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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11575695 No.11575695 [Reply] [Original]

What---in your mind--is the PERFECT dog. The quintesential hotdog experience, if you will.

>> No.11575722

Chili, slaw, mustard. Dog dick red dog, soggy steamed potato bun about to fall apart. Rather spicy and pairs well with beer.

>> No.11575727

steamed quality bun (I'd say the bun is more important than the dog), boiled dog, ketchup and mustard. Put a bag of chips on the side and a can of soda. Perfection for my tastes.

>> No.11575729
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I'm not giving my favorite hot dog info to a machine

>> No.11575735

I fucking hate Chicago, but I unironically think they do the best dogs. It's not like you can make a hot dog anything special or gourmet and still call it a hot dog; the trashiness is part of it, and otherwise it's just a sausage in a bun. Though not technically dogs, I do really like RI NY system hot wieners.

>> No.11575758

Go to LA and find a Mexican selling bacon wrapped dogs from a tiny little metal frying tray. They put grilled onions and bell peppers in it and then some mayo and mustard. $5 n good shit

>> No.11575760
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im going to go downstairs and make a hotdog what do i do? microwave the dog and put it in the bun? what do i do then? can i oven cook the dog instead?

after the dog has been cooked, should i go full ketchup mustard and relish? i want the dog experience but im a fucking idiot.

>> No.11575764
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i tried that once in san fransisco after a long night of drinking and that shit felt like it was going to clog every artery in my body. ate half and threw the rest away. 5 dollar heart attack.

>> No.11575965

I want to give a 'go 'dog a try one of these days

>> No.11575971
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for me, it's the cheese coney

>> No.11575982

thanks doc

>> No.11575996
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>natural casing
>100% beef
>boiled and then finished briefly on grill for maillard browning
>steamed potato-bread bun
>spicy yellow mustard (not the gay american dogshit made by french or heinz)
>small amount of fried onions
wa la

>> No.11576000
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>not kraut

>> No.11576045
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Hebrew National, heated in a pan, a tiny bit of mustard on the bun, a little squiggle of mustard on the top.

>> No.11576049

>place on grill after boiling
Weebs really are this dumb.

>> No.11576055

thank you doctor

>> No.11576056
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>> No.11576062

What's your fucking problem?

>> No.11576216

strange that they don't explain what makes meat kosher

>> No.11576231

Why would they need to explain it? Wouldn't people who care about that sort of thing already know why?

>> No.11576242
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What's in the bag?!

>> No.11576257

I had my first Chicago dog a couple of weeks ago and I must say it’s probably my favorite hot dog style.

>> No.11576278

Fuck you and Happy Hanukkah.

>> No.11576308
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Wait really?
Do Jews only eat the front half of the cow?

>> No.11576319

circumcision blood goes into the meat

>> No.11576320

>good quality bun, toasted
>all-beef hotdog with natural casing, lightly pan-fried or grilled
>spicy brown mustard or horseradish mustard
>sweet relish
>minced onion or green onion
>celery salt

>> No.11576338

beef with skin
that's it. i don't even need a bun. the skin is what makes the dog

>> No.11576360

probably because telling people that they cut the throat of an animal without stunning it first would be offputting

>> No.11576362

Steamed bun, mustard, diced onions, that's all you need.

>> No.11576388

This is how I like it
>Flat iron pan
>Toast bun in pan
>“butterfly” dog
>grill both sides till browned nice
>sprinkle shitty mozzarella cheese onto pan and grill until melts on one side and crispy and the other
>put dog in bun with grilled onions in dog slit and lay grilled cheese on top
You can only eat one of these a year or you will die, sometimes I add bullshit like bacon or ketchup, but no real need

>> No.11576417

potato bun with same length hot dog, chili, bbq sauce, fritos, maybe a bit of sour cream on top

>> No.11576524

Imagine being this much of a faggot about a hot dog

>> No.11576718


>polish dog
>spicy brown mustard
>finely diced onion

>> No.11576730

it's a tie between a great chili dog and fresh fried corn dog

>> No.11576734


this is p good

>> No.11576753


>> No.11576755

Boiled dog.
Potato Bun.
Pickled Jalapeño

There you have it

>> No.11576796

>>potato bun
I guess i better buy some of these next time

>> No.11576805

All beef hot dog, skewer it, dip it in a cornbread batter, stick it in a deep fryer until golden brown. Take it out and drizzle it with honey and yellow mustard.

>> No.11576812

Steamed bun, chili, cheese and mustard. all those around a grilled hot dog is great.

>> No.11576836

Cheapo Ball Park style frank, lots of dill relish, some red onions, pepperoncinis, horseradish, and enough mustard to kill a cat. Serve with onion rings

Either that or a cajun dog like my father used to make. Andouille sausage, spicy slaw, roasted and chopped red bell pepper, and pickled jalapeno slices. Drizzle in mayo that has Crystal hot sauce or Tabasco mixed in. Wham bam spank ya ham.

>> No.11577422

how do you steam a hotdog bun?

>> No.11577479
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fucking staple "just got home" snack since i was 9. the walmart here still sells price first idk how.

>> No.11577506
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>bar s

>> No.11577507

The best way to cook a hot dog at home is to heat the dog in a skillet, microwave the bun ONLY until it’s warm(this takes only 10 to 20 seconds), then assemble them with the toppings you enjoy. Don’t put on anything you dislike or deny yourself anything you like. For a beginner, ketchup, mustard, and relish are indeed classic, safe bets. You could also consider onions. I like minced raw onion, but you can also buy onions in tomato sauce that are very good with hot dogs.

>> No.11577515

It's also worth nothing that for particularly strong onions, you can mince them and give them a quick rinse. It retains that onion flavor and the crunch but washes away the compound that makes your eyes water.

>> No.11577555

more for me faggot

>> No.11577580

>more shit for me!
Take all the shit you want buddy.

>> No.11577582
File: 182 KB, 866x1300, 100152963-neon-green-chicago-style-pickled-relish-in-a-bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicago-style all beef hot dog with the lime green "kryptonite" relish, homemade. The relish being made from scratch is what truly elevates it from mediocre to godlike. The dog itself should be from an actual butcher, too.

Sure, the neon green color adds nothing to the flavor, but if you're serving it to guests or children, it adds a bit of zazz. Presentation is like 20% of how appetizing a dish will be.