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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11559721 No.11559721 [Reply] [Original]

Someone told me the other day that white people don't wash their meat before cooking. this isnt serious, right??

>> No.11559737

>wash their meat
Why should I wash my penis.

>> No.11559744

Let's get hygiene advice from a people who regularly have ebola outbreaks

>> No.11559746

We (whites) stopped washing our meat 10 or 15 years ago when people started saying washing meat just spread bacteria everywhere and proper cooking kills all surface pathogens anyway

>> No.11559766

Welp, that's the last time im eating at a white person's house then!

>> No.11559780

You have to wash it after cooking. If you wash it before cooking it's just going to get dirty again.

>> No.11559823

unless you buy meat in some shady alley your meat should have been smoked and frozed beforehand to kill all and every single pathogen. then cooking it should kill any pathogens left by heat
if your fridge is clean, your kitchen is clean, your utensils are clean and your hands are clean, why would you wash your meat?
also >>11559744

>> No.11559826

Washing your meat is only for if you've let it sit in your fridge for 5 days and accumulate a fine layer of slimy bacteria feces on the outside.
Any actual bacteria on the outside of meat are going to get fucking obliterated in the oven, so why splash them all of your kitchen sink?

>> No.11559831

That sounds more like a white person thing than a black thing tbqhwy.

>> No.11559845

Because maybe you don't want that slime in your food??

>> No.11559851

So don't let it sit in your fucking fridge and go bad then.
That slime is underneath the surface of the meat too, so you're still eating it.

>> No.11559852

White people are nasty

>> No.11559858

I only wash poultry

>> No.11559873

No, the slime is on the surface, brainiac

>> No.11559878


im white so i can afford good meat

>> No.11559883

The slime is the leftover shit from bacteria eating the food.
Your food has bacteria below the surface.
If there is slime on the surface of your food, which is because you didn't cook it soon enough, that exact same shit is beneath the surface of the food.

This is literally the process of spoiling.

>> No.11559889

So you admit that the slime is on the surface. Why wouldn't you wash that off? I swear..

>> No.11559890

don't buy slimy meat, dummy

>> No.11559893

Don't eat spoiled meat, brainlet

>> No.11559910

It's not spoiled. It's fine to eat. It just requires a little rinse. I swear, are all white people this dumb?

>> No.11559913
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>> No.11559957

Another dick in the mud ,nigga what !

>> No.11559960

White people are cucks

>> No.11559967

Only because white women love black cock and white men love seeing their partner in ecstasy, you misogynist.

>> No.11559986

so you were shitposting
*smack lips
*smokes crack
*gets arrested
*dies from ebola

>> No.11560022

Because we are circumcised

>> No.11560027

Do black people really smack their lips? I'm against racism, but don't know many black people and really hate anybody who smacks his lips. It's a disgusting habit.

>> No.11560088

>Against racism
>Don't know many black people
Checks out