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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 550x367, millenials.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11572628 No.11572628[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey bro, wanna grab some microbrews? I've know a great local brewery to check out. It's SUPER craft and independent. Let's try the barrel-aged pineapple shortcake hazy triple IPA milkshake radler. We're gonna have to wait in a three hour line for a 4-pack of cans though since it's a limited release. $25 well-spent though, right? YO dude you like cornhole man?

>> No.11572640


>> No.11572656

Yah bro sure, will there be food trucks though? I could smash some banh mi right now

>> No.11572691

Oh FUCK me I could kill for some street tacos or some craft mac and cheese. Dude we should go for trivia night!

>> No.11572698

>beard and plaid shirt with tiny sleeves
>Star Wars tattoo
>Toyota Prius with equality bumper sticker

>> No.11572715
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Check out my new sign guys

>> No.11572753

This thread has been brought to you by BUD LIGHT. For a cold beer that always gets you up and never let's you down, make it a BUD LIGHT. DILLY DILLY my friends. Also, we want to remind you that we had frogs in commercials before you guys were using them as your profile images so we are in fact EPIC.

>> No.11572761

i thought it was just a fad in my country!!?

>> No.11572769

Where I live they try to dress like hells angels, they even have custom back patches for each little cliq, yet they all still drive the fucking prius' & similar faggot cars.

>> No.11572773

I drink Miller High Life.

>> No.11572776

>those round diffusers installed at an angle to throw air towards the exterior

I'd have used an adjustable elbow instead of cheating the diffusers with a short cut piece of round.

>> No.11572793

I cheated on your mom with my short round

>> No.11572807

Post your short round bby

>> No.11573024

>plaid shirt with tiny sleeves
kek why am i still laughing at this?

>> No.11573033


because you have no social life outside of seeking validation from anonymous strangers on a bhutanese vacuum repair forum

>> No.11573213

Ironic that the alt-right gets their stained panties twisted up over independent, small businesses embodying the fundamentals of capitalism. Almost makes you think they support megacorporate state fascism. Really makes you think!

>> No.11573243

Hey buddy, you got the wrong board. /Leftypol/ is two websites down.

>> No.11573329

Why do incels hate small and niche businesses so much?

>> No.11573347


Cornhole is about as college frat-bro as it comes.

>> No.11573384

Dear God, my older brothers in California are huge craft beer fags, and you described them so perfectly. And they play corn hole all the time while drinking it and I'm amazed how you were able to link the two. Spot on m8

>> No.11573400

Hey buddy, you got the wrong website. This is an anonymous imageboard that anyone can access with a browser.
Not a sekit clubhouse for partisans.

>> No.11573449

What's with the alien script

>> No.11573460

Reminer that millennials are already in their late twenties an thirties.

>> No.11573476

Real talk though why do some many of these places have cornhole instead of a dart board or shuffleboard. Cornhole takes up way too much space and you can only do it outside in the summer.
Also fuck you I'm getting a 2oz micro-growler beer flight of the Russian Double Rasputin IBA Brown Shoes Rick and Morty Bud Light

>> No.11573505

>patchy beard that will never come in fully
>rebel star wars tattoo
>black ray ban horn rimmed glasses
>open plaid shirt with skinny jeans and belt
>t shirt of some old movie or album
>jeans stop many inches shy of feet
>"rugged" boots or trail shoes
>apple watch or similar knock off

>> No.11574668

Sure brah, I'll order us a free-range, fair-trade, Cruelty-free, vegan, hand crafted fries from that Xir in the food truck it's only 15 dollars for one cup. Plus the cup is free-range cardboard and reusable, so we can plant some organic vegan certified lettuce in it when we are done.

>> No.11574688

Explosives diffusing codes.

>> No.11574700


What the fuck is Cornhole? Where I live, it's a common slang term for buttholes.

>> No.11574810

It's literally the game in op's photo. Are you underage?

