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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 60 KB, 580x580, Maple_syrup_popsicle_(6974621697)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11557303 No.11557303 [Reply] [Original]

So I got e coli from romaine lettuce. I couldn't resist a Ceasar salad last Monday and a few days later I'm dying. This is the sickest I've ever been. You guys ever get food poisoning? I want to kill myself holy fuck.

>> No.11557307

those maple snow lollies are so fucking good.

>> No.11557340

Had food poisoning 3x in thailand. All from reputable restaurants. One was a fucking pizza man. A woodfire pizza. For some reason it came with a salad and some ham piled on top of it like a pyramid. I ate the salad. The salad was kil. Another time was chicken wings they had clearly microwaved because i went into a 24 hour pub at 5am and ordered wings. And the last time was deep fried fish and chips. Was puking up fish for what seemed like forever.

I feel you man . Just ... slowly get it out. I hope for your sake its diahhrea and not puking. I hate puking but can shit forever.

>> No.11557355

It's actually not puking this time. Just shits. But my stomach fucking kills. I can't even sleep. I feel like I'm in some waking nightmare.

>> No.11557368

Where do you live? Last I heard it was California romaine (but I guess it's shipped all over). We used this as an opportunity to take Caesar off the menu permanently.

>> No.11557376

>go to thailand
>eat pizza, chicken wings, and fish and chips

You had it coming.

>> No.11557380

Ontario. I used to work at a grocery store and most of our shit came from their. Saturday some place refused to serve it to me and by Monday I thought it was okay.

>> No.11557394

I like to scratch my buttcrack and smell it I think I am immune to e coli.

>> No.11557401

>but can shit forever.
doesn't your anus get raw from wiping?
shit hurts like hell after a while.

>> No.11557402

LMAO at you immunelets

>> No.11557403


dickface i go there every 6 weeks and eat street food all the time. The irony is the times i ate at western places i got food poisoning

>> No.11557407


>he doesn't use the shower head to wash. You are right though the wiping would tear your pewper.

>> No.11557411

You deserved it you disgusting sex tourist

>> No.11557414

Wash your vegetables, you stupid faggot.

>> No.11557429

Was at a restaurant

>> No.11557452

Of course it is shipped all over. You do realize that everything you eat isn't grown in your neighbors back yard? Most of the produce you probably purchase every day was grown thousands of miles away and shipped up in bulk for pennies.

>> No.11557458
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>rinsing a head of lettuce will get rid of all bacteria

>> No.11557463

I know that. But I'm in California, so a lot of our produce is from here (a lot isn't), and last time when it came out that the bad lettuce was coming from Arizona or wherever we were immediately able to start selling romaine again because it all came from California.

>> No.11557468



who is the idiot now ramsay? Grilled to kill bacteria

>> No.11557472

Pretty sure that's what he was saying, though

>> No.11557487


yes you aren't allowed to eat any other food apart from that country's food. So you in america are not allowed chinese food, mexican food or anything else you must solely eat hamburgers with romaine lettuce. Sometimes you want to try places or differ from the usual local shit of fucking lemongrass chili and fish sauce

>> No.11557497

You can do anything you want, just don't be surprised if the hamboigah joint catering to drunk retards on Khao San Road gives you food poisoning, because they aren't going to have repeat customers either way, so why should they worry about hygiene?

You seem like the kind of person who would shoot himself in the dick to piss off the "cultural marxists"

>> No.11557504

Sure you can go eat shitty american food in Thailand if you want to. You still had it coming for doing so.

>> No.11557516
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The first time i got food poisoning was years ago as a kid. My parents brought me to a 70s style restaurant before we went to watch a movie. I took a hot dog there, ate it and barely a hour after when the movie just began i puked blood all over.

I spent the rest of the night at the hospital, and the next week at home

>> No.11557518


Not even close kid. Your basic bitch assumptions about westerners in Thailand is laughable though. I have spent 20+ years in asia living and working. I'm sure people like you go to Khao San road but i don't. As i said before these were all highly reputable places. OP asked if anyone had got food poisoning and i have. From reputable places. Imagine if i hadn't said Thailand? What would you do then? Somehow the restaurant being in thailand means it's shit? There are infinite great restaurants over there of all sorts.

