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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11550551 No.11550551 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/pill me on the Mukbang phenomenon.

>> No.11550560


>> No.11550572

I'm dieting and watch mukbangs to get vicarious virtual eating pleasure

>> No.11550581

i get really drunk and jerk off alone with them on the tv

>> No.11551140

feeder fetish

>> No.11551165

I don’t understand how people can eat so much food. The most I can eat is probably 3/4 of a large pizza, and I’ll feel like vomiting after that.

>> No.11551265

god I wish that were me

>> No.11551303

i did this too but it ended up being a last test for me of sorts. if i could go through the whole night watching mukbangs or cooking videos while my stomach rumbled all the while, i felt more confident in my self control and willpower. good luck on your diet anon and make sure to work out at the same time

>> No.11551377

>the Mukbang phenomenon
is this a star trek episode title

>> No.11551379
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>mukbang ASMR

>> No.11551412

Basically koreans did it first except it was skinny women.Then la creaturas saw that you could make money doing it and now we have amerifats making the entire community about drama talking about “that’s the tea sis,wig!” They’re just podcasts while eating basically

>> No.11551417

holy fuck, she's disgusting

>> No.11551450

Friend simulator basically

>> No.11552433

based and trekpilled

>> No.11553441

I want to make money binge eating, but all these episodes lasts more than 15 minutes, so I don't think I have a place in the market :[

>> No.11553468

Some of those videos literally sound like dogs eating.

>> No.11553479

Seriously disgusting. Mukbang is fairly unpleasant to watch to begin with, but augmenting the sound is revolting.

>> No.11553673

Sounds depressing

>> No.11553969
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I would wreck this chick. I mean over and over and over and over. All night and again after pancakes. I don’t get it but it works for me

>> No.11554072


>> No.11554262
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Started as tiny cute asian women who eat huge meals and surprise their viewers.
It has since been co-opted by obese americans like pic related to justify their obesity by broadcasting it online.

>> No.11554283


>> No.11554293

Originally I was hating on it, but I realized that there’s a lot of lonely people out there and they should be able to feel like they’re not through whatever medium they find, so I can’t hate on that. No one should have to feel alone.

That said, I haven’t watched a single video.

>> No.11554325
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From looking at your pic-related, I'm guessing there are probably some degenerates that watch videos of unremarkable thots eating whatever and beating off to it or something.
Competitive eating vids are more wholesome entertainment.
Matt Stoney, Kinoshita Yuka, and Randy Santel are the only ones I watch. Randy is lesser known but I like his stuff because he does pretty much only real challenges at restaurants instead of stuff made up on the spot like the other two.

>> No.11554328

I like to watch people eat seafood when I’m high or drunk for some reason. It’s just satisfying to hear the crack of a crab leg or see them slurp the crawfish. Perhaps it’s because I’ve never had anything like it, but it looks super appetizing. Only crab legs I’ve had have been from red lobster (not trying to meme)
I have had a full lobster in San Francisco on vacation though. That was pretty cool. Saulsalito to be exact.

>> No.11554353

weird flex, but ok

>> No.11554376

>kinoshita yuka

nigger what.

She's fun to watch but not competitive. Matt Stoney is goat though

>> No.11554393

not everyone is like you idiot

>> No.11554483


>> No.11554511


>> No.11554546

shut up zoomer

>> No.11554664

Judging by that photo, you’d want to be careful dick-punching her in the shitbag. Chilli dick is not fun.

>> No.11554712

The only Mukbang worth watching is this one with a genuine one-of-a-kind man:


>> No.11554952

That's the strongest man in the world.

>> No.11554960

Unless you're sexually attracted to women. There's no pleasure watching videos like this unless they star somebody you're sexually attracted to.

>> No.11554970
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Weak. I’m 5 9 150 pounds and can kill a large pizza. Thanks mommy for my metabolism.

>> No.11554975

capitalist degenerates

>> No.11555013

It's cancer.

>> No.11555022

Go to bed, Kim.

>> No.11555035
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go to bed schlomo, (((capitalism))) is cancer

>> No.11555040

get on hormones alice

>> No.11555042

People have been saying that since before you were born, Braxton

>> No.11555065

I honestly don't understand /pol/ at all. It started as a troll board with, "hitler did nothing wrong" type bullshit, but immediately attracted stormfront retards who didn't realize it was a joke. Since Trump it's become the biggest board, which I can only assume means they attracted a bunch of T_D fags who actually believed in getting Trump elected and believed they were somehow making a difference by reposting memes on 4chan. Yet it still seems like the people who make the memes understand that they're just for trolling, despite /pol/ being a containment board that nobody pays attention to. But then you come across a post like this and the only thing you can think is that the, "the left can't meme" meme is meant entirely ironically, and this is just bait.

Then again, maybe you're just one of the retards and completely missed the joke.

>> No.11555169

but capitalism is cancer tho

>> No.11555205

I agree, but you're conflating memes. /pol/ loves capitalism and hates jews, so you can't equate jews with capitalism, especially when Marx and the most influential post-Marxist theorists were Jewish. The idea that the Jews secretly run the world is just an excuse right wingtards have to tell themselves to create a boogeyman to explain voting for capitalists who don't give a shit about the working people, despite everything they vote for is blatantly against their interests.

>> No.11555280

Capitalism and (((capitalism))) are nothing alike.

>> No.11555283

Here's a redpill for you: the Koch brothers aren't jewish.

>> No.11555284

But i know capitalism is shit. Whats your problem dipshit?

