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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11557192 No.11557192 [Reply] [Original]

>only get a 30 minute lunch break

>> No.11557216
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>hour lunch break

>> No.11557236

I hate this feel. I want to use the hour to decompress, and god forbid i don't bring my lunch. Then I have to rush to the nearest eatery, scarf something down and barely digest it, then run back to work. Fuck being a middle class Amerifat.

>> No.11557244
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>He doesn't live close enough to work to just go home for lunch

>> No.11557258

>work in ICU
>either have fuckall to do all shift because the patient is stable. Maybe his kids call and ask how he is or they visit and you brew them some coffee
>or the entire shift, plus a couple hours, is a constant struggle keeping the pt. alive and you don't even get to force down your packed lunch in a hurry or go take a damn piss

I love my job.

>> No.11557270
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>tfw half hour lunch and 2 fifteen minute breaks whenever I want

>> No.11557290

>Live in country with no labor rights

>> No.11557314

Labor rights are for faggy commies.

>> No.11557317

>tfw fell asleep in my car for a hour and no one cared/noticed
>clock in early and out early, nobody cares
>no work? sit on my phone for hours, nobody cares
>get paid the most i've ever made in my life
jobs pretty comfy

>> No.11557322
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>get NEETbux

>> No.11557323

What job?

>> No.11557330

Some manufacturing job, the thing is I work night shift and there's like no over head to answer to

>> No.11557338

That sounds nice. I used to do night shift in a grocery store and it was similar except for the money part. We used to get fresh bakery stuff right out of the oven, it was so good.

>> No.11557342

ye, I did that too, it was chill but making near poverty wages. I'm making over double what I was and it's easier.

Seems like the more money I make, the easier the work is

>> No.11557346

Those hours fly by too, makes the lunch feel earned.

T. EM physician in level 1 trauma center in the ghetoo

>> No.11557350

I love that bitcoin tattoo. Reminds me that zoomers know nothing about business in general and once crytos become an oversaturated market they're all going to die off.

>> No.11557365

I'd rather get home early than spent and entire hour scratching my balls doing fuck all.
long breaks are for Adhd victims and fatties who can't function without a full meal every 4 hours.

>> No.11557386

>night shift leo
nothing better than eating brekkie at the local casino at 3 am

>> No.11557387

Oh they do. I prefer a busy shift to a slow one really.
But towards the end you're thinking of that food more than you are of the patient.

>> No.11557413

>not eating the patient

>> No.11557445

>tfw one hour lunch wirh two paid 15 minutes breaks I can stack
>while living 10 minutes away on bike home
> and a three minute walk to my city's downtown with many great restraunts
>tfw I'm in college and this is at my paid internship


>> No.11557456

Isn't that pretty much the same in every other low-paying job? During my undergrads, I've worked in the shipping department of a med lab, as a taxi driver, at a construction site, and as a night guard. Except for the last one, all ticked that box and nobody there gave a shit. Why is it only fast food wageslaves and waiters that feel so entitled in a low-skill job?

>> No.11557531

>be smoker
>spend at least an hour of my shift smoking, plus lunch

>> No.11557550

Enjoy your lung cancer

>> No.11557557
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2nd shift at a RCRA TSD facility here, having no bosses on the shift is pure bliss.

>> No.11557561

Bosses will overlook you for promotions. Unless they smoke as well.

>> No.11557562

Lost a good job in the maternity ward that way, man. I've learned my lesson.

>> No.11557564
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Same here.

>> No.11557611

They wont promote me because I have a shitty attitude, which of course doesnt fly in management, but my bosses love me. I broke a $6000 computer and they basically laughed it off and coached me on how to lie to HR about what happened.

>> No.11557617

Where tf do you work?

>> No.11557628
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>tfw work at car stealership
>tfw 2 hour paid lunches

Feels good mayne

>> No.11557634

why would you want to waste more than 30 minutes except for the occasional going out to a nice lunch?

>> No.11557635

a warehouse. half of my bosses are drunks or drug addicts, so basically if you help make their lives easier by doing your job halfway decently then you can get away with anything.

>> No.11557641

its bullshit that employers abide smokers these days. I get it for low skill stuff where trash is basically your only option for employees but otherwise this shouldn't be a thing anymore

>> No.11557643

So like, manual labor?

>> No.11557648

Work in a metal fab shop.
We get two 15s, and one half hour. But honestly, we can dick off anytime we want as long as we produce.
If I had an hour lunch, I wouldn't want to go back to work to be honest. The office fags have an hour, but it's understandable since they just sit on their ass all day and most activity they get is walking to the coffee machine or fridge once in a while.

>> No.11557663

I drive a forklift so it isn't really "manual labor", but it's the same tier of garbage people.

>> No.11557669

I get a list of things that need to be done by the end of my shift when I arrive (45 min early, gotta get my OT in). I get them done plus more while still enjoying my smoke breaks. Where is the problem?

