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11583702 No.11583702 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like Nigiri Sushi?
What kind of Nigiri Sushi do you like?

>> No.11583705

No, it's too close to nigger sushi.

>> No.11583729
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The beef kind

>> No.11583730
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>> No.11583746
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I love it. Whenever I go to the SF Bay Area I eat hundreds of dollars of sushi (on the East Coast it's not great value so I don't bother).

Things I like:
Gindara (very buttery), Kampachi (firm, slightly oily), Sardines, Aji or any other oiler fish, Amaebi, Hirame, Hiramasa, Snapper, Trout.

Things I don't like
Shellfish, Tamago, Uni, Octopus

Things I'm bored of or aren't worth the money
Toro, Salmon, Hamachi, Unagi.

A decent place in the Bay Area will range from $8 - $20 for 2 pieces of nigiri. If you order omakase it will be better value, but you might not realize this because the more expensive items on the menu often don't have prices. E.g. you get 10 pieces for $50, but some of those pieces would cost $20 for 2 a la carte. Places usually have special nigiri on a whiteboard and this is usually the most fresh and best value. Best nigiri I had was sardines from Japan, that they filleted behind the counter.

Pic is some Kampachi nigiri I made, but it's expensive to buy retail so I usually buy salmon.

>> No.11583747

mackerel is the best

>> No.11583866
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I miss living in japan for a number of reasons and pic related is up there.
100¥ for 2 pieces. Decent range and freshness, too. I took those restaurants for granted when I lived there.

>> No.11583894

Dear god grilled eel nigiri is the absolute best thing ever eaten
Udon hotpot is number 2

>> No.11583899

Yeahhhhhhhhhhh shime saba!

>> No.11584101
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>> No.11584126

Despite the origin, Calinfornia Roll is niggerish sushi to us.

>> No.11584130


>> No.11584131 [DELETED] 

Nigiri is funny because it reminds me of the word nigger. Speaking of nigger, what do you guys suppose a nigger's asshole tastes like?

>> No.11584132

love sushi but i always remember how much fucking mercury and toxic shit has bioaccumulated into their flesh

>> No.11584137


>> No.11584145

Bad unless lightly seasoned and quickly seared

>> No.11584248
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Sea urchin

>> No.11584324

Yes, I like Sushi Sushi

>> No.11584474

Came here to post this. Boston makerel nigiri is literal perfection.

>> No.11584498

I can't eat a lot of it but yea it's delicious.

>> No.11584506

>sea urchin
Mah niggahs!

>> No.11584589
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>> No.11584592

yes, nothing better than bland, raw fish with rice

>> No.11584593

muh nigiri!

>> No.11584669
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>> No.11584696

eating raw fish is the biggest scam ever.

>> No.11584760

>take gf to fancy sushi restaurant to try sushi
>it's actually pretty tasty
>one hour later hungry again
>order pizza
I like it but it's not filling at all. And I'm not even a fat fuck.

>> No.11584769

>And I'm not even a fat fuck.
And I'm the King of France

>> No.11584773

>eats two dinners because he can't stand being hungry for five minutes
I guarantee you are indeed a fat fuck.

>> No.11584784
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anyone a fan of hwe 회 here? i love sushi too and its probably biased since im korean but i love all the food that comes out before and after the raw fish that comes with hwe. shame its not that popular/common in the states

>> No.11584798

Well you need atleast 15 peices to consider it a meal, around 20 usually does it for me

>> No.11584801

if i won the dragon ball lottery and got one wish, i would wish that every sushi restaurant i go to wouldn't charge me
i can eat so much fucking raw fish and rice, then like you said, an hour later, i want more

>> No.11584812

>getting full on meme food
Guess you don't need any calories if you spend all your day in front of PC.

>> No.11584840

fatty tuna and salmon

>> No.11584956

Never had it, looks funky though. What does “pungseongham + shingshingham” translate to?

