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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 114 KB, 979x787, Pence Rule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11573730 No.11573730 [Reply] [Original]

do you eat alone with female coworkers? on a business trip thinking of not doing it with my fellow coworker and maybe going to the hotel gym and having a late dinner.

>> No.11573747

haha fuck being scared of women.

>> No.11573756 [DELETED] 
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women have always lied
now the masses are starting to believe them

>> No.11573757

the vast majority of my coworkers are women and i eat with them on business trips one on one all the time. just don't be a weird creepy asshole dude. also if you're working in a place that has the type of person to falsely accuse you of sexual harassment you probably need to find a new company with better work culture

>> No.11573758

Not scared of women you dunce. Scared of lawsuits/unemployment.

>> No.11573761

I can't stand that homophobic racist, st least trump is dumb and makes us laugj from time to time, but that pince motherfucker is just your average closeted gay homophobe

>> No.11573769

Just don't do anything wrong you fucking spazz.
Act like a normal human being for once in your life.

>> No.11573774

Brought on by whom? Women?
so yeah. exactly as I stated.
OP is a manchild that is scared of women.

>> No.11573775

Eat with her. Make nice conversation. Don't be a jerk. After dinner go straight to your room.

>> No.11573784

>I'm not scared of murderers I'm scared of knives
waht the fuck is this polbait doing on /ck/

>> No.11573785

I read that article and it pissed me off.
Especially when the men remained anonymous, they are business owners and bankers, people need to know who these assholes are that are choosing to discriminate.

>> No.11573787
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>if you have a visceral reaction to fags you are a fag.

>> No.11573789

incel detected

>> No.11573794
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I worked with a college liberal quirky indie chick, kanker backpack, drawn on eyebrows, way too much makeup.

Told her male superior, day 1, "I can end you."

I don't talk with women at work more than I have to.

>> No.11573797

How is that at all logical?
I can actually eat dinner with women, you know the first steps toward fucking them.

>> No.11573801

>Beat a fellow female worker to a promotion because better qualified, experience, etc
>Sour female pulls the sexual harrasment card
>Get fired
>Female gets promotion
>Anons reputation in the shitter
>Can't get another job
>Commit sodoku

>> No.11573803
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>closeted gay
you know those kids who say "I know you are but what am I?"

that's you

>> No.11573808

>plucking your eyebrows so thin you have to draw them on later in life
and people made fun of me in the 90s for having huge eyebrows

>> No.11573810

Yes, but In not a creep and I never treat my female coworkers as anything more than work acquaintances.
Don't shit where you eat, very easy rule to follow.

>> No.11573811


>> No.11573813

yes anon, it's called projection

>> No.11573816

"Never dip your pen in company ink"
It's not hard, why can't so many men realize this?

>> No.11573817

Not everything that is aversion is projection you mongoloid

>> No.11573823

again this sounds like you work in a toxic work environment and if you're that scared of her go talk to HR.

also unless you're autistic this still shouldn't be a problem. I work some hardcore liberal super crunchy women and guess how many times i've had to fear having one on one dinners with them on a business trip? zero because i'm not socially retarded.

>> No.11573824

bro i'm not a creep either, but it my word against her...

>> No.11573829

But women ask for it.

>> No.11573832

>toxic work environment
not caused by women, though?

>> No.11573833

It doesn't matter how you treat your female coworker
one day she could simply decide she doesn't like you and get you fired because people are obligated to believe her tears

>> No.11573843

The trick to avoiding false accusations is to not molest anybody. Very rarely does a woman receive personal benefit from making such an accusation. Usually her own career is also harmed. Just don't be an asshole.

>> No.11573850

Don't be a creepy perv around your female coworkers and presto!
No problems and you get to keep your shitty job.

>> No.11573852
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> Very rarely does a woman receive personal benefit from making such an accusation


>> No.11573858

Sure thing, creeper.

