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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 598x634, 47442130_332291004253105_1697109116733882368_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11560208 No.11560208 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ want for Christmas?

>> No.11560269


>> No.11560278

this but ironically or unironically, which ever can be real

>> No.11560377

a tomboy gf

>> No.11560390

Painless death or permanent neetbux.

>> No.11560393

wtf happened to tomboys. i swear they don't exist anymore

>> No.11560400

Evolved into dykes and transmen.

>> No.11560404

An uncastrated tranny who eats food that I like.

>> No.11560434
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there were some cool tomboys in the 80s

>> No.11560527
File: 1.91 MB, 1500x1500, berkel-flywheel-slicer-vlb3-red-front-web_1_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7lb per minute lol

>> No.11560531

Holy s**t. A machine that yields meat. No more starvation. Nobel Price to Cabela's.

>> No.11560532
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a gf

>> No.11560536
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I'm hoping for a new meatgrinder myself actually. Just a simple handcranked Nr. 8. I had one but I can't find it after the last time I moved so I guess it has been lost.
I miss making sausages.

Even the boys aren't boys now

That appears to be a slicer, not a grinder. It's very pretty, though.

>> No.11560551
File: 43 KB, 583x400, 271424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes i am aware it is a slicer. OPs grinder however claims to be able to grind 7 pounds of Meat per minute!

Decent butchers cock you have made There.

>> No.11560554

Get /fit

>> No.11560557

Fuck, I wish it was feasible to be a highschool dropout if you wanted to be anything other than a tradesman.

Modern education is fucking toxic

>> No.11560558

>Holy s**t.

>> No.11560562
File: 797 KB, 1431x1462, lunch kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>drop out HS
>fuck around for 2-3 years
>get GED
>go to community college
>pick a community college that grants automatic admission to any public college in your state if your grades are good enough
>get good grades
>graduate from the best public college in your state
>never have to experience the torture chamber that is high school

>> No.11560569

Essentially this. The gay community recruits after tomboys and more feminine men hard. Same reason you don't see metro-sexual men anymore.

They also recruit after children. That's something that has been largely confirmed even by the gay community itself. Don't raise your children to hate but do be cautious of what they are exposed to....

>> No.11560577
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>> No.11560583

Don't tell me how to raise my kids, faggot. You're getting shot in the dick if you try to give him AIDS

>> No.11560589
File: 119 KB, 720x720, family guns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't tell me how to raise my kids, faggot.

>> No.11560599

I feel like maybe you didn't understand what I'm trying to say.

>> No.11560654

Do you even know what tomboy means? Basically a dyke.

>> No.11560690

getting /fit/ wont change the fact that im a sperg

>> No.11560738

I'm waiting on delivery of a hand crank meat grinder I just bought. Going to use it to make my own ground meat for sausages and meat sauces.

>> No.11560747

Found the zoomer.
No, tomboys are not gay. They just aren't traditionally "girly" in their interests.

>> No.11560757

>tomboys are not gay

>> No.11560762

Lotsa honey crisp apples

>> No.11560772
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>> No.11560789
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>The Salamander’s power comes from two independently controlled 11,000 BTU infrared broilers that deliver ideal, easy-to-adjust heat, from gentle broiling to 1850°F of intense searing heat across the 215 square inches of cooking space.

>> No.11560794
File: 43 KB, 555x710, 5659A1F5-178B-4E14-B67F-A2D50422A6FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not op but you guys are getting off topic.
I want modernist cuisine the box set or under pressure by Thomas Keller

>> No.11560827

>No, tomboys are not gay.
As a guy who has always found tommy girls sexy I can tell you a lot of them are gay. I've dated (and had a lot of fun with) girls who ended up dating women exclusively. But not all of them are gay. My wife is straight as an arrow, and she's also a bass player, loves playing with power tools, is in tech, drinks rye and bakes sourdough bread. You can find yourself a straight tommy girl. But if that's what you're into you're definitely going to date some gay ones along the way.

>> No.11560864

lifetime supply of heroin

>> No.11560871

If you get lucky and get some fent in there one shot can be a lifetime supply.

>> No.11561056

now THATS christmas in a cup!

>> No.11561067
File: 565 KB, 1080x1787, Screenshot_20181130-143555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A boyfriend to cook for

>> No.11561070

based and redpilled