>> No.11574813

Throwing beanbags into holes

>> No.11574851

Don't know about your area, but the craft-beer enthusiasts and bartenders in my area all have glorious well-groomed beards.

>> No.11574884

Oh you want to go to the Bent Goat tonight?
I usually go to the River Goat Tavern. They have more board games there.
The Tattered Goat's alright. Ever been there? They have a pool table. It's kind of like a dive bar. They do this cranberry-ginger julep.

The cucumber-ginger sour at the Yellow Goat is pretty nice. Only $9. Crisp and rustic. Goes great with the 3000K incandescent bulbs and the stained oak counters.

>> No.11575044

ITT: triggered steel reserve drinkers
whatchyu know about herb-infused saisons? probly nothin'.

>> No.11575073

>all these salty flyovers

>> No.11575083

Turn your brain off the politics man it isn't healthy, not everything is a debate.
This is a post about hating annoying hipsters.

>> No.11575094
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>> No.11575097


Look at that lonely old cask beer handle on the left that almost certainly never gets used.

>> No.11575246

Who hurt you?

>> No.11575257

it means penis-butt

>> No.11575289

>slogan is ‘drink from the can’
>label features some fuckwit drinking from a glass
Ironic retardation or retarded irony?

>> No.11575303


>implying any system that uses money is anything OTHER than fascism

Stay slept

>> No.11575344

>complaining about a high quality hand made product

Oh wait it's an Anerican. Suddenly it makes sense. Enjoy your estrogen.

>> No.11575346
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>someone has to hurt you to be an annoying dipshit

>> No.11575756

>supporting capitalism

Literally pick one (1)

>> No.11575794

Kek I work as a bartender in a taproom, and I got some solid laughs from this thread. We unironically stocked pineapple jalapeño cream ale a few weeks ago. I couldn’t give that shit away.

>> No.11575957

Just like where my ancestors used to drink

>> No.11575970

Jeez you fucking people bring politics into everything. The absolute state of faggots

>> No.11575989

don't lie, you guys do everything ironically

>> No.11576022

Sounds and looks pretty comfy to me but I'm not a poor dishwasher and or a shut-in. Always plenty of cute grills at these places and these days more than just hipsters go there.

>> No.11576031

Funny enough, I get mostly older guys in my bar.

>> No.11576067

do they wear a lot of leather?

>> No.11576078

>tfw the bar next door sells me minimum legal priced pints when a beer just cant sell
I mean yeah it tasted like someone dumped a pint of maple syrup and sausage spices in my stout but it was $3 a pint so whatever

>> No.11576079


>> No.11576086


>endlessly screech about commies and socialists
>support a billionaire property developer

What did they mean by this?

>> No.11576087
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They all look like this

>> No.11576206

Wow that sounds revolting. I do enjoy craft beer however. I live in San Diego and there’s a pretty good “scene” here. Ballast point sculpin ipa is my favorite. I don’t drink anymore but I actually miss the taste of it.

>> No.11576223

Yeah every decent bar or brewery I go to is 90% 40+ year olds at any given time. At 27 I'm usually the youngest there unless I bring my dumbass friend

>> No.11576225
File: 133 KB, 800x1200, 52668AB3-7EC0-44E6-80AC-1677D2FE974B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also enjoy cornholing with some bros down at the eagle.

>> No.11576286

I think everyone younger is either too poor, doesn't want to spend the money going out to watch sportsball and listen to a shitty cover band with a bunch of old farts, or doesn't want the DUI. Or they just have shit taste. The only place I see younger crowds with good taste are in larger cities, all the dregs get left in podunk.

>> No.11576516

I’ve heard that some people call it Bag-O, which sounds gay as hell. Apparently it’s a plastic board version, which is bullshit. If you’re not making your own boards out of wood and hauling them in you pickup to your buddy’s barbeque for our country’s freedom, then you’re probably retarded. And queer.

>> No.11576545

Was it brewed by Firehouse, by any chance?