>> No.11573866

>I'm not a creep!
>t. Creep

>> No.11573869


>> No.11573875

Imagine being such a social retard you cannot function normally with 50% of the population

>> No.11573879

roasties getting toastie

>> No.11573893

Each of these posts was made by an ugly woman.

>> No.11573897

All of this "don't be an asshole" shit would be more sympathetic if women didn't find ugly men innately threatening regardless of how they act.

>> No.11573904

This post was made by a creepy incel that no woman would ever touch.

>> No.11573905


>> No.11573908

But they don't. They just find you threatening because you're a creeper.

>> No.11573913


Fuck off.

>> No.11573914

Sure thing, kid. Maybe that lady boy in Thaliand will finally give you want you want. An ass is just as tight as a pussy, and it's not gay if your eyes are closed.

>> No.11573916

I'd touch him. Why are you kinkshaming me?

>> No.11573923

you forgot to quote my posts friendo. also even if they were posted by ugly woman their arguments are still valid ya dingus.

>> No.11573926

isn't it strange how as time goes on islam becomes more and more correct
with the amount of lies women tell about rape, the only reasonable thing to do is have a womans testimony worth less than a mans

>> No.11573930

Do they? Not in my experience. If a man is ugly he will get less leeway for behavior that is only suspicious, sure, but I've never encountered a woman who appeared to be threatened by me when I was being pleasant.

>> No.11573931

Pic with timestamo. Let's have an incel beauty contest.

>> No.11573935

Can we stop with this constant incel shaming? Not all incels are that way by choice.

>> No.11573943
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>> No.11573948
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>Very rarely does a woman receive personal benefit from making such an accusation.

>> No.11573964

I've worked in dozens of corporate jobs with lots of women. Turns out the only people I've heard of getting reported were alcoholics or known creeps. None of them got fired either, just shuffled or quit. I've even banged a few coworkers. Turns out if you're just a decent person you won't have issues.

You guys are scared of everything. Liberals hiding in your closet, feminist under your roast beef, and jews behind your curtains. What a life that is, constant fear.

>> No.11573971
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>> No.11573981

Thanks for the tip (((Shlomo)))

>> No.11573983

Actually they are. Because an Incel is different then a guy who has trouble getting laid. Anyone who self-identifies as an incel is a social troglodyte who blames other people for his problems and refuses advice from other people about how to improve his situation, he willingly sticks to outdated tropes of romance and stereotypes of women and then curses the world when he doesn't get what he wants.
A guy who just had trouble getting laid is some combination of shy, awkward or undersocialized but doesn't make his inability to form meaningful relationships with women a core element of his personal identity. He's willing to listen to the advice of others about his own mistakes and doesn't call women whores or roasties for not being attracted to him.
He has room to grow as a person and eventually better his situation. An Incel wraps himself in a cloak of anger and entitlement and sits down to curse the world as it leaves him behind.
Are you an Incel? The choice is yours to make, but hiding 50% of the population responsible for your personal unhappiness is not a good way to live.

>> No.11573986

>dozens of corporate jobs
why do you keep getting fired

>> No.11573987

Do not hire another fucking woman. And fire all current women employees. Make them suffer.

>> No.11573988

>sleeping with coworkers
Do people not understand how degenerate that is on both ends

>> No.11573992

"Dozens" is at least 24. "Dozens" of different companies must look good on your resume. You must seem loyal.

>> No.11574019


>> No.11574035
File: 156 KB, 800x1136, 1528859437131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


please tell me this post is ironic.. you aren't actually an incel asking to not be shamed on 4chan of all places where niggers, jews, women, fags, muslims, americans, and everything else gets shamed constantly.

go away

>> No.11574053

Also known as a /k/ browser.

>> No.11574094

It's called contract work. On average I'm with working for two different companies a year.
Sour grapes. I'm sorry consenting adults having sex triggers you so. It's not always the best idea I admit but I work with professionals who are able to keep their work lives and outside life separated.