>> No.11557692

I'd rather have a short lunch break and go home sooner. Used to have 2 hours at my first job and it was awful

>> No.11557699

>45 minute lunch break
>live next door to work

Im on my lunch break right now :^)

>> No.11557702

maybe that they are paying you 45 minutes of overtime every day to do what a non smoker would get done in a normal shift?

>> No.11557708

you probably come back in smelling terrible annoying everyone around you?

>> No.11557710

>The office fags have an hour
I'm an officefag. My lunch is however long I want it to be since I'm not paid for it. It just depends on how long I want to stay at work that day.
I typically bring my lunch so I only need to make up ~20 minutes.

>> No.11557716

My workplace lets me elect to skip the lunchbreak and go home thirty minutes early. More time to fix dinner, which suits me.

>> No.11557764

Nope, I'm viewed as an over achiever at work. Spent the first 9 months this year picking up the slack that we were understaffed on 2nd (only one employee for my section of the plant when we should have two) and got a bonus in September for doing so without complaining.

I work in a hazardous waste treatment facility (see my post here >>11557557). I smell better than the ambient air when I re-enter the building.

>> No.11557863

>I work in a hazardous waste treatment facility (see my post here >>11557557). I smell better than the ambient air when I re-enter the building.
I suppose a fitting place for a smoker then

>> No.11557869

You personally being good or bad at work has little to do with the concept of companies allowing absurd extra breaks to low class smokers

>> No.11557881

>Minimum 1 hour lunch break
>Pay 4 euros for unlimited buffet
>Food is actually quite decent most days
>Always go for a coffee afterwards
>Normally end up away from desk for at least 90 minutes

>> No.11557882
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anyone here changed from 1 hour to 30 min lunch break? fuck staying longer at work

>> No.11557906

I didnt mean to respond to this post

>> No.11557908

>You personally being good or bad at work has little to do with the concept of companies allowing absurd extra breaks to low class smokers
You mean like the 2nd shift maintenance guy who takes a 90 min meal break and decides when he wants to show up early, shorting us of coverage on my shift?

>> No.11557966

When I was young, I mean sept 11 i worked at an office store 5-1 and they didn’t tell me I got two 15 minute breaks.
Got fired eventually for allegedly opening Tylenol and taking some. I took it, but it was already open and I marked it out for shrink. Anyways they are out of business. So enjoy your break.

>> No.11557992

Yeah, similarly not related to what I was talking about

>> No.11558194

Hour and a half lunch break. Being a teacher rules

>> No.11558254
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>work in an office
>"30" minute official break for lunch
>boss never is around
>start taking longer and longer lunches
>realize no one actually enforces this "30" minute break and none of my coworkers are going to talk shit on me to my boss unless I piss them off by not being around when I said i will
>one day end up taking a 3 hour lunch break because I hopped on the wrong train to go downtime and went for a wild ride
>no one even asked where I was
>came back to work like nothing happened

feels good

>> No.11558262

>skip lunch break so I can go home after only 8 hours
>no time to eat breakfast
>first meal of the day at 7 PM
>fall asleep immediately after

>> No.11558282

>last office job
>I knew they were going to fire me
>didn't know how long I had left
>only one other coworker next to my cubicle, otherwise no one could see me
>that coworker worked from home most days because "waaah I'm a working mom!" so she got special privileges
>started doing nothing during shift, worked on my own shit all day and they had no clue
>started just vanishing for an hour or two at a time to go for a walk
>didn't even eat or anything, just walked around city looking at hobos
>got back, no one said shit, didn't even realize I was gone
>current job
>we all arrive and leave at different hours
>I have half an hour unsupervised at end of shift
>I go on my phone the whole time
I wonder when companies will start to understand "you get what you pay for" is a real thing. Gonna pay me shit and treat me like shit, you get shit work ethic in return. Fucking niggers. Every single moment, every microsecond, that I'm unsupervised, I'm not doing shit.

>> No.11558329

>Work in K-12 IT
>Low level position but the pay is good for what I do
>Have my own office
>Am unsupervised 99% of the time
>Play games all day, watch movies, bullshit around
>Work is ticket based, get no tickets somedays.
>Even when I get tickets they take only a few minutes to solve or I just pass it on to higher tierd support
>Literally getting paid to do nothing
>They even give me benefits
>Still get an hour lunch, work 5 minutes from home so I can leave if I want.

I could get a better job but it's too damn comfy.

>> No.11558524

my mcdonalds changed it to 45 minutes and it's not like they pay you

>> No.11558530

Sounds like my job anon

>tfw wish I was paid more, but job too comfy to look for a different one that might make me work hard

>> No.11558551

Are you all kids that have wageslave tier McDonalds jobs or something? I haven't had a job that actually cared how long I took to eat lunch since I was in college working at a pizza place.

As long as I get my work done for the day, show up for any meetings and reply to emails timely, no one gives a fuck how long I take for lunch or where I am, if they really need me they can call me cell, this is pretty much standard for any job that actual adults have.

