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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11560752 No.11560752 [Reply] [Original]

Shot this tastey fucker. Does /ck/ like wild game?

>> No.11560755

seek help

>> No.11560758
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Hung for 3 days to get all the blood out.

>> No.11560761

Not particularly, but I like deer jerky.

Go away.

>> No.11560763
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Skinned and ready to be broken down

>> No.11560766
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Look at this hock. Yum.

>> No.11560767 [DELETED] 

Meat is murder. Just reported this thread to the FBI for animal abuse you sick fuck.

>> No.11560768

make jerky.

>> No.11560771

I have a piece of paper issued by the state government that says harvesting wildlife is not only legal, it’s necessary. Your move, vegfag

>> No.11560779

Tracking your exif data now. Triangulating with your IP... Ok. Done! I have your location and am now on my way to tear up your phony murder permit.

>> No.11560780

Do you keep the organs? I don't know why but i get the feeling most hunters dump them.

>> No.11560781

I've liked deer and reindeer whenever I've had them, but they are expensive beasts to buy.

>> No.11560783

You probably shot it with your assault rifle 15 with extended clips, drumpftard. We all know 5.56 is designed to wound not to kill, you monster. Poor thing must have died in agony.

>> No.11560784

What would blood sausage from venison taste like? I'm guessing intensely gamey

>> No.11560790

Hope not, that'll fuck up the meat. A good hunter takes a clean shot to paralyze or brain the motherfucker instantly.

>> No.11560791

i know this is bait but it has always been funny to me that vegfags are so opposed to hunting. it's literally the least cruel & environmentally impactful way to procure meat for the table

>> No.11560793

I thought there would be no useable meat left on the carcass if shot with an assault rifle 15.

>> No.11560799

i kept the heart. sometimes i keep the liver depending on its condition. It really depends on if its a gun kill or a bow kill. a bow kill usually leaves the liver in great shape. a gun kill not so much - when the bullet hits it sends shock waves all through the body and ruptures lots of the offal. I much prefer bow killed deer, but this one was gun. the liver was iffy so i left it for the foxes and coyotes.
Ive tried the lungs before? they were stringy and tasteless.
Deer kidney is quite strong tasting. not my thing.
The stomach is SO MUCH WORK to clean out to get tripe. Iv'e done it a handful of times. But usually killing a deer is a race against the clock - wanna get the thing field dressed and hanging before the meat starts to spoil, so im generally not going to take the time to rinse out the stomach.
heart is delicious as fuck tho

>> No.11560800

that's only when you load the assault rifle 15 with minority-seeking armour-piercing bullets which instantly obliterate dark meat

>> No.11560801

vegans are retarded, when the deer population gets too large the government literally hires people to go out on helicopters to shoot them down, at least with hunting people get to eat the meat and use something from the animal.

I heard stuffed deer heart is delicious, never had it though.

>> No.11560802

eeesh. Deer fat has a really musky smell to it. the taste is unpleasant. No thanks.

>> No.11560804

do you hunt with bow rifle and bow?

>> No.11560807

>when the deer population gets too large
Hmmm I wonder whose fault that is

>> No.11560808

go back to /pol/
.45 cal muzzle loader. not as much meat damage as a .50

>> No.11560812

its so tender. and think about it- its an organ continuously bathed in hyper oxygenated blood. its SO good.
yes, i prefer the bow, but once gun season starts the animals are nearly impossible to get close enough to for a clean bow kill. And no center-fire rifles allowed here. only muzzleloaders or shotguns.

>> No.11560815

>not back to /k/ where I came from
Did I take the "/pol/ boogeyman"-bait just now by replying?

>> No.11560822 [DELETED] 

whatever its not about food you dick. MODS

>> No.11560831

your post complaining about his post isn't about food either, I hope the mods ban you.


>> No.11560839

looks tasty

>> No.11560844

not only did you misspell tasty, tasty is a fucking cringe word like yummy, only girls use it

>> No.11560848

>he has unironic trigger words
Yikes sweety

>> No.11560863

if op has a pair of boobs and took down that doe she is the queen of /ck/

>> No.11560879

Hunter bros, I know nothing about it but I’ve done some reading lately. I had assumed that the ideal place to shoot for a quick, painless kill would be the head. But the Texas hunting license reading material recommends shooting just above and in front of the front legs, so as to get the heart. Is this correct? Is it because it’s an easier shot, or is there another reason?

