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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.79 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20181211_175019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11600234 No.11600234 [Reply] [Original]

Post what you're eating right now

>> No.11600273

a salad because I'm a miserable but physically fit ketofag

>> No.11600283
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>> No.11600292

I'm eating Nothing™, the patrician's choice

>> No.11600321
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>> No.11600324


>> No.11600331

The tenders? Yes

>> No.11600346

Too late for pic as I just finished but it was a bowl of lentil soup with copious amount of my homemade fermented habanero sauce sprinkled in and tortillas on the side. I used this Kenji recipe. Was goat.


>> No.11600356

nice gopuff order

>> No.11600363

nothing, i'm on a calorie deficit right now

>> No.11600365
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>> No.11600435
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Cold Borsch with sour cream I made myself, washed down with kombucha. This is not the bowl I ate, as I didn't take a picture of it. This is the bowl I had last night when it had cooled down enough to not be scalding as I hadn't eaten all day and had spent close to three hours making it and couldn't resist the allure of its scent

>> No.11600468
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Just had these packaged Lemon vanilla Oreos with hot tea. No joke that felt like the most sophisticated meal I've had in years. The cheap lemon flavor lasted well into the tea sip.

>> No.11600475

Currently at Chiptole eating a burrito bowl, why I order the steak here I never know because it is always fatty or gristly. But man do I love that green tabasco

>> No.11600481

>why I order the steak here I never know
damn, so I'm not the only one, when they ask what I want I always cave and say steak because everything else looks gross, but the steak is never good

>> No.11600755
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>> No.11600761
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a cheeky arizona southern style tea with seagram's gin >:3
served in an old del taco cup because there are no clean cups

>> No.11601103 [DELETED] 
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not eating anything at the moment but I might be able to tell you what I ate earlier

>> No.11601131
File: 1.25 MB, 4160x3120, IMG-db800da31bd5ecd6d65f7cd25aed6907-V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a dinner invitation from Scandic Vulkan

>> No.11601150
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the brown stuff was a can of deenz

>> No.11601153

Do you ever feel like you're trashy or are you just oblivious?

>> No.11601157


>> No.11601239


>> No.11601259
File: 1.64 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20181211_221135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating this now. Is my diet remotely healthy? Pic related and OP is what I eat mostly.

>> No.11601489
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way too much cheese.

>> No.11601498

tha's a hell of a picture

>> No.11601588

I'm not a boomer with shit metabolism, don't give a fuck about fat content.

>> No.11601627

a delicious smoked trout and butter sandwich.

>> No.11602137

I love how /ck/ goes on and on about people with 'shit taste' and how cool and classy their food is, yet every single time one of these threads poop up all I see is pure depressing garbage

>> No.11602146

It's like how /a/ posters don't actually watch good anime, or like how 90% of /k/ doesn't actually own a gun.

>> No.11602177

Fuck I don’t even like sweets and that looks delicious

>> No.11602179

A bowl full of leftover stuffing. Am trying out the no fat, no protein, all carb diet.

>> No.11602214

I made a nice beef gravy with a couple good bumps of paprika for flavor and color. I like the orange hue it gives. No picture because we ate all of it and I doubt my camera could accurately get the color right

>> No.11602220

What packet did you use? Light brown or dark brown? I like light brown gravy.

>> No.11602223

trust me bruv, put the bacon under the eggs and eat it as half/open breakfast sandwich

>> No.11602236

try the sofrita. It is delicious.

>> No.11602237

what about sodium?

>> No.11602247

/fit/ told me sodium doesn't matter if you drink water.

>> No.11602264
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I just made beer battered fish for the first time. It was pretty good. Potatoes are a little over done... oh well.

>> No.11602281
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This was a red/tomato gravy (thats what we call it in Guidostan). Though now that you mention it, I think I might consider adding paprika to something like pic related. Usually for those and darker, proper gravies the only additive I like to add is bacon fat. I don't like adding zippy flavors to those because they detract from the meaty richness

>> No.11602305

This is a blue board, I can't post cock anon

>> No.11602307
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Making schnitzel

>> No.11602313

The patrician taste

>> No.11602315

just ate a bowl of vanilla bean ice cream

>> No.11603400

tfw dind't know where the upside of that person is.

>> No.11603523
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Just finished a Zinger stacker meal

>> No.11604138

What's the thing in the right box called?