>> No.11556011


>> No.11556023

Pol is not one thing or ideology, everyone is welcome there.

>> No.11556120

Shit, the nights when I ate a whole pizza and drank a 12 pack of Miller High Life, I should've been streaming it. I didn't know this was a thing. I thought I was just being a disgusting pig.

>> No.11556270

Dubs confirm we need sauce. Need more drunk girls hypnotically staring in camera.

>> No.11557084

>thanks mommy for making me a manlet

>> No.11557094
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/pol/ is a board of peace.

>> No.11557113

BTFO you fucking commie. /pol/ is the only reason anyone knows about 4chan or 4channel. /ck/ isn't close to as active as /pol/. I wish it was.

>> No.11557119
File: 1.67 MB, 1334x750, 06AA2420-9499-4C8D-91AA-92C7D86DDFDC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite mukbang video cause the girl is clearly on drugs eating a salad and all the comments are about her being on coke


>> No.11557137

I didn't think coke made people want to binge eat. Never tried it though.

>> No.11557153

That bitch is pretty coked out, I like how she gets a bloody nose towards the end.

>> No.11557238

Imagine uploading this in a drug-induced stupor and being so much of an attentionwhore that you leave it up for two years instead of deleting it the next day.

Stimulants generally suppress appetite, yes, but you can eat a salad if you get it in your head that it'd make a good video.

>> No.11557300

My ex was like that and did zero drugs

>> No.11557306

>/pol/ is the only reason anyone knows about 4chan or 4channel
Ask me how I know you came here after the election

>> No.11557341

human males want a fat wife for childbearing and skinny whores for fucking/childbearing
human females want a high fitness man to devote his attention to/have kids exclusively with her until his fitness lowers
conflict ensues

>> No.11557359

I like watching mukbangs cause then I can imagine how their poop is going to come out and what it might smell like.

Take the brownpill

>> No.11557481

I heard a lot of people watch it because they're lonely. The thing started in South Korea and now, everyone and their dog is doing it. Most of them are doing it wrong because they don't realize that the Korean women are puking all of it out after turning off the camera.

>> No.11557843


Exactly. That's why it's worth watching; we get to see just what it takes to push human biology to the very limit.

>> No.11557867

>how dare you insult muh BBC/tranny/trump circlejerk
>we was kangs 'n shite, ok?

>> No.11557965

They should film that too. Then I would actually watch

>> No.11557999

Marx was born into a Lutheran family retard
Fuck you for the off topic post and fuck you for the shit history lesson

>> No.11558278


wtf they didnt even finish anything

>> No.11558308

I don't mind watching a guy like Matt Stonie eat a shit load of food in mere minutes, or some travel food guy going to a country I've never been to before, but I don't care to watch average people eat chipotle.

>> No.11558766
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>actually wanting newfags to come

>> No.11559545
File: 2.91 MB, 400x224, FATBANG.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11559565

You mean Chanology, right?

>> No.11559566

>marx wasn't a jew
Holy shit, I haven't laughed this hard since I first saw /pol/ claiming Nietzsche as one of their own.

>> No.11560037

it might be palo alto 2013 film
decent movie

>> No.11560055

No. Stereotypical Jews are absolute capitalists. You need to divide left/right social policy from left/right economic policy. Trump was voted in on a right social policy mixed with a slightly left economic policy. This is why his own party hates him. It gets more subtle than that, but this is a good start to realizing polarities are inherently bullshit.

>> No.11560069

does coke constrict or dilate pupils?

>> No.11560108

I'll look into it, thanks!

>> No.11560271

They do. Also you can orser personal vids from them in which they say what you want and even make noises into a mis asmr style with their mouths while eating

>> No.11560330

Why does she bend her head forward towards her food when eating the watermelon. What an absolute barbarian
What a disgusting human being. I have never seen anything more repulsive than this druggie chick bending over to mash her face in that watermelon instead of just picking it up to eat it normally

>> No.11560342

Yet another variety of friend simulator, popular as society begins to disintegrate.

>> No.11560381

Why the fuck does she have hairy pits? Fucking gross bitch

>> No.11560461

>started as Korean NEETs staving off loneliness by watching videos of cute girls eating regular meals
>Turns into grotesque horror show of cetacean-americans eating themselves to death to amuse the peanut gallery

>> No.11560596

Rent free

>> No.11560610

Stonie is the GOAT. Can’t believe he failed that kfc challenge.

>> No.11560617


>> No.11560626

What exactly is a mukbang?
Where is the line between that and an asmr or that and a food review? Is it just quantity?

>> No.11560659

Americans ruin everything

It's in their culture to not eat alone, but if they have no family to eat with they watch a mukbang.

>> No.11561064

It dilates them on its own, but, as someone who has worked as a bouncer for a decade, it's not always easy to tell what people are on from their eyes alone. I mean you can see if someone is stoned, but, when you get into cocaine sometimes people mix it with heroin, ketamine, or pot and that kinda evens them out where their eyes aren't so black. Also some medications make pupils dilate, like epilepsy drugs. I only know that from having to call paramedics because of epileptics rather than drugs a few times, we always assumed it was drugs and then the paramedics get there and it was from the strobe lights and the people aren't on anything.

>> No.11561532
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>150 lbs
>Thanks mommy for my metabolism
I don't see any reason to thank your mom for that, fatty

>> No.11561535

not him but thats like 10lbs over ideal weight and depending on his body frame could be ideal