>> No.11560908

it's usually pretty hard to hit the head, which is why they recommend aiming for center mass, I aim for the lungs which takes them down pretty quickly and preserves the heart, but aiming for the heart is also a valid strategy.

>> No.11560911

Cry more pussy

>> No.11560913


>> No.11560916

Blowing the deers jaw off won’t kill it. It will just slowly starve to death. Anything in the boiler room (upper chest cavity) will kill it pretty much right away. It might run for a couple hundred yards but it will be dead in less than a half hour. Any gut shot in the lower chest cavity is bad news. Will take a day to die and you’re probably not going to find it.

>> No.11561012
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Look at this glorious shank

>> No.11561016

a deer died for this thread

>> No.11561019

If you have a manual bone saw (looks like a large hack saw) or I suppose you could use a hack saw, cut up the bones for venison stock. Really rich tasting. Well worth the effort. Don't use the spinal column, though, as that will contain the bacteria causing chronic wasting disease if it was infected.

>> No.11561021

Yeah better let these things crash their own ecosystem.

>> No.11561029

Check out this shank!
>*teleports behind you*

>> No.11561035
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I wish my dad taught me how to hunt

>> No.11561057
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Leg steaks. They grill like shit but come out great sous-vide. I pre-season and freeze with herbs and some added fat, usually butter or pork fat.

>> No.11561071

I live in the UK, i wish i could hunt my own meat like this and live off the land, only thing we can really do is fish, cant even hunt rabbits without needing landowners permission, theres no wilderness to just go hunting. Everyone is such a little pussy when it comes to hunting here too, they act like its the worst thing you can do shooting the poor animals, meanwhile they go and buy their factory farmed meat, the hypocrisy and ignorance is astounding.

>> No.11561088

>cant even hunt rabbits without needing landowners permission

Is it really that hard to get landowners permission?

>> No.11561115

Not gonna even mince words- the public trust doctrine that makes wilderness available to all and protects hunting from becoming only available to elites is the best part of America.

>> No.11561118

underrated metakek

>> No.11561131

Well theyre liable if anything happens when youre on their land so you or anyone else could sue them or they themselves could be prosecuted, unless you know them personally they are very reluctant. Maybe many years ago it might have been different but in modern times when you have to be very careful due to the law coming down on you like a stack of bricks.

>> No.11561165

>Well theyre liable if anything happens when youre on their land so you or anyone else could sue them or they themselves could be prosecuted

It's the same thing here in the States (we are infamous for being lawsuit-happy, after all). But it's no big deal to find private land to hunt on. If you don't know any landowners personally (which seems statistically unlikely unless you are a shutin) then people will advertise in papers an online that you can hunt on their land. Depending on the species you want to hunt you might have to pay for it, or you might *get paid for it*. I've had farmers pay me to shoot rabbits, feral hogs, etc.

I once paid for the use of a deer lease, and the landowner explained to me that there was a mountain lion on his property and he had it on camera killing his goats and some of the young deer. He told me that it was a condition of the lease that if I saw it, I was to shoot it. If I wanted the trophy to mount it would have cost me $2k, otherwise I would be paid $500 if I let him have it. This was actually in our lease agreement.

>> No.11561179

Doesn't scotland or wales have some areas for public hunting?

>> No.11561263

in several states private property is OPEN to public hunting unless the property owner posts no trespassing/no hunting signs.

>> No.11561264

that’s pretty badass anon
did you bag the cat

>> No.11561273

I can get wild boar and alligator meat on the regular down here in florida. I'm no hunter though, I just buy it fresh and break it down at home. Can't really get deer a lot on the gulf where I'm at but I have eaten some fucked up birds illegally.

>> No.11561325

Are you the anon who beats his wife in the pasta ?

>> No.11561350

Nope, I didn't even see it. I did hear it though.

>> No.11561388

DUDE THAT IS THE SCARIEST SOUND. i had one yelling at me while i was in a tree stand. it sounded like a woman getting gang raped. no lie.

i also heard a coyote vs turkey last week. the turkey lost, but the sounds were nothing short of alien.

>> No.11561429

What's your favorite venison recipe OP?

>> No.11561452

Yeah, it's scary alright.

A raccoon fight sounds like hell on earth.

