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File: 84 KB, 602x452, main-qimg-9dc56286e9967b0baf23b484140fe249-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11584967 No.11584967 [Reply] [Original]

>haven't had soda in years, about 6 years
>decide to try one, for old time's sake
>it's ok, I like the fizz and the sort of burn sensation, but it's so sugary and tastes artificial
>look at the ingredients list
>water, high fructose corn syrup, citric acid, a preservative, and then lastly "natural flavors"
Why is this product so popular? I realize there are good sodas out there, that use cane sugar and probably have all kinds of cool flavoring techniques, but how did the mainstream popular sodas become so popular? One glance at the ingredients list or the nutritional information tells you outright that they're bad for you.

>> No.11584977

People enjoy things in spite of the fact that they're bad for them. See also: booze, nicotine. Sage because this thread is fucking useless and OP is just trying to virtue signal.

>> No.11584981
File: 5 KB, 200x200, 1393990407009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why dod people eat things that are bad for them but taste good
are you really asking this?

>> No.11584982

virtue signalling doens't apply to anonymous people

>> No.11584986 [DELETED] 

Agenda 21, newfag

>> No.11584994


I grew up drinking the fuck out of soda. If it wasnt in the house I would go thirsty. I hate my parents for letting this happen and its probably why I have health/weight probs now. (inb4 healthier diet and exercise fatty ect YOU DONT KNOW ME)

Anyways, parents who let their kids drink sodas more than once every blue moon should have them taken away.

I stopped of my own volition in highschool, and will try to have one every few months and usually only take one or two sips before throwing the rest away.

>> No.11584997

nice blog, could your opinions be any more of a suburban soccer mom's?

>> No.11584998

when 5 billion people like it, but i don't, i know there's something wrong with them and it's not just me

>> No.11585016

What are those bags supposed to represent? Can't be sugar since there's more sugar in that bag below the Coke than would fit in the can even if it were the only ingredient.
>Why is this product so popular?
Coca-Cola? I'm going to assume Coca-Cola because you inexplicably left out the specific sort of soda you're talking about even though different sodas are wildly different in how they taste. Here are some reasons:
>Great taste
>Carbonation is pleasant and even has functional utility for some digestive issues
>Includes caffeine, a nice mild stimulant
>Gets you calories without needing to eat something, which is why sodas along with soups are stereotypical sick people home remedies
>Your complaint about corn syrup is a baseless meme and I would bet serious money I could prove you aren't even able to reliably tell the difference if I had access to set up a proper taste test study with you as a subject

>> No.11585018

op doing it for validation
expected response for him is a lot of people defending soda thus making him feel better about himself for being able to abstain from it

>> No.11585051


High fructose corn syrup is super concentrated sugar, so that is an accurate representation of the amount of sugar in a Coke

>> No.11585052

Soda is fucking HEINOUS. It's the one thing any sensible person should cut out of their diet. At least you can only drink so much booze before making yourself sick. A dark and stormy or a beer every week or so isn't going to kill you, but soda is something people just grab all the time to drink with their meals which is what makes it so much worse. You can drink a 24 oz soda in a few minutes and go back for a second one. A soda every once in a while when you go out isn't gonna kill you or anything, but I NEVER buy more than the occasional ginger beer for a cocktail or whatever.

>> No.11585060

Shutup bitch

>> No.11585066

Same boat as you pal. We also had this sugar jew in the house and even now that I lost the weight it still fucked my skin and I kinda look like an empty sack of potatoes now

>> No.11585079

Man I'm not a health nazi, but HFCS is poison. It traps energy, so you never feel full. I cut down on sodas and only drink the glass bottle, or real sugar stuff like 2-3 times a week. Even it all this soda was cane, it would still be bad. water is just so boring tho

>> No.11585081
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 6756756745563456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I completely eliminated soda from my diet and replaced it with this and I don't even miss it.

>> No.11585090

>More in the bag than what can even fit in the can
Do people arguing against soda really do this? Just make up fibs and lies?

>> No.11585099

>doesn't know the exchange rate between crystallized sugar and corn syrup
Do people who like soda not understand basic shit? Well, that would explain a lot actually.

