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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11557674 No.11557674 [Reply] [Original]

I want to get a rice cooker and I'm leaning toward buying a zojirushi but I'm a little intimidated by all the different models. Is it worth getting the $350 model with pressure cooking and induction heating or is the $150 model good enough? I'll be using it several times / week.

>> No.11557687

The pressure cook models do produce better tasting rice. Whether or not that's worth the big price premium is up to you.

Induction heating doesn't make a significant difference in quality. It is slightly more energy efficient but I doubt it saves enough money to pay for itself.

>> No.11557727

If I got the pressure cooker model could I use it like any other pressure cooker or should I stick to just preparing rice with it?

>> No.11557735

The main selling point for induction was originally the fine control required to make GABA rice. Eventually they realized nobody actually cares about GABA so it became a matter of "well it's more expensive so it must be better".

That still didn't work so the prices have been coming down, you can get some induction models for almost as cheap as the older models.

If you're a real azn you'll spend a little extra on one of the most important appliances in your kitchen. Wh*teoids should just use a pot.

>> No.11557748

They do not function the same asa normal pressure cooker. You can cook other foods in it than rice, but it's not a replacement for a normal pressure cooker. It does not reach as high a pressure and it has totally different controls.

>> No.11557801

you can cook cheesecake in the induction but not the pressure ones

>> No.11557876

The rice will be super chewy even using shitty rice. My parents have them.

>> No.11557892

Nigga cooking rice is easy

>> No.11557899

Today anon learns what convenience is.

>> No.11557905

It’s much more convenient. I put water and oatmeal in mine every night and set the timer so it is ready when I wake up. Then, I load it with water and rice for when I get home from work.

>> No.11557914


>> No.11557915
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>> No.11558046

Excellent thread. As an expert on nippon (Japanese) culture and a follower of Shintoism, I have developed an excellent uruchimai (rice) cooking method. First, let me say this. Gohan means cooked rice. As a westerner, I am embarrassed when I hear a fellow gaijin (foreign person) refer to any rice as gohan.

To buy the best suihanki (rice cooker), look no further than the Zojurushi brand. All real nihonjin use them. It’s best to use since most put their gohan into a chawan (rice bowl) but if you are truly a real fan of Japanese culture, you will enjoy eating from a bento, too.

>> No.11558055
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Which slave state?

>> No.11558128

How do rice cookers handle steel cut oats? I eat it every day and if they're well suited then I might pick one up.

>> No.11558154

Fine, a little overkill though

>> No.11558206


>> No.11558269

Sure thing Jason Schlansky

>> No.11558306

How do the pressure cook models compare to just cooking rice in an instant pot?

>> No.11558328

I have no idea, I've never tried it.

I'm sure the instant pot can reach the correct pressure/temperature. The question is how much the controls matter. The instant pot just gets to temp and holds it there. The rice cooker's logic is optimized to cook rice. It's heating process is not just "as fast as possible". How much of a difference that makes I don't know, I've never compared the two.

>> No.11558357

rice cookers are only necessary if you plan on making fuckloads of rice on a regular basis. otherwise, just learn to make it on the stovetop.

>> No.11558375

stoves are only necessary if you plan on cooking a fuck ton of food on a regular basis, otherwise just learn to order pizza

>> No.11558400

>can cook rice on a stove
>can't order rice from pizza place

>> No.11558418

Just get a cheap $10 one from a garage sale.

>> No.11558439
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, tendies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can also just fling yourself on the floor so hard you hit your head and then screech and flail, your face beet red, until mommy comes running with the tendies plate

>> No.11558451

>posts wings

You must have some experience with hitting your head.

>> No.11558471

There's no practical difference between wings and tendies. Tendies are for energy drink addicted zoomers, and wings are for IPA-addicted neckbeards.

>> No.11558482
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But I had a cheap one when I was in school and it was a piece of shit.

>> No.11558484

Still does not discount the fact that you incorrectly labeled the dish in question.

>> No.11558486

Still cooked your rice didn't it?

>> No.11558489

Usually, but then I'd throw out the 1/3rd that was burned and stuck to the bowl.

>> No.11558495

And is not dealing with a bit of burned rice worth $350?

>> No.11558509

The label was and remains correct. You just can't admit that you literally the same as a screeching autistic demanding tendies from mommy.

>> No.11558518

I have demanded neither wings nor tendies from mommy. Frankly I have no idea what you are talking about other than the fact you cannot differentiate wings and tendies.

>> No.11558549

I cannot differentiate a "bachlor" from an "unmarried man" nor a "ephebophile" from a "pedophile with a thesaurus"

Same deal

>> No.11558677
File: 109 KB, 400x243, banshee-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moooommm, someone called my tendies post out!

>> No.11558678

What does that have to do with wings and tendies?
>there is no practical diffrence
That doesn't mean they are the same or even remotely similar. Tendies are made from the chicken tenders (or ground up breast meat if they are shit(or ground up male chicks if they are really shit)) and are always boneless, breaded and often served with a dipping sauce accompaniment

Wings are made using the wings which are a dark meat and also include the skin of the chicken. Most often they still have the bones but deboned versions do exist. They may be breaded or unbreaded, sauced or unsauced and may or may not be served with an accompanying dip.