That's a great leap with the cultural marxist reply, you can spot the angry 24yo kid a mile away by the references he uses. Stay relevant son.

>> No.11557526

i'm sure the constant shitting would tear your anus before it gets raw from wiping, but both are equally painful

>> No.11557552

>As i said before these were all highly reputable places
>chicken wings they had clearly microwaved

Just stop

>> No.11557554

What's a 70's style restaurant? I've contemplated going to the hospital so many times the past few days. But the hospital is such a drag. I just want something for the stomach pain. You guys think it's okay to drink alcohol? I got my gf to bring home a reefer last night and while it didn't do anything for the pain it made it more bareable.

>> No.11557555

My whole family all got food poisoning from a Red Robin, and we had to share a single hotel bathroom. We also all got food poisoning from a Chinese place. This is despite all of us ordering very different things on both occasions.

>> No.11557558

Yeah, it isn't really like everyone thinks. I had salmonella from some frozen sashimi grade raw tuna and yeah, there was some initial diarrhea and vomiting, but that was the least of it. I was extremely debilitated for 5 days. Every inch of my body ached even to the bones, it was agony to move and I burned with a raging fever. For several days there was no sleep just fevered images and endless, meaningless run on sentences murmuring in my brain. Truly hell, thought I really was dying. Even after 2 weeks was still only @ 90%.
>inb4 you were just a weak fuck to begin with
Nope, I was alternating cardio and weights every other day. Tip top physical condition.

>> No.11557567

Try opiates, get some oxys. They'll kill the pain and plug your ass. Weed doesn't do shit when you actually need something.

>> No.11557573


This is what i meant. Highly reputable does not necessarily mean good..... the reason i went there was because they were highly reputable yet i described what they did serve and how i got food poisoning. It's not hard to follow you fucking retard.

You got anything to input here regarding food poisoning or you just going to vape and try to pick holes in the stories while you finger your boipussy?

>> No.11557583

When I had food poisioning I was lucky enough to be in an apartment with a flat water bill and just stayed in the shower all day. Set up a laptop and shit away.

>> No.11557586

>everyone who has ever been to Asia is a white sexpat engrish teacher dancing monkey like me

You seem pretty defensive. Kill yourself dancing monkey.

>angry 24yo kid

I'm 44, I spent half my childhood in Southeast Asia, and I'm just trying to help you understand how not to get sick. Good luck trying to teach your LBFM from the hinterlands how not to embarrass you in front of your expat friends.

>> No.11557588


>everyone who has experience with asia has lived the same life as me

You absolute idiot. You have to be American right? Only they could be this single minded.

>> No.11557589
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I got food poisoning from this place. It opened up down the street from me and I went and got a burrito bowl from them. I know they say it can take at least a day for it to hit you, but this took only a few hours. All the meals I previously had the days before were shared with other people who did not get sick.

I essentially had the worst stomach ache of my life all afternoon and through the night. I was just lying down on my stomach, talking to myself in my head. Trying to coach myself to not throw up. I then took a pepto bismol pill and instantly threw up about 8 times until my stomach was completely empty. I spent the rest of the night and next morning waking up every 15-30 minutes to pee out of my ass. My asshole was completely raw at that point.

>> No.11557591

You sure do like to act high and mighty despite being the one who got food poisoning THREE times for eating garbage food.

>> No.11557604


Three times out of 1000000 yes. Hence responding to the food poisoning thread. Is this what trolling is these days? Just trying to pick holes in shit because you have nothing else to say?

>> No.11557605

Holy shit dude this Is exactly what I'm going through. It's like fever dreams from when yoy were sick as fuck Asa kid. It's next level.

>> No.11557610
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>> No.11557614

Lol that's funny and gross. I'm just so fucking uncomfortable. No matter what way I sit or lie down I feel fucked.

>> No.11557615

>couldn't resist a salad
>a fucking salad
You deserve death

>> No.11557619

Well you don't need to put much effort into your tolling when people get mad as easily as you do.

>> No.11557622



>> No.11557623

I had the worst case of food poisoning about a few months ago, I puked once and for almost a week, I had endless shits to the point where I'm just shitting brownish water, my ass was leaky even when I was fast asleep. I honestly felt like I was going to die as I had zero appetite and was constantly dizzy when not sleeping

>> No.11557624

It's funny because I literally said to my gf I don't give a fuck if I get sick I need a Ceasar salad. I love Ceasar salad. I regret it so much now oh my god.