>> No.11558657

Non smoker here. In my state, you get a 15 minute break every 2 hours. 6 hour shift means 45 minutes where you're dicking around on the clock. Sorry you work some where that is refusing you breaks.

>> No.11558679

I haven't worked a job with lunch breaks in years.

>> No.11558693

Sucks to be you
>45 min lunch break

>> No.11558698

Honestly I’d fucking kill for this luxury

>> No.11558700

practically nobody on 4chan makes more than $12/hr

>> No.11558712

>get 30 minute lunch break and 2 15 minute breaks
>don't take any of them and work the 8 hours straight

>> No.11558720

everyone probably thinks ur tarded or something lmao

>> No.11558721

What a savage

>> No.11558723

Mr. Goldberg is sure to reward your hard work any day now!

>> No.11558866

I have a 30 minute lunch break and even that's bit long for me.
What are you even supposed to do during an hour-long break?

>> No.11558871

I don't mind it. Only little bitches need a lunch break.

>> No.11558886

the typical /ck/ user needs an hour long lunch break so they can beat off too hentai in the parking lot.

>> No.11559324

I work at a production facility for mines its the same for us very chill

>> No.11559333

>Tfw get an hour
>tfw rarely take it all because time goes quicker when working

>> No.11559344

I want NEETbux so bad, or AutismBux
you nerds are lucky as fuck and I envy you're ability to do nothing.

>> No.11559395
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I get an hour
I'm my own boss
I can use my personal laptop at work
I can smoke pot also if I want

Can anyone guess what I work as?

>> No.11559403

neet aka professional leech

>> No.11559428


>> No.11559443

I get 45 minutes.

>> No.11559465

/ck/ fast food shill?

>> No.11559528

professional cute girl poster

>> No.11559537 [DELETED] 
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Nope I'm a wagie
I don't eat much if any fast food.

>> No.11559549

>I'm my own boss
>I'm a wagie

So which are you lying about?

>> No.11559555

This post is not appropriate for 4channel or the sponsors of the website.

>> No.11559572

Unironic trips of truth.

>> No.11559574

Tfw real job

Tfw eat whenever I want

Tfw take breaks whenever I want

Tfw leave whenever i want

>> No.11559588


>> No.11559591

>but usually I just work 12 hrs a day and skip lunch

>> No.11559606


Usually I’m upset until I remember Im off earlier

>> No.11559615
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I still have to go to work or I don't make money you brainlet

Mods sleep post epic bread

>> No.11559617

>clock out early
>get paid less

>> No.11559666

>work 5-7 hours
>1-2 hour lunch
>work 2-3 hours
>no breaks
>get regularly yelled at for using the shitter
Boss has the nerve to call days where I don't work after lunch "half days"
But eh it's chill work so whatever

>> No.11559832

I get paid a reasonable wage given my level of responsibility and experience, and I still do nothing.

My boss was away for 3 days last week, and I probably did less than an hour of work. It turns out that if I resize my internet browser, it looks a lot like our email screens. I pull up news sites which are mostly text and just read shit all day long and troll the comments. To anyone else, it looks like im reading an email.

Its frustrating as id quite like to have the motivation to work. I just cant bring myself to concentrate on it.

>> No.11559909

I get 20 minutes you ungrateful cucks

>> No.11559917

I work in the ED. I understand the feeling of not even being able to take 2 minutes off to piss, let alone 10 minutes off to force food down my throat.

>> No.11559918
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>tfw I literally had a 3 hour lunch break yesterday
you're all small time

>> No.11559925

Sounds boring af

>> No.11559928

eating and reading aren't boring, and it'd be strange to describe sleep as 'boring', so no

>> No.11559932

If you can't think of stimulating ways to spend three hours of free time, you're the boring one.

>> No.11559933

Not at work

>> No.11559944

You're a retard

>> No.11559947


>> No.11560182
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> doesn't work from home and eat whenever he wants

>> No.11560198

Your boss is the same as mine, he’s never in the office so me abd my colleagues don’t give a shit about 30 minutes lunch break. When I used to smoke I usually just spend 30 minutes having a lunch and 30 minutes smoking and chatting with my colleagues.

>> No.11560262

>work for a multi-international company
>my boss quit and went to a different place only a few months in
>company was too jewish to replace him
>instead assigned us to be under some guy from the UK part of the company
>The UK guy only flew out to see us once just to say hello and shit
>never saw him after that point
>basically had no boss
>could do whatever I wanted

I stopped showing up for work and eventually got a new job. I'd go in like once or twice a week just to check up on things but it was ajoke.

>> No.11561369

Work as a meter reader for electric co. Was never told anything about lunch breaks, but I just finish my route as fast as possible and eat when I get home.

>> No.11561381

I’m on my lunch break right now..

I’m eating alone in my car. I’m so lonely

>> No.11561409

Honestly having worked in construction and food. I'd rather stay in construction. I deal with way less bullshit.