>> No.11574097

Funny thing is both sides are correct: there are women who will falsely accuse you or generally try to damage your career just because they find you unattractive. And there are men who legitimately harass women, and who make whatever you might do seem innocent in comparison.

My approach is to

1. Steer clear of women who are openly very liberal/feminist (either women with problem glasses and died hair, or women who are hot and adopt feminism as a cover for being bitches). There is simply no need to "conquer" these women, and if you are attracted to them you should try to change your preferences.

2. Be nice and professional to women who I'm not attracted to but act decently in the workplace, even if they occasionally say liberal/feminist things.

3. Feel free to ask hot women in the workplace on dates as long as I don't work directly with them. Since I'm not attracted to quirky/liberal types, they are very unlikely to cause a problem, even if they are not into me. Especially since as I said, they have experienced guys who are genuinely harassing/unpleasant (as opposed to guys they are just not attracted to).

>> No.11574099

FWIW women incels are also real, swipe right on a few Tinder uggos and you'll see what I'm talking about.

>> No.11574120

What the hell does any of this have to do with food or cooking?

>> No.11574137

Nothing. Welcome to /ck/.

>> No.11574145


it has to do with dining habits.
Which is very much food related.
Try to dine without food, retards.

>> No.11574156

You're not going to get through to the average anon around here. Most of them are socially inept, kissless neets who get all of their information from outrage headlines like the OP.

>> No.11574157

>dining habits.
Where the fuck are dining habits discussed in this thread?

>> No.11574166

It's not Faux.

>> No.11574173

Sorry about your obvious head injury anon.
this thread is about dining with coworkers.
Please get your handler to help you with following the discussion. Now please stop shitposting.

>> No.11574184

>Stop shitposting
>In a shitpost thread
Did your mother just drop you on your head as an infant, or did she fail to keep up the drinking to abort you?

>> No.11574188

and yet incels still outraged

>> No.11574193

Okay, so if you're a temp contractor, 1099, you are always seen as an outsider. Normally plaintiff women sue the company for the actions of their w-
2 employees. Corps are normally not liable for the acts of outside, independent contractors. So different than a W-2 employee of the company.

>> No.11574200
File: 153 KB, 464x336, nou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>head injury comeback
Get better material before shitposting any further, anon.

>> No.11574209

found the incel lmao

>> No.11574215

t. incels

>> No.11574219

>t. incels
t. incel

>> No.11574226

Biologically, it is worth less than a man's. Always has been. The whole ancient oath-swearing ritual of holding one's testicles that even the word is based upon is in itself based on a common primate trust ritual of exposing one's testes (thus, biological ability to genetically reproduce) to an allied primate. Females biologically do not have the ability to be tested by another, although they do have the ability to test males ritually and practically. This may be why women often mistrust each other. There is no biologically based test of trustworthiness inherent in herself. Now, if you were to bring her children into the equation, you could easily test her, as they are analogous with a male's testicles. None of this is new either. Look to the story of the judgement of solomon.


Sorry if people don't like what I'm writing. I do think accusations of rape should be treated with great seriousness. Those found guilty of it should be punished, and those who falsely accuse should be punished as equally steeply as a rapist would have been. A mother being registered as a sex offender and risking her ability to interact with her own children would curb a lot of the worst behavior in such cases.

>> No.11574228

>I am a shit connoisseur
At least you're on the right board

>> No.11574242

Is this supposed to be a gotcha? I've done it under normal W-2 work as well.

Quit listening to the propaganda spewed here. Unless you're just a horrid cunt no one is out to get you at work believe it or not.

>> No.11574262
File: 45 KB, 500x607, 2k6dw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cis man bad
>orange man dumb

>> No.11574263

>I have no argument so I must post my angry alt-right meme.

>> No.11574265

Nice bait OP, very well made

>> No.11574269

>falling for bait
>not getting the irony of what you just said
Weeew lad take the leadpill.

