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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11577391 No.11577391 [Reply] [Original]

This steak was $100

>> No.11577395

Someone owes you $105.

>> No.11577396

>this misteak was $100


>> No.11577402

and you fucked it up by salting it before cooking

>> No.11577403
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these shoes are 300 dollars

>> No.11577404

No refunds kid

>> No.11577405

>not a bone-in ribeye

>> No.11577410

I bought one like that, it was less fatty at walmart for 7 dollars

>> No.11577411

Did it come with a blow job?
Wew lad imagine being this dumb. Salting a slab well ahead of cooking is the only correct move.

>> No.11577412

stupid gaijin

>> No.11577415

>draw out juices before it even hits the pan

>> No.11577416

I wouldn't even pay £100 for a weeks food shop for myself, let alone a single steak.

>> No.11577418

It’s dry aged 2 1/2 lbs

>> No.11577421

Yeah but you want the fat dawg. That's where the tender juicy texture and good flavor come from. Might as well just buy a different cut if your t bone is lean.

>> No.11577425


>> No.11577426

What do you get out of pretending to be retarded. Come on, have some self respect

>> No.11577430

>fat is flavor

>> No.11577437

Not an argument

>> No.11577439

It’s been covered in salt for 2 hours and nothing has come out. It’s dry aged

>> No.11577440

Actually yeah. You use such a small amount of salt that it only draws out the very surface layer of moisture which in the long term of cooking leads to a quicker, crispier sear, therefore less time on the skillet and hence juicier insides.

>> No.11577442

Most steaks aren't dry aged though

>> No.11577445

Also poorfag

>> No.11577452

£100 has more value than $100

>> No.11577462

It literally is, why do you think everything in restaurants is slathered in oil and butter

>> No.11577484

You shitposting doesn't make it an argument

>> No.11577489

>trying to eat low-fat diet
>buys a steak
what's the point? Just eat split pea soup if you're really serious about your low-fat diet. Otherwise, well... you're not really serious about your low-fat diet.

>> No.11577496

Not an argument

>> No.11577501

I haven't had a lean steak that was good I think ever.

>> No.11577510

Steak has more filling calories and more protein than an equal caloric amount of split pea soup

>> No.11577530

>The real question isn't why it was $100, but why you bought it anyway.

>> No.11577544
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OP do you live in Canada

>> No.11577584

Another poorfag

>> No.11577742
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Here’s the bone for the haters

>> No.11577767

>he doesn't eat the bone......

>> No.11577780

Was it worth it?

>> No.11577789

Yes absolutely worth it. Would get another

>> No.11578210

Looks a little over cooked judging from thd gray on the bone. How's it feel to fuck up on a $100 piece of meat?

>> No.11578221

Why you gotta hate on people who do more with their lives than you?

>> No.11578226
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>Doesn't gnaw off the last of the meat

>> No.11578656
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I know what I would do with that

>> No.11578692

Sadly no.

>> No.11578697


>> No.11578705

>makes a thread about his $100 tbone and doesnt even post a pic after cooking

Ya blew it.

>> No.11578706

boil it?

>> No.11578952

over priced steak muffins

>> No.11578958
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>> No.11578963

>I like meme tood

>> No.11578964

>buying bone in steaks
enjoy paying way more per pound than you should for something you're not even going to consume. unless you have a dog or something you're going to give it to later, bone in steaks are a meme.

>> No.11578965

baste and ribpilled

>> No.11578969
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>being a poorfag

>> No.11578975

Happy Hanukkah!

>> No.11578979


>> No.11578980

>confusing being frugal with being poor
I assume you're the kind of class act that lives in poverty and can't even afford to feed his family but still finds the money to buy a nice sports car.

>> No.11578994

yikes, what an absolutely bizarre response. truly baffling, to be quite honest.

>> No.11579012

hey guys you're not gonna believe this
i work at a butcher shop with some fellas and as a joke we put some real fatty mediocre t-bones up for sale for $100 and someone actually walked in and bought one. normally we sell them for about about 5 or 6 bucks each lol.

>> No.11579131

Next time buy a ribeye roast and dry-age it yourself.

>> No.11579250
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whoah, no way.. it seriously wasn't worth $100?


>ever buying t-bone or porterhouse
>not buying strip and tenderloin to eat separately

i think this is where you really fucked up

>> No.11579260

They definitely over cook their steaks more than me. Lmao I dropped $50 bucks on the first course this afternoon

>> No.11579301


>> No.11579385

I think you have too many shoes

>> No.11579517

shut up

>> No.11579526

i think you have too many shoes

>> No.11579528
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This is what $100 of good steak looks like

>> No.11579622


>> No.11579639
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This steak was $1.00

>> No.11579646


>> No.11579648

could have used a better sear

>> No.11579650
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Hahaha wtf

>> No.11579800


>> No.11579826

could have got a better steak from sears

>> No.11580447


OP here- I don’t like steak really rare. I cooked it perfectly medium which is just fine for a dry aged steak. It was over 2 lbs

>> No.11580462

The filet was over 9oz and was better than any steak you will ever have cuz your a poverty fag

>> No.11580500

I'd rather have a hundred of those than op's

>> No.11580525


>> No.11580616

Without fat, you'd be eating leather anon...

>> No.11580617

You would rather have 100 dicks admit it. Faaagggooottt

>> No.11580703
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Ive worked with tenderloins that cost over $1,000 wholesale. The problem here is that youre attempting to cook two different steaks the same way and with that big stupid bone in the middle it makes it even more difficult to get them done right

Pic related, shit you could never afford you poorfag retardnigger

>> No.11580740

Nice google pic post. Go back to the food channel turd burgler.

>> No.11580813
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I cant recall which farm that was from but it was actual wagyu like they got embryos from the japs back in the 90s to start their program

This is american wagyu from snake river farms. Ribeye. I have tons of pics of proteins i can dump if youd like

>> No.11580856

Yes please

>> No.11580874

>thinks his hormone and antibiotic saturated grain fed fat with a little bit of meat is desirable to anyone with a functioning brain
Disgusting! I'll bet you chug hfcs by the gallon too.

>> No.11580908

gonna have to agree, no reason to buy them except for aesthetics. I've seen some places charge slightly less but its not common.

>> No.11580910
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what do you get out of shitposting like this? is it fun for you? what's so fundamentally broken in a man that he spends his free time in such a way?


here's the tenderloin before cleaning it; i've never seen so much fat on a sub-primal. especially not on a tenderloin. we smoked it, rendered it, and made whipped butter with it for bread service.

>> No.11580915
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>> No.11580919
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i think this was a 30 pounder; i've worked with ones as big as 90lbs and i don't love them past teh 20-40 lb range because of parasites, meat quality, and my belief that you should just let the old dude live

>> No.11580922
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rabbit for roulade

>> No.11580925
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le meat vest

>> No.11580932

i never thought i would unironically say this but please go back to /pol/

>> No.11580934
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live kodiak king crabs that we acquired through somebody who acquired them through illegal means; due to interstate commerce laws, you aren't allowed to ship live king crabs across state lines but we got them and they were mad expensive

>> No.11580938

Looking good

>> No.11580948
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>> No.11580956
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Duck breast

>> No.11580971

i bet those fuckers will be tasty as hell

>> No.11581006

Do you work in Seattle?

>> No.11581755
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Keep the pics coming bro.
Here is a deer leg I processed after a week of hanging.
Broke it down to a sirloin roast, round eye steak and top and bottom round for either more steak or schnitzel, maybe even roast.
Then the offcuts got minced with 25% streaky bacon, red oniion and fresh tarragon for burgers.

I kept the other three shanks and slow cooked them in red wine and wild duck stock for 4hours.

>> No.11581761
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>> No.11582459

>the bone is useless

Get out of /ck/. You know nothing about food. I bet you are american. Death to america.

>> No.11582473

I can almost feel the smell of the apple puree

>> No.11582483

alright marbling but I'm not a big fan of t-bone steaks, top sirloin is a better choice imo