>> No.11561416

I get an hour but I'd rather have 30 minutes and go home earlier.

>> No.11561568

>15 minute lunch break
>5 to wash, grab food and sit down
>5 to eat
>5 to wash, piss and get back to work

At about 20 minutes supervisors would start coming up and asking around to see what the fuck you were doing. Good times.

>> No.11561575

30 plus two fifteens
garde manger (i sell romaine and romaine accessories)

>> No.11561608

good thing you got fast-food

>> No.11561633


I learned recently that some states don't require businesses to give you a lunch break (I live in such a place). What kind of 1800s bullshit is that? You're not legally required to allow people to feed themselves during their shift?

>> No.11561636

Why would the law matter at all?
If you don't agree with the employer's lunch policy then don't work there. Seems pretty simple.

>> No.11561646
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>he gets a lunch break

>> No.11561653

>If you don't agree with the employer's lunch policy then don't work there

I assume there are people for which this wouldn't work for one reason or another.

>> No.11561666

>guaranteed break
Wew, im self employed and that shit is pure luxury. If a customer calls you need to fucking answer. I only effectively work 5-6 hours/day though.

>> No.11561667

>I assume there are people for which this wouldn't work for one reason or another.
What reason could that possibly be, other than mental illness or stupidity?

>> No.11561668

I used to work in Germany and now work in the USA. Working in America sucks. You get a lot less time off and employers can get away with putting a lot more on you. In Germany I had all kinds of holidays, and then "bridge days" where the holiday landed close enough to the weekend for you to get an extra day off. In America I get like three weeks off a year total, and I have some friends who barely get two weeks off total.

>> No.11561670

>I only effectively work 5-6 hours/day though.
So does everyone else. If you actually work 5-6 hours a day, that's pretty good. Most people sit at the office for nine or ten and get an actual 5 hours of work done, between office bullshit, shitposting, meetings, waiting for meetings, or whatever else.

>> No.11561672
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>work is a 2 minute walk from home, it literally takes more time to drive there
>get an hour lunch where I go home and do whatever the fuck I want away from my shitty coworkers

>> No.11561677


Their financial situation is one that comes to mind, but I don't doubt there are more than a few others


Also this. I don't want to leave the country necessarily, but hearing about the work culture in nearly any European country makes me want to. Your life shouldn't by necessity revolve around your job.

>> No.11561696

There are things that suck in Germany though. I mean they had rules for literally everything, can't even wash your fucking car in the driveway. The taxes are horrendous. Everyone there is a total pussy compared to America, but, the USA for sure needs to get both more efficient at working and a more reasonable holiday plan.

Is it any wonder why only poor people with no jobs in America have kids when working people have barely any vacation, education is super expensive, and there isn't even decent maternity leave? Or that they are fat when they work 10 hours a day and have to eat packaged food for lunch?

>> No.11561700

Someone told that it's actually illegal to eat your lunch at your desk in France.
Not sure how true that is but it seems European employers value workers downtime. Dunno if it makes people more productive.

>> No.11561719

I think just moving house might be easier than doing 25 to life

>> No.11561731

>Your life shouldn't by necessity revolve around your job
And it doesn't, unless you make a willful decision to allow it to.

>I mean they had rules for literally everything, can't even wash your fucking car in the driveway
that shit exists in the states too. In many places HOA's (Home-owner associations) have horrible policies with the full force of law.

>Taxes are horrendous
Well yeah, that "free education" isn't really free.

>Or that they are fat when they work 10 hours a day and have to eat packaged food for lunch?
They're fat because they're too stupid to bring a sane meal from home, and instead they eat junk food (be it pre-packaged stuff they brought, or perhaps a fast-food place they visited on their lunch break)

>> No.11561742

i get no break

>> No.11561753

>live 10 minutes from work
>driving there and back takes 20 minutes round trip
>only get 30 minutes for lunch
not even worth it t b h

>> No.11561758

What if you have to take a monster shit? Would you drive home for a nice comfy clean pooper?

>> No.11561766

>work in a kitchen
>have literally never had a break at work
>even if I'm there 16+ hours

>> No.11561774

I would stay punched in and get paid to do it.

>> No.11561789
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Guten tag mein fellow kraut.
Only 8 hours? Are you sick today or something?

>> No.11561800

This. I’m shitting on the clock right now

>> No.11561810 [DELETED] 

>boss makes a dollar
>i make a time
>thats why i poop on company time

>> No.11561820

>boss makes a dollar
>i make a dime
>that's why i poop on company time

>> No.11561863
File: 199 KB, 436x600, 1520801279780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now THAT, is a rare pepe

>> No.11561875

>thinks jurassic park pepe is rare
>posts a /pol/-tier kekistani newfag pepe
maybe for someone who came here during the election

>> No.11561888

so you're part-time, is what you're saying

>> No.11562024

How long do you take to eat?
>5 minutes to eat
>25 minutes to play OSRS on phone
>waaah only 30 minutes
No reason to bitch, especially if it's paid. What, do you want to work 8-12, get 1 hour for lunch, then work until 5? Fuck that. I'd rather be off at 4.