>> No.11605435

>implying I browse 4chan while enjoying a meal

>> No.11605444

Why did you kill an animal with its own consciousness just to intoxicate yourself with its cholesterol?

>> No.11605454

can of roasted peanuts.
The rest will go into my stirfry later.

>> No.11605458
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>> No.11605573

Well I'm finished eating now, but I had this (>>11605509) for lunch.

>> No.11605690
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>> No.11605741

I hate that I love hot pockets and chips

>> No.11605749

Italian Cheese Bread

>> No.11605795

I personally didn’t kill anything, although I accept the responsibilty of death pertaining to the paeticular animal I ate, as well as the animal killing industry that allowed me to purchase the animal in question. I feel no remorse and have many arguments and justifications for me to feel so. I do not need meat, do not justify my diet for any health or moral reason, do not feel the need to do so, and have no burden to do so in any logical way. I am open to discussion regarding this issue, but am expecting something short of poetry from any and all that has a problem with me eating my Schnitzel.

>> No.11605805

Justice, they were evil and deserved it.

>> No.11606090

Muh dick. I have no other excuse outside of


>> No.11606106


Because my ancestors spent a long time being apex predators

>> No.11606116
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Just a cheap tasty meal

>> No.11606139

>my primitive ancestors permitted the reptilian crocodile portion of their brain to control their behaviors so I can't personally evolve to a higher plane of existence where I reject senseless, unnecessary slaughter and torture of other conscious beings imbued with precisely the same spirit of life as me
This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.11606189

a box of cheap chocolates
a handful of green grapes
3 cigarettes
a dozen tears

>> No.11606216

This is a shill meme. Human brains have developed when we started to cook starches. This is why rice, potatoes and wheat taste so good. Nobody would eat meat if it weren't for the stupid amount of salt, spice and sugar added to it.

>> No.11606323

Laughing crying emoji

>> No.11606329
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It is what it looks like

>> No.11606332

Did you locate the coldest soup cylinder?

>> No.11606343

I'm not a vegan but I hate that those fucks always act like they've got moral high ground. What's your response/defense?

>> No.11606389

carbs with carbs with carbs

>> No.11606401
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>> No.11606412
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>> No.11606417

Spend the five minutes in the kitchen and portion out a snack plate, you uncultured fuck. Make a nice plate of cheese, meat, and crackers. Put a small dollop of your overpriced hummus on there if you really want.

Eating at your desk is one thing, but when you break out the cutting board there it's time to reevaluate your life.

>> No.11606424

Nah, I'm good

>> No.11606433

Dude you just btfo out him. Are you gonna pay for his hospital bills?

>> No.11606441

I assume he has insurance. Whether they cover him for being a whiny little bitch is another question

>> No.11606767
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was planning on making brocoli beef for supper, then was starving around 3 so got a cracker lunchable and tiny bag of chips to snack on, then was full by dinner time, then was hungry again, so i impulsively made some broken curry with everything minus the broccoli.

Could have heated the saus more and used more chili powder, but is good.

>> No.11606801

Do you have soy sauce in a spray bottle

>> No.11606812

damn straight. I get shit from everyone about it until they try it and see how effective it makes their soy sauce usage.

>> No.11607091

>meat is only good because of seasoning, nobody will eat it without
>meatless substitutes with same seasoning which are cheaper do not outsell them

>> No.11607112

Not allowed to post your mom's bootyhole on 4channel

>> No.11608312

>Nobody would eat meat if it weren't for the stupid amount of salt, spice and sugar added to it.
Have you never had a pork roast?
A nice fat lamb leg?
A gravy made up from the juice?
Fuck I know what I'm having for Christmas now

>> No.11608330

because it tastes good and i wont stop eating it

>> No.11608343

looks pretty good. haven't had Caesars in 10 years.

>> No.11608395
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What the fuck is that?

>> No.11609272

>pouring ketchup on your fries
I’m sorry for your disability

>> No.11609997
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I dont stuff my face every hour, but last 2 days was burgahs.

>> No.11610122
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Pasta with avocado sauce and ketchup.

>> No.11610154
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goat cheese and liverwurst

>> No.11610401

>A very well endowed fat dude praying
>Ohh, it's a fat woman, ugh
>She has really good balance for a cow, impressive
That's a god damn roller-coaster of an image.

