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11583028 No.11583028 [Reply] [Original]

Never came to this board before, but I have to vent about this.

Who is actually stupid enough to drink any kind of whisky with water or ice on it?

Whisky is strong and all, but if your pansy ass can't handle it go back to fucking beer. You don't see me watering down coke because I think it has too much gas on it.

It's so stupid to order something just so you can sound like a bad ass, only to ask for some ice to water the bitch down, making it effectively taste like Oak tea with a slight hint of alcohol.

"Oh but people like the taste of it!"
So you either grow up to it or change to some other bar drink they might mix it with. That last one if fine because at least you are dissolving it with something, not just plain water.

tl;dr: why order something just to pour water on it?

>> No.11583034
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stupid alchie, locate your containment thread and never force me to see your posts again

>> No.11583041

imagine thinking most people drink alcohol for anything other than getting drunk

>> No.11583045
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you do know you're supposed to lurk for a few months before posting on a new board... right?

>> No.11583053

I don't drink to get drunk either. Never have in fact.
But it sound so dumb to water something down. You are just making it worse with no added nothing. It ruins the intended taste for nothing extra.

>> No.11583056


>> No.11583067

Preference of taste and experience.

It's like people who like cold lobster to warm lobster.

>> No.11583071

Basically I'm saying that mixing something in is nice and all, whatever.
But whisky and water just adds nothing to the mix and just ruins the intended experience from the drink for other reason than "I can't handle 40%".

>> No.11583080

If I order soup, I want them to pour water on it. I don't want a fucking dry bowl of ingredients.

>> No.11583081

I drink my whiskey neat almost all the time and only occasionally with soda water or in a cocktail, but I think you're fucking pathetic if you think drinking something a certain way makes you tough and manly. If you really want to be a badass why don't you drink exclusively cask strength? You know everything else already comes pre-watered down, right?

>> No.11583089

That is one thing.
Other is just watering shit down because you can't handle.

>> No.11583106


>> No.11583108

>he doesn't know that a bit of water helps to dilute the alcohol and open up the flavors
If you're not adding drops of water to your whiskey you're doing it wrong.

>> No.11583110

Water is part of the soup.
Bottled whisky is already a full drink ready to consumption.
Would you like more water on you soup until you can barely taste the ingredients?

Not manly, just objectively worse.
The reasoning is precisely that. "it's too strong, I can't handle".
If I did that to coffee would be weird, why is it different here?

>> No.11583115

It wouldn't be weird to do that to coffee, it's called an americano and it's good.

>> No.11583128

>can't handle it
What if I can but prefer it with ice

>> No.11583129

No wonder american coffe tastes bad.

>> No.11583137

Because it's colder?
Then Ice the cup beforehand.
Because of the water?
Then I'm sorry to hear that. Would like a cup of water with beer after that?

>> No.11583140

"American" coffee is drip coffee, not the same as an americano which is watered down espresso.

So what kind of whiskys do you like, tough guy?

>> No.11583145

Pubs around here aren't allowed to serve spirits neat before the late evening. It has to be in ice and mixed. Apparently the law regards all neat spirits as shots and can't imagine anybody just dwelling over a dram for half an hour.

The stupid thing is that whisky in ice has to be drunk more quickly. It's a race to finish it before there's too much water. I got one in ice and swallowed it in one gulp just to prove a point, although the bartender was already on my side. It's not her fault the government is run by idiots.

>> No.11583149

I meant "in ice or mixed." You can have it without a mixer if there's ice.

>> No.11583151

I'm not saying I'm tough because of the whisky, I'm not tough at all to be honest.
Just seems really wasteful to drink things that way.

>> No.11583154

I agree.
I think ice is worse than water precisely because of your post. I don't want to rush my drink down my gullet.

>> No.11583155
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Why do you care how I enjoy a drink

>> No.11583157

What shithole do you live in?

>> No.11583159

backpedaling: the thread
OP's a big dumb loser

>> No.11583161

You are literally supposed to add water to whisky. A few drops is all it takes to send your whisky to the next level of flavor

>> No.11583162

If you go to an industry whiskey tasting, water is added to the whiskey. Adding water allows subtle complexities in taste to shine through, instead of the harsh taste of the alcohol dominating. The idea that whiskey is made to be drunk neat and that everyone else is doing it because they are a pansy is ridiculous.