>> No.11562030

That hypothetical you is the exception and not the rule.

>> No.11562043

>3 hour lunch break
I'll translate.
>works part-time shifts
>worked morning shift
>about to get off
>Hey Anon, Flaky McSlut called in. Will you close tonight?
>have 3 hours until then when you have to come back
>brag on the internet about a non-existent 3-hour lunch break

>> No.11562044

>30 minute lunch
>starts as soon as you stand up
>10 minute walk to go outside
>must be back in seat 5 minutes before lunch ends

>> No.11562048
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>2 hours lunch break

>> No.11562057
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>kitchen right across the hall from me
>get stressed
>eat a snack
>boss yells at me about something
>eat another snack
>stomach getting sore but so stressed can't stop eating

>> No.11562058

pepe wasn't a meme 10 years ago, newfag.

>> No.11562072

who said anything about ten years ago?

>> No.11562100
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>must be back in seat 5 minutes before lunch ends
If they are dictating your actions to you, how can you still be on lunch?
I would turn up with 5 minutes of 'lunch' left and eat a fucking smoked kippers right at my fucking desk. The cunts would have to move office by the time I was done eating smoked fucking fish during the last 5 minutes of my 'break'.

>> No.11562121

I have a 1h12 mandatory lunch break where my coworkers don't (they take 30min paid lunch break). I work 45 hours, 9-18, 5 days a week. They work 4 days and one saturday per month. I would kill to have 30 min lunch break motherfucker.

>> No.11562129

Tbh senpai get into the mental health system. Depression is considered a disability by the US govt and half of all adults will have it at some point. Bam, disability and NEETbux.

>> No.11562188

That's one thing you guys definitely have over us and that's every employee, no matter the job or length of employment gets 1 month mandatory holiday. It can take many years to even come near 30 days and a large percentage of jobs will be lucky to even get 2 weeks after long years service here. Helk a lot of jobs never offer more than 1 week to anyone other than management. Workers get fucked up the ass in the US and the rightwing propaganda machines convince them to vote against unions and collective bargaining, literally the only means for the worker to get a fair deal.

>> No.11562202

Bruh fuck you, my co worker microwaves fucking smoked fish in the microwave everyday and i've tried to get her fired, but the boss won't.

Fucking shit smells like pure ass, confronted her about it and she gives this dumbass smirk and says I can't stop her from eating what she wants

fuck you, fuck her, and fuck smoked fucking fish

>> No.11562354

My boss makes a dollar while I make a dime, thats why I always shit on company time.

>> No.11562380

>get hour lunch and 2 15 minute breaks a day
>rarely use 20 minutes of my lunch
>just dick around on my phone the rest of the time
>would rather do a 30 minute lunch and go home earlier

>> No.11562451

Worked in a factory for a bit and can confirm. Do your job good for long enough and they'll let you off with quite a bit. Now I am a supervisor for a cleaning firm and I do the same to the people who turn up early and get on with their job. I'll let some of them have a cup of coffee on company time to relax a bit, or even bring them some food/coffee to them and pay it myself. The fuckers who turn up late and have shit attitudes I don't tolerate. Some realise how I am and start doing better. Friend to good workers, boss to the shit ones.

This is shit. I worked in a real old dusty loud factory producing some lab equipment and it was annoying as fuck to just stop what you're doing for 15 minutes, do fuck all, maybe go to the coffee machine and have to make small talk. Then the hour long break which you either had to sit at your area on a shitty wooden stool, sit with middle aged men eating kit kats and crisp sandwiches at the lunch tables or go get a shit burger from the local takeaway.

>> No.11562492

you cant eat in the building if your not back in your seat 5 minutes early they count it as a no show for that day

>> No.11562496

i leave for lunch at 11 a.m. CST. i usually return around 12:30 or 12:45ish. i enjoy my autonomy at work

>> No.11562559

sex """"""""""""""""worker"""""""""""""""?

>> No.11562654 [DELETED] 

yeah my current boss is like you, always buys us lunch and coffee except when that one guy is there lel

>> No.11562670

I used to only take 30 minutes for lunch as well but have now decided to take a full hour + my second 15 minutes break and go to the gym at my workplace. Already lost 15 pounds and I'm starting to see noticeable muscle growth.

Seriously guys, if you have the ability to do this, take full advantage of it. Feels so good to get that workout high when coming back for my second half of work.

>> No.11562681

>get hired for bullshit $10 an hour job
>decide to go out of my way to suck up and do every shitty job, task, and detail no one wants to do

A year later...

>boss trusts me enough to let me clock whatever hours I want (as long as it isn't overtime)
>come and go and I please
>only checks in on me to make sure I am handling my workload or to assign me more tasks
>making $17 an hour

Anyone else had this experience?