>> No.11610419


>> No.11610436


lemon oreos and earl grey is great

>> No.11610493
File: 827 KB, 1080x1033, 20181213_172648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had these lil potatos and half a box of pasta. Lots of red onion and jalapeno in the sauce

>> No.11610512

I don't think he gives a fuck what you think about what he eats. I'm on about the same page as him.

>> No.11610514

you're gross

>> No.11610523

Why not just spray it on yourself

>> No.11610522

On slices of cork! Real nice, Clark.

>> No.11610529
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>> No.11610578

How fat are you?

>> No.11610618


>> No.11610631

i am eating sadness with a side of loneliness

>> No.11610693
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A cold (because I don't have a microwave) delivery lunch from earlier today, consisting of rice, black beans, stewed chicken, spaghetti, stir-fried okras and farofa. Cost me 12 reais (or about 3 dollars) and came with a small salad and some fruit juice.

Looks good, what's that?

Looking good as well.

Gotta have some more protein bro.


>> No.11610729

Left over chipotle from yesterday.

>> No.11610784

Damn bugs bunny chill with the ranch

>> No.11611036
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took me good five seconds to find

>> No.11611121

Nothing, because I'm poor and hungry. QQ

>> No.11611194

>Nobody would eat meat if it weren't for the stupid amount of salt, spice and sugar added to it.
But that's wrong, you fucking retard.

>> No.11611213
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5th and last bowl of chili with beans
I made a bit too much this morning
It tastes great but I feel like puking

>> No.11611239

are you the steak with banana slices and ketchup guy

>> No.11611254

don't puke

think of the beefy smelling pure fiber logs that will thunderously erupt from your anus

this is the gift of chili my friend

>> No.11611282

Better than fat

>> No.11611300

No it's not you retard

>> No.11611301
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>> No.11611344
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>> No.11611430

Their suffering is generally brief.
I don't feel even remotely bad about eating meat, and even if I did, my concerns would would be ecological rather than ethical.

>> No.11611441

Because I'm an omnivore so I need some meat to go with my veggies and grains

>> No.11611447


>> No.11611505

It was actually some tzatziki sauce I made. Not sure if it's any better than ranch though

>> No.11611537

4channel is all about larping like you have a hobby.

>> No.11611606
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Tan Tan Men

>> No.11611608

I didn't eat today

>> No.11611618

Based resourceful anon!

>> No.11611622

yeah i bet you love tan men you fucking homo

>> No.11611638

Are those Finn Crisps?
I had those tonight too
Were bad

>> No.11611660

Are you retarded?
100 grams of lard contains 901.1 calories.
100 grams of boiled potatoes contain only 72.
Hypocarnivorousness is what made human brains metabolically viable in the first place.

>> No.11611669

and there's no getting around the difference in energy density between plant and animal-based foods.

>> No.11611680

Looks good, anon. Recipe?

>> No.11611693

Actually, I'll admit that lard was a bad example, so let's take 100g of 72% lean ground pork. At 393 calories, it's almost five and a half times as energy-dense.

>> No.11611721

Oh holy shit, I'm gonna start doing that

>> No.11612622
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>> No.11612641
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>> No.11612708


German? You have good taste desu

>> No.11613470

Yes, I love them, but I could see how how you could dislike the sourdough taste
Yes I am, what gave it away, the keyboard?

>> No.11613480

beef liver with caramelized onions and basmati rice, they're spiced heavily with salt, pepper and young cognac.

>> No.11613494
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smoked kielbasa jerky

>> No.11613523

Fuck off joe

>> No.11613531

in olive oil pan fried violett carrot stripes with salt and paprika flakes

>> No.11613558

Elk bacon, yard eggs, murder bread and yucateco.

>> No.11613593

Having little snack at work: treat made of mixing quark and whipped cream and blueberries.
Not as "heavy" to eat as plain quark. Like fluffier quark or more dense whipped cream.

>> No.11614031
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How a about you toot my flesh flute instead, bucko.

>> No.11614634

sounds like something that cat would say.

>> No.11614637

That looks so undercooked

>> No.11614638

I just had a bowl of shredded wheat with raspberries, banana, and soy milk

>> No.11615943
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gr8 burger anon

>> No.11616012

God damn I didn't know this was a thing, sounds good as fuck.

