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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11547545 No.11547545 [Reply] [Original]

ahh, breakfast at work

>> No.11547548 [DELETED] 

first post.

>> No.11547554

1990 called. they want their keyboard back.

>> No.11547556

I have preferences for men, if that's of your concern.

>> No.11547566

the ibm clicky is the best keyboard ever made you fucking degenerate zoomer

>> No.11547579

no cherry

>> No.11547587

I used to have one of those at work when I was doing IBM mainframe database analysis/development and I loved it. Wish I could still have one.

>> No.11547596

I miss McDonald's bagels. I'm not sure why, they were horrible but that fucking steak and egg bagel was my shit

>> No.11547618

I tried one a few years back and couldn't finish it. the steak was not what I thought it would be. I get steak biscuits at hardees and they are deep fried and heavenly. so when I tasted that junk at mcdonalds I lost my appetite
but a few weeks ago I remembered that mcdonalds has bagel sandwiches. I ordered the bacon egg cheese and ate it in the dark driving to work. I had no idea there was a sauce on them and was to busy to check it out.
that was a pretty tasty sandwich

>> No.11547659

your bagels look different than mine
but steak, egg, and cheese bagel is definitely the best item on the entire menu (here in the United States) and i ate probably 10 of them when they had their $1 sandwich promotion that month. so good

There's this company named Steakhauers that delivers a raw meat, 4 separate patties, to grocery stories like walmart/publix. If you can find them (my store won't do business with them anymore) they're nearly identical to the steak piece of the mcdonalds.

>> No.11547667

>vintage keyboard
>greasy burger for "breakfast"
40 year old, 300+ pound, government employee, amirite?

>> No.11547679


((((((((((((at work)))))))))))))))

>> No.11547692

Those fucking keyboards need to banned at work.
If I can't hear my phone call because some fucking retarded codemonkey is working hard on that node.js backed login page then you can fuck right on off.

>> No.11547758

>using a model m at the office
You must really hate your colleagues.

>> No.11547778

How much that keyboard cost you? Seen them go for thousands.

>> No.11547837

it's just an old keytronic rubber-dome. not even a clicky. I needed it because anything is better than laptop scissor switches

only downside is that tiny-ass backspace

>> No.11547854

There was a time when those keyboards filled offices, and yet, somehow, people still chatted and got work done. What exactly is your problem?

>> No.11547862

when i worked this summer i ate chocolate pudding for breakfast 4 weeks straight
my stomach cant process food until 11 am

>> No.11547917
File: 2.52 MB, 345x258, Jew Mc Duck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>((((((((((((at work)))))))))))))))
Burn the papers and run sham

>> No.11547935

i am asserting my dominance by making sure everyone knows that i type faster than they do.

>> No.11547940

What the fuck, that thing goes for like $200 nowadays

>> No.11548091

please don't tell me you put the ketchup in the sandwich

>> No.11548296
File: 36 KB, 174x177, Screen Shot 2018-11-30 at 3.17.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

filthy animal

>> No.11548337

Looks like a jizz stain from an exhuberant porn session.

>> No.11548348

>There was a time when those keyboards filled offices
There was a time when amputation surgery was done without anesthesia too. Not a great argument.

>> No.11548365
File: 58 KB, 720x540, breakfestonabun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a sausage boab from whataburger with your shitty work supplied dell laptop they give all the interns
checkmate boomer

>> No.11548382

And in that time you would have had a private office.

>> No.11548387

He's eating at his computer, of course he's a filthy animal. That wasn't even a question.

>> No.11548388

>eat shitty food
>take picture of shitty food
>go on shit website
>go to shit board
>post shit thread
>follow up with shitty replies
>go take a shit to shit out the shit food

having a shitty day OP?

>> No.11548390

>breakfast on a bun
i can't tell you how much alcohol these things have absorbed from my body

>> No.11548438

try miles and miles of cubicles

>> No.11549151

he already said people back then still understood each other with all the clacking
there were no complains
now what's your argument

>> No.11549169

I paid $40 for mine, cleaned it, bolt modded it, and now it looks mint
You only see the ultra rare ones like the industrial colored SSKs going for over a thousand

>> No.11549193
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Oh god, I love these. They don't have them in Seattle and I miss them so much.

>> No.11549195

lol. yeah. data entry monkeys would have been using IