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File: 184 KB, 508x384, ways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11560684 No.11560684 [Reply] [Original]

*blocks your path*

>> No.11560688

what the fuck is wrong with Americans my bros

>> No.11560693

*flies over it*

>> No.11560695

That word is inherently American, must be a Brit if you have no culture of your own to draw from

>> No.11560696

chili served cinnci style is fine
what is wrong with you?

>> No.11560701


>> No.11560704


>> No.11560710

only 1 state does this

>> No.11560718

I think all the people who meme about Cincinnati chili have either never had, are insecure coasties, or both. It's unironically really good.

>> No.11560725

Dunno if you consider this thread meming but I live in Cincinnati and yeah it's great.

>> No.11560729

*hides your shitty thread*

>> No.11560733

Thanks for the bump

>> No.11560860
File: 11 KB, 296x170, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*dabs on your faggy imitation*

>> No.11560869

>not Parmesan cheese

>> No.11560883

Sister in law from Cincinnati
Went up to help her and my brother with some shit
Went to skyline
Got the chili covered wiener
It was sort of runny chilli and I don't like hot dogs
It wasn't bad but 8 don't know how it achieved national meme status
Went home
Got some Nashville hot chicken

>> No.11560885

Using Parmesan on skyline Chile has never been done(to my knowledge)but may be good

>> No.11560890


>> No.11560898

How'd you get it to be green? People make fun of me if I try they don't turn green
>is this green

>> No.11560900

Woah neat

>> No.11560906

Chili cheese fries with cinci chili is amazing

>> No.11560923

This isn't from a fly over you fuck, it's a west coast thing

>> No.11560925

Cincinnati is in the midwest retard.

>> No.11560926


>> No.11560927

What's with all the shredded carrot?

>> No.11560990

That’s shredded cheddar cheese

>> No.11560995

you've never been to a steak and shake. This is chili mac on their menu.

>> No.11561024

Nah, cheddar is pale yellow, not orange.

>> No.11561030

I'm traveling to Cincinnati and Nashville for conferences within the next months. Are Skyline chili and hot chicken memes or are they tasty shit?

How about the canned Skyline chili, is it the same shit?

>> No.11561031

fuck you stay away you faggot californian

>> No.11561041

Canned isn't as good, buying seasoning packets is a better bet. But no skyline is not a meme, it's actually really good shut

>> No.11561046

I think anon is implying that it's so shitty that it's automatically East Coast. Holy shit I've never seen so many canned vegetables dumped into recipes as I did in New England.

>> No.11561112

Then it’s some “secret” bullshit cheese

>> No.11561119

looks way better than memphis BBQ sauce spaghetti

>> No.11561134

I'm in Nashville and only recently even heard of Nashville hot chicken. Hattie bs and prince's are good tourist choices

>> No.11561141

The Greek pasta dish Skyline chili is a riff on is actually good. The fact that at Skyline the pasta is uniformly overcooked and it's served with a mountain of bullshit tier cheese (and sometimes other crap) on top is what makes it disgusting.

>> No.11561144

objectively untrue

>> No.11561150

Then it’s some “secret” bullshit cheese

>> No.11561154
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Sure I could fake this but why would I?

>> No.11561157

>devours it

>> No.11561158

>calls gallatan nashville

>t. lived in madison for years

>> No.11561188

I used to work in Madison, very high homeless rate and shit human rate.

>> No.11561414

>That word is inherently American, must be a Brit if you have no culture of your own to draw from

You typed that in English mate think about it

>> No.11561423

It's washingtongue asshole. English is OI OI M9 ALAHU ACKBAR MOSQUE MOSQUE ACID STICK LOICENSE

>> No.11561439

Whoa this is how you
>imply implications

Edit: holy shit bump for clarity!

>> No.11561671

Top notch memeing mate you sure showed me lol don't forget tea lol we love tea

>> No.11562412

What kind of pasta is this supposed to be

>> No.11562436

Overcooked spaghetti. A Greek guy in Ohio a century ago came up with his take on a classic Greek meat sauce and called it chili because at the time there was a chili craze. People liked it and accepted it as chili. I don't know when the ridiculous pile of crap tier cheese on top became a thing, but it is now.

>> No.11562560

ive had the pasta 5 way and the coneys but told them to go easy on the cheese, i got some dirty looks but it was still good.

>> No.11562832

Just looking at this image made me shart

>> No.11562838
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americans are fat

>> No.11562876

Only way to get the coneys is light cheese extra mustard. The 3-way is garbage

>> No.11562905


5 drinks, 47 hotdogs, wtf is going on in this pic. i have seen it so many times, but i can't imagine ordering THAT much at once

>> No.11562911

where my nky boys at

>> No.11562915
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>> No.11563073

europeons are ugly

>> No.11563174

Not so bad. If you eat chili cheese fries, you can eat the Cincinnati chili, but chili cheese fries are tastier with all the grease, fats, and salt added.

>> No.11563180

why are you talking about tea???

>> No.11563185

>top right
someone's lactose intolerant

>> No.11563196

i bet its a nigger

>> No.11563262

that cheese looks like crap, but honestly good chilli on noodles with good cheddar sounds pretty good

>> No.11563324

I'm sorry my friend. Chili belongs over brown rice with Parmesan on top.

>> No.11563338

the only place to get them

>> No.11563352

I live in New England where we don't eat much cheese. Why is there a huge pile of it?

>> No.11563371

I live in the Northeast too and I always overdo it with the shredded cheese.

