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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11548779 No.11548779 [Reply] [Original]

For me it's the Beyond Meat Burger, only available at your local A&W, go try one right now!!! Unironically tastes good.

>> No.11548794

For me, it's saying "Fuck off!" to shills and saging my replies to their shitty threads!

>> No.11548843

It's a 4channel world now buddy.

>> No.11548846
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>> No.11548961

I honestly don’t care if something is meat or some sort of substitute. As long as it tastes good I’m down for it.

>> No.11549348

Based thread

>> No.11549356

If only they didn't charge extra to switch the burger patty to this

>> No.11549358

The most egregious of shilling going on here, nothing subtle about this

>> No.11549590
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>I have no sense of taste
the thread

>> No.11549611

IT wasn't too bad. Its for sure not meat and doesn't taste like it at all but it was still alright.

The veganfags telling you that their meat substitute tastes exactly like meat are lying to you and themselves.

>> No.11549665

I'm not vegan and it tasted like meat to me, I enjoyed it more than their actual meat burgers.

>> No.11549749

I'm down for a veggie burger once in a while but I'd rather not eat fake meat bullshit. Bean burgers or vegetable burgers are tastier. Not even a vegetarian btw.

>> No.11549765

beet burgers do not taste like meat burgers at all. you're a complete liar if you claim it tastes anything like meat. they have the texture of meat, but that's it. they are good though.

>> No.11549770

holy fr*ck
vegans btfo!!!

>> No.11549781 [DELETED] 


>> No.11549858

I don't care if it tastes the same, it really hits that fast food itch though like no other vegan food I've had.

>> No.11549900

I dunno maybe it's the flavoring they did with it.

>> No.11549990

>pickles and onion on the bottom

what the FUCK is Beyond Meat Burger's problem?

>> No.11551214

>plant tumor burger
I'll just gnaw on my oak's gnarls if it's all the same to you chaps

>> No.11551216

Theyre not made of beets

>> No.11551226
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for me it's бyтepбpoд

>> No.11551232

Meat is objectively healthier for you though, it's no wonder so many soylents have carnitine deficiencies these days

>> No.11551235

>carnitine deficiency

Lol. Must be next to heart attack deficiencies

>> No.11551496
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Cooked on the same grill used to cook meat for the last 30 years

>> No.11551591

I got one of these and a regualr teen burger to do a side by side comparison.

You can definitly taste a difference, but I didn't necessarily prefer one over the other.
The were bother flavourful, real beef was obviously meatier and had more umami, but the Beyond beef burger was almost more complex, with vegetal notes and spices.
Also if you gave me the beyond beef without saying anything I wouldn't have guessed it wasn't meat.

A good burg

>> No.11551857

>im offended by people not eating meat, the thread

>> No.11552020

Holy crap. The root beer brand owns a burger chain?

>> No.11552035

Yeah, that's my understanding of the beyond burger as well. Everybody who works at WF with me says it's good and they probably wouldn't be able to tell a difference. Issue is that they can't ramp up production fast enough so it's always sold out here. I'd never spend my money on it though, but i wouldn't turn my nose up at it.

Smells heinous when cooked though. Vegan foods always do, but this one smells EXTRA bad. I certainly don't work at a big store, but I work on the other side and could smell it through the entire fucking store when they cooked some up for samples

>> No.11552082

for me its 99sapi9sj394jjRR420