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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 160 KB, 1200x800, IMG_9238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11592982 No.11592982 [Reply] [Original]

Real talk though, has this nigga ate something that he didn't like? He eats noodles and has an epiphany shit is nuts.

>> No.11592988

real talk: nobody fucking cares about your shitty e celeb. who watches other people eat? that's fucking stupid.

>> No.11592989


>> No.11592998

Because he does his research and goes to good places.
Also, he needs to keep people intrigued and entertained. Of course hes going to big up whatever he eats. Either way he drops hints to his favorite spots and foods all the time.

>> No.11593063

wish i could find rice noodles like that on amazong

>> No.11593074

Puny eyes, flat nose, red face

That is a hun

>> No.11593091

Quit writing like a nigger. It makes you seem dumb as fuck, and nobody will give a shit about anything you write.

>> No.11593107

Shut up bitch

>> No.11593118

Booty blasted

>> No.11593160


>> No.11593409

lmfaoooooo bruh on some real shit straight MAD

y tf u think anyone give a shit wat ur lil cuckBOI azz say dawg? NOBODY fuk wit u

kys nigga on some realness b kys

>> No.11593464

Go shoot up a school timmy

>> No.11593492

A shiggidy biggidy figgidy dabbidy dizzabbity doo to you as well my african american friend

>> No.11593509

haha what a stupid nigga

>> No.11593583

Quality content in this thread.

>> No.11594240

He always says whether he likes or doesn't like something. There's been lots of occasions when he's said "Yeah not my favorite," or "Not a fan of this," or something along those lines. One of the only Asian food Youtubers who will actually straight up tell you if he doesn't like something.

>> No.11594254

hello I am Mikey Chen and today we are going to take down the Chinese government

>> No.11594580


>> No.11595018

In primo posto veritas. I wish youtubers were banned from /ck/. Nothing good ever comes from them.

>> No.11595149

Pussy, he's obviously gay.

>> No.11596049

Those noodles look fucking delish.

>> No.11596205

He is power bottom

>> No.11597143

yeah, he eats stuff he has not liked.

>> No.11597155

He has, he will be blunt about it and say he doesn't like it or he's "not a fan of it" and then moves on to something he does like.

>> No.11597771
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, hq720[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mmmmmm ahhh, man, this here, ah man mmmmm
>*obnoxious chink music intensifies*
>this im telling you, ah oh man
>you need this, the spices, the delicous yummy flavour of that complex sauce combined with the succulent juice yummy,
>tah oh maaan, this
>toothy complexity, deliciy goodness
>"i wonder if i take some of this and combine in with some of that"
>*becomes silent, obnoxious chink music intensifies again*
>im in heaven

There, i spared you hours of your lives and you will never need to watch any of mikey chink's videos

>> No.11597780

this is a terrible summary
>not shpicy

>> No.11597808

I've seen him be underwhelmed plenty of times, but I don't recall that he's ever really shit on anything too hard. The man is just too upbeat to really be a harsh critic. Also, he definitely knows what he likes and doesn't seem to stray too far beyond that. No matter where he is he's after that particular country's signature: noodles/soups, dumplings, street/fast/convenience foods, and desserts.

>> No.11597822

also no...
>let's get some of that dippin' shauce on this puppy
>the perfect marriage

>> No.11597823

based and chenpilled

>> No.11597827
File: 19 KB, 286x256, Oqoblll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a "airplane food review" episode
>you can actually see people in the background wondering what the fuck he's doing

>> No.11597834

mike gives no fucks, i wish i had even 5% of his attitude towards life. i care too much about what people think of me like most of us do, in reality youll never see those people again who gives a shit, fuck people, fuck niggers and fuck those who would think less of us for being our true selves

>> No.11597843

Hey if I have to spend 8-10 hours in a stuffy metal tube full of screaming infants and armchair evangelists I'd at least like to know which tube has the best food. I applaud the man's efforts.

>> No.11597844

it was pretty awkward when he was sat next to some dude when i couldn't afford to splurge on business class. Also loved how he had to move to some old ass house in bumfuck nowhere because he couldn't afford his NY lifestyle anymore, and when i made a video, trying to be all positive and upbeat, but failing miserably, when showing off his "new crib"

>> No.11597853

who are you and why do we care

>> No.11597876

why the fuck did all my "he" become "i"

>> No.11599041

I love the parts when the Japanese citizens give him death glares. If you're an American they don't like you but HOLY SHIT do they hate chinks. They want him fucking dead.

Also, try and see if you can find all the points in his videos when one of those nationalist loud speaker vans rolls by. He tries to edit them out but parts get through.

>> No.11599390

Ive heard him say this quite a few times. The thing with him though is that he always tries to keep a positive attitude throughout his videos so hes not gonna overreact and be all "EWWW!! YUCK! GROSS!!!"

>> No.11599709

I like watching girls eat because it makes my pp hard

>> No.11601642

fpbp, idol shit been killing /jp/ and cancerous on /v/ there was never this many before on /ck/ but its been growing they need to be shoved in their own board.

>> No.11601685

That one time he tried all the instant noodles he hated maruchan

>> No.11602169

>dippen sauce
You mean mothafuckin HOT OIL?

>> No.11602186

>Real talk though, has this nigga ate something that he didn't like?

Probably, and he probably just didn't upload that video

>> No.11602331

fuck off racist

>> No.11602334

hot oil is based, been putting it on tons of shit since i started watching /ourguy/ mikey

>> No.11602349

I made it a couple times off his more recent recipe, it's amazing.

>> No.11602359

based and oilpilled

he is trying to make his own for sale, will be buying it just for making me aware that it existed, i had no idea and its just amazing and so simple. on /deenz/ its like wow what the fuck have i been doing with my life, put that shit into ramen, anything bro its just so fuckin good

>> No.11602361

im white from the midwest btw

>> No.11602372

>has this nigga ate something that he didn't like?

Yeah, that bitch-ass hates broccoli.

>> No.11603730

You mean the people that took over most of Asia?

>> No.11603737

ayo real talk nigga ooga booga bix nood muhfugga, kys mutt

>> No.11603758

that actually looks delicious