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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11549703 No.11549703 [Reply] [Original]

So what WAS the deal with airline food anyway?

>> No.11549718

Airline's pre early 90's were expensive shit due to gas issues and suppliers not meeting demads. That said, you would pay maybe 800USD(dunno like 1100 today?) to go from NY->LAX and get some shit frozen food that was on par with something that looks like a grocery storm kids meal.

>> No.11549723

Thanks buddy.

>> No.11549726

Sucked ass. Like if banquet was never good and just got worse but you also had to split it with 5 other people

>> No.11549758

>That said, you would pay maybe 800USD(dunno like 1100 today?) to go from NY->LAX
you have literally never flown a day in your life.

>> No.11549771

imagine being this fucking stupid

>> No.11549773

From what I understand the atmospheric conditions on board a pressurized aircraft tend to deaden a person's sense of smell and taste, which makes food generally taste worse. Combine that with airlines cheaping out on food, it's not a great experience.

>> No.11549790

>pre 90's
Nigga middle east wars were going on causing some big fuel issues, constant fucking strikes on airline pilots, planes were way slower and smaller than they are today, and tons of other shit. The amount of ease computers have brought to shit and investment in local oil has made a shit load of flights a drop in the bucket compared to early 80's-mid 90's; which is the era the joke comes from

>> No.11549793

the same thing happens to astronauts on the ISS, they prefer spicier foods and condiments than they would on Earth due to loss of sensation. As for what is best to eat in zero-G, that's a whole different kettle of fish.

>> No.11549794
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>you have literally never flown a day in your life.
what is adjusting for inflation?

>> No.11549828

t. zoomer clueless about the 1980's.

>> No.11549832

At least you can drink soda and booze on the plane, can't do either in space.

>> No.11549848
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literally one of the first links on google explaining about how prices have fallen rapidly over 30 years

>> No.11549852


>> No.11549867

you lose your sense of taste being so high up in the sky

>> No.11549871
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>browsing /ck/
>having taste

>> No.11550632

Does anybody else have aerosinusitis? It's when you feel this intense pain in your facial sinuses due to air pressure differences upon descent. God damn it hurts like a bitch and idk what to do about it

>> No.11550800

It's food that you eat while seated inside a thin metal tube with thin metal wings, hurtling through the air at hundreds of kilometers per hour.

>> No.11550862

I like airline food, but im not a picky eater, i will eat anything. Its not THAT bad.

>> No.11550869

No but i get a weird burning / prickly sensation on my skin throughout the entire flight, it feels like my blood is heating up under the skin idk, i tried searching for why this might happen after the last time i took a flight but couldnt find anything. It doesnt hurt really bad or anythig its just annoying and strange, i wonder if its the pressure in the cabin or something, nobody else i was with felt the same, when i was back on the ground i felt completely normal again.

>> No.11550878

stop getting mad at shit so often

>> No.11550882 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11550910
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I had this for a long time. My solution is to blow my nose really hard and the pressure gets better.

>> No.11550927

Airplane ride always feel claustrophobic, loud, and unsteady.

I've flown dozens of times but I can't get over my fear of flying. My heart is pounding throughout the entire flight.

>> No.11550936

What IS up with THAT? You don’t know, do ya? Have you ever been on an airplane?

>> No.11551492

Equalize your ear pressure by holding your nose and closing your mouth and gently building up exhalation pressure until your feel your ears pop. This applies most when your descending. When ascending the best you can do is yawn widely.