>> No.11562779

cool, I'll happily take those labour rights

>> No.11562789

>work is not even half a mile away
>dont have to put miles on my car
>try leaving for lunch
>return to boss who grills me out cause "yew cant leeve duh prawpurteey"
and I vowed to never work retail ever again.

>> No.11562791

>make $56/hr + performance bonus up to $40k
>boss lives 10 hours away
>show up to work when I want, leave when I want
>only thing that matters is making meetings and getting shit done
>lunch is obviously flexible, don't fuck around and miss meetings = do whatever you want

feels good being beyond working shit jobs

>> No.11563227

1/2 lunch break "so long as I'm doing something worthwhile on the computer" (aka take a lunch break at your desk while browsing internet)

>be apprenticship
>80 yr old boomer that I'm replacing NEEDS to take meds with coffee + muffin at 2:30pm
>takes him half hour

So that's a 12pm lunch break and a 2:30pm "coffee break". The boomer is subtly an old basedboy who has perfected how to cut slack at work. Our director now approves of 2:30 break time cause it "gives us a chance to reconvene".

Basically work 10-12, ~12:30ish to 2:30, 3:00 to 4:45. Thanks retail, service industry, and underemployed-yet-submissive wagecucks for subsidizing my role (non-profit funded via local grants).

former server/bartender lmaoing @ ur life rn

>> No.11563829

That's when you know you've found a good job to be honest.

>> No.11563836

I get an hour and a half lunch break.
I sometimes take naps, read a book, go for a run or do a workout.

>> No.11563996


kek, management is trying to come down on us for not taking our legally-mandated lunch breaks in the ED but then also get pissed at us when we "vanish for half an hour"

>> No.11565434

2-30 min lunch breaks
Choice of 2-5 plates
Fresh Soup
Unlimited fountain drinks
Unlimited coffee

>> No.11566653

If they don't pay you for it, sue them. If they are dictating your actions, you are working, and are entitled to be paid for it.

>> No.11566685
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>Live 5 minutes from work with no traffic
>Because it's inner city actually takes 30 minutes

>> No.11567309

Pretty sure he's an underaged faggot talking about school

>> No.11567318

>tfw self employed
>tfw I can afford to start work at 10:00 take an hour lunch break and still come home before my 9 to 5 friend does

>> No.11567613

>tfw work through lunch everyday because I'm basically tied to the phones
>tfw I leave early almost every day

I'm not paid enough to care

>> No.11567641

Fuck off commie.

>> No.11567654


>> No.11567774

>i enjoy being exploited by my slavemaster in a banana republic country
Good goy!

>> No.11567779

You get a break?

>> No.11567900
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>hour lunch
>"work" through my lunch to get off earlier
>actually just browse 4channel for an hour because the entire office always eats out for lunch so nobody knows
>tfw been doing this for 3 years and counting

>> No.11568029

Get a less shit job.

>> No.11568063

>everybody in an office eats at the exact same time

Know how I know you've never worked in an office before?

>> No.11568091

Literally me but I don't get to leave early so I get overtime

There are only 5 people in my office. 3 Go out and the 4th sits at his desk and works on the other side. The only way into the office is a door I am facing

>> No.11568101

Depends on what kind of office, I work for the state and all of us are unionized. There is some variation in lunch time but there is a period in my office that nobody is working.

>> No.11568109

Do people actually care about having a Lunch Break during which they sit elsewhere and eat? A lot of lunches I don't even eat, but when I do eat I work while eating.

>> No.11568133

Imagine if you will not every office is some giant mega cubicle room. Our floor is split up into sections and in mine the 4 other people I work with do all leave for lunch at the same time every day.

Not sure what the lunch situation is in the other sections but either way they never come to mine during lunch time

>> No.11568165

>gets a lunch break at all

>> No.11568182

Many offices have everybody out at a certain time so customers will know when they're out. Government offices especially.

>> No.11568198

My work has a fucking siren that goes off at the beginning and end of our lunch breaks.

Everyone waddles in and out of the factory like a bunch of sheep.

>> No.11568452
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you could using those two flabby sausages called legs and try walking to work.

>> No.11568562

>Every single moment, every microsecond, that I'm unsupervised, I'm not doing shit.

>> No.11568572
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>like job but hate having to deal with the bad kids

>30 min lunch

>> No.11568573

enjoying liberated women in the workplace friend?

>> No.11568576

>eating the bait

>> No.11568589
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This anon is absolutely based

>> No.11568592

I used to work in a restaurant hotel when I was nearing 16, still 15 when I started though.
I needed to do labor for eight hours straight and didn't even get a break.
It was until I reached 17 that I got a 15 minute break. It might as well have been slavery.

>> No.11568604

>25 minute drive to work
>still had plenty of time to go home on lunch break
Having a 2 and half hour break was the greatest luxury.