>> No.11576548

Even when I drive into the cities its older people. I think most young folks are just poor. At shows I only ever saw them drinking hamms

>> No.11576560

Makes sense. Millennials and teens want to socialise over group cocktails and cheap lagers, not quietly sip strong expensive ales. I'd argue any craft-beer bar will have a clientele skewed towards the middle-aged who have more money and experience.

>> No.11576570

Nope, Legal Remedy. http://legalremedybrewing.com/beer/seasonal-beers/jury-panel-jalapeno-pineapple-ale/

>> No.11576585

I prefer it. I don’t have to deal with people who don’t know their limits; plus, older guys tip incredibly well.

>> No.11576586


>> No.11576590

>barrel aged IPA

>> No.11576593

>bhutanese vacuum repair forum
Damn that's a good one.

>> No.11576610

Dumbass gen Xers can't grasp this for some reason. I know several that refer to their toddler aged children as "fuckin millenniums" whenever they do dumb shit

>> No.11576612

Millenials are subhumans. Especially the nu-male kind.

>> No.11576615


>> No.11576631


>> No.11576644

>If you’re not making your own boards out of wood and hauling them in you pickup to your buddy’s barbeque for our country’s freedom, then you’re probably retarded. And queer.
Nebraskans wildin

>> No.11576651
File: 118 KB, 1200x800, D145_43_975_1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck craft beers man.

Whatever happened to beer being a man's drink? A tough burly trucker knocking back a couple of generic name-brand brews after a long shift at the iron mill, not this queer af craft brew shit made by some cunt with a twisty mustache.

Fuck post-modern society generally.

>> No.11576659

>iron mill
Pick one

>> No.11576662

you sound like my brother

>> No.11576668

A lot of young, overeducated professionals hit up nicer bars, but just as many of them play mario kart and drink their own brew at home instead.

>> No.11576669

Because your pussy ass couldn't handle knocking back a few 13% barrel aged stouts. But no, drink your Michelob over in the corner and pretend that fully captures the entirety of your perceived masculinity.

>> No.11576670

i would let any dude who says this fuck me

>> No.11576678
File: 57 KB, 376x341, 1543033155456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm irish, I think I can handle it.

Drinking a craft beer is like eating a full meal. Totally un-refreshing and way too heavy on the gut for my liking.

But hey, each to their own I guess.

>> No.11576685

>Drinking a craft beer is like eating a full meal. Totally un-refreshing and way too heavy on the gut for my liking.

Wow, what a fucking pussy

>> No.11576694

You want to fuck some guys pretty bad, huh

>> No.11576695

Girls not allowed

>> No.11576702

>post modern
Back to your Leaf Kermit videos pls

>I'm Irish
>one sixteenth anyway!

>> No.11576715
File: 426 KB, 400x300, 1543132414296.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you faggots still replying to me?

Can't you accept that someone might have a different palette than you?

>> No.11576721

Nothing to do with your palette m8, I just found your description of sweaty iron workers to be interesting (from a psychological standpoint).

>> No.11576727

Honestly, I think you're just painting craft beers with too broad of a brush.

>> No.11576738

Incidentally, I am actually irish. I'm from northern ireland. Please don't mistake me for a sweaty american.

let's just say I'm nostalgic for a time when men did real work, and drank Budweiser at the end of the day as a reward for a job well done. It's pretty obvious that craft beer is for spoilt urban millenials and "young professionals" who've probably never made anything with their hands. That's all I'm saying.

>> No.11576742

fair play anon, that's a good one

I actually prefer mass produced beer, in the sense that at least you always know what you're going to get.

>> No.11576744

>all this projecting

>> No.11576748


>Claims to be Irish
>Is nostalgic for a time when people drank American pisswate


>> No.11576782

I thought the Irish liked thick heavy stouts. I mean, they're seem to be so proud of guiness.

>> No.11576793

guiness is not beer. Stout is not beer. Know the difference.

