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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 104 KB, 960x924, Meat_Donut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11559519 No.11559519 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Surreal food

>> No.11559814
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>> No.11560061
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>> No.11560065
File: 27 KB, 800x600, Cast_bb_800x600_hank-schrader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats fordite, a mineral

>> No.11560075
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>> No.11560106

its dried pant retard

>> No.11560139

what a bad shop lol

>> No.11560209
File: 53 KB, 600x452, unicorn meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11560211
File: 41 KB, 419x450, doritos cupcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11560360

Imagine going back to the middle ages and doing this shit in public. Sure way to get fucking burned at the pyre

>> No.11560376

>its dried pant retard
That's what fordite is, retard

>> No.11560379

i.e., not a mineral I think is what they meant

>> No.11560398
File: 684 KB, 364x320, zooomerbtfo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god, i hate that fucking game

>> No.11560407
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>> No.11560411

Fuck yeah

>> No.11560418
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>> No.11560421

It's fordite, (you) retard

>> No.11560432

god i wish that were me

>> No.11561856


>> No.11561866

What is this stuff?

>> No.11561876

Wtf is that

>> No.11562008

haha i thought the exact same thing, you would be thrown into a river with a rock tied to your leg before you could blink

>> No.11563211

didn't the chinks already have fire works? it's just "snakes"

>> No.11563462

post the recipe if you know what it is

>> No.11563484


>> No.11563748

Oh God how disgusting her body is

>> No.11563762

looks like a sheep dick cumming sheep cum into that bucket

>> No.11563852

ho ho being vile, just for the sake of it. an obvious "it looks like a dick coming" gif, but no...it's a sheep! how edgy is that???

>> No.11563871
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>> No.11563880
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>> No.11563897

Not food, but very satisfying and arousing nonetheless.

>> No.11563900
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>> No.11563904
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>> No.11563908
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>> No.11563913
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>> No.11563918
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>> No.11563922
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>> No.11563932

put automotive paint on a rail. Bake 20 million times over 30 years.

>> No.11563958
File: 65 KB, 550x735, 1493944193157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11563991

coke gets more uniformly cold on its side
also works for beer
thank me later

>> No.11564040


>> No.11564081

are you just discovering common sense?

>> No.11564085

thank you based mineral man

>> No.11564094


>> No.11564110

imagine going on 4chan and then getting upset at someone mentioning dicks
the absolute state of "4channel"

>> No.11564114

so you're just kind of dumb i guess

>> No.11564119

wait, what?

>> No.11564127


>> No.11564142
File: 659 KB, 1819x900, freezing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one will cool down fastest? i thought we all knew that a large shallow pool of liquid will freeze faster than a deep narrow pool of liquid, you apparently, have never considered this

>> No.11564145

What do you mean?

>> No.11564151

pour a cup of water in a large baking tray versus a cup of water in a mason jar...which freezes first?

>> No.11564153


>> No.11564192

That's becuase more of the surface area is exposed to cool air, but that doesn't apply to a volume of liquid in a container. Sideways or not, the same surface area is exposed the same.

>> No.11564197

That's just stupid anon. It would freeze faster in a large tray because more surface is exposed but changing the position of a container doesn't increase the exposed surface. If it does go faster it is because the container touches more of the solid surface of the fridge/freezer which has much better heat transfer than air.

>> No.11564223
File: 567 KB, 689x739, glasscontainers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which of these, each filled with one cup of water would freeze the fastest? if your life was dependent on it, which would you use?

>> No.11564230

We joke about it but how horrifying, were lucky to live in this time.

>> No.11564239

the same timeline that a tweet from a random person, ten years later, with no evidence can ruin your career/make you a social pariah

>> No.11564243

The largest one, since the water would lay flat, have a larger surface area exposed to cold air. But that would matter in a Soda can that is practically filled to the brim, leaving only a small air pocket, that would insiluate it more than the bare metal.

>> No.11564246

We are going back to the exact same problem. What's your point? It doesn't actually matter with an identical closed container. If a bottle full of liquid was suspended in mid air in a fridge, it would freeze as fast whether it was suspended vertically or horizontally.
I ultimately agreed that it does go faster, just not for the reason you said.

>> No.11564275

beer bottles have an air bubble in the bottle...are you missing that?

>> No.11564297

Air is still terrible at heat transfer compared to most solid surfaces.
Once again, it's not because of the increased surface exposed to air but the increased surface exposed to a solid. Plus stuff I drink doesn't usually has a giant air bubble in it, just a small one that wouldn't cover the length of a bottle put horizontally.
Once again, you're right, just not for the right reasons.

>> No.11564354

Bro you're a witch.

>> No.11564369

I would toss it immediately

>> No.11564423

At the most you get some criticisms, if it's very offensive and your employer finds out then it's possible but that doesn't happen often.. Anyways it doesn't compare to being killed for something someone just suspects you of that you know you did not do.

