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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 315x467, 1D6F7460-4CC8-4510-B7CF-6CB6FE59FAAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11550665 No.11550665 [Reply] [Original]

I want back to the good old days, where /ck/ was a lot more people talking sincerely about actual cooking and a lot less faggots trying to be an edgelord with bait replies.
I know /b/ and /r9k/ are a place for the hopelessly pathetic, but can we please keep /ck/ on track.
Don’t get me wrong, a banter is fine and I enjoy many people here, but those who just want to rip on others or correct others with overly harsh or offencive statements. Well, you’ve gotta go.
Also food rate thread: only say something constructive edition.

>> No.11550670

>faggots trying to be an edgelord with bait replies.
/ck/ has never not been this.

>> No.11550684

Are you kidding? It used to be waaaay less than it is now, and those people at least knew something about what they were talking about.
Now it’s just edgy teens who can’t get a reply on /b/ so jump over here to troll threads.

>> No.11550705

I remember back in the days there was actual food competitions that were hosted here. People actually came here to talk about cooking, and made threads on foods they were making. nowadays it's a fast food/foodie youtuber board.

>> No.11550724

Another case in point.
I still like /ck/ for the cooking threads but Jesus there’s a lot of shilling now.

>> No.11550732


That wasn't even back in the day it was like two years ago
The quality of this board dropped quickly and severely

>> No.11550736

shilling happens on all the boards, at least the ones I browse/lurk. I think the more you understand a hobby the more you can see the real threads from the shills.

It felt like so much longer

>> No.11550746

I know. I figured it was longer ago until I thought about it for a minute
/ck/ is still the best board on the site (for me) but it used to be a lot better

>> No.11550768
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 6B5E8A78-BBB5-4E12-BE01-88B0939B0704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, feels like five. Are you cereal?

>> No.11550790

karate chop cereal guy

yea /ck/ is makes top 3 for me

>> No.11550794

i know it's technically the recess puff meme but people blew that one out and said the table looked like the guys legs

>> No.11550838
File: 1.56 MB, 3264x2448, 6D4B28E7-2403-40F8-914E-645F9DE50D65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike the bait asshats, too, but no escaping them.

Your sandwich could use slightly more condiments filling to bread ratio.

Also rate my dinner?

>> No.11550867


I used to upload some OC. Crab stuffed shrimp/fish, BBQ, some burgers, some gumbo and soups and breakfast stuff, some breads... a lot of things really. I don't any more. I'm gonna let the mods destroy this place just like they have every other board that they allow this shit on. It's clearly been infiltrated by sjw weirdos who want to push their brand of fascism on someone so they can say they 'smashed the fash' or some faggoty shit.
I scan threads for green text recipes and stuff occasionally and look at image/webm focused threads while I'm doing something that gives me periodic and limited downtime but also keeps me pretty well tethered to the screen here.
Fuck the losers. Let them destroy it then wallow in their own stinking shit like the fucking useless bastards they are. Their lack of impartiality and sense of righteousness is evident every day and I'm glad their shitty methods are plainly visible. I'll be glad when these niggers shit the bed and can't blame anyone else for the quality of content and their lack of anything to moderate.

>> No.11550870

Years ago 4chan was not a site exclusively for shitposting. Particularly on boards like this.

>> No.11550923

>getting this mad that your tajikistani road paving forums have changed
Get with the times, you old farts. :^)

Just fuckin' with y'all. I haven't been a /ck/fag for long, but this place has really changed since when I first came here. When was that, you might ask? This fucking year. In January.
Hot sauce threads every single day, "muh 'vark", deenz here and there, shitposts about dole dippers or whatever the current meme was. It was bad, but it's definitely become worse now.

>> No.11550962

I feel you man.
The new Mods here have a god complex and every decision I’ve seen them make has been to the detriment of this board.
It has been a very slippery slide, too.
Mohammad, you know I’m talking about you.
You are the worst thing to happen to this board since its conception.

>> No.11550973

does anyone else have a better forum? /mu/ fell off long time ago then /ck/ and /ic/ followed and /lit/ is halfway, fucking hate it, this was one of the few places to have actual discussion without needing moderation and strict rules. Seriously we have been part of something memorable that got ruined by exposure

>> No.11550979

yea still have text docs with green text recipes, its the spreading of normies, sjws and /pol/ alike

>> No.11551005

That's exactly what I've been doing. I don't even bother screen cap and cropping. I just copy and paste. Gotten some useful info over the years actually and some recipes that are in permanent rotation because of their ease, nutrition, taste and final yield. I cook for others almost daily.

>> No.11551094

Please post permanent ones?
I have two young sons growing way to fast so I need more options if you could be so kind.

>> No.11551113

Well You could always filter out posts with certain meme words.

/tv/ gets 100x better when you know what threads to hide.

>> No.11551733

But then you end up with four threads visible

>> No.11551888

Kek, pretty much.

Wtf even is this?
I see chicken, but something looks wrong, or unfinished?

>> No.11551901

Sounds like you guys just got old.

>> No.11552323

I’m 32 so getting well on my way.

>> No.11552401

Wrong, actual oldfag here, there was way less fastfood shit back in the day and a lot more cooking tips (that weren't bait)

>> No.11552413
File: 178 KB, 1280x960, cin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a cocksucking homosex.

>> No.11552636

Buddy I think youre wrong. There was a lot more edgy posting before all the redditors came here and ruined it. I yearn for those days

>> No.11552808

Nah they were almost all pretty good bantz or two people having a legit shouting match over some small neuance within the industry.
Most of the real chefs have gone since the new mods.
It’s sad to see this place go to shit.

>> No.11553079

This board and /x/ qent thru the same thing

>> No.11553088

Do tell.
Is there some kind of silver lining?

>> No.11553110

are the conspiracyfags bait
like the government chemicals in the water cunts

i think americans ruin this board

>> No.11554269

I'd post some, but then I'd be contributing.
Fuck this shithole. I'm just here to watch it fall apart now. It's like sitting in Nevada watching CA fall into the ocean and spitting in their direction or throwing rocks.

>> No.11554505
File: 86 KB, 768x1024, 04-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pikachu donut.

>> No.11554630

I blame that newfag Mohammad mod mostly.
He has a massive agenda and none of it is for the betterment of this board.

>> No.11554679

Amen. I used to post cooking and home brewing shit all the time. But there’s only so many Jiro/Bang’s/cooking with semen threads allowed by the mods and jans before actual cooks give up.

>> No.11554698

So close, and yet so far.

>> No.11554788

I am hoping that has fresh bread. I mean wtf going to produce that and not even an offering of butter?