>> No.11576797

>stout is not beer
I guess ain't nothin beer but a good ice cold glass of missouri brewed piss water after a long hard day at the iron trucking mill, amiright?

>> No.11576802
File: 298 KB, 1080x1020, Screenshot_20181206-183636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What did they mean by this?

>> No.11576807

>It's pretty obvious that craft beer is for spoilt urban millenials and "young professionals" who've probably never made anything with their hands. That's all I'm saying.
No, my brother. It has evolved to be more than that. I worked in a conservation corps for a year (living in a tent, doing chainsaw work, fencing, doing rock work, etc) and all my coworkers drank ‘good’ beer. They were the sweaty, hairy men that you’re probably idolizing.

>> No.11576815

>They were the sweaty, hairy men that you’re probably idolizing.
I'm not sure idolizing is the term I'd use. It's probably much more homoerotic than that.

>> No.11576827

>let's just say I'm nostalgic for a time when men did real work, and drank Budweiser at the end of the day as a reward for a job well done. It's pretty obvious that craft beer is for spoilt urban millenials and "young professionals" who've probably never made anything with their hands
Well, you know nothing of US history. By the end of the 1800's there were 5000+ craft breweries in the US serving craft beer to the rough and tumble men who carved a nation out of a wilderness. They were not drinking the feminized macros brewed after prohibition for women and men too weak to fight in WWII. Craft beer is historically the beer of real men, flutterbudget.

>> No.11577786

Idk what you think the alt right is but a good number of us are literal socialists who are also racial nationalists.

You know, National Socialism.

>> No.11577802

Settle down there, sport. Yes, yes, hmm we’re all very impressed, see, mummy is smiling. That’s a good lad. Now run off and play, I’ve some work to do.

>> No.11577817

everybody's laughing, a playing, and cornholing except Buster

>> No.11577842

Well it went out of style roughly about the same time that people kind of woke up to the idea that blue collar types doing back breaking labor for pennis, going to a bar to drink for 6 hours before going home to a house they hated, a marriage that was falling apart, and kids that didn't want to see them wasn't exactly "in vogue" and there were much better ways for grown ass men with depression to get over their issues than getting drunk and beating their kids.
Also the idea that >real men drink piss water beer is literally marketing propaganda

>> No.11577908

Um, sweatie, the domain changed, so there’s not any politics anymore mmmkay?

>> No.11577929


Make sure you loudly tell all your comrades what a proud socialist you are

>> No.11577936



>good number are literal socialists

Everyone look at this and let these words sink in.

>> No.11577951

>racial nationalist
Where do you come up with these things? That's such an ambiguous way to put it. Race is not nation specific, nor is nation race specific. You guys seem more and more underage and delusional every single day. It's like watching a car crash, except the car somehow manages to continuously crash into itself over and over again while the driver suffers more severe brain damage with each collision.

>> No.11578032

>let that sink in

>> No.11578067

>Almost makes you think they support megacorporate state fascism

I unironically support this

>> No.11578092
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Good for you then, because we're getting more and more of it. Companies like Twitter and Google are going at it hard already.
It'll be great, right?

Took my brother to a microbrewery for his stag do. 20 different beers to taste and ingredients and equipment so you can brew your own beer. About 120 cans I think we got out of it.
It was fun. He made his own label for it later. I think it's a Sunny reference but I'm way behind on that show.
Bit overfermented which is why it's so foamy, but it's a pretty good beer.

>> No.11578139

why craft beers always have cringe reddit tier names and packagind designs?

>> No.11578318
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>> No.11579082

Not him but I didn't realise that's what it was. It looked like a loading bay or dock with a bar stuffed in the corner.

>> No.11579087

these places can never get a bar atmosphere right, I've never enjoyed drinking in some industrial park warehouse with florescent lighting

>> No.11579090
File: 241 KB, 950x1415, 1542579843605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe stop living in Melbourne, cunt.

>> No.11579094

>Northern Irish
That means you're British.