>> No.11574284

posted like a true incel

>> No.11574293

>Look to the story of the judgement of solomon
keep your yahudi shit off /ck/

>> No.11574299

>posted like a true incel
Ok, this is epic

>> No.11574341

I'm not scared of women, I simply avoid interacting with them anymore than I have to.

>> No.11574364
File: 38 KB, 704x396, dr_strangelove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I simply avoid interacting with them anymore than I have to.
Don't avoid women anon, but do deny them your essence.

>> No.11574370

Bait, while technically food, is still bait. Come on mods.

>> No.11574376

The only thing in common we usually have is the urge to fuck, and then I have to worry about pregnancy and disease. I just gave up. Too much hassle

>> No.11574420

>he was only pretending to be stupid

Take the lead pill yourself my dude

>> No.11574429

What's to argue about? The fact that believing in traditional marriage doesn't make you a closet fag? Maybe some of us just aren't attracted to cocks

>> No.11574431

>talk to HR
>the department that is run entirely by man hating lesbian women
>that you're having a problem with another woman
this is some heavy duty bait

>> No.11574435

got it in one lad
nice shot

>> No.11574442

>>the department that is run entirely by man hating lesbian women
get away from the tech industry, code monkey.
good industries still hire people who have the best interest in the corporation at heart.

>> No.11574447
File: 42 KB, 625x626, Rood of yoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11574449

I’ve gone out to eat with plenty of female coworkers. All we did was talk about random bullshit and eat our food. It never really seems like a date so nothing more ever happens. I know this thread is bait, but in the small chance that it’s not, you are an over paranoid faggot.

>> No.11574455

when bait hits too close to the bone...
Go change your webdev stack again, monkey boy.

>> No.11574491

I have yet to find a male HR rep.
Complaining to HR about a female is suicide.

>> No.11574509

>My single experiences represent the whole of reality because I'm a self-centered twat who clings to his victim narrative
You're no different than most of the feminists you blame all your troubles on.

>> No.11574523

Good news!

Virtually every person (well, boys -- there are no women within miles of this site) reading this thread is safe from the clutches of the dreaded ME TOO!

You need not worry about those scary harpies tricking you into a jail sentence. Simply put, you're too ugly and too weak to even get into the position to harm a woman. No lady would ever even pretend to join you socially, nor are you physically able to overpower even the frailest of women.

No one wants to target you.

No one cares about.

Not a one.

>> No.11574526

Oh, that certainly happened! Everyone believes this fanciful tale!

>> No.11574530

thanks captain obvious.
But i'll play pretend as I goddamn please.

>> No.11574532

At least now I can rest with my body pillow in comfort knowing he is safe.

>> No.11574537
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toastie roastie

>> No.11574539
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>ass blasted roast beef going full bore ad hom and name calling
always a delight, if only they had the mental capacity to think up better insults
just "hurr you ugly/unfit/undesirable" on repeat
it's as if they can't comprehend an existence that doesn't revolve around social interactions

>> No.11574543


>> No.11574558

Some dumb bitch got mad at Bush's dog because it had more Instagram followers than her.

>> No.11574595

I've seen plenty of dudes in HR. Do you even work for a living anon?

That being said everyone should know that HR has the companies best interest at heart; Not yours.

>> No.11574602

>I'm the real victim here. There's an institutional bias against me because of my gender!
Gee, that sounds familiar. Did I accidentally wander on to tumblr?

>> No.11574612

>tfw my workplace is 75% women
>everyone is nice

>> No.11574614

How is this thread related to cooking?

>> No.11574615
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>> No.11574634

It isn't. Welcome to /ck/.

>> No.11574692

>complains about the content of a board he doesn't know the name to.
Have your handler show you the bookmark back to where you came from.