>> No.11557625

Got em

>> No.11557633
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>> No.11557750

But those bottomless fries were worth it tho

>> No.11557760
File: 7 KB, 270x263, diy3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sucks bad. If you aren't already drink plenty of oral rehydration fluid. Pic related.

>> No.11557765

I scrambled an expired egg once and felt like a grenade had gone off in my guts, voided all fluids for around 8 hours feeling like I was dying.
And the smell.

>> No.11557767

the last time I had e coli happened when I ate my bf's ass >___>'
(why the better things are always unhealthy..)

>> No.11557768

I'll give you some of my oral rehydration fluid.

>> No.11557788

>.. >____>'

Get out cunt.

>> No.11557800
File: 50 KB, 420x344, salade braisée au lard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he never ate cooked salad
jeeeeez what a pleb....
pic related is divine

>> No.11557809

Looks really good, is that an actual dish? What’s it called?

>> No.11557824

My wife believes the opposite, whatever country you come from, you must eat that food exclusively.

>> No.11557844

Sounds about how I feel when I take Laxatives

>> No.11557853


it works for indians. When was the last time you saw an indian eat anything other than indian food? Used to be the same with chinese people but they have branched out to mcdonalds now.

>> No.11557858
File: 110 KB, 949x513, Pot-au-feu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's french dish
"de la salade braisée au lard" (braised lettuce with lard; it works with chicory too, but you have to add suger eventually)

only use crisp, fresh leaves
the salad bathes into butter/lard and get really flavored. You can add tomatoes, onions.

It completes very well a "pot-au-feu" too.

>> No.11557894

This. White people are fucking ridiculous

>> No.11557911


muh sickle cell

>> No.11557924

>sickle cell

>> No.11557929


simmer down Tyrone we know it's you nigger

>> No.11557944

Fuck, I ate lettuce yesterday. Should I be worried? AAAAAAA

>> No.11557971

Hey I had that. It was horrible. You'll get through it brah. What day are you on? Mine lasted about 5 or 6 days

>> No.11557972

As you are now, so once was I. As I am now, so you shall be.

>> No.11557981

What is a fag?

>> No.11557986

Basically day 5

>> No.11557988

You should be coming to the end. If it's not any better I'd consider going in to the doctor

>> No.11557994

It's getting better today for sure. But it still sucks. I just want the cramps to go away.

>> No.11557995
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which slave state are you from?

>> No.11558168
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Ohhhh yeah thailand!! You can taste the umm.. spices

>> No.11558187

>I couldn't resist a ... salad

>> No.11558201

I fucking hate puking and I get anxiety thinking about it, how do I deal with this bros?

>> No.11558208


put your finger in your ass and blow out through your nose with your mouth closed as hard as you can. This relaxes the diaphragm and helps regulate your medula oblongata. Not even joking.

>t. anxiety sufferer for 10 years until i learned how to do this
>tip = carry a small tube of lipstick around with you in case you get caught on the hop with no other way to lube your finger.

>> No.11558210

I also got e. coli, tried keto for the first time last month so I thought all the stomach pain was just adjusting to the new diet. Passed out from dehydration and spent a night in the hospital. I also live in northern california where this all started.

Painful, but nowhere near as bad as the food poisoning and kidney stones I've had in my life.

>> No.11558303

>diet is tofu, meat, eggs, burgers, frozen udon, canned fruit, and bananas
>never eat fucking lettuce
>immune to salad AIDS crisis
lmao @ ur life.
Also holy shit there really is no lettuce in stores right now at all. wtf is trump doing, the vegans are going to starve to death.

>> No.11558372

Got food poisoning from a steak quesadilla; shit in a coffee mug on the way home. Unreal.

>> No.11558502

Grilled lettuce is tasty desu

>> No.11558508

wtf is this shit? such ameritrash drivel

>> No.11558513

holy shit. are you the same guy from that thread? because someone made a thread about a week ago asking if romaine was safe yet. lmao

>> No.11558576
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>tfw never eat lettuce

>> No.11558614

>tfw I ate a whole head of iceberg over the past few days and fit as a cello

Romainefags BTFO

>> No.11558623

>craving a fucking pleb salad of all things
w o w

>> No.11558644


>> No.11558656

Got food poisoning from the Savoy Grill. Fucking amazing food though, tasted great both ways. Worth being knocked out for a day.