>> No.11584970

its pretty much sashimi but usually with less variety of fish and flounder is king. also a lot of shti like sea cucumber and sea pineapples which can be indeed funky but i enjoy them. 풍성함 is abundant/abundance and 싱싱함 is freshness

>> No.11584976

Huh, good to know; I’m moving to Korea in a few months so I’ll give this a try

>> No.11584978

why would I want all this food when I can just have RICE and FISH

>> No.11584990

the fish shouldn't be bland and the rice should be seasoned with sugar, vinegar and salt so basically you are a faggot

>> No.11584992

nice, moving for work? where in korea will you be?
yeah it is a fair amount of food but i enjoy everything they bring out and it all pairs well with soju, much like everything else in korean cuisine.i guess im sentimental about hwe as apposed to sushi because it was usually a family gathering type deal for me whereas i never had that with sushi

>> No.11585033

Going over to teach ESL with my girlfriend; we travel a lot and wanted to live in Korea for a year or so. It’s been a blast learning the language so far. Most likely will be in Busan

>> No.11585040

ive only been to busan a handful of times so i cant recommend anything but its bound to have a ton of great seafood. i taught esl for half a year back in 2012 or so and had a great time, hope you and your gf do the same anon

>> No.11585043

That's why less Japanese are fat fucks, they have a better diet than pizza

>> No.11585046

Thanks buddy, cheers!

>> No.11585073

>first from left
>fucking leanest bacon I've ever seen, must taste like ass
>fucking raw pork lmao have fun with your trichinosis gooks
>second from left
>worms infested the fish so easily that they took up neat parallel lines for fucks sake
>ketchup on top
>a fucking leaf
>like 2 grains of rice underneath (this applies to all of them also)
>third from left
>some weird giant shrimp painted like a clown, probably due to all the radioactivity from their nuclear plant fuckups and the two extinction balls we threw at them
>fourth from left
>dried grass, 'nuff said
Not even gonna comment on the last one probably being half spoiled because of that brown grey color. Do gooks really eat this? Can't they just eat normal food? Did we fuck them up that bad?

>> No.11585074


>> No.11585206

At a restaurant on jeju do (제주도) we picked out a live red snapper from a fish tank and they sliced it into sashimi but arranged it back into the shape of the fish. They made a maeun-tang (매운탕) soup out of the head and carcass. Korea was based af.

>> No.11585227

hell yeah the 매운탕 is clutch to warm you up and reset you for more soju lol. im glad you enjoyed your time its been a few years since ive gone back desu

>> No.11585236

based satire poster
can't wait to see which dumb sod falls for it and "debunks" every one of your points

>> No.11585874

What did you do in Japan anon?

>> No.11585880


>> No.11585882

>they took up neat parallel lines for fucks sake
Fucking kek

>> No.11586734

Pretty much this, and toro when I can. I generally prefer maki and sashimi.

>> No.11587424


>> No.11587463

new to east coast from CA
any good sushi in Boston?

>> No.11587881

tuna and grouper

>> No.11589112


>> No.11589153


>> No.11589161
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Nigger sushi?

>> No.11589561
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>> No.11589725

>eating farmed salmon that is nearly half fat

>> No.11590417
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Fuck yeah. Salmon and tunas are the best.
Eel is pretty good too.

>> No.11591157


>Here's your raw fish that'll be 450$ lmao

>> No.11591171

Salmon, unagi, butterfish, sweet shrimp are GOAT

>> No.11591178

Can get all you can eat for about $25 in my city, and it's decent quality.

>> No.11591567

Shoot me if you need to, but is it worth going to Yo! Sushi if I've never been to a Sushi place and it's my only option?

>> No.11591588

>Not knowing that the best cuts are the ones with the highest fat content

>> No.11593068
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>> No.11593188

Same here. I had this $48 omakase and I was still hungry after. It was great, but still.

>> No.11593198

That looks really tasty.

>> No.11594214


>> No.11594740
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