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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11566156 No.11566156 [Reply] [Original]

*dabs on the coffee snobs*

>> No.11566159

I hate zoomers so god damned much.

>> No.11566170
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>is a little more environmentally friendly
K-Fags btfo

>> No.11566217
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Step it up

>> No.11566224

like I give a fuck about the environment lol

>> No.11566230

>thinking ESE is better than K-cups

>> No.11566249

Only boomers drink keurig.

>> No.11566277


>> No.11566281

only boomers drink coffee

>> No.11566301


>> No.11566328

Keurig is pretty much fine as long as you're not drinking amazing coffee and as long as you don't have an amazing coffee maker. It's for middle-od-the-road coffee drinkers like me.

>> No.11566352

I dunno man, it feels to me like Instant Coffee at 20x the price

>> No.11566366
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* outperforms your new technology *

>> No.11566373
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What's the point of keurigs?
If you don't care about the taste that's ok, then just drink instant

>> No.11566438


I buy variety packs and enjoy having a different flavor of coffee every day, I also use the machine to make tea and hot coco.

>> No.11566469

You care about the taste then. Keurig is your worst option after instant. It just doesn't make sense

>> No.11566500

>anon props his feet up on a wobbly, laminate oak ikea foot stool inside his cavernous McMansion constructed of only the finest chipboard and faux granite stucco.
>he looks out over his stately holding of land, 400 square feet of perfectly manicured lawn and a full sized saber grill, a quality masculine accent piece. The conveniently located walmart majestically crests the horizon beyond the prow of his vinyl fence. The nearby ring road generates a pleasing, thought clearing white noise
>he sips his Keurig coffee, individually crafted from the finest plastic kitchen device money can buy. He takes it black, and bold. a truly contemplative sip.
>"poorfags shall never know such pleasure"

>> No.11566506

it tastes fine to me, do people who according to you care about taste keep 20 bags of different flavors of coffee lying around?

>> No.11566513

That’s why those bootleg adapters to put your own coffee in exist, despite the Keurig DRM bullshit on their machines.

>> No.11566556
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>he flavors the coffee that he directly buys the beans of

>> No.11566564
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>> No.11566569

>paying money for the privilege of using your own coffee
Keurig fags literally enjoy being cucked

>> No.11566584

>a full sized saber grill, a quality masculine accent piece.
I lost.

>> No.11566589
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*dabs on y'all*

>> No.11566599
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Instant also tastes 'fine' then, buy that it's much cheaper. People usually just have a bag or two of fresh whole beans they grind up before brewing.
So you grind your beans, put them in a separate cup you have to buy and then brew it in a keurig? Sound like that removes all the convenience out of it. Might as well just use a french press, it would be cheaper, produce better quality coffee and even faster

>> No.11566625

This is a game changer.

>> No.11566635

You're buying 20 individual flavors of shit though, it's just an illusion of choice to make it seem like there's a lot more variety and freedom than there actually is. if you freeze and seal your beans you can store pounds for months but having to dial into each different bean wouldn't be worth it so typically you just buy different beans every time you restock.
I would rather drink the same coffee for two weeks and have it outstanding every time than drink "donut shop blend" on Monday and "Starbucks(r) Veranda(r)" on Tuesday pretending like I didn't piss money away on a meme for retards

>> No.11566649

Is that a proto aeropress?

>> No.11566994

Instant coffee is the same thing lmao, you guys over paid for a boiler.

>> No.11567004

Based and redpilled. French press master race

>> No.11567048

An excellent post

>> No.11567091

here we have a real class act. even though you took the high road, OP still got BTFO

>> No.11567457

The VA had one of those and I couldn't figure out how to use it. A nice lady helped me though.

>> No.11567462
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>buy a k**rig
>there's black flakes in everything i make with it

>> No.11567508

Is there a technical reason they can't make these things out of tempered glass or bulletproof glass or something? I'm on my fourth one in 5 years.

>> No.11567526

Just get one that's made of metal. I've had a solid stainless steel French press for over a year now without so much as a scratch on it. I don't use it as much as I used to though since I got a Hario V60 that takes significantly less effort to clean.