Tendies just as similar to fried chicken as they are to wings.

>> No.11558689

Actually the other guy was the one making the tendies post but nice try.

>> No.11558732

Telltale signs of autism:
-Love of tendies
-Inability to understand analogies

>> No.11558776

I wasn't the one who brought up tendies in the first place so I guess I am exempt.

>> No.11558900

You know you can just cook rice in a pot.

>> No.11559584

That's what I'm trying to figure out. I think so.

wow thanks I didn't know that

>> No.11559614

I got an Instant Pot on Black Friday and I won't shut up about it. Call it a meme or whatever but it's the best brown rice I ever had. It's actually creamy. I can only imagine what it'll do to white rice.

>> No.11559622

Can you cook good rice dishes in it like biriyani or pilaf? I assume it is versatile enough for those.

>> No.11559640

I make takikomi gohan in mine so maybe

>> No.11559658

Yes, there are many recipes for both in the app. I found some for risotto too.

>> No.11559671

>I found some for risotto too.

I have my doubts about that because proper risotto requires a lot of attention and completely negates the purpose of an instant pot. Unless it is "risotto" which is kind of like it but not really but we will just call it risotto anyways.

>> No.11559696

You can get a Chinese rice cooker with pressure cooking function for like 40 dollars

>> No.11559703

I'm using a $150 model that I got way back in 2006. It has never let me down, ever. It is among my best purchases. I'm a fan of induction heating but I can't imagine it mattering much at all for making rice.

>> No.11559723
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correction, I got it for $115 at the time.
Fuck China.

>> No.11559732


mine wasn't very convenient. i was given one as a gift and no less than two asian ex-girlfriends told me, "oooh, that's a good rice cooker." even with that said, the thing took for goddamn ever to cook rice. close to an hour compared to less than half an hour of combined time of washing the rice and ~17 minutes of simmering the rice covered. cleaning the rice cooker bowl was a pain in the ass too since they're typically huge compared to a 3-6 cup sauce pot.

>> No.11559791
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I will never buy Chinese products

I read that some zoji models are manufactured in China. I was originally thinking of buying this model but I suspect it's made in China because the 'made in japan' is suspiciously absent in the photo.

>> No.11559836

Is this greentextready?

>> No.11559850

You can use it to cook food quickly but you can't use it to preserve food. That's assuming you know your ass from a hole in the ground.

>> No.11559882

The chinese have a saying, it goes something like 'you get what you pay for.' If you pay six cents for a chinese knockoff of a name brand expect six cents worth of performance.

>> No.11560412

>I can fuck up rice in only 17 minutes!

>> No.11560445

I got the induction one like the one in your pic: 3 cups for $250 . It's a good rice cooker and I would definitely recommend it. It's brown rice function is meh, and breaks the grains and just leaves it tasteless. I stopped eating brown rice. It does play the twinkle twinkle little star song which gets annoying as shit quickly. My aunt got the cuckoo Korean pressure rice cooker but was $400 around the time I got mine. It made amazing brown rice which always left the grains intact that I got to eat all summer when I was with her. As a downside, it does say random shit in korean.

>> No.11560456

what in the fuck is this gay ass shit?

>> No.11560493

Wh*teoids think rice was invented by Naruto

>> No.11560503


>> No.11560519

As long as the rice cooker has neuro fuzzy, or fuzzy logic, you're set. The fuzzy logic makes it so your rice comes out perfect every time, and gives you a lot more leeway in messing up your rice:water ratio.

I would personally recommend the Zojirushi NS-ZCC10, has a nice extended warm function for keeping rice up to 48 hours.

Induction is nice for GABA Brown Rice, but no one actually eats that, so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.11560836

it's not rocket science, you fucking weeb. it's more than possible to make perfectly fluffy rice in about half the time a rice cooker takes.

>> No.11560840

>browses /ck/
>can't cook rice without a dedicated appliance

>> No.11560847

hi tenda
shouldnt you be on /r/braincels?

>> No.11561121
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>Needs $150-350 appliance to make poor people food.

>> No.11562165

I have the cheaper model and have used it every day for about 3 years, no complaints. The rice turns out perfect every time, and it can still make steamed cakes/breads even though it has no bread setting.

>> No.11564251

Imagine spending $350 because you can’t put some rice on the stove for ten minutes while you’re getting ready for the day

>> No.11564259

Imagine not valuing your time enough to make the small things easier

>> No.11564362

>while you’re getting ready for the day
How much effort does it take to flip the stove to high and at some point after it’s boiling turn it off? Rice cookers are the single most unnecessary appliance I can think of, their existence is entirely pointless and invalidated by a FUCKING POT

>> No.11564437

If you eat rice often honestly just get one. Zojirushi Neuro Fuzzy model. You will get perfect rice every time and the cooker itself will last ages.

>> No.11564445

Mine makes really nice, fluffy brown rice