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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 111 KB, 1068x601, livekindly_orangutan_palm_oil-1068x601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11599380 No.11599380 [Reply] [Original]

>Norway Becomes First Country to Ban All Palm Oil Based Biofuel to Protect Rainforest

Why is Norway so based?

>> No.11599384

lol there's no rainforest in Norway
fake news

>> No.11599389
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Imagine being this retarded

>> No.11599391
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>> No.11599393

The problem with this post is that it might actually be serious.
We have a lot of weebs and Americans on this board for some reason.

>> No.11599395

>fake news
Are all trump peons this retarded?

>> No.11599396
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fucking based

>> No.11599399

I fucking hate how palm oil is in basically everything now, at least in Europe. Want to pick up some cereal snacks (pretzels, cheese snaps, heck even bog-standard caraway crisps) and it's all palm oil. No sunflower, no canola, not even fucking soybean oil. It's all made with palm oil.

>> No.11599410

Don't buy that shit. It's cheap because it's basically slave labor and unregulated. The industry workers and companies harvesting should be shot on sight.

>> No.11599415

What happens if you put palm on your palms?

>> No.11599481

I know it's basically slave labor, the companies making it have chinkaboo tier health & safety (and salaries) for the poor fuckers actually doing the manual work.

>> No.11599486


Based and Woodpilled

>> No.11599498

based retard

>> No.11599522


>> No.11599542

What's wrong with palm tree oil?

>> No.11599551
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generally, yes

>> No.11599558
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>Norwegian government renewable energy policy
>/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.11599559

so since the left can't meme, they just steal other's memes for their own? lol. It's all too easy.

>> No.11599563

>palm oil
>mostly used in food and transport (which is primarily used for animal agriculture
I can't imagine being unable to draw simple conclusions. You must work at subway.

>> No.11599566

Except fake news is real,

News outlets cherrypick news stories that will elicit a strong emotional reaction, to generate ad revenue. They don't care at all about social responsibility, nor how many riots, murders, or how much civil unrest they cause.

>> No.11599575

No shit sherlock. What trumpfags never admit is that the right wing media does it just as much, since they cant handle the cognitive dissonance

>> No.11599577
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>You must work at subway.
Actually, I'm unemployed.
Nothing personnel, kid...

>> No.11599578
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>Except fake news is real

but if it's fake, how can it be real

>> No.11599581


>> No.11599582

>News outlets cherrypick news stories that will elicit a strong emotional reaction, to generate ad revenue.

>News outlets cherrypick news stories that will elicit a strong emotional reaction, to stimulate voters to act in the political sphere according to the interests of the owners of the media outlet.

>> No.11599587

They needed a cheap replacement for high melting temperature oils after partially hydrogenating vegetable oil turned out to be killing people. There's only a couple options. Fully hydrogenated vegetable oil works but it has hydrogenated in the name, which is a marketing problem ... so they went for palm oil instead.

Shea butter would be a better alternative health wise, although if that was used on a large scale I'm sure the green faggots would whine about that too.

>Don't buy that shit. It's cheap because it's basically slave labor and unregulated.

When you buy something with palm oil they get money in pocket, when you are being holier than though they get fuck all.

>> No.11599589

I’m Norwegian and I like to use palm oil as a lubricant while prepping my daughters bull

>> No.11599592

Take the tallowpill/lardpill, lads

>> No.11599593

Overpopulated foreign countries desperate for currency are chopping down their forests to grow it.

Greens would rather they starve for a while and then invade the western world.

>> No.11599595

Good point. Let’s starve those niggers out

>> No.11599614

They can't use lard in common supermarket goods in the west, too many muslims and jews would make a fuss. The jews especially have a lot of power inside the companies.

That leaves tallow, but tallow and palm oil prices mostly track each other ... and with palm oil they can still sell to vegans/vegetarians.

>> No.11599623

>make circumcision illegal
>introduce mandatory lard
>solve the racial problem AND create state-enforced delicious treats
Sounds like a pretty good deal to me

>> No.11599659
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>thinking owners of the outlet don't have both major sides of the sphere covered

>> No.11599698
File: 79 KB, 960x925, american media consolidation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I imply anywhere that the different media outlets aren't owned by the same people?

>> No.11601702


>> No.11602398

palm oil is complete trash

>> No.11604350

Norway is not Sweden

>> No.11604373

This is a completely pointless gesture that probably won't get palm oil out of Norway. Junglechinks on the other side of the world will just lie about where it comes from, they don't give a fuck. Then liberals in Norway will make a bunch of shocking documentaries about the TRUTH behind their new cruelty-free palm oil even though the rest of the world will continue to be aware of it.

>> No.11604396

Going global with something pointless like this just to be the "first" to do it shows that you're insecure as a nation

>> No.11604423

/ck/ - Biofuels & Ecology