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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11588351 No.11588351 [Reply] [Original]

worked two food service jobs. spitting in an annoying customers food/drink is regular. If not spit, either scrapings from bottom of shoes, licking utensils, or touching ingredients deliberately on filthy surfaces. Both places I worked were night and day, one was in a poor white/black trash mcdonalds, the other was a gated community restaraunt. If youre annoying, rude, dont know what you want and take a long time to order, have ridiculous requests, and above all order way too much food (food for yourself, your brother, his father in law and his next of kin) then youve almost certainly got spit all over what you ate.

>> No.11588352

imagine Guy taking you hostage back to his van and then going to flavortown on my asshole haha

>> No.11588557

Kys hissss.

>> No.11588559

People like you are always caught eventually. You'll serve your time, negroid.

>> No.11589546

*pulls up to speaker* yeah i need a minute

>> No.11589550

>above all order way too much food
this is the one I don't get. If you worked food service, large orders mean a bigger tip/

>> No.11589607

youd think, but most people just plop down like 3-7 dollars regardless of order size, they usually only pay percentages when they are offered at the POS.
At fast food it REALLY fucking sucks, especially if its the drivethru because it holds up the entire line and we get complaints. In drive, the timers literally have to be under 180 seconds since they pull up to the speaker or else corporate gets pissy and people complain

>> No.11589611

Flip the burgers faster you stupid fucking nigger

>> No.11589624

you miss the point. The crew literally cant go any faster, even when corporate is LITTERALLY breathing over peoples necks with clipboards. The speed of a restaraunt is 100 percent dependent on the speed of the customers.

>> No.11589630

well idk if my orders are big, i'm fat so I get a lot of food but I only order for myself. But I always know what I want before I get in line and i'll stand in the back thinking for like 5-10 minutes if I have to. I also don't use the drive thru.

>> No.11591647

ive worked in food for 8 years, and couldn't imagine spitting in food and have never seen it -

>> No.11591667

Lord knows everyone who work in service wants to do this from time to time, but no one actually does this because you would get in so much shit if someone caught you, either from your employer or the customer itself. Termination would be the least of your problems.

>> No.11591692

yeah idk if this is an ameritard thing, but if I even attempted that here in canada, even for a shitty customer i'd be fired instantly and everyone would think I was a fucking asshole.

>> No.11591723

That's hot.

>> No.11591754

Worked in food service 21 years, and I can tell you OP is a faggot and a liar.

>> No.11591762

people who work in food are the most entitled mother fuckers on the planet


>> No.11591818

Why? Why would you respond to perceived slights by fucking with someone's food? Is it because deep down these people know they're subhuman? That they're servants to their betters? And the only way they can cope with their inferiority is through cowardly acts of passive aggression?

>> No.11591882

I've worked 9 food jobs and have never tampered with someone's meal and have never seen another person tamper with a meal. You and your coworkers are just pieces of human trash and deserve to stagnate in fast food.

>> No.11591893

Oh we got ourselves a tough one eh?
*drags your shitty burger across my nuts*
Hope you like the taste of your local negroid mickey dees cashier NUTS loser


>> No.11592101

Good thing I'm not a douche at any food spots and am genuinely nice to food service workers. The worst I do is just bring up that something is wrong with my order if they messed it up and basically see what they are willing to do fix it