>> No.11583178
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Holy shit we have a live one here, barricade your button holes he is going all out.

>> No.11583180

Reeaaaaally sure it would water down the complexities also, because you know, water.
If the alcohol makes it hard to taste it, then just let it sit open in room temperature. The alcohol should evaporate with time.

>> No.11583181

I don't know I just prefer it

>> No.11583184

Holy fuck, no one is taking you seriously. You're completely ignorant yet trying to be the loudest guy in the room

>> No.11583187
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>the alcohol will evaporate with time

>> No.11583191

OP here. I was just shitposting to get people mad. It looked like it worked. I am literally drinking my whisky with some ice in it right now.
Cheers guys, I was just joking.

>> No.11583200

The complexities are watered-down but, due to the fact the alcohol is by far the premodimant taste, this is watered down at a faster rate than the flavour compounds. I'm not sure of the science of this but logically I think it makes sense. It's definitely true tho.

If the alcohol will evaporate, the volatile ester flavour compounds will too.The rate of evaporation is pretty low for both (probably higher for esters which generally form less H bonds and have long alkyl chains).

>> No.11583206

Haha I was only pretending to be retarded I sure fooled them

>> No.11583235

Depending on the whiskey, the water can help bring out the flavours in it.

Some are better neat - Glenfiddich and JD come to mind. Some improve with a splash of water - like Jim Beam, Crown Royal, or Walker's Red. If you're not really letting it sit around, ice is a good way to get that bit of water, and cool your drink.

If you're drinking straight whiskey to be a man, just do shots until you fall down like the other cretins. If you're drinking it because you want to savour your misery/victory, drink it the way you want... but if you find the flavour's lacking something, try it with a bit of soda/frozen/cold water.

>> No.11583365

You put a little bit of water or ice because it allows you to really taste the whiskey without alcohol overwhelming all the other notes.

>> No.11583399

>itt anon doesn’t understand there is only one way to enjoy something
It’s like you faggots don’t understand the proper way to eat pasta is with chopsticks

>> No.11583541
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>> No.11583555

I drink my bourbon neat or with ice -- what pisses me off about ice is the melting, obviously. The first few sips on the rocks are perfect, but after that it's too watered down. I started doing neat with a tiny splash of cold Perrier sparkling water, which is a good compromise

>> No.11583556

I'd rather have slightly diluted whiskey than cold whiskey, desu. Cold masks all of the good flavors.

>> No.11583629

Chilling liquor makes it more viscous, resulting in a sweeter drink while the water runoff reduces the burn of the rye, etc.

I just like cold drinks, desu.

>> No.11583692
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For me, it's Uigeadail, neat.

>> No.11583734

It's argued that drinking a spirit 'dirty', with ice or with a splash of water actually allows you to enjoy the flavor more because it's less harsh on the palate.
In other words, everyone is different, some people like the burn, others don't. It's also why some people like sugar or milk (or both) in their coffee and others like it black.

Scotch is actually best enjoyed cool or with splash of cool river water, hence the term, scotch on the rocks, back in the day the peat moss that grew in the highlands was only found near river beds, so distilleries were naturally near them for well, water, and because the moss would keep. People would take cold rocks from the rivers and put them in their glass to enhance the flavors.

In other words, enjoy your whisky how you like it fagget.

>> No.11583759

that rule doesn't apply to 4channel

>> No.11583764

Why are you so uptight as to care if they're paying the bill? Even you're paying why do you care? You come across as an uptight cunt.

>> No.11583770

Are you so uptight that you really look at how other's drink? You must be a blast at parties.

>> No.11583777

Whiskey she can love you in the evening
Whiskey she can love you all night long
But whiskey she don't love you in the morning
And whisky she don't love you when she's gone

>> No.11583813
File: 521 KB, 498x249, holyfingyikes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That rule applies on every board on these two websites. Especially on /ck/, which has a fairly developed culture. What, outing yourself as new or something?

>> No.11583949
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>what pisses me off about ice is the melting

>> No.11583956

I bet you're a lot of fun to hang out with.

>> No.11584274

It's personal preference you fucking moron. I don't know why I'm even seriously responding, you're probably just a mouth breather who thinks he's tough for preferring neat whiskey.

>Never came to this board before
Typical. Kill yourself.