>> No.11561936

ill give you my two favorites
>Venison loin (backstrap)
>dry rub of ground coffee, black pepper, coarse salt, garlic and something piney like juniper or rosemary
>cut the rubbed loin into 1.5" medallions.
>shiitake mushrooms. or even portabella. cook just long enough to release water, but not a second more.
Hot pan. Thin coating of clarified butter. Throw in whatever aromatics you have on hand an cook just long enough to release some oils and then discard - star anise, fennel seeds, etc. Quick sear on the medallions.
Make a 2 minute pan sauce with the remaining clarified butter scraped up fonds, usually by adding some kind of berry. blackberry, blueberry, pomegranate seeds, lingonberry, it all works great.
Usually i serve with some kind of root veg puree like celery or sweet potato and a hard green like brussles. It doesnt really have a coffee taste, the rub gives it some earthy tones. Its really nice and goes great with the mushrooms.

Recipe 2: venison cassoulet with chestnuts
This one is a pain in the ass, but its worth it. Check out Emerel's venison cassoulet recipe. generally I follow that (no reason to retype it here) except i add roasted chestnuts, and instead of andouille, i use my own spicy sausage made from venison cut with pork fat, white potato and red pepper flakes. cassoulet takes a while but its so good.


>> No.11561977
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>And no center-fire rifles allowed here

>> No.11561998
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even worse

>> No.11562007
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>exif data
>On 4Channel

>> No.11562013

It's humanity's fault that the deer population can get so out of control in populated areas or those stripped of large predators. That's why we have a responsibility to mitigate the damage.

>> No.11562130

This anon is correct. Get some help.

It's a lot easier to butcher game with a friend or two, and it means the meat will hit the freezer sooner, which is better.

>> No.11562134

Most hunters I know try to salvage the heart and liver, then donate the rest to the critters.

>> No.11562143

I only eat wild game no farmed meat for me

>> No.11562148

>get the heart. Is this correct
Heart / lungs, yes.

>> No.11562155

Does cumin go with venison????

>> No.11562166

I'm always cumin when I shoot a deer.

>> No.11562170

Just buy wild game if its for food
If you just wanna go hunting then I know your struggle

>> No.11562174

why do you post this edgy shit?

>> No.11562177

>get some help
You really don't need it for deer, if you are not a twink faggot or you shoot a trophy, you can clean a fucking deer by yourself. The only real difficult shit is when it's 5F out with a 15mph winds, that shit fucking blows

>Hung for 3 days to get all the blood out.
what the fuck? why? just clean it fresh and get that backstrap on the grill

>> No.11562180

most hunters get rid of all the organs, I keep the heart though because i'm from Louisiana and that's just how we do shit

if you get someone who knows what they are doing, the heart can be one of the best parts of the deer

>> No.11562183

I respect the fact that you are willing to kill and butcher an animal to eat. Most eat meat and refuse to even look at an animal dying.

>> No.11562195

yeah lol most people wouldn't be able to stomach squirrel hunting, if you kinda get a shitty shot and hit their hinds, then you have to beat them on a tree to kill them, I hated it when i was a kid, probably because it took me 5 or 6 swings to kill it

but once you kill enough animals it doesn't even matter, it's just food, not a cogent being

>> No.11562203

>preparing and eating eating meat is edgy

you vegans are annoying, no one likes you preaching, go away.

>> No.11562227

Gamey shit. The only good cut are the backstraps.

>> No.11562242

>t. woman

>> No.11562286

This might be an insanely stupid question, but how do you prevent the meat from spoiling while you drain the blood? Is it just really cold there or does it take a while to spoil?

>> No.11562313

just don't do it, it's very unnecessary if you clean it immediately, i've literally never drained a deer in my life and they have all tasted normal

also for colder climates, it's usually below 32 most nights because deer season is in the winter

>> No.11562332

Hey I know that chink, she has a youtube food channel right?

>> No.11562336

I think that anon is conflating two different things.

The blood drains out of an animal very fast. It only takes a few minutes. However, it is common to "hang" game for a period of time. This has nothing to do with "draining the blood out". Rather the idea is to let the meat start to partially decomose which improves its flavor. I don't mean decompose in the sense of rotting, but rather the enzymes in the meat start to break it down and change the taste. It's the exact same principle that's applied to beef or pork when you buy it at the supermarket--it's been aged (aka "hung") at the slaughterhouse before it even got to market. Hanging game is the same idea as wet-aging meat.

