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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11556162 No.11556162[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>You actually BUY bottled water? You know you can get it free from the tap, right?

>> No.11556170
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>> No.11556174
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Well, not free, but a fuck of a lot cheaper than bottled, that's for sure.

Dummies gonna dumb though....

>> No.11556187
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>Tap water at my college tastes like shit
>school store has the audacity to charge 38 fucking dollars for a case of water
Bottled is a fucking scam. Filters are the way to go.

>> No.11556199
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>I had the idea for selling bottled water in 1985. I could have been rich

>> No.11556202

75 bottles for $38 is probably pretty close to the wholesale price though. At my school they had a vending machine and it was $1 each.

>> No.11556204

Does this system remove fluoride?

>> No.11556207
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Imagine being such a retarded uninspired female rapper than you name yourself after this.

>> No.11556211


>> No.11556227

Pretty sure its 24 bottles, or about $1.50 each. Just dont shop at the university store.

The whole system is designed to take your daddys burgerbux, of course its a scam.

>> No.11556228

Imagine knowing so much about terrible music that you get offended by a picture of bottled water

>> No.11556230
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>> No.11556239

It's 38 for 24.

>> No.11556248
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>not living somewhere where tap water is A+ quality

>> No.11556250

what the fuck? you can get a case for two fucking dollars, dumbass

>> No.11556253

>buys a case of 24 for 3 dollars at costco


>> No.11556263

Lmao at all these poor fags ITT

I only drink fiji and grino

>> No.11556274

I can't relate to any of this

t. living in the first world

>> No.11556286

Well, we know you can't live in the US since USA is a third world country

We also know you can't live in Europe since Europeans have a weird hangup about drinking water that didn't come out of a bottle

We know you can't live in Canada because USA is a third world country

So that leaves Japan and Taiwan, which one is it?

>> No.11556290

People who buy bottled water outside of exceptional circumstances are absolute brainlets and it's the easiest way to filter out potential women

>> No.11556294

t. 700 pound ham planet drinking soda out of a sippy cup from the front seat of his SUV

>> No.11556297

No I don't drink soda, juice or anything like that. I bring my own refillable bottle or drink from the tap at home you fucking retard

>> No.11556298


>> No.11556305

You carry it around in your hands all the time, or do you have a giant purse?

>> No.11556312

Most tap water in the USA is pretty good but some is crap like in south florida, that crap tastes and smells like sulfer, it's nasty. Even more nasty when I have a hangover.

>> No.11556316

Enjoy your floride

>> No.11556319

Well you either buy a bottle of water and carry that, or carry your own bottle of water... I also have a car to put it in or a backpack if need be.

>> No.11556321

>going outside
fuck off roastie

>> No.11556323

enjoy your flying saucers and lizard people from alex jones

>> No.11556324

Yeah, I'll enjoy my good teeth. If you believe the fluoride meme you also probably think mercury in vaccines is going to kill you

>> No.11556325

Bill Clinton is a rapist.

>> No.11556326

>don't buy water
>instead, buy water
Thanks for the advice friend

>> No.11556328

I'm glad I'm not the only one to notice that.

>> No.11556343

Enjoy your decreased iq modern slave

>Muh thienth guberment has muh best intwest at heart

Moron im 100% you gubble down gmos on your SAD because its all you can afford same reason you drink from the tap poorfag

It says dont swallow toothpaste but you drink floride all daym brush your teeth like a normal person retard

>> No.11556350

That's a compliment coming from the likes of you.

>> No.11556355

Good response redditor

Hows about another chlorine floride cup of former sewage water to wash it all down?

Mmm you slaves drinking good

>> No.11556366

Whats your profession

>> No.11556373

I said refillable bottle you fucking brainlets. You spend 5 dollars once and have a bottle for years and just fill it up at home or drinking fountains or whatever.

Now you are on GMOs kek fucking kill yourself you stupid sheep. Do some real literature research and get back to me

>> No.11556380

Fucking hate retards who say this. Bottled water has very subtle differences only those with a refined palette will notice. If you're gonna sit here and tell me Dasani tastes even REMOTELY close to Arrowhead then I'm gonna fuck you in the ass you god damned queer.

>> No.11556426

You dont buy the better tasting high vitamin organic food because you eat factory farm slop which is only in existance to feed the never ending nigger and spic and white trash population

You are a fucking modern day slave and you eat a slave diet

Fucking ur mom

>> No.11556449

you realize that bottled water is just tap water repackaged

>> No.11556468

You sound like an easy target to rape

>> No.11556479

>not drinking well water

>> No.11556508

GMOs are nutritionally enhanced you faggot. People who buy strictly organic are almost as dumb as people who only drink bottled water

>> No.11556529
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>he lives in a municipality with flouridated tap water

>> No.11556650

does filtering water change the taste ? I used to drink and refrigerate tap water but in my new appartement I can't stand the taste

>> No.11556721

i guess, but you'd usually just get used to it anyway like we always get used to everything.

>> No.11556932

Costco's is like $3 something for 40 if you buy the store brand.

>> No.11556967

Retard alert

>> No.11556976

Nah i only drink fiji and grino

Lmao at all the poorfags on ck

>> No.11556983

>GMOs are nutritionally enhanced
Imagine being this much of a deluded monsanto bootlicker.

>> No.11556991

Depends on what type of cartridges you install. The sediment-only ones don't remove flouride, but others do.

>> No.11556998

>Now you are on GMOs kek fucking kill yourself you stupid sheep. Do some real literature research and get back to me
Don't you monsanto shills have a $300 million lawsuit judgement to be trying to spin in a positive light? Get on it, everyone is laughing at you.

