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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11599058 No.11599058 [Reply] [Original]

I think I tried to make too much chili.. :/

>> No.11599061

Looks watery. Keep boiling to reduce sauce

>> No.11599070

Boil gently unless you want chili all over your walls and face

>> No.11599071

Did you forget to drain the canned beans?

>> No.11599074

You’re allowed to put some in a smaller pot and cook it separately...

>> No.11599075
File: 94 KB, 600x541, 4ECC0B86-A7D3-4BFF-BBF1-A1EE97AEFED1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Separate into two pots.
Also, inb4 masses of autists spergout over using beans.

>> No.11599085
File: 48 KB, 366x334, IMG_5124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks hearty!

>> No.11599086

1. looks too watery desu senpai
2. don't put beans in chili, clearly you can afford meat
3. make sure it's spicy hot

>> No.11599087

It will reduce. Still, use a bigger pot next time you fucking retard.

>> No.11599091

Stinky idiot, you can have beans AND meat in chili, and I recommend that you do, they're both good.

>> No.11599092

It's ok, but next time the onions should be more cooked before you add the beans :)

>> No.11599107
File: 63 KB, 720x480, (G_P) Votoms (Remastered) 32(x264)(DED9985C).mkv_snapshot_01.43_[2016.09.12_21.43.33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have only one pot :( The sauce keeps spilling over onto the range and making my smoke alarm go off

Thank you for the advice anon! I cooked them until they were transparent and almost mushy

>> No.11599118

You could transfer some to a bowl, slowly simmer down what's in the pot (low heat so it doesn't splatter) and then add what's in the bowl back to the pot.

>> No.11599126

Scoop out some liquid then and gradually add it back as your chili reduces

>> No.11599128
File: 3.86 MB, 240x266, C0E67CF3-F24F-4D89-8E83-7AA13537486D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only have one pot

>> No.11599150
File: 180 KB, 864x1152, IMG_20181211_020047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did something similar: scooped a bunch of mean and beans into a bow; and waited until I dished up my bowl. Then I put the stuff back in and let it simmer for a good while longer. Thanks for the advice! The beans are a little undercooked but otherwise it is fantastic <3 I couldnt have done it without you ck

I recently made a big move and was only able to save a few kitchen essentials..

>> No.11599161
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>I only have one pot :(

>> No.11599162

Piss off, weeb.

>> No.11599170
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Eat my dick, alt-righter.

>> No.11599172

It appears your pot is the exact size required for the recipe.

>> No.11599174
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>> No.11599178

nigga you a retard.

>> No.11599180

Reminder canned beans are shit fresh beans the shit shitter

>> No.11599194
File: 442 KB, 1462x2046, 1543038281247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme arrows

>> No.11599211

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11599219
File: 4 KB, 220x229, 1538795643279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11599224

what's wrong with beans in chili? they're tasty and they fit well

>> No.11599336

Looks like a watery flavourless mess. Youre a disappointment

>> No.11599360

chili tastes just fine with tomato paste, spices, and beans only. no need to get fancy.

>> No.11599377

i had a roommate once who asked to use my slow cooker so he could make chili. he's vegan and very lax with general "rules" of cooking, so it had at least 3 different kinds of canned beans, mushrooms, onions, tofu, corn, peppers, and tomatoes (not to mention all the weird ass spices he used). it overflowed the crockpot and the whole apartment stunk for days

>> No.11599381

so what?

>> No.11599382

Bet it smelled better than the vegan though, amirite haha fucking hippies

>> No.11599597

Looks like a slop o shit

>> No.11599721

I would have added two handfuls of salt

>> No.11599839




>> No.11600479

It’s gonna cook for four more hours...

>> No.11601499

Kek. This is why you check the volume first. Couple of things. Yeah, that shit is far too watery, so put it on a low boil until it reduces. Also, you can separate some of it out into a second pot - look for about 2cm or an 1inch at the top.

Chili vs. Chili con lento. One is correct, both are good if you make them well. Just don't be a gourmet retard and put chickpeas or other weird shit in it.

>> No.11601518

Don't do this. Simmering that high, tomato bursts when it surfaces and it will make my stove messy

>> No.11601560

How do you chili without dem beans?

>> No.11601567


>> No.11601596

You accidentally posted a pic of beefy bean soup instead of chili. It looks tasty enough though. It would probably go well with some pasta or rice.

>> No.11601616

>I have only one pot :(
That was obvious from the poverty tier beans. Chili con carne doesnt have beans, if it did it would be called carne con frijoles.

>> No.11601666

>con comino
>con agua
>con cebolla
>con ajo

>> No.11601688

The oldest record of chili being served in Texas mentions beans...

>> No.11601696

>The oldest record of chili being served in Texas mentions beans...
It was referring to the south-of-the-border servers.