>> No.11585103

corn syrup has a higher volumetric density of saccharides than granulated sugar tho

>> No.11585121

If that's the case why not show corn syrup in a baggie to actually showcase the amount that goes into it instead of an oversized bag of sugar meant to scare idiots like some sort of misleading propoganda?
Not to mention there's about the same amount of sugar in one soda as there is two apples, yet you aren't going on some crusade against them when doctors and other social memes tell you to eat them because they're healthy.

>> No.11585132

>Can't be sugar since there's more sugar in that bag below the Coke than would fit in the can even if it were the only ingredient
Imagine being this stupid. No, I really want you to IMAGINE being this stupid and trying to struggle through this persons day being this stupid.

>> No.11585139

it's not misleading propaganda. That is how much sugar is in those drinks, represented with sugar for the sake of clarity. corn syrup is just a discolored liquid that wouldn't send the message.

>> No.11585142

you're not actually supposed to drink the regular sodas. It's only there to make you drink more of diet soda.

>> No.11585145

What the fuck is this stuff? I keep seeing it meme'd online but they don't sell it in Canada

>> No.11585152

It's carbonated water with fruit flavoring. They boil fruit extracts and the steam flows into the carbonated water. It's so fucking good, and basically has all the upsides of soda without the sugar and chemicals. The only downside is that it's a weaker flavor than actual soda, so it's more like a hint of flavor, but it still manages to be really good and it's just carbonated water.

>> No.11585157

>HFCS isn't that much different than standard, processed white sugar. A commonly used form of HFCS contains 45 percent glucose and 55 percent fructose [source: Warner]. White sugar is split 50-50 between glucose and fructose
Oh man, these scientists are like, so wrong! Don't they know this badly put together example is more accurate than their billion dollar scientific equipment?

>> No.11585183

That's a matter of ratio between glucose and fructose and NOT an indication of density, you haven't refuted any claims.

>> No.11585195

>Why is this product so popular?
Marketing and temperance. The stuff was developed as a non-alcoholic replacement for social drinking at the bar once the bar was illegal. You still find soda is most popular in places (like Utah) where alcohol consumption is frowned upon - it becomes the replacement for beer or wine. But marketing has made the top brands of soda names everyone knows, and the distribution is so ubiquitous that the stuff is everywhere. For a lot of folks it's just become the default beverage in many situations. Also Americans have always had a taste for sweet drinks, especially in the South.

>> No.11585201

I drink soda every day and at 95 years old I've never felt better in my entire life last week I benched four plate and my heart rate is arguably a better standard unit of time than the half life of an atom. Pepsi is my favorite.

>> No.11585205

>If I call everyone who points out the obvious dishonesty stupid I don't have to defend it.

>> No.11585213

This combined with the fact that there's really no alternatives to soda in a social context if you aren't drinking. Energy drinks are just as bad and frowned upon, most alternate drinks like juices and milk are entirely out of place as well as looked down as childish, and hot drinks like coffee are entirely context specific.

Unless you get water, what else can you get at a social gathering or restaurant if you aren't drinking?

>> No.11585217


>thinking nicotine is bad for you
>not understanding the difference between MOA and the actual substance


>> No.11585222

>addictive substances are actually good for you! are you fuckin retarded?

>> No.11585231

not the person you are responding to, I found that this was an interesting read maybe you will as well https://www.gwern.net/Nicotine

>> No.11585243
File: 89 KB, 1024x768, 25344650441_e2ff514f5d_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you are retarded. They make Cokes with the exact same 39 gram sugar amount per 12 ounces both with HFCS and with cane sugar, so obviously that OP image is way off.

>> No.11585250

sparkling water pretend it's sprite

>> No.11585259

This. I think sparkling water exists for this very purpose.

>> No.11585273

>has all the upsides of soda without the sugar
>has all the upsides of soda without the upsides
>and chemicals
lol. Oh no, not "chemicals!" Chemicals bad!