If you do it too long then yeah the meat will spoil, and it does need to be cold otherwise it will spoil too.

>> No.11562341

>but once you kill enough animals it doesn't even matter, it's just food, not a cogent being
That's were I would argue you are wrong. I personally think killing comes from a dark place inside a human being. Even moreso when it is done for fun. I mean I do respect the fact that you kill to eat, even though it isn't needed, as opposed to those who eat meat and refuse to acknowledge the reality of how their food is processed.

>> No.11562342

Ar 15s are basically just fancy hunting rifles anon...

>> No.11562358

I'm so sorry, anon.

>> No.11562387

As a cajun, i have killed literally thousands of animals, I 100% disagree, I think it has more to do with honor than evil. one thing that's always passed on is that you never kill for fun unless it's necessary(boars n shit) and to never mock the animals. i've even had friends who prayed over the body after killing bigger game like deer and turkey

personally I don't give a fuck, I love the way it tastes and there's no other factors in it, idc about honor, I don't get a sick happiness from it, I just want some good ass food

As for having fun while hunting, it depends, bigger game where you have to sit and track or wait long periods of time, i think the fun is the chase, the primal instinct that we all forget when we have food readily available, and fast hunting like duck and squirrel is more about the precision and fun.

combine that with the fact that hunting is commonly done with all the males and their friends, it's a bonding thing, saying it is evil means you've never been apart of a hunting culture

>> No.11562388

>not a cogent being
Disagree. I've been hunting since I was 12 yo, starting with squirrels and rabbits, progressing to pheasant/quail and deer and I still feel sadness at the kill. It was a beautiful being in the full bloom of life endowed with the same spirit of life coursing through me. Worst part of the hunt imho, but I'm willing to subject myself to it for the meat. You'd better believe I waste none of it, though.

>> No.11562413

Been eating moose meat omelettes all week, until today I decided to make it into chili.

>> No.11562421

>It's the same thing here in the States (we are infamous for being lawsuit-happy, after all).
Eh? It's the opposite I thought. At least for NY:
>I agree to conduct myself safely, responsibly, and law-fully, respecting the landowner, property, and others using it. I accept the responsibilities which are part of the activities which I pursue. I agree to comply with the instructions of the landowner while on this property.
>I understand that the laws of New York State absolve the landowner from liability for non-paying recreationists engaged in hunting, fishing, trapping, boating, hiking, and certain other activities, except in the case of willful or malicious failure to guard or warn of hazards.

>> No.11562422

hmm, that's weird, I understand what you mean as I felt similarly as a kid, because some of the shit was brutish, like beating the squirrels to death, cutting the throat on a deer, etc., but i haven't felt sad since i was a kid, maybe it's because of my culture? And the fact that it was applauded and the feeling you would get when your dad would bring you and the kill back to the camp and everyone was so happy for you and cheering you on, idk how anyone can see it as evil or sad

>> No.11562431

Vermont is like this

>> No.11562435

Nope, they're human killing machines and not at all good for hunting. A bolt action 30.06 is far more accurate and effective for hunting. If you see some fag hunting with an AR-15, you can be sure they have no clue what they're doing, and get the hell out of the area because they're the type of imbecile who will spray rounds into brush where they heard noise w/o identifying the target.

>> No.11562442

When I was a boy my father taught me to take a bite to the heart when the deer was killed.

>> No.11562447

You can use them for deer, you just have to aim well.

>> No.11562467

I didn't mean to imply it was evil, of course, as I still hunt to this day. Idk, just has always affected me that way at the kill but emotion like that isn't really rational so I generally keep it to myself other than talking to my wife about it, irl. Just thought I'd mention it as a divergent viewpoint to yours as a hunter.

>> No.11562468

30.06 is fine, if a little too large a round for whitetail. 30-30 or 308 is ideal. Also all this talk of hunting deer with an AR... Where can you hunt deer with a semi auto? I've never heard of this in the states

>> No.11562478

ah, that's fair

>> No.11562479

I enjoy game for sure. Particularly rabbit, squirrel, dove, pheasant, grouse and venison.

>> No.11562483

Semi-auto is legal in my state and surrounding states, but it's the south.

>> No.11562493

>Where can you hunt deer with a semi auto?
You can hunt deer with a semi auto in NY, barring areas like Long Island that don't even allow rifle hunting at all. I doubt you'll find that restriction anywhere on a state level.