>> No.11557056

I work for Pepsi this are not supposed to be sold as whole units because they only come like that to be broke down and sold cold, they got this packages for less with that understanding report them to Pepsi and they will have to actually buy the packages marked for resale

>> No.11557060


>> No.11557069

Monsanto is such a shitty company they literally had to rename themselves this year

>> No.11557087

I pay 2 bucks for a 6Lt gallon, don't trust those OSE fuckers, at least once a month they cut the water and once per week the water comes all muddy, fucking pieces of shit.

>> No.11557092

What kind of shithole do you live in?
I can get a 24 case of water for 88 cents

>> No.11557129

>first world

>> No.11557311

I prefer the tap water from the village I grew up to any mineral water I've tasted. In summer I crave that cold stuff straight from the tap. Has a soft taste with a hint of sweetness.

>> No.11557339

>We also know you can't live in Europe since Europeans have a weird hangup about drinking water that didn't come out of a bottle
Only in southern Europe. I rarely see anyone buy or drink tap water except when traveling or at a canteen or restaurant.
I was surprised the water even in LA tasted pretty neutral, expected some chlorine taste or other bad taste like in major European cities.

>> No.11557466


>> No.11557486

Aww how cute it thinks Thailand is Taiwan


>> No.11557523

she looks like Sarah sanders Huchabee

>> No.11557582

kek, probably thinks like her too

>> No.11557612

You can set up a job interview every day of the week to get free coffee. Swindled!

>> No.11557657

Bottled is literally just filtered tap water anyway

>> No.11557666
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>living in Germany
>tap water actually more tested and delicious than bought

>> No.11557675

>live in berlin for the summer
>everyone buys water and orders it bottled from restaurants because they don't like how the water tastes
>read that it's not unsafe, just has a bit of a strong taste
>start drinking it
>it's totally fine, even a kind of good taste
i think yuros are just picky

>> No.11557779

I've only come across that egg water shit once and I just chose to be dehydrated after holding my nose and downing one glass. I cant imagine trying to choke that shit down with a hangover.

>> No.11557864

raw water is the thingie (not sure what it means)

>> No.11557942
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>Cumulative urine output at 4 h after ingestion of cola, diet cola, hot tea, iced tea, coffee, lager, orange juice, sparkling water, and a sports drink were not different from the response to water ingestion.
>A suitable allowance of water for adults is 2.5 litres daily in most instances. An ordinary standard for diverse persons is 1 millilitre for each calorie of food. Most of this quantity is contained in prepared foods. If the last, crucial sentence is ignored, the statement could be interpreted as instruction to drink eight glasses of water a day.
>Back in 1945 the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council stated that adults should take in about 2.5 liters of water per day (which is roughly the equivalent of eight glasses of water), but it also noted most of that intake level was already satisfied through the consumption of food without the need for the additional drinking of water.
>Over the last few weeks, those who visited the British Medical Journal's website might have noticed an advert for a new public health initiative, Hydration for Health. It is sponsored by Danone – which owns the Evian, Volvic and Badoit bottled water brands – and urges healthcare professionals to encourage people to drink more water, claiming that "evidence is increasing that even mild dehydration plays a role in the development of various diseases".
>Margaret McCartney, a GP and columnist, saw these adverts and complained about it, writing an article for the BMJ (who admitted "we hadn't followed our own guidelines. The advertisement bypassed our editorial checks") about the lack of evidence – and citing the shortcomings of many studies – that people should be drinking more water.

>> No.11557943

I didn't say I like Monsanto. I like GMOs. They are not synonymous. Not surprisingly no one has presented quality peer reviewed papers on the apparent health risks of GMOs in general, or the addition of Fluoride to water. You can very easily find peer review stating that GMOs are, in fact, nutritionally superior, and that the health effects due to fluoride edition are negligible. Google either and you will be filled with results for you to debunk.

Why do you retards always insist on disregarding science? It's always some big conspiracy

>> No.11558107

Good goy

>> No.11558113

can americans really not even drink their tap water? gosh I just feel bad for you guys.

>> No.11558142

post teeth

>> No.11558221


>> No.11558327

every college president should be dragged out and shot.

>> No.11558341

I thought they got bought?

>> No.11558343

>reposting memes from literally 11 years ago

>> No.11558347

This but unironically

>> No.11558362

sleep tight pusser :3

>> No.11558447
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>paying for water
Get one of these, cunts

>> No.11558488
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I can buy a 32 pack for 2.85 dollars at my grocery store.

Its funny because we sell the broken packs as individual bottles for 50 cents.

>> No.11558491

some states don't let you have those

>> No.11558492
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>> No.11558540

You have to check for the source. If it's spring water you're good

>> No.11558547

>buying water stolen from local poor communities and disrupting the local ecosystem to the point of disrepair
they're actually American too

>> No.11558839

You're so funny, anon.

>> No.11559348
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>we know you can't live in Canada because USA is a third world country

>> No.11559371

Why on earth and what law?

>> No.11560676

I live in Germany and enjoy in of the world's best tap waters in the south of Hamburg. Checkmate, geographically illiterate person.

>> No.11560685

The options anon was presenting were to either pay tap water and a bottle, which for me comes to 10€ for a decent bottle and 0.00172€ per liter of water (waste surcharge already included) or you pay 1,50€ / liter and help contaminate the planet with plastic bottles.

Your choice. Hint: only one of those choices is objectively better in every regard.