>> No.11568616
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>go home for lunch
>spend 5 minutes eating
>enjoy 30 minute power nap
>spend 10 minutes waking up, having an afternoon cup of coffee
>Drive back

>> No.11568663

dubs of truth correcting trips of tyranny

>> No.11568674

don't worry anon, we're all gonna make it

>> No.11568682

used to have a bank manager that'd eat a hungry man dinner every day kek

>> No.11568704

all solicitors I deal with do this nigger

>> No.11568894

>get 30 minutes for lunch
>spend 28 minutes jacking off in the women's bathroom
>spend 2 minutes walking back
>never washed my hands

>> No.11568946
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>only get one 26 minute break a day

>> No.11568950

>He's not a fuck-up NEET that has a 24 hour lunch break.

>> No.11568953

that's illegal

>> No.11568962

Feels bad man was you fucking new fag

>> No.11568967
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>unpaid 30 minute lunch break
>but have to be back in my cage (but not punched in) 15 minutes before the break is over

>> No.11568968

No it's not because it's a paid break

>> No.11569083

>zoomers btfo

>> No.11569512
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>one 20 min paid break per shift
I eat microwaved package meals four or five times a week and horribly overpriced “artisan flatbread” pizza from the hipster cafe within walking distance on days I don’t have time to hit the supermarket.
I really ought to batch cook more often, but fuck cleaning large cookware in a closet-sized studio kitchen

>> No.11569519

I procrastinate even when my boss sits near me, just leaving youtube open in a dmall windows size. I basically say that I need x days to complete a task, and then I only start the task at x-2 and deliver it at either x-1 or x, so people think I'm super mega efficient.

Also have 1 hour lunch that we all (including the boss) sometimes let run for 1 hour and a half. On one side it's cool, on the other I spend most of the day in a half asleep state, feeling that I'm not really conscious during most of my awake time.

>> No.11569526

I work in an enforcement agency and I love getting to go out in the van with my line manager. After any actual job we just send an extra hour or so driving around "looking for issues" just to not be back in the office.

>> No.11569531

>30 minute lunch break
>still take 1 hour
>then have a 30 minute coffee break after that
>still leave work as if lunch break was 30 minutes

Anyone doing the same ?

>> No.11569533

The option won't be there. If you're not required to provide breaks, nobody provides breaks. Then management accuses millennials of being lazy for wanting breaks.

>> No.11569551

Hour lunch break
Only need 30 min
Manager doesn't allow to go home half an hour earlier

Just fuck me up

>> No.11569787
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>work at a bar in Belgium
>can take as many smoke breaks as I want
>drink for free
>eat for free
>make 100 EUR / day


>> No.11569842

>his commute isn't 5 minutes
>from bed to desk

>> No.11569843

>not skipping your break and going home 2 and a half hours early

>> No.11569941

If you're not working from home, you're basically the equivalent of a battered wife bragging about how her husband only hits her in places her shirt covers.

>> No.11569948

Mah HomeBro!

>> No.11569992

>part time job
>live less than a mile from work
>live and work in same town
>drive work truck to house
>start my break
>walk dog
>get back in work truck
>already where I need to be to be back on duty
>go play with other people's dogs at the dog park
being a millennial who lives with their parents isn't so bad

>> No.11570097
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>tfw only get a 30 minute lunch break
>however no one checks or gives a shit how long you actually were gone for lunch

>tfw when no designated breaks
>however I can just just get up and go watch a TV episode on toilet and nobody cares
>I can just walk around the office chatting with coworkers for an hour and nobody cares
>I can browse /ck/ on my computer and nobody cares

office life ain't so bad

>> No.11570102

you work the whole night tho, no?

>> No.11570107
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>Mfw work from home

>> No.11570109
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>It turns out that if I resize my internet browser, it looks a lot like our email screens. I pull up news sites which are mostly text and just read shit all day long and troll the comments. To anyone else, it looks like im reading an email.

this is what I've been doing for the last two years anon
no one has a clue and well if they know, they obviously don't care

also I started taking college classes and I actually study at work because my notes are word documents, and again nobody has a clue

>> No.11570111

That's not how it worked.

>> No.11570212

This is the kind of dumb shit you see in retail/fast food jobs. I got an IT job and no one gives a fuck as long as you do your work.

>> No.11570659

forklift operation is mechanically assisted manual labor. Not sure how busy your warehouse is, I worked in one that had so much foot traffic that operators in certain positions consistently quit/went on leave/asked for reassignment because their necks were strained from turning around so many times per shift to avoid hitting retards walking immediately behind them when they were reversing. I hope you got baby wipes for your daily sharts.