For a competent person, using a semi-auto rifle to hunt deer should be akin to using a shotgun with slugs to hunt deer. It's about the swiss-army-knife "I can use my gun for everything" approach, not "I can shoot bullets faster weeeee".

>> No.11562991

Small deer don’t benefit from hanging but big old mature deer really do. It’s a night and day difference with taste and tenderness.

>> No.11562996

I’ve shot and eaten probably 50 deer in my life and every time it’s an emotional roller coaster. Heart beats out of my chest.

>> No.11563005

If it's raised on a farm, sure.

I don't like lead shards or prions in my food.

>> No.11563006

Bring this incorrect
As long as it doesn’t get above 42° A deer can hang for a couple weeks. And yes, it rarely gets above 40° Where I live between thanksgiving and March 1

>> No.11563009

why did you kill a beautiful being, are humans next for you?

>> No.11563019

I respectfully disagree, but I do admit that that the difference is subtle.

>> No.11563029

It’s not exactly “fun” in the way a roller coaster is fun. Maybe it’s fun in the way that a horror movie is fun. It’s a radically emotional experience to kill megafauna. Fishing, on the other hand, is fun as fuck.

>> No.11563034

100% this

>> No.11563046

>veganiggers seething

>> No.11563062

how is fishing fun as fuck; standing in the same spot for hours on end without catching anything, then when you do catch something you have to rip a hook out of a poor fish just to toss it back into the water; like what the fuck is the point of that shit? so fucking stupid.

>> No.11563079

.223/5.56 is illegal in every state for deer. .23 is the min caliber

>> No.11563088

>hours on end without catching anything
You're doing it wrong.

OR, sometimes that's the whole point. It's an excuse to get out and enjoy nature. Just chill for a while without the annoyances of modern life...

>> No.11563102

>imagine not eating your catch.

>> No.11563109
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You’re doing it wrong.
>pic related

>> No.11563183
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So...this being my only hunting rifle, how bad an idea would it be to use it for deer?

>> No.11563192

Hello fellow Massbro. North shore here.

>> No.11563213

Semi autos are even legal in California although there are mag limits and other limitations they impose. They were selling AR's for $500 at a gun show last February and California doesn't have gun show exemptions so I know they're straight legal.

>> No.11563304

The fuck do you have a safari gun for

>> No.11563311

Super beef, cheese, mayo.

Source: lived in Beverly for 5 years

>> No.11563327


>> No.11563328

Is that a .458 Lott or a .416 Rigby

>> No.11563405

Don't like eating parasites/worms

>> No.11563414

a bit overkill but why not

>> No.11563443

nigger you can use 308 and 7.62x39

>> No.11563448



>> No.11564303
File: 43 KB, 500x500, squirrel-pie-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Squirrel pies made with acorn flour

>> No.11564312

I've made corned deer heart for breakfast hash and its pretty damn tasty

>> No.11564318

This is the most ethical way to obtain meat, that deer had the opportunity to frolic, munch on grass, and fuck. He had to eventually succumb to the circle of life but i'm guessing the death OP gave this animal was much better than any sort of death you would meet in the wild.

>> No.11564332
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>> No.11564333

Arkansas, Mississippi, or Alabama?

>> No.11564336

you natives are something else

>> No.11564379

maybe so, I hunt deer up near Natchez mississippi and i've never done it, most i've let them hang was on bitter cold nights where I just wait until morning to clean it

>> No.11564752
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Georgia. Drunken Squirrel with Pumpkin Dumplings.

>> No.11564769

I personally use 5.56 because the wounded deer has to be dragged to a deer medic by two of his deer buddies.
I get three deer that way.
(But why not shoot the medic deer too?)
I'm not a fucking monster.

>> No.11564892
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get a load of this faggot

>> No.11565001

What part of Georgia, my dude? Up in Dahlonega here.

>> No.11565060

Both of those rounds are in the same weight class, except for 3030, which is about on the same level as blackpowder.

>> No.11565167

thats pretty culturally insensitive you faggot

>> No.11565289

Squirrel nowadays has an image of being whitetrash food but it's very good, all dark meat and nicely flavored since they eat mostly nuts and seeds. They aren't tame like suburban squirrels either so they can be challenging to hunt as they'll see and hear you so you have to walk into their area, sit motionless for awhile before they'll start coming out from hiding. Good training for deer hunting.