>> No.11616232


>> No.11616254
File: 298 KB, 940x986, polloalaplancha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made pollo a la plancha w/ cuban black beans & rice after watching the binging with babby episode on it. Its tasty and straight forward, would recommend

>> No.11616271

I think you'e supposed to cook that first my dude

>> No.11617162
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French toast. With a bit more protein

>> No.11617227
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chicken strips. It's good they keep sending me junk mail because my plate is much too dirty to eat off of. Oh and I recently solved the problem of how to heat up my hot sauce without a microwave, which was pretty much the last task I had been unable to replicate.

>> No.11619037
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Thank you Mr.Ride

Rouladen with garlic roast potatoes and gravy. Had some pork hock, red cabbage and frozen veggies with it as well.

>> No.11619066
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braising some chicken rn

>> No.11619112
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>> No.11619217
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Just a few homemade fries

>> No.11619543

Rouladen isnt the prettiest dish, but oh man that shit is delicious.

>> No.11619663

>take baby carrots
>take salad mix
>dump it in a bowl
>douse it in salad dressing

I just had a "salad"

>> No.11619755

Your breadcrumbs look weird

>> No.11619781
File: 1.54 MB, 3264x1836, 20181215_185556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some kaysodillers. Seared some chicken breast that my roommate gave me and finished in the oven. Sauted bell pepper and onion before adding spice, and deglazed with lime juice, to make them tart.

>> No.11619810
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>> No.11619962

>I recently solved the problem of how to heat up my hot sauce without a microwave
The anus?

>> No.11619993

Why do you value the lives of other living things more than your own happiness?

>> No.11620024

What was your recipe. I love curry recipes.

>> No.11620051

From the Thai place in the mall just down the street. Not bad not great.

>> No.11620054
File: 1.31 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_2514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my picture.

>> No.11620084

What's that horrifying sausage looking thing?

Also the soup looks like milk disgusting.

>> No.11620106

i actually had it a couple months ago. cant recall the name, but its like a rice-egg roll shell stuffed with walmart brand shredded iceberg and carrots. no idea why its a thing.

>> No.11620122

its called a spring roll

not my favorite

>> No.11620134

spring rolls are fried and crunchy. in the image, it is neither fried nor crunchy, its rubbery. also, i think spring rolls typically have some sort of spice or additional small ingredients. that shit those thai joints spit out have nothing except iceberg and bland chopped carrots. i felt ashamed biting into one

>> No.11620175
File: 3.52 MB, 4032x3024, 20181215_193841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tacos niggq

>> No.11620195

Vietnamese spring rolls are usually not fried, or crunchy. They look similar to pic above except those have a disturbing stuffed condom look about them

>> No.11621187

Looks like a rice paper roll; sometimes called summer rolls.

>> No.11621199

How much high fat dressing do you have on that thing? Wasting all your carbs in one go on a salad, shameful.

>> No.11621211

based and fitpilled

>> No.11621230
File: 65 KB, 600x600, large_70b1d24b-ee14-4b0f-b3a6-dffa0016f3fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fight me.

>> No.11621237

Stop. You know what you did.

>> No.11621302

Is that you DinoTendies?

>> No.11621399

I used to eat those when i worked in retail, everytime i did some black persons would come up to me and start talking about them.

>> No.11621422

waste of trips

>> No.11621434

i can taste that from here good job anon

>> No.11622180

samefag lel

>> No.11622203
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underrate poast

>> No.11622409
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>> No.11623558

I also recommend balsamic vinegar in a spray bottle for your fish and chips

>> No.11623604

this, took me a long time to realize they were upside-down

>> No.11624338


>> No.11624435
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>> No.11624467

whats that pale lump on your plate

>> No.11624499

That looks good!. Would eat 10/10.

>> No.11624510

i just made a pb&j but instead of peanut butter i used vegemite and instead of jam i used tomato sauce. it was alright.

>> No.11624552

"Not eating or drinking anything"™

>> No.11624646

I needs it bruh

>> No.11624678
File: 564 KB, 640x847, 8DAAE7FB-D270-4CBA-A366-399FC305F8F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I have insane cravings for raw eggs and meat. I haven’t gotten sick from it yet, so I’m not stopping.

>> No.11624689

Just get your wife to make it, I mean, that's how I got mine anyway.

>> No.11624694

A salad of red leaf lettuce, crumbled goat cheese & roasted sunflower seeds with EVOO (and S&P of course).