>> No.11558799


how do you make them?

>> No.11558832

It's just syrup that's boiled beyond absolute fuck
t. quebecnigger

>> No.11558844

yeah, I puked, a lot
also nausea, I didn't understand what people mean when they say the world was literally spinning
but then I felt it first hand, had to hug the toilet for like 2 days while the world feels like it's literally spinning around me

>> No.11558847

There is a health advisory everywhere for romaine

You have to be a fucking retard fat fuck to eat it during this time

>> No.11558971

this post makes me think that you blamed the restaurant because it's what came to mind, but it was most likely something else.
I read a while ago that you're actually more likely to food poison yourself, as home kitchens are usually less sanitary than a restaurant kitchen where hygiene is a priority.
To go along with this, the fact that you all got sick despite ordering different things seems more unlikely. I'm willing to bet you got sick from a homecooked meal and didnt see symptoms until after eating at the restaurants

sorry to pick you out, I think this post could apply to a lot of the posts in this thread

>> No.11559360

Got food poisoning from a chicken pizza from Papa Johns
The next day I had the absolute worst stomach pain in my life and had to call off work.
I thought that my appendix burst
I knew I had to take a shit so I sat on the toilet but it wasn't coming out
I pushed as hard as I could and my ass shot out all my shit in a nano second like a shotgun blast
I felt a little better but 2 minutes later I had to shit again
This time I was shitting blood, and not just a little bit.
I ended up going to the hospital and finding out my shit was so violent that I gave myself an internal hemorrhoid
The doctor said I should be fine but prescribed me some antibiotics just in case.
I spent the next 2-3 weeks with this feeling on my rectum like someone was squeezing it in their fist. It was really uncomfortable
It ended up healing completely but it was a terrible experience.
So to this day I refuse to eat chicken pizza

>> No.11559361

>they invented a salad for americans

>> No.11559376

>Boil the shit out of maple syrup
>Pour it on some cold snow
>Shove a stick in it and role it around the stick

>> No.11559400

I'm very far from being a health freak but goddamn that's just simply too much fucking butter

>> No.11559417

I had some river crawfish from asia, I guess it wasn't over the fire long enough. But man I shit 9 times that day, I even made the mistake fart, don't try the "unknown fart". Enjoyed the rest of the trip tho

>> No.11559670

Everything is going according to plan

>> No.11559687

OP what symptoms did you have? I got sick a few days ago and have had tons of diarrhea and bleeding out my ass and it's very concerning and want to know if it's because of the recent outbreaks.

>> No.11559797
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>> No.11560147

Started with Mad stomach cramps. Then came bloating. Then came pissing out my ass. Nausea. Farting constantly. Shit myself twice. Body ache. Loads of trouble sleeping. You can hear my stomach bubble constantly. Only barfed once though.

>> No.11560173
File: 113 KB, 700x700, fren 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if Chronic Tacos is/was a chain or not but I used to go there all the time on the way home from work, never had any problems. Are you from Vancouver?

>> No.11560175

baby wipes are your friend

>> No.11560192

Redpilled wife. Although I have difficulty finding Dutch deep fried food or andive stew abroad so I never leave the country

>> No.11560224

Actually you have to rinse it THEN remove the stem.

>> No.11561382

Only once... ate a bad razor clam. Kind of sucks because I love razor clams, but ever since then I´ve been a little off-put by them.

>> No.11561543


dutch deep fried food???? don't even front like you don't just eat cheese and stroopwaffles you fucking windmill watching faggot

>> No.11561563

That sucks. I've been there. Make sure to stay hydrated and get plenty of rest.

What is the deal with romaine constantly being recalled for e-coli? Is this a bunch of Hondurans shitting in the irrigation systems or something? This did not used to be a problem in America. Outbreaks were rare. They're becoming so common now that I try to keep romaine regularly growing, weather permitting.

>> No.11561579
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>He doesn't know about frituur
Kek, I pity your empty existence

>> No.11561581

>baby wipes are your friend
Fuck it, if you're constantly on the throne, and it's liquid, why bother wiping?