>> No.11563372

you don't even know what pasta is you have no right to speak

>> No.11563375

Aren't noodles pasta but pasta isn't necessarily a noodle?

>> No.11563377

See >>11560710

It's literally just in ONE CITY inside of ONE STATE. Only Cincinnati serves that, and yes, it's as fucking pathetically disgusting as it looks. It's taco bell tier shredded cheese on top of mid-grade chili. Ohio fucking sucks.

>> No.11563380

>we don't eat much cheese in New England
where the fuck do you live? People eat plenty of cheese here in New England anon, pls go

>> No.11563412

What are you gonna do about it? I already got the flight and hotel paid for

Also, I'm from Seattle. Close though

>> No.11563457

Where in New England? I live on the south coast and never see cheese like that. I don't see how you would put a bunch of cheese on fish, lobster, clams, etc

>> No.11565316

I think it's the other way around. Pasta is noodles but in order to be pasta, noodles have to be made with durum wheat.

>> No.11565319

>Ohio fucking sucks
Kill yourself, Michigan faggot.

>> No.11565358

Hie toiped thawt een Uhmericon moite

>> No.11565519


>> No.11565541
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>> No.11565551

Can we all agree that Cincinnati is based as fuck and if you don't live in Ohio you're basically a bitch

>> No.11565560


>> No.11565574

what about NKY senpai

>> No.11565592

Ohioan here. I’ve ordered the 5-way once in the years I’ve been eating there. I don’t think it’s terrible, but definitely not what I consider appealing. For me, it’s the cheese coneys every single time. I literally don’t even want to think about how many of those tasty things I could eat in one sitting.

>> No.11565603


>literal meme chicken

Guess how I know you suck dick for crack?

>> No.11565618

My brother! Can we agree that Empress and Dixie kick the ever loving shit out of Skyline?

>> No.11565686

Goldstar is based, the only Empress I know of is that one in Wilder and someone told me it sucked 15 years ago so I never tried it

>> No.11565840

>West Coast

>> No.11565960

mild """cheddar""" is frequently orange as a kind of warning coloration for people with taste not to eat it

>> No.11566087

I feel sorry for the janitor who has to unclog the toilets in that hellhole.

>> No.11566092

Shouldn't cheese be melted lol.

>> No.11566122

get queen city chili or goldstar, fuck skyline
t. cincinnatian

>> No.11566407

turns out skyline uses Annatto to make the mild cheddar more orange-yellow

>> No.11567523

Holy shit, someone with some sense. Goldstar is where its at.

>> No.11567555

love me some sgetti with bahloony and pahme sean

>> No.11567590

>hwiter than youe mohammed

>> No.11567615


>> No.11567699

Columbus Ohio anon here to say cinci chi is the worst and everybody except people from cinci hate it and make fun of people from cinci for liking it.

>> No.11567706

Definitely not west coast bro that's about as cinci as it gets

>> No.11567711

Nashville hot is good stuff. Cinci chili however

>> No.11567731

Cinci sucks Columbus is cool. I travelled the world for work for like 5 years.

Peopls vs. Taxes vs. Cost of living vs. Things to do Vs. Natural disaster and weather. Ohio is a really nice place to be we get all 4 seasons nothing extreme on any end. No real natural disasters. Cost of living vs. Payrate is pretty fair

>> No.11567755

I don’t like hot dogs
Orders a hot dog

>> No.11568085

must be a rhode island fag

>> No.11568093
File: 1.10 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2317 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pasta/noodles. whatever.

I make spaghetti with udon noodles

>> No.11568119
File: 61 KB, 221x201, q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for staying out

>> No.11568290

Hey how do you edit your post like that? I can't figure out where to click

>> No.11568512

oh whoa, hey look I don't want any trouble, mister...

>> No.11568519

>mid-grade chili
LMAO fuck Ohio faggots

>> No.11568633


>> No.11568661

Honestly pretty tasty but deserves to get mocked

>> No.11568735

Dixie Chili>Gold Star Chili>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Skyline Chili

>> No.11568746


>> No.11568760

NKY gets a pass

>> No.11568787

>nashville hot chicken
>literal meme chicken
Are you autistic or just a tastelet?

>> No.11568828

We have them in Cleveland too but I opt to just make my own three way because it costs 5 dollars to make a big ass pot of it that will literally last days
1 box of regular spaghetti
2 cans of beanleas chili
1 or 2 blocks of cheddar

>> No.11568932

Mix your 3 ways to melt the cheese and suddenly the dish is 100x better. Don't listen to the fags who tell you to cut it into weird slices.

>> No.11568954

That is some real backwater shit.

>> No.11568959

To cut it into slices like a pie? I agree. It's fucking pasta.

>> No.11570076

based and redpilled

>> No.11570140

>I'm from Seattle. Close though
Unfortunately true. Seattle is the cancerous growth on Washington that needs to be surgically removed via the judicious use of lasers, chemicals, and fire. It's Washington's California.

>> No.11571583

there's literally someone sitting in the seat
fuck off

>> No.11571672
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fuck jannies

>> No.11571766

So you tell me what someone glances over this and says "ok"?

>> No.11571791

Imagine living in Cincinnati

>> No.11571797

Ohio is greatest state. Every other state is a shit stain on the mattress compared to us. Skyline is all over Ohio btw. And its damn good food. Fuck off you Michigan muslim

>> No.11571819

Columbus is a souless dystopian hell hole that everyone wants to leave. Anyone who lives there is devoid of life and is forced to stay because its the only area in the state that has jobs.

>> No.11571852
File: 126 KB, 290x352, der-flyover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin' based lmao