>> No.11624781

Nah I'll just get your wife to make it next time she comes over.

>> No.11624795

magine youad crewtons

>> No.11624813
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>> No.11624988

No, it's not, retard

>> No.11625187

Jesus christ clean the fuck up and the chicken pieces are way too thick for a quesadilla

>> No.11625251

I wish Halo Top didn't make me feel like my stomach was going to explode.

>> No.11625580
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>> No.11625585

identified a genuine boomer

>> No.11625591

>private selection
>roasted chickpeas
>mellow roasted garlic
marketers are the true tryhards of the world

>> No.11625596

how hard did you shit afterwards

>> No.11625612

make sure that's actual food-grade plastic, anon

>> No.11625614

>butter lettuce

>> No.11625694

Leberwurscht gibt's ned überall auf der Welt Kumpel

>> No.11625718
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>> No.11625740

bread looks undercooked as fuck but otherwise pretty tasty

>> No.11627206

You know you don't have to eat it all I'm one sitting right?

>> No.11627249

pork chop. i think i finally got them down.

oven to 400
get them wet, dry off some with towel.
shake n bake.
put a good amount of salt n pepper on both sides.
30 minutes

>> No.11627635
File: 695 KB, 2016x1512, 20181214_203507-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roast pork

>> No.11627645

So are carniovores all immoral to you?

>> No.11627679

Don't you dare touch my cheese waifu

>> No.11627729
File: 77 KB, 1025x612, sausagepasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pasta, smoked sausage, mushrooms, tomatoes and onions in beef stock with oregano and Worcestershire sauce.

>> No.11627887


think you might be turning into a zombie my man

>> No.11628573

It's clearly mug anon normie, are you even zooming in on every picture for clues?

>> No.11628583

Fucking Sv3rige drones.

>> No.11628586

maybe replace that plastic tup with bacon and toaste the bread and hell throw a sliced half or 1/3 of a tomato and you could be closer to a human being

>> No.11628589

in fact ditch all of those cubic items near to bottom of your plate, i'd toaste that bread and replace that tub with some bacon i boiled and strained and eat that with that cucumber pickle thing and maybe an izze

>> No.11628649

ok but maybe 1/2 portion on the ice cream
you're solid
certainly interesting
hardcore vegan
toast the bread, replace the tub with boiled and strained bacon, take out all those square bits on the bottom or maybe just keep one
fair meal id easy take a bite of that fish and the lemon and that tartar salad thing and u got ketchup on your potatoes you're a real home meal
godawful breadcrumbps, no mayoketchup, no lemon wedge, you're like the anti-christ of schnitzel
ur alright but id do the sandwich without those snackbites and be a 10
ur carbing hard af but i am not one to judge, its solid food especially if u cooked it yourself, wouldnt eat this everyday tho
penne with ragu, add some parm and ur good
some serious falvor with that sharp cheddar
i think ur got an excellent idea and ur doing the budget version i can definitely respect this attempt and its something u can play around with the products you choose depending on how much cash you got so thats fun too
id eat the right half
this looks like that disgusting thick syrupy sweet terribly gravy stuff they put on steaks this is one of the worst contenders, and u got no sesame, this food is braindead, try to learn terriyaki
ur v good
heart-attack and ur food just looks mad soggy outside of the proportions
smart choice
another fair ragu penne item
sickening soggy at least make the bread toasted for christ sake, at edible id cut the meat in half horizanatally and maybe open face it? hard to save this one
looks heckin strange
its too heavy and ur eating more and more yeah im pukin too
someones dining out!
actually better than 90% of these posts and mad simple

>> No.11628658

this shit'd kill me
this looks terrible but i favor it might taste alright with some mayoketchup and maybe a lemon wedge
egg? if its a normal fench toaste im game
cant eat the stuff
get a pickle
its ok
a dining out solid if at home 11/10
its alright
nothing wrong with an empanada
cooking god
ur a strange one
grease grease grease so much grease in this thread my god
id take a bite

>> No.11628706

Disgusting garbage carb

>> No.11629134

hopefully you aren't getting them from a grocery store

>> No.11629259
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beef stew

>> No.11629476
File: 1020 KB, 1935x2584, 20181217_221120-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made this
Some millet
Red peppers, onions, and portobello
Salmon seasoned with salt, pepper, lemon curd, and spicy mustard.

Burnt the veg a tad, but i like it that way desu.