>> No.11585281

It exists for vodka and gin

>> No.11585284

>Soda is fucking HEINOUS.
>I NEVER buy more than the occasional ginger beer for a cocktail or whatever.

>> No.11585286

>39 gram sugar amount per 12 ounces
That's a fuckton of sugar, though.

>> No.11585293

In a bar, sure. But at the table it often takes the place of alcoholic drinks for non-drinkers.

>> No.11585312

The point is you're retarded if you believed the OP image like those anons did on the basis of some insane and impossible decision to stuff ten times the amount of sugar into HFCS versions than the cane sugar version has. If people can't reliably pass taste tests between Mexican Cokes and American Cokes why would you believe the sugar content is conpletely different rather than the same?

>> No.11585324

>sugar A is better than sugar B
>all garbohydrates aren't metabolized into raw glucose via inflammatory insulin metabolism
lmaoing at your carbage addicted lives

>> No.11585334

OP's picture shows amount of sugar per liter.

>> No.11585362

>Why is this product so popular?
Because it tastes good.

>> No.11585408

I didn't look at OP pic, just read his post. I don't drink soda, so I don't care about the whole sugar vs HFCS thing.

>> No.11585421
File: 22 KB, 285x224, image_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it tastes good you sperg

>> No.11585455

Just start drinking coca cola zero and gain 10 years to your life span.

>> No.11585468

>If people can't reliably pass taste tests between Mexican Cokes and American Cokes
Many people can. Some can't, but some people also can't tell the difference between butter and margarine. Some people are just really fucking stupid desu.

>> No.11585490

The only way sugar is going to take 10 years off your lifespan is in the indirect sense that being overweight will cause you health problems. And if the calories in soda were really causing lots of people to be overweight then you'd probably see far fewer overweight people than the amount we see in reality. Plenty of them use diet sodas instead of regular sodas. Cutting out a couple hundred calories isn't going to change much in the grand scheme of things when your real problem is you're eating 4,000 calories a day. Diet soda is the absolute laziest fat person excuse of an attempt at being healthy in existence.

>> No.11585506

>Some people are just really fucking stupid desu.
Yes, and these are the people who wrongly believe they can reliably tell apart these two versions of the same drink. It's easy to imagine you're noticing a difference, much harder to substantiate your imagination when forced to take four tastes and identify which version each taste was from with a 4/4 success rate.

>> No.11585512

>a beer every week

>> No.11585523

>it has obvious health benefits
>but you might as well keep eating sugar because you're going to be fat and die younger anyways so why bother

>> No.11585583

52oz diet soda > 52oz regular

>> No.11585593

what, friend?

>> No.11585598

enjoy your diabetes

>> No.11585971

Based swole grandpa

>> No.11585978


Club soda with freshly squeezed lemon and ice is better

>> No.11585980

Turn my ass inside out

>> No.11585997

>live in europe
>High Profitmargin Cancer Syrup is banned continent-wide or something
Feels good to have slightly less unhealthy Coke.

>> No.11586002

You’re an idiot for being born in Europe.

>> No.11586004

how much soda you have to become a fatfuck? I used to drink it regularly(I stopped now) and I was never fat.

>> No.11586007

*do you have to drik

>> No.11586012


>> No.11586024

Just put the fork down and do some exercise fatty! Lmao, jfc

>> No.11586039

>being rude

>> No.11586041

so what exactly do people have against diet soda
all the benefits of drinking sugar water without the diabetes

>> No.11586046

depends on your metabolism/activity/diet

I went to high school with a kid who drank a 12 pack of Coke every day and he was thin as a rail

>> No.11586075

muh aspartame

>> No.11586098

stupid druggies, not food or cooking

>> No.11586100

same here. no wonder why america is so fat

>> No.11587379

haha okay lardie

>> No.11588372

You may be fat, but you'll die a whole lot sooner if the drink you're continually nursing is full of sugar

>> No.11588379

What you said sounds shit, but fuck me if Lacroix isn't one of the worst things I've ever tasted. I'll eat liver and onions, beans and toast, herring, whatever, but fuck lacroix

>> No.11588384


>> No.11588668


healthier diet and exercise fatty