>> No.11561689

Drink lots of water or gatorade friend, keep yourself hydrated

>> No.11561717


>being proud of disgusting factory produced muck deep fried shit as part of your cuisine

The dutch are worse than the americans. No wonder the whole place is full of niggers

>> No.11561732

>I couldn't resist a Ceasar salad last Monday

Who the fuck can't say no to a salad?

>> No.11561755
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>He doesn't know about haute friture
Bitch I roll my own kroketten and bitterballen, make my own fries etc. You wouldn't know quality frituur if the molten ossenwit would hit your face. You're nothing but a frying oil nobody shaking your measly fist at the gods of lard. Enjoy your own niggers, frynoob

>> No.11561795


Listen up Boetie. I've been simmering soups and sauteeing my dick since before you cunts even discovered spice. Have you ever even had saffron? No. Your shitty palate is limited to whatever bottom tier spices you could find from the east indies. Tell us more about your disgusting formed meat and re-used cooking oils while i enjoy the finest of all cuisines sans the dutch and their attempt to remain relevant.

>i make my own fries
So does mcdonalds you absolute fuckwit. Except it doesn't take them all day and they don't taste like De Reuters on toast

>> No.11561796

You faggots have the shittiest inmune systems, I tell you

>> No.11561821


thats because you grew up licking ass and are now immune to everything apart from being gay

>> No.11561855

>t. gets salmonella from looking at a mexican

>> No.11561865


t. literally is sucking dick right now

>> No.11561886
File: 259 KB, 1080x807, Screenshot_20181203-212641__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bottom tier spicea from the East Indies
Lmaoing at your life there friendo, we fought off the whole world and genocided multiple peoples to get the best of the best. People all over the world think rendang is the best dish in the world but you probably never even heard of it

>> No.11561945


"i added coconut to a dish and it makes it incredible"

Loling at your primitive "cuisine" there old bean. Coming from a guy from the Netherlands anything you say is immediately disregarded by the superior British and even the French. Your "discoveries" were less than exemplary and your attempts at deep frying are laughed at the world over. Have you ever even HAD fish and chips? Do you even know what a curry is? Tell us more about your salted liquorice Van Lekker and then if you still have the strength left in you from your low calorie meals sail your shitty duyfken over to the isles and experience real food. We are generous gods and will share.

>> No.11561987
File: 427 KB, 2048x1360, pannenkoeken-met-spek-en-ander-beleg-header-boven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fish and chips
I've had kibbeling with ravigotte which is infinitely superior. Vinegar is not meant as a condiment ffs. I know what a curry is, it is a cheap, bland and - worst of all - British colonial rip-off of rendang. And shame on you for choosing Van Lekker, it's the plebeian's liquorice. Patricians go to the candy store to buy quality dubbelzoute drop. Also Dutch dishes are notoriously high in calories.

>> No.11561997


I got crazy food poisoning over the holiday. Excruciating pain gor like 2 hours but was completely fine 6 hours after it all began.

>> No.11562029


Vinegar is for plebs. It's all about the fry and the chicken salt on the chips but i'm not sure the dutch could handle actual flavor. Rendang is the lowest tier curry imaginable made for people who enjoy farting. Real curry has depth of flavor and doesn't make your teeth itch with it's low quality beef made from skinny emaciated cows. This is the gift the british gave the world. They gathered cuisines and improved them. The dutch are still lying around eating stroop and having to bicycle forever just to get edible liquorice and drink beer that isn't mass produced heineken.

>notoriously high in calories
Do you even full english breakfast Hans?

>> No.11562077

>This is the gift the british gave the world

Even you Brits know how god awful your cuisine is. To quote one of your own:

>It has been asserted, that English cookery is, nationally speaking, far from being the best in the world. More than this, we have been frequently told by brilliant foreign writers, half philosphers, half chefs, that we are the worst cooks on the face of the earth, and that the proverb which alludes to the divine origin of food, and the precisely opposite origin of its preparers, is peculiarly applicable to us islanders.

Mrs. Beeton's, p. 49

>> No.11562095


>Mrs Beeton's

There's your problem. Women have no idea about anything. The fact they were cooking all those years was out of convenience for the men who did all the work. Women are tastelets which is why they have no idea what they want to eat because they have no concept of flavor. Much like Mrs Beetle there with her pompous assery of a monologue. Notice how many excellent british chefs there are?