>> No.11564559

Pharaoh's serpent

>> No.11564581

>touches more of the solid surface
A cylinder laid sideways only intersects a plane by a line

>> No.11564585

I meant tangent to

>> No.11564589


>> No.11564596


>> No.11564673

>The absolute state of 4channel

>> No.11564679

This inspires a visceral level of disgust.

>> No.11565904

it's about surface area to airflow in a freezer.
the stand up has the least laying down

>> No.11565917

this is wrong. freezing air blowing would cool faster

>> No.11565995

you think your average peasant is going to want to risk messing with a guy who can do something like this?

>> No.11566003

should've just named em "4chan cupcakes"

>> No.11566014

based kelloggs secretly redpilling normies about multiculturalism

>> No.11566018
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>> No.11566021

Nobody on 4chan likes either of those things though

>> No.11566769

Haven't lost to a YLYL thread in ages, but this made me laugh out loud.

>> No.11567887
File: 1.09 MB, 897x880, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11567899

>(((Kellogg's))) is virtue signalling to gay people
Imagine my shock

>> No.11567904
File: 1.44 MB, 898x899, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11567907
File: 901 KB, 888x742, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11567919

what's 4chan?

>> No.11567951
File: 101 KB, 640x426, 1415308096064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11568212

This hurts my head

>> No.11569011

I think the lighter alone would get you thrown off a cliff.

>> No.11569023

Was that done in paint? They could have at least tried.

>> No.11569034

I can't wait for zoomers to die off after their crypos all hit shit.

>> No.11569041

I was on board with you for a minute, but hes right. The surface area dont change in a beer bottle. It changes shape but not overall size.

>> No.11569298

What is this, foreskins?

>> No.11569335

>win argument
>don't get an apology

>> No.11569515


>> No.11569805
File: 338 KB, 428x1216, pankake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else in awe at the quality of that punch? The arm swing, the slight bending of the elbow at the end, this is pretty much a perfect haymaker, the best punch you could use in this situation.
Also, these are typically inaccurate, but she smacks him right on the jaw and that's higher than her head. Look at her leg work and the final position. I bet she's done this a lot of times.
Based serial zoomer-whacker.

>> No.11569841

I have this. But the inside is actually little plushie unicorn cuts.

>> No.11569961

>put cereal that was better on its own with a bunch of other cereal, with the complete absence of what made those individual cereals good in the first place
It's like they're trying to prove Hitler right :^)

>> No.11570567

>do it in ancient egypt
>"shit nigga that's cool" t. pharaoh
>do it medieval europe
what went wrong?

>> No.11570573

i can see the doritos crumbs on your keyboard as you type this

>> No.11570624
File: 81 KB, 600x450, 1187329178857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11570841

lol, decent

>> No.11570967

I don't get it, why'd she hit him?

>> No.11571019

Why insult him

cringe af

>> No.11571161

>implying you could get anywhere near the pharaoh without being thrown to the crocs

>> No.11571424

> Implying they wouldn't have killed you for south African magic practice

>> No.11571431

That’s cute anon

>> No.11571498
File: 138 KB, 750x750, Shi-Caixia-natural-font-b-pork-b-font-belly-stone-font-b-pork-b-font-meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name this mineral please

>> No.11571509

how can she slap

>> No.11571535

You'd be an alchemist, they weren't so backwards as to scream "demon" at the drop of a hat, usually. Moral panics threw that out the window though, when they happened.

>> No.11571545

She probably thought he was doing lewd gestures behind her instead of just that stupid dance.

>> No.11571570

stupid zoomer. ya don't mess wit da fridge!

>> No.11571594

Do you think the average pesent is gonna argue with the king fucker delegating who is going to the pyre?

>> No.11571607

to pretend to understand the medieval mindset is an exercise in futility. certainly superstition and distrust spread far and wide, but determining now what choices they would make when confronted with modern ideas or technologies is a matter of playing action figures.

>> No.11571789

it's really the only way to deal with them desu

>> No.11571815

>it tastes like gaming.png

>> No.11571822

Wtf am I looking at

>> No.11571825

Shut up

>> No.11571832

Olive loaf and pickle and pimento loaf are actually good though

>> No.11571838


>> No.11571861


>> No.11571984

He's right and you're a fool.

>> No.11573017


>> No.11573208

chill the fuck out its just a rock

>> No.11573603

looks like agate

>> No.11573641

looks like a hamburger with fruity pebble crusted donut buns, bacon, extra glaze topping (or cum), and for some reason strawberries

>> No.11573661

anti-theft technique

>> No.11573754

Second best solution to a bullet.

>> No.11573780
File: 1.07 MB, 1024x765, 1da3985d9c45af205993e276b47fbb90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>28 images
Retarded fucks

>> No.11573828
File: 53 KB, 640x480, thepeoplespoet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wut r u doing neil
2 make a meal neil

>> No.11573849