>> No.11574706

Only the ones which I'm trying to fuck desu

>> No.11574905


>just dont do anything wrong
>he still believes in the just world hypothesis

>> No.11574911

>just don't be a weird creepy asshole dude
wow I'll just strap on my helmet and jump in my pretty cannon and shoot myself to la-la land where I'm magically not ugly as fuck anymore

>> No.11574924

Pro-tip, they don't think you're creepy because you're ugly. They think you're creepy because you're a bitter, seething fuck with a chip on his shoulder that might stalk them for turning you down.

>> No.11574947

You calling someone else bitter and seething is ironic

>> No.11574958

You don't actually know what the word ironic means, what you're actually searching for is hypocritical. And sorry, I'm laughing to hard to seeth.

>> No.11574960

I think this is becoming true. My mother works for the government and has to travel all the time. She told me that over the last year, male coworkers have refused to travel with her, and other women, unless they can travel in a large group, which is rarely the case. They want hotel rooms to be far away/seperate floors or buildings if possible. A lot of them have just simply refused to travel and do their job in fear of being called rapists lol

>> No.11574988

No I used the right word

>> No.11575004

No you didn't, seether.
>In hypocrisy, as in dramatic irony and verbal irony, there is a discrepancy between what the speaker says and the situation in which he says it. But the particular nature of this discrepancy differs among these kinds of case. Unlike verbal irony, hypocritical talk is not a figure of speech.

>> No.11575026

I actually did, and you're just proving me right at this point because of how oblivious you are to the situation. It truly is ironic, and you're a dunce.

>> No.11575030

He has a point. Women are often referred to talk to women when they have issues. Outside business, in medicine or therapy, genders are often given a choice of talking to the same gender to allow more open disclosure. Why shouldn't both men and women be catered to equally in HR?

>> No.11575051

Why are you so scared to talk to a woman about your "problem" at work?
Could it be because you know your argument is based on lies and will just fall apart in front of someone who can fire you when they see through your shit attempt to smear a co-worker?

>> No.11575057

HR, female or otherwise, is not likely to fire anyone. They're more likely to issue a gag order to all parties, avoid there being any visible consequences, and hush the whole thing up with a warning. The company doesn't want that kind of publicity.

>> No.11575058

I've posted something quite fair and in line with professional standards elsewhere and you've done nothing but throw adhoms and implied demeaning or accusatory insults. Reactionary posts like yours do nothing to help the current climate.

>> No.11575062

That was an impressive way to dodge the question.

>> No.11575063

If he had that kind of actual physical ability he would have a body a woman wasn't physically repulsed by.

>> No.11575066

It's true, though. The only guys I've ever worked with who were nervous to go to HR were the same guys who would stare at female coworkers and make gross comments when they thought they weren't listening.

>> No.11575070


Republican politicians are disproportionately involved in gay sex scandals, child abuse scandals, drug scandals, etc. Most of the time when they claim they're against gays,drugs, pedophilia, it's because they're doing that very thing. GOP: the party of projection. But you do you and continue to vote for kid diddlers

>> No.11575072

And you continue to vote for your superior party that has a kiddy diddler island.
Or don't, they will just have a dead person vote for them for you.

>> No.11575075

>do you eat alone with female coworkers?
no i rape them

>> No.11575076

Where is the exact location of this island? Post pictures of it.

>> No.11575079

>being scared of women.
You know they carry disease right?

>> No.11575082

>He hasn't had his cootie shot.
Anon, are you retarded?

>> No.11575087

His parents are anti-vaxxers, but he got autism anyway. So sad.

>> No.11575106


Do you mean the island that Trump frequently visited and brought guests to? Well, I'm not sure that's true, but if you say Donald Trump is a pedophile, I believe you.

>> No.11575113

Honestly don't know how straight men pretend to enjoy women's company. They are vindictive and lazy. Never interesting or funny and think they can never be wrong. I see so many men who defend them for everything simply because they are sexually frustrated. Turn gay anons.