>> No.11565679
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White county...not to far from Dahlonega actually.
True most people associate squirrel with the ones they see in the cities. You couldn't pay me to eat those same goes for pigeons. If you hunt them out in the woods they are very tasty though.

>> No.11565843

Yeah you're right down the way from me then. Well, happy hunting, fellow GA anon bro. Merry Christmas.

>> No.11565875

Not only that, almost every dollar spent in hunting has a portion go to conservation efforts

>> No.11565923
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>safari gun
Holy shit imagine being this big of a bussy.
If you don't have at least steel-core .30cal readily available how the fuck are you going to take down a bear or elk or thicc hog.

>> No.11565932

Actually the only states that DONT allow hunting with 2.23/5.56 are Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Virginia, Ohio, New Jersey, Washington, and West Virginia. 10/50 states is not 'every state'.

>> No.11566232

dam that shits looks good. how would a spic like myself come around a dish like this? easily available in georgia?

>> No.11566237

The best way to hunt deer is with a .22.
Preferably from out the window of your car.

>> No.11566245

Oh look /k/ showed up with its little nugget

>> No.11566392

>imagine being so poor you cant understand why a safari gun is needed

>> No.11566402

Venison tastes like shit, hunting deer is pointless

>> No.11566429

Hank Shaw's recipes are fucking fantastic and it's always nice to see his stuff pop up in /ck/ hunting threads. I was actually going to make venison backstrap with morel sauce tonight, I will post the results later.

>> No.11566873

I'm sorry that you've never had someone prepare venison that wasn't trying to treat it like a substitute for beef, but you are objectively wrong.

>> No.11567131

you need more meat in your diet to counteract all the liberalism

>> No.11567252

Stop falling for rightwing propaganda. I'm a progressive, hunt and fish and know many others who do likewise. I also know many knuckledragging mouthbreathers like you who never hunt but hoard guns for no reason other than substituting them for their micropenis.

>> No.11567260

Does the deer not spoil from being out for 3 days?

>> No.11567281

Deer sausage when cured properly, jerky that I've seasoned, and venison chili with carne asada chunks are my mainstays.

>> No.11567336

>guns are only for hunting
Get fucked.

>> No.11567474

Hank Shaw. Check his website out it has great recipes.
You should check out the Forager Chef. His website is similar to Hanks but with a greater emphasis on wild mushrooms. I made his dandelion bud capers for some trout I caught and it turned out great

>> No.11567486

Thanks its been great so far this year. I'm hoping to get a couple of wild hogs so I have some pork in the fridge.

>> No.11567491

That's a fucking Mauser, tard.

>> No.11567492

Safaris, obviously.

>> No.11567500

It will take down any deer in one shot. Which is good, since you'll only want to fire it once.

>> No.11567974

>cogent being
stupid white trash

>> No.11568007

Moose is pretty tasty, I found it to be better than deer.

>> No.11568367

no, not at all. its below 40 here. no different than being in a walk in fridge

>> No.11568379

>3 days

>> No.11568393

Nah but if you're a "conservative" who doesn't fish or hunt you're basically a woman, a faggot and gay. Also your guns are overcompensation for your micropenis

>> No.11568547


good on you for butchering it yourself. people that use industrial scale processors are suckers. DIY.

>> No.11568565

>no center-fire rifles allowed here. only muzzleloaders or shotguns

ugh, what state bro? those rules suckkk

>> No.11568578

the only thing i'm afraid about hunting, are stray bullets from another person hunting

>> No.11569027

Wear orange and don't go hunting with any vice presidents.

>> No.11569050

You seem really hung up on a micropenis.
It's okay, small penises are very cute and feminine:^)

>> No.11569530

I like, i prefer wild boar though over deer.

>> No.11569558

lots of mess.

>> No.11569737

most deer cutters around here charge about $100-120, and you KNOW they arent taking the time to get all the meat. Plus im reasonably sure they take a little tenderloin for themselves.

doing it myself ensures i get every grain of meat, i dont waste anything, everything is vacuum sealed instead of butcher paper, i can pre-season stuff before i vacuum seal it so it can go right into the sous vide, etc.

>> No.11569740

if i was in the south it would be year round armageddon against those wild hogs. I would only sleep on weekends so i could kill as many of those fuckers as i could. not only are they delicious, they are destroying the south.

>> No.11569756
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hey this is a pretty good thread OP. learned a lot and i kind of want to go shoot a deer now.

