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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 900x600, 0000923_beef-ribeye-steak-15-oz[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11597303 No.11597303 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys eat the fat on your steak? My parents will chew on the gristle for the whole meal. I'm disgusted by it, and always cut it off, and they say I'm being wasteful. Who is at fault here?

>> No.11597308

I’m vegan

>> No.11597309

pls post pics of mom

>> No.11597324

I'm gay btw not sure if that matters

>> No.11597326

I'll cut off the 1/2 inch thick ring of fat that typically surrounds the outside, but there's no shame or harm in biting down on the thinner pieces with a mouthful of both lean meat and fat. Fat is where the steak gets its texture from and plenty of its flavour too.

>> No.11597328

Nobody asked.
Nobody asked.
When I google her name, her picture is the entire first page of google images, so no, I will not show her to you.

>> No.11597329

I think the fat is the best part.

>> No.11597348

I'm a gay vegan

>> No.11597357

Me too!

>> No.11597363

Your parents for raising such a weakling.

>> No.11597366 [DELETED] 


>> No.11597376

Yeah I eat it.

>>chew on gristle
gristle is not fat. fat is tender. gristle is chewy. If your steak contains gristle you bought a shitty "steak".

>> No.11597487

Fat isn't tender, it's squishy but it's chewy like bubblegum. Meat-flavored bubblegum, no thanks.

>> No.11597501

based huh poster

>> No.11597567

Of course you eat the fat, it's the best part. Now stop being a faggot.

>> No.11597596

You're retarded. Chewy beef fat means you're munching on connective tissue. Warmed beef fat should come apart in your mouth, even if you didn't have teeth. Even a cold tub of tallow isn't chewy.

>> No.11597621

Everything you just said was disgusting. I bet you eat raw tomatoes too, sicko.

>> No.11597794

this >>11597363
Steak fat is fucking great.

>> No.11597802

Hey retards, you're cooking your fat to different levels

>> No.11597835

>, it's squishy but it's chewy like bubblegum.
That's not fat.
That's connective tissue aka gristle you dumb fucktard.

Even raw uncooked fat is soft, anon.

>> No.11597842

Upvoted :^)

>> No.11597860

You're supposed to sear the fat until it becomes buttery soft and eat it anon, not chew it like a neanderthal.

>> No.11597883

We wouldn't have known if you hadn't told us, and told us, and told us, and told us, and told us, and told us, and told us, and told us, and told us, and told us, and told us, and told us.

>> No.11598040

same as this anon. i'm trying to get better about eating more of the fat. i used to hate it and almost vomit when biting into the fat (texture problem) but then i think of how wasteful i'm being

>> No.11598043

You have to go back.

>> No.11598046

Yeah i generally eat the meat first, then eat the fat after ive eaten my sides or whatever else i had with it. It satisfies a certain primal urge to consume the life giving jello that is fat.
Also it reminds me of camping with my dad. Good times

>> No.11598203

> Who is at fault here?
Depends, either your parents can't cook steak for shit, or you are a fucking baby.
Go eat a properly cooked steak to compare; if you still can't stand it, it's your fault.

>> No.11598240

The fat is nasty. It's not even chewable, you have to swallow it whole. Feed it to an animal.

>> No.11598249

My parents do this too, old people are gross.
Let me guess, they have enough money but they still buy shitty cuts of meat anyway. They are very much "clean-the-plate" people and discarding that fat would be almost sinful. Their parents probably remember the depression, this is a leaned behavior that is near impossible to break.

>> No.11598373

no, i hate the texture of fat and eat lean cuts on purpose to avoid as much of it as possible

>> No.11598588
File: 28 KB, 714x500, autism-speaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>texture problem

>> No.11598661
File: 48 KB, 634x461, zerocarbqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being fat adapted
This is why zoygoys exist in the first place. You need generations of pro-carb anti-fat propaganda firmly ingrained in order to make people stupid and brainwashed enough to avoid such highly nutritious and essential fuel. Good luck surviving without your (((factory foods))) if you're averse to fat. When food distribution breaks down it all reverts back to carnivory and cannibalism right quick. Fat becomes more valuable than gold or diamonds when you're a ravenous mammalian apex predator. There's a great article called Guts and Grease featuring Weston A. Price that helps put into perspective how highly prioritized fat was for most of human history.
>corn eating tribes in the south had fucked up sacrifice cults, weak bones, shitty teeth, and died early
>carnivore tribes in the north ran down and killed large mammals with their bear hands, with perfect health, teeth, and physique, living in relative harmony
Even the corn eaters used to lime soak in order to derive a little more than just sugar out of it, unlike today. Public health is worse than it's ever been in human history. Mental and physical. This plant-based generation will have very few centenarians thanks to the successful plant based dieting and greater depopulation agenda at play. The more you know...

>> No.11598670

i love it. it's my favorite.

>> No.11598773

>greater depopulation agenda

>> No.11598790
File: 5 KB, 190x250, 1543811002764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This plant-based generation will have very few centenarians
what an absolute shame

>> No.11598807

>Public health is worse than it's ever been in human history. Mental and physical.
It's worse today then it was in hunter-gatherer times, but not worse then agricultural times. Yeah people are fat and get cancer, but at least half the population isn't dying of viral diseases anymore.

>> No.11598835
File: 50 KB, 700x700, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11598897

Go die between a lions teeth like the prey you are

>> No.11598900

Not only matters, It explains everything

>> No.11598943

I eat the fat on all meat. Tasty.

>> No.11598945

kys yourself

>> No.11598950

yeah a lot of boomers were raised by parents who had lived through the great depression so they have really weird eating habits because of that and act like you committed murder if you don't finish your plate. Old habits die hard unfortunately.

>> No.11598951

Piss off, weeb.

>> No.11598952

Eat my dick, /pol/tard

>> No.11600531

Jokes on you, my steak doesn't have visible fat, eye of round master race reporting in.

I don't have any issue with fat though, especially pork, but i prefer my steak lean.

>> No.11600571

Gristle and fat are two different things.

>> No.11600577

>Eat my dick
is it chewy or will it melt in my mouth?

>> No.11600591

Are your parents from the stone age?

>> No.11600616

The ideal bite of steak is like 85% meat and 15% fat, so if there's a big hunk of fat I'll bite off pieces of it along with the meat to achieve that ratio

>> No.11600680

>the fat is the best part
>he actually likes chewing gummy meat
the marbled fat is what matters, you need some meat in there to get proper umami

>> No.11600709

If your parents are buying and cooking the steak for you then you should eat it how they do and not waste the fat even if you don't like it.
Wanna be picky? Buy and cook your own food, then you can waste whatever you want.

>> No.11600757

I suck off gay vegans. I'm straight though. I'm only into straight guys.

>> No.11601777

I cut it all off before cooking. Less flare ups on the grill, and I can render the fat out in a pan to use in other recipes.

>> No.11602404
