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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11597316 No.11597316 [Reply] [Original]

New to cooking, how does /ck/ steak?

>hot pan
>add olive oil
>steak in, shake pan a little
>flip after a couple mins
>rosemary sprigs
>crush garlic for flavor

Pic related for med rare - any tweaks or improvements? I’m enjoying this so far

>> No.11597341

Forgot before all that:
>season with salt and pepper

>> No.11597350 [DELETED] 

Troll line
Everyone posting below this ^^ line is trolled or trolling

>> No.11597360

yeah peel your fuckin garlic

>> No.11597521

Get rid of the garlic peel
Your sear looks weak, either dry your steak with paper towels beforehand or use less oil in the pan or get the pan hotter and let it get crustier

>> No.11597533
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>Cooking steak in oil

>> No.11599023

>cast iron skillet (holds heat the best)
>little vegetable oil
>Pat the steak to rid of any exterior moisture, season salt pepper
>lay steak down in hot skillet and let it sit on one side for several minutes
people who constantly move it or flip it do that because they're not confident and don't know how long it takes for it sear fully through
>flip over and let it sit for a minute or 2 to sear other side
>add two knobs of butter
>add peeled/crushed garlic, thyme, rosemary or whatever of the three you prefer.
>lower heat a tad to bring to temperature, baste
>when medium rare take out and let it rest for 5~10 minutes before serving

Literally perfect steak

>> No.11599029

All red meat should mostly be grilled in the fat of the same animal. prove me wrong

>> No.11599031

>Rest 5~10 min
Enjoy your cold steak anon

>> No.11599033


Don't use olive oil

>> No.11599034


>> No.11599036

Really just very poor quality sear OP. Terrible effort.

>> No.11599040
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>No catsup

>> No.11599057

>pat dry
>trim all fat
>into toaster oven on bake til brown through and through

>> No.11599357

Use ghee/clarified butter instead of oil.

>> No.11599373
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Rare for me.
Maybe a little more done if I’m having it for breakfast at the weekend.

>> No.11599715

Yeah I did say I was new to cooking

Thank you anon, this is what I was going for

>> No.11599771

Why do zoomers focus on shitty garnish that shouldn't be there in the first place and taking pictures instead of learning to make edible food

>> No.11599778

Why are so many of you using such low smoke point oil? If you’re using olive oil your house would be full of smoke before the pan was ever even hot enough. Get grape seed oil and turn your burner up higher.

>> No.11599783

just trim some fat off the steak and use that. why pay for more oil if it isn't going to add more flavor like butter

>> No.11600015

Has anyone tried unflavored coconut oil to cook steak with? Does it work?
I'll add butter too of course.

>> No.11600034

Get your pan hotter, use a higher smoke point oil, take your meat out and salt it ~30-60 minutes prior to cooking depending upon thickness, peel your garlic, and don't garnish with burned rosemary. You'll end up with a better crust, thinner gradient between crust/doneness, and a better look on the plate. And it wouldn't hurt to tip that bad boy on it's side and sear that fat for 15-20 seconds.

>> No.11600084

I just don't understand using oil to cook a steak. I use butter at the end, but I put the steak in a dry and very hot pan. You get a better, faster, more thorough sear that way.
When the steak is ready to flip, I'll lift it and drop a pat of butter in, swish it around the pan for a second and then flip my steak, adding garlic or herbs when you drop in the butter, and spooning the butter over the steak at the end with one little drop of lemon juice.

>> No.11600129

You are a retard

>> No.11600455

He's right though except for the butter which would instantly burn if not gee.

>> No.11600480

Is there such thing as flavored coconut oil?

>> No.11600501

useful tipps have been given itt. Just adding mine

- don't use olive oil (smokes a lot, not suited for searing, use rape oil or butter lard)
- never add pepper before frying the streak, better burns - always add pepper AFTER the cooking

>> No.11600505

Butter doesn't burn if you baste properly
ie. foamy.
Work in a kitchen.

>> No.11600507

I think he's referring to the coconut taste in coconut oil.

>> No.11600617

Depends on the quality of the steak.
If it's a cheap cut then I'll just cook it in the pan.
Salt and pepper and a lot of butter

If it's a nice cut then I usually go for a reverse sear

>> No.11600627
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Enjoy your cancer & inevitable chemotherapy, carnis.

>> No.11600791

truly, how did human beings ever survive and evolve past the stone age without adopting effeminate and faggy modern day hipster diets

>> No.11600802

usually in restaurants you rest for 8 min ( depending on size) then finish in the oven to get back up to serving temp

>> No.11600849

>have seasoned cast iron
>turn up to medium high heat to sear steak
>remove from heat
>pour in local arbequina olive oil and a bit if butter and thinly sliced garlic
>baste with residual heat and use branch of rosemary as a brush
>remove steak n garlic
>return pan to heat
>saute onions and shrooms
>sprinkle of flour
>deglaze with the wine if the evening (petite syrah for me usually)

Walla walla

>> No.11600967

I put mine on a George Foreman grill for 30 minutes, gets nice and chewy, serve it with a side of special sauce (ketchup, mayo, Tabasco) and a nice tall glass of warm milk.