure allows eating cherries

>> No.11623648

>spend more than $2500 buying all the stupid food
>feel like shit all year
>friend probably doesnt even pay you anyway
Yeah sounds like a good idea

>> No.11623652

only to have them break in 2 weeks

>> No.11623878

Who cares about the man-made social virus that is religion.

>> No.11623903

Get a cronometer account. Everyone should get one, but vegans especially. Also, better start liking lentils, because they will become a staple.

I went vegan a few months ago mainly because it is cheaper and there were a few growing pains, but it is pretty easy now. Quorn makes a vegan nugget that tastes very similar to McNuggets, which is a guilty pleasure.

It becomes fun though. It's like relearning how to cook. Learning how to flavor wheat gluten and textured vegetable protein to taste similar to meat is interesting and pretty fun. You get to see the components that make up meat flavors. I thought it was interesting.

Biggest advice I can give is do not go in expecting vegan mock meats to taste or feel like meat. I think a lot of people get discouraged when they taste a mock meat and it tastes nothing like meat. I like mock meats because I like the taste of mock meat. It is not going to taste much like real meat.

>> No.11623922
File: 123 KB, 1191x1191, druggingthem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except we get atherosclerosis from eating meat. So, you're retarded.

>> No.11623938

No, it isn't. Wool isn't vegan either despite the sheep still walking around. You can't just change definitions because you're retarded.

>> No.11623968

if that's how it is who cares about your shitty man made morality