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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11554836 No.11554836[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

does /ck/ still have /alck/ threads?

how was your week?

are you ready for the week ahead?

what are yall drinking tonight lads?

>> No.11554841

It was all right until a bunch of jobs came in. I've worked 40 of the last 48 hours and I'm still here. I just want to slam cheap beer in my bed.

>> No.11554848

Doing well but the first few weeks after the cunt closed down the al/ck/ threads here were rough. I hope he goes to win his 69 virgins soon.
Sounds crazy tough. Guessing you used something a tad stronger to get you through..??
I’m in bed with some pasta, strong ciders and Netflix. Only 4:32pm here but I’ll be asleep by 8am I reckon.

>> No.11554853

im fucking high not a drunken loser like you pleb cringe bluepilled yikes

>> No.11554869

like handjobs or what kind of jobs

>> No.11554870

Can't do anything harder. I do refinery work. It's forced me to cut back on drinking so at least when things like this happen I don't get withdrawals anymore.
Took a little phenibut to calm my nerves tho.

>> No.11554880

I drink as much or more volume but I’ve gone from 13% down to 7% per volume.
My shits have been better for the most part, and I’m actually sleeping better now.

>> No.11554886

Sounds like a victory to me. Good on you, buddy.

I just stay away from hard liquor now and don't drink more than a six pack a night unless I've specifically taken the day off. Also raised my quality of life a good bit, since I actually eat food now

>> No.11554894

50ml lemon juice
20ml hamilton gold rum
both of the above poured over lemon zest
60ml st george terroir gin
40ml templeton rye
20ml st george bruto americano
20ml sweet vermouth
15ml fennel syrup
6 drops fee brothers mint bitters
3 drops fernet branca

shaken & strained, with a cherry

just finished, was pretty good but honestly could've used a more alcoholic tasting rum like wray and nephew and maybe less lemon juice. wasn't that strong tasting even though it was probably around 50% abv

now im just sipping smith and cross with a laugunitas ipa lol

>> No.11554904

What's a /alck/ thread? Some sort of thread about being drunk? LOL. This board is for food and cooking. If you want to talk about being drunk try >>>/b/ or something. I don't know, but obviously it's not relevant here.

>> No.11554905

grats anon

>> No.11554911

How long have you been on ck?

>> No.11554919

do your homework before bed little timmy

>> No.11554930

Stop biting the bait idiot.

>> No.11554939

I’d love to say it feels like one.
I need to cut down more still, I know.
But strong thanks on the kind words.
Ty anon.
I don’t have the runs 6-8x per day now so that’s awesome. Baby steps to getting better.
It’s weird bc I eat far less now. Losing weight is kinda weird, bc doing zero exercise but down 10kg in 2 months. I just sit at a desk all day. I guess red wine has more calories than I thought.
Glad that stage of my life is behind me.

>> No.11554945
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Fucking Tired. Equipment tech in operating room been working 13+ hour days all week. Nov/Dec is crazy busy as everyone has hit there deductibles. Closing a shitty week with some Black Cherry Seltzer and Vodka. Following with a half of watermelon.

>> No.11554978

im drunk give me a break

>> No.11554981


>> No.11554996

haven't read any posts yet. too drunk and lazy to do it before posting.

I had a rip of my dab pen (the plug and play for those who know weed shit) and I shotgunned two 25oz cans of Rolling ROck.

>> No.11555010

So basically you're sober

>> No.11555019
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Being a problem for your family and friends because you're addicted to alcohol has nothing to do with food and cooking. Did what I had to do.

>> No.11555057

>inb4 delete

Grandfather died in July, good friend of mine killed himself in 4 days before my birthday in Novmeber. Binges are getting longer

>> No.11555060


>> No.11555082

I don't think anyone can determine what that tastes like just from reading that list of ingredients, and am positive nobody is going to be recreating it, but you could at least post it in a thread that isn't going to get deleted in the next 15 minutes. Beer, wine, and cocktail threads are fine, but al/ck/ threads were for legit drunks, and we basically fall into two broad categories: the shitty macro lager virgin and the bottom to mid-range handle of vodka chad. /ck/ was always an al/ck/ board, but the general just attracted too much /r9k/ woe is me bullshit.

>> No.11555088

Damn sorry to hear anon.
Also sorry that cunt Mohammad will ban you for posting in this thread.
I’d love to meet Mohammad, as I’m sure if we met I’d convert him and he’d love pork.
I’ve shown 12 muslims the beauty of pork so far and they all enjoyed as much as alcohol and pot.
Mohammad’s are weak truly. Ask anyone.