>> No.11575160

They pretend to enjoy women on any level because once in a great while a vagina feels good on their dick, but that 1% of their life takes up 99% of their other life.
It's stupid, it's sick, and all they can do to defend themselves from being asked about it is say things like
>what you gay bro
>bro what, don't you like girls bro
>dude bro you just aint had the, dude bro, dude, bro, right pussy yet
as if it justifies making sex your life, your obsession, your personality, and throwing away 80% of your money for life at a chance.

>> No.11575172


>> No.11575177

Honestly I can get along with old ladies but so many women are cunty because they think I want what is between their legs. I don't. Other men let them get away with it too. Not once have I ever genuinely admired a woman or thought she was as cool as me. I pity henpecked straight cucks who pretend they aren't miserable and desperate.

>> No.11575360

So manyroasties in this thread... damn if you do, damn if you don’t.

>> No.11575374

I have a feeling 90% of the people in this thread are LARP'ing.
Unless you've been working for a short amount of time, you've probably eaten meals with female co-workers.
I can see how eating alone would be akward though. But to be honest, eating alone with a male coworker could be awkward too. Depends on the person, really.

I think it's better to judge it based on what type of person she is, and what type of relationship you have with her. From my experience, colleagues go one of two ways: strictly business, or strictly friendship. Either you're discussing family friendly topics on your free time like diets and foods, sickness, family and siblings, football, relevant local/international/national news (basically watercooler convo), or you're always discuissng business, even on your free time. Personally, I prefer the latter, since the former can lead to out-of-work commitments, and I've never really liked any of my colleagues that much to go out with them, or share my personal life.

>> No.11575380

Work in professional services, teams are staffed nationally, dont even know the person im working with initially most of the time.

Yea buddy I should totally take the risk and make 5 yrs of work go down the drain...

>> No.11575387
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>all these posts from stay self-propelled incubators

Remember children, estrogen is clinically proven to inhibit rational thought.

>> No.11575388

The majority of women can tell when a man is lusting for her, just like men are capable of sensing the same. There must be something really unusual in your manner if lots of them are making this mistake. Or maybe you're misunderstanding their reactions yourself.

>> No.11575396

the dude won't frivolously accuse you of sexual harassment or worse.

>> No.11575399

But that wrong, sometimes people are just nice. I had a buddy who took a new coworker out to lunch to get her to open up to the team and people thought he was hitting her. By people i meant the back office female employees.

The dude married and has 2 kids, i had to pullhim aside and tell him to cut that shit out next time, he doesn’t do it anymore. It shitty but it what needs to be done.

>> No.11575410

>The majority of women can tell when a man is lusting for her

No they can't, they often assume I must be into them by default because I'm polite or quiet and doing my own thing. They think they are gods gift to the world and that I must have no confidence for not giving them the time of day. They can't initially tell I'm gay a lot of the time and act like cunts until I tell them. Women are fucking annoying and straight men will always defend them no matter how irrational or how much self flagellation you have to do because you're spineless doormats.

>> No.11575427

>implying anyone replying to this thread has a job that would require them to go on business trips or forcefully eat with coworkers

>> No.11575432

>They can't initially tell I'm gay a lot of the time and act like cunts until I tell them.
>act like cunts until I tell them
No one would have guessed women prefer being around men who gargle dicks instead of the ones trying to get into their pants.

>> No.11575434

Yeah? Strange that I never have this problem. Maybe your pupils are unnaturally dilated or something.

>> No.11575440

>I'm NEET so everyone else is
I work a shitty menial office job in Toronto. It's mostly women.

>> No.11575445

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11575454

If you think they prefer my company because they find out I'm gay and non-threatening you're wrong. They just don't pester me anymore because I'm no longer a useful pawn to them or they know my attention is elsewhere. Believe it or not women know they can treat straight men like shit and you're going to take it. I don't have too.

>> No.11575456

The subtext of your post, NEET

>> No.11575457

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/195777845