>> No.11567531

thanks dude I didn't know they existed. Gonna start saving up now, maybe I can get one in May.

>> No.11567552

fucking based. spend 150 on a decent espresso machine too and start dropping a couple shots in and you'll never look back

>> No.11567556
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>make coffee
>there's coffee in my coffee

>> No.11567567

They're not really that expensive, I think that mine was like $25 or $30

>> No.11567574
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>spend 150 on a decent espresso

>decent espresso machine

>> No.11567628

okay chucklefuck, what is 'decent' then?

>> No.11567647
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These things were the fucking tits and they cost like $30 when I got mine. Sadly no longer available thanks to (((big espresso)))

>> No.11567668

is dabbing what you do when you don't care about the beverage, but you spend $100 on a machine that makes it when a snob's $30 setup would suffice?

>> No.11567739

This, Keurigs are literally for retarded millennial housewives. A manual grinder is like $20 and a pour over mug is probably less than $15.

>> No.11567786

Keurig is disgusting. I don't know if you guys are aware of this but it's next to impossible to clean the pipes and there is a ton of bacteria that builds up if you have one with plastic tubing. There isn't any feasible way to clean it so mold and bacteria just keeps building. My dad got deathly ill from using it and we tossed it and got ourselves a stainless steel espresso machine instead.

>> No.11568034

That's not an espresso machine though

>> No.11568176

How do you guys clean the filter on these things? I always find that it goes rusty on me really quick.

>> No.11568891

Are you really expecting anything new from the last thread you made?
You barely even changed the opening text.

Is there a point to making the same old threads repeatedly on /ck/? We all recognise them from the last time.

>> No.11568975

>Just buy some meth.
>No need for a shitty coffee machine debate with 4channel.

>> No.11569018

I buy variety packs and enjoy having a different flavor of coffee every day, I also use the machine to make tea and hot coco.

>> No.11569088
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>the virgin infusal pads vs the chad aroma roundels
it sure is great being able to choose from a wide variety of coffee types and sizes every morning, from espresso to double lungo, along with a rich selection of seasonal offerings delivered to me twice a year in the Nespresso Catalogue. And don't get me started on the outstanding service and experience I can expect every time I visit the Nespresso Store, both for more sleeves and to responsibly recycle my old pods. The dark-eyed girl at the coffee bar knows that I like a stick of dark chocolate with my complimentary Paris Black now.

>> No.11569118
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She likes it black too, if you know what I mean.

>> No.11569265


>> No.11569362

For me it is Folger's in my cup, the best part of waking up.

>> No.11570194

>it sure is great getting cucked

>> No.11570210

yeah but i'm on neetbux so it takes awhile

>> No.11570232

i'd call myself a coffee snob, for my coffee
don't get why anyone gets a hardon shitting how other people drink it

>> No.11570235

>try keurig
>it's watery shit

>> No.11570295

Cheaper shipping and construction costs
>>11567526 is 100% correct, you can also get more rugged types that can go on camping trips

>> No.11570296

Maybe learn to not drop it on the floor? I've had mine for 10 years and no problems. Or just buy a stainless steel one instead of glass.
>How do you guys clean the filter on these things? I always find that it goes rusty
You do know how to unscrew it, right? Just do that and wash it with soapy water and rinse, or throw it in the dishwasher. Also, maybe get a better brand that wasn't made in China. Bodum is good.

>> No.11570322

This. How they got so popular with such shit taste is beyond me.

>> No.11570548

Just fixed me a fresh brew with the ol k*rig cafe bustelo espresso style with a 2 tsp brown sugar a bit of cinnamon and Himalayan pink salt and 1tbsp of heavy whipping creme. Life is good lads. Other than my truck broke down yesterday and I’m about to have to get clothes on and fuck with that.

>> No.11570576


Which kcups did you use. Anything lighter than extra dark roast is super watery.

>> No.11570597

I’m not a coffee “snob”. I’ll drink Folgers, I’ll drink Starbucks. But Keurig is just too watery. The whole point of coffee is to get a buzz, and keurig just doesn’t seem to have enough caffeine. You might as well drink a Diet Coke