>> No.11555105

Haven't been in one of these in awhile. One of my local regular stops is run by Indians and he fucks with me for buying a big bottle of vodka every weekend. Today he gave me the look. Like, eyeroll, I feel sorry for you, go kys, y u do this every weekend. He lost a customer.

>> No.11555111

I purposely go to different shops every week and before the weekend so it looks like Im buying shit for a party or football

>> No.11555116

Sorry pal.

>> No.11555120

It was suppose to be on >>/adv/ but who honestly goes there?>>/bant/ but they rejected liver failure >>/tv/ was home at one point, but not enough kino related.

>> No.11555127

Al/ck/ has been a staple on this board for years. I don't know wtf has been going on lately but this is where it traditionally was contained

>> No.11555142


Finished off a 3l box of wine, now working on vodka and juice/soda. Weekend binges are fun but I'll be shitting liquid for the next two days.

>> No.11555143

What makes no sense to me is that as far as generals go this is the best there is. Nothing cancerous ever spills out on to the board and everything is contained perfectly. You're literally seeing a silhouette of a man drinking every now and again but apart from that I cannot see how this general causes enough trouble to justify the reaction its been getting.

>> No.11555157
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Agreed, I don't understand how drunks are the most shunned of all the fucking degenerates on 4chan. Shoot heroin and fuck children? no problem, get a fur suit and get fucked by trannies, no problem, YOUR DRINK TOO MUCH?!?!?!, SPAMMED AND REPORTED

>> No.11555184

Halfway through a handle of vodka and have a fifth of kracken on deck

>> No.11555189

You are an alcoholic loser and you're too drunk most of the time too really understand what sober people are talking about or doing, so maybe kill yourself

>> No.11555208

Were all trying. Go cook some fucking low quality steak

>> No.11555226
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Is mall drinker still alive?

>> No.11555233

The fact that the daily Bon Appetit waifu threads are allowed, despite having absolutely nothing to do with food (they're literally just /tv/ cancer) but al/ck/ is deleted is pretty much the nail in the coffin for /ck/.

>> No.11555237
File: 9 KB, 211x239, IMMA KILLA TOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of al/ck/ is either dead because of drinking, killed themselves or is dying. No joke.

>> No.11555240
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>> No.11555247

woah, an al/ck/ thread? thats unusual. i can't believe they banned these. anyways, i was up to about a liter of vodka a day, now i'm down to a bit less than a fifth. trying to taper because this shit is really getting to me. just scared of withdrawal, even with tapering. but my kidneys and stomach are starting to hurt and i'm getting delrious, and my face is peeling. i usually try to taper off around this time

>> No.11555265

Tapering is the safest option unless you go hospital detox where they can pump you with mag and thiamine so your brain doesn't get blasted

>> No.11555277


>> No.11555288
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I truly miss these threads, kept me grounded.

>> No.11555302
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bump for drunks sake

>> No.11555304

Smashing down the leftover goon bags of Fruity Gordo and getting mad as fuck playing Rocket League and listening to Dead Kelly, got a Drug and Alcohol piss test for a new job tomorrow.

>> No.11555311
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>One cunt Wolf Pack

>> No.11555350

I just go to the same one or maybe two bottleshops 3-4 times a week (ones near home, ones next to work)

I only ever buy bottle/s of vodka and I'm sure they know I'm alcoholic but I don't really give a shit, who cares what some random idiot at a store thinks about you

>> No.11555353

for me its Fitz Super Clear, the best "european style" lager

>> No.11555358

Had a heavy night Wednesday and needed a couple of days to recover. Few drinks last night to ease myself back into the alcohol groove.

Big day of drinking planned for the Spurs Arsenal game.

>> No.11555373

Ya I’ve been through withdrawal 30+ times now. I’ve tapered every time, fuck cold turkey. I tried it once and things didn’t go well to say the least, kek. It’s just hard to taper when you start to get a comfy buzz and want more. I hate being in that zone of mild uncomfortableness

>> No.11555376

super depressing and most of all off-topic threads

>> No.11555382

44 get

>> No.11555384

Finna dab on 9 miller high lifes when i get home.
Graveyard shift drinking is great, fuckin wasted at 10AM and wife cant say shit because I just got off work.
Aint an alcky though. I drink once a week usually.
Smoke a fuckload a weed tho.

Also, you guys should give fallout 76 a try, its really fuckin good.

>> No.11555386

>alcohol piss test.
Who the fuck piss tests for alcohol?

>> No.11555391

Haven't had a drink in 3 days because I was on call and don't want to be driving intoxicated. Finally my day off and I can't even buy any alcohol until 11 am (6 fucking hours from now) because a bunch of religious cucks decided that Sunday is a day of rest and you can't buy alcohol until after church hours.