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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11596401 No.11596401[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Ill have my steak medium rare please

>> No.11596404

good thread bro

>> No.11596405
File: 43 KB, 240x240, D93A9259-6A83-4765-BE4A-9802570D7351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not medium well
It’s like this place is surrounded by faggots

>> No.11596416

how do none bug/soy/whatever males eat steak? Is it supposed to be rare or well?

>> No.11596445

why is the soyboy meme being affiliated with steaks now?
I thought soyboys were supposed to be vegans.

>> No.11596466

>wasting filet on anything > medium
If you want well done meat there are cheaper cuts

>> No.11596471
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Soyboys try to recapture any fleeting sense of masculinity by meat [almost] raw.
The irony is that worrying about how people perceive a steak is the ultimate beta move

>> No.11596493

I thought soyboys were “soy”boys because they prefer soy alternatives? Now they eat meat to preserve their masculinity? This just doesn’t add up anon..

>> No.11596648

I think medium to medium rare is probably the best way to eat a stake. I think rare and well done are memes, but this is literally how most reasonable people take their steaks. I don't think there's anything soy about it desu

>> No.11596657

soy is just code for someone I don't like.

>> No.11596669

You're a disgusting person

>> No.11596672

what's wrong with enjoying a medium rare steak?

>> No.11596720

>what even are cuts of beef

Does anyone just blindly order every steak cooked the exact same way.

>> No.11596729

his puny teeth cant chew it

>> No.11596731

Medium steak is the ideal steak, prove me wrong.

>> No.11596737
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>> No.11596757

You're right Mr. Rogers, I'm sorry. But I'm still never going to have a well-done steak, you have to draw the line somewhere.

>> No.11596775
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I like my steak bloody because it's delicious

>> No.11596777

The problem with me is raw has that sashimi flavor but outside a grade steak it’s too chewy. Now it seems people are going mock me for it as well

>> No.11596839

I always order rare just so I can ensure it wont be overcooked

>> No.11596850

faggot ass frog

>> No.11596855

>expecting to solve 4chan bickering with Mr. Rogers platitudes
we come here to get angry with people for not being like us

>> No.11596859
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Well done with ketchup keeps you from going bald.

>> No.11596870

Maybe you are not angry at them but that person would chose contrary to your taste. It takes all kinds anon, team work makes the dream work.

>> No.11596885

This. It no longer has meaning. It's just used as an "end all" argument that basically translates to "I have no argument, I'm just going to shitpost."

>> No.11596891

Imagine unironically shilling for well done steaks because you idolize an obese, orange Illuminati puppet in the WH

>> No.11596919

Well done steak being bad is an implicit acknowledgement that beef is a poor meat for cooking.

>> No.11596966

soyboy is state of mind not a diet