Show us some of your world renowned dutch chefs please ma'am. She is clearly speaking from yesteryear when Britain was at war with flavor. Also i am not British but it's fun to larp.

>> No.11562106

>but but but woman
Mrs. Beeton's is by far the most highly published and regarded of all British cookbooks.

>Notice how many excellent british chefs there are?
You mean the ones which were trained in France?

>>Show us some of your world renowned dutch chefs please ma'am
I wasn't arguing that Dutch was any better. I was just laughing at how silly the notion was that the Brits were well regarded in the culinary scene.

>> No.11562120

>imagine eating raw vegetables
Yeah its grown in dirt with shit for fertilizer but I'm sure that quick cold water rinse cleaned everything off. Absolutely squalid.

>> No.11562140


>t. joe rogan

>> No.11562147

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

>> No.11562576

kuthollanders met hun kutfrituur

>> No.11562607
File: 33 KB, 416x416, butterlettuce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating the inferior 'uce
>the same one that's constantly recalled for e-coli
You brought this upon yourself, you dumb bastard.

>> No.11562610

>grilling lettuce
This has to be bait.

>> No.11562738

You dont want that feeling of liquid shit running down your taint and on to your balls and dick.

>> No.11562754

Hope it was H7O157 so you die.

>> No.11562767

yeh fuk WY pipo mufugin WY PIPO GE da trumb in mufuggin oufec shieet

>> No.11562784

>he thinks hitting the gym means he has a good immune system.
The state of /fit/izens.

>> No.11562799

As long as you stay hydrated there's no strain of coli on earth that can kill you. Take some ibuprofen and drink your water you'll be fine. If you can't drink water iv up. Only retards and elderly immuno compromised die from food poisoning.

>> No.11562831

>Chronic Tacos
Isn't it owned by one of the Jackass dude ? I think it was Weeman

>> No.11563017

all of that stuff is really fucking good, but I once stayed in the netherlands for 2 weeks eating deep fried meals about once a day and by the end of it I was sick and tired of that
gained like 5kg too despite biking more than I ever would at home

>> No.11563322

the pic in op pretty much tells you how you fucking retard

>> No.11563924


What thefuck does "cultural marxism" have to do with anything? Are you that obsessed with stupidolitical shitflinging that it even comes up in food discussion?

>> No.11563987

I've had pretty bad food poisoning. I remember throwing up and spraying diahhrea at the same time. Not my lowest moment, but definitely up there.

>> No.11564009

>and we had to share a single hotel bathroom.
whole fuck this is my worst nightmare. one of the biggest reasons i ever fear taking a plane

>> No.11564033
File: 193 KB, 1000x893, 1543022297515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I pushed as hard as I could and my ass shot out all my shit in a nano second like a shotgun blast

>> No.11564039
File: 51 KB, 545x569, 1538663358895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't contaminate parasites following stare downs with minorities

>> No.11564240

Weak immune system. You probably have AIDS or some yet to be discovered infectious disease.
Healthy men in their prime are not susceptible to ecoli infections. Thay or you're some weak soy who lived in a bubble his entire life and ate his foods fully cooked. You know what has even more ecoli than Romain Lettuce? Steak. I ate my stake PITTSBURGH BLUE as it's called, seared outsides and raw on the inside. You would not survive in the cave man days. I would. You are weak and I should be able to take all of your resources and would if we didn't live in our sad civilization which exists only to protect the unintelligent and the weak.

>> No.11564415

I have gotten sick from lettuce twice in my life. I enjoy many veggies, but man fuck lettuce.

>> No.11564436

>i go there every 6 weeks
how? kind of job do you have? where the fuck do i apply.

>> No.11564458

fuck all that noise. I'm an american with a masters degree in technology. could i go work there?

i want to live and eat food there.

>> No.11564689

That's why I microwave my salads

>> No.11564693

>ate some shitty baked potato thing from a chink shop in Manchester
>felt like death for 3 days
>couldn't eat anything couldn't even shit, felt feverish
>eventually felt the surge incoming, barely made it to the toilet in time
>lower back hurt horribly for the rest of the day