>> No.11570737
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>> No.11571120

>giving your coworkers the opportunity to talk behind your back
>not socializing

>> No.11571206

>He doesn't have a job making 16.75 an hour for 12 hours but only physically works one and relaxes the 11 rest to shitpost on a Japanese image forum board that some fuck face think destryoed for monies and not McChickens, the best fast food sandwhich

>> No.11571222
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Im a receptionist at a hotel doing the graveyard shift. I do "work" checking in 3-4 guests tops, sort some paperwork shit and do a round around the hotel to make sure nobody is stealing shit or whatever once a night. So my break basically lasts 6 hours where I play warcraft, watch documentaries, talk to the guy that delivers newpsapers in the morning and sometimes sleep until the morning shift comes then I just go home. I could be working full time but I have to dress fancy for the job so I rather stay at home feeling comfy. If I want to eat I can always bring food from home but more often than not there will be food in the hotel kitchen fridge like pork roast, steaks, cooked potatoes and all kinds of veggies and fresh bread so often I just cook my stuff in the hotel kitchen.

>> No.11571344
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>> No.11571604
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This but on salary with no clock in/out.
Oil company tho so I pray electric cars never take over

>> No.11572372

I'm going To school for IT right now. Thanks for letting my know I should get a ticket based IT job.

>> No.11573023

Wtf is a lunch break?

>> No.11573889
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>3 hour lunch break which also includes working out

>> No.11573895

>outing yourself as a newfag
It’s really not. Fuck off back to where you came from scum

>> No.11574057

>work in the field
>get $22/hr base pay, jumps to $33/hr for OT
>get 2hr overtime each day
>usually no time to take lunch during the day, just get more money instead
>one of the girls working drives the truck back while me and the boss sit in the backseat drinking coors and smoking weed

sometimes its shitty, usually its just damn comfy

>> No.11574068

Use the shower, works surprisingly well.
Still need places to dry it all tho.

>> No.11574136

>be me
>remote worker for software company
>lunch is as long as I want when at home
>lunch is as long as I want and expensable when I have to travel to hq
comfy/10 desu

>> No.11574356

30 minutes? I can eat lunch in 10!

>> No.11574428
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>girlfriend works at local production bakery, brings home fresh bread & baked goods nightly
>packs you a lunch every day, including a sandwich on fresh bread
>always includes breakfast and coffee so you don't have to wait around the coffee machine at work like a pleb
>surprise pastries or pie when the farmer's markets are closed due to rain
You will never know how good this feels. I'm literally getting hungry right now thinking about my lunch break tomorrow.

>> No.11574726

lmao you're not even required to get any kind of lunch break in America
or bathroom breaks
or anything, really

>> No.11574848

>5 minute lunch

>> No.11575752

Imagine being so cucked that you need a break, especially all you amerifats that get like 5 bucks an hour. You need all the money you can get
>Laughs in $23 an hour for the same position

>> No.11575766

How many hours are you rostered though? If it's <5, 30 minutes is pretty damn reasonable.
But if it's 5<, either your state's law suck or your boss is manipulating you. Find an another job if it's latter.

>> No.11575857

How much food does your fat ass need in the middle of the day?

>> No.11577168

>no mandatory breaks
>5 min smoke break
>don't smoke
Feels good, having to sit around without pay for 30 min is such a waste of time

>> No.11577178

>tfw grill steaks, sing songs, and curse for no reason all day
Kitchen jobs are great

>> No.11577909

Just eat one meal a day at home faggot. It's healthier.

>> No.11577917

[citation needed]

>> No.11577930

You know you don't need to eat throughout the day, right?

>> No.11577976

Yeah, how dare labor (remember, those folks who produce everything) even think about a fair shake - th-that's muh atheist, socialist, union, sjw, lgbt, furriner conspiracies to confiscate muh popguns.

>> No.11578595

I get twelve minutes at 9, half an hour at 11, and twelve at 2. Work 7 to 3:30, most of the time with a few half hours of overtime up to 5:30

>> No.11578830

>Work as a Dietary Aide in a retirement home
>Literally a waiter as all I do is ask the old people what they want to eat and bring it to them
>Work the lunch and dinner shifts
>Each dietary aide has different responsibilities and as a result we all get different break times
>Breaks are one hour long but because there is so much work on some days, you'd be lucky to get 20 minutes to sit down
>Have to be back in the kitchen at a certain time to get ready for the dinner service or else we all fall behind

The plus side is eating any leftover food that residents did not eat. The downside is that if management catches you, you get in serious shit even though we always throw away any excess food.

>> No.11578879

I make 90k a year and only get a 30 as well.

Suck a dick retail fag

>> No.11578893

Pretty much this. Im a production analyst for a cheese company and i probably spend an hour a day walking around talking to people. Probably 15 mins about actual shit theyre doing then the rest of the time shooting the shit. Lunch? 30 mins but i just eat and work. Ill take a break whenever, we have a super nice coffee machine with raw beans, and it makes specialty coffees and hot chocolates with whipped cream. Management knows if you treat employees like retards no one likes it. The actual manual workers somedays seem like they do nothing at all. Yet we are still the worlds biggest dairy company and growing. Weird shit

>> No.11579296

All these soft cunts lol.