>> No.11569818


>> No.11571290

As some 30yr old who never hunted

How do i start

>> No.11571339

where do you live?
best way to start is to find a freind who huts and ask him to show you the ropes. its a lot of work to start and it requires a fair amount of gear. Aside from your camo clothing and a weapon, you need a tree stand, some scent control stuff, binoculars, a rang finder, and of course access to property. All that becomes much easier and less costly if you have a freind who hunts and lets you borrow stuff.

>> No.11571492

Don't have any friends who hunt most belive hunting is something barbaric and believe it's horrible.

So much gear to consider, thought it was get a rifle you knew how to shoot, good clothing, backpack and knife for gutting and preparing the animal and thats all you needed

>> No.11571532

Pretty good bait. 7/10.
The fact that /ck/ veganfags are utterly nuts did make it easier for you, so I docked a point.

>> No.11571565

>thought it was get a rifle you knew how to shoot, good clothing, backpack and knife for gutting and preparing the animal and thats all you needed
That IS pretty much all you need.

Just because there are massive catalogs filled with hunting swag doesn't mean you actually NEED any of it.

>> No.11571579

You don't necessarily need any of that crap, except for the weapon. It depends on what you are hunting, how, and where.

I've hunted for 20 years. I don't own camo and never have. I rarely need binocs (where I live the shots are short enough they aren't needed). Scent control? Snake oil. Range finder? Nope, I don't take shots far enough to drop below my point-blank zero.

Don't fall into the trap of thinking that you need a bunch of silly shit to hunt. Sometimes you might but it's far from a certainty. It's a damn good idea to find a friend who will take you though, that's a great idea.

Also: most states require hunter education classes. Those cover basic knowledge, and they also give you great opportunities to ask around where to hunt, who to go with, etc.

>> No.11571580

>there's dozens of us!

>> No.11571808

Fuck, I lost.

>> No.11571863
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>y-you're white t-trash haha!

>> No.11571884

>/ck/ vegans are utterly nuts
I can't believe people STILL fall for the bait all the time. I guarantee you 95% of "vegan" posters on this board are all false-flagging trolls.

>> No.11571899

Oooooh daddy drumpf said so!!! Daddy drumpf gooood!!! Daddy drumpf needs his milkies sucked out from his mushroom microdick, retard!!!!

>> No.11571959

t. knowledge of the world dictated solely by F(au)x News, Breitbart and Clear Channel propaganda
You go, bootlicker!

>> No.11572033

You're not just wrong, you're also retarded.

>> No.11572048

For giving the damned Zulu savages a jolly good tanning if they think they can take your mission station.

>> No.11572059


>> No.11572066

>the president issues hunting licenses

>> No.11572071
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>> No.11572253

Looks like disgusting failed empanadas

>> No.11573293

*ahem* nigger

>> No.11573306

>orange man very not good

>> No.11573344

Okay, you made me laugh.

>> No.11574513

yeah well our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks

>> No.11574542

Too gamey for me

>> No.11574561


>> No.11575665

You don’t “need” this stuff to kill animals.
For that, all you need is a weapon. But If you’re really going to learn to be an enthical hunter, you need to spend time in the woods during all four seasons. Learn the animals. Learn the patterns. Learn how they travel from food to water to bedding areas. Where do they go when they are stressed? How do they behave when they are nervous, calm, or straight freaked out. How do you manage wind and scent?

By far the easiest way to learn this stuff is to spend time in a tree stand and watch.

And I’m not sorry, no beginner hunter should be anywhere other than in a tree stand. A rifle bullet can travel a mile with enough kinetic energy to kill. New hunters should only be shooting down where a miss winds up harmlessly into the ground.

These other anons are correct that you can walk into the woods, happen upon a deer, and kill it wearing street clothes.

But to really hunt takes time and commitment.

>> No.11575672

>rarely need binoculars
How do you get to know the anmimals?
>range finder
How do you sight in your rifle to know what your zero is?
>scent control
Maybe it is snake oil, but an extra half second before you get winded is sometimes the difference
>ive hunted 20 years
Yep, you don’t need this stuff because you’re experienced. But you sure as shit needed help when you were new

>> No.11575683

Pick one, etc
It's clearly regional advise, there are no 'deer stands" west of the Mississippi

>> No.11575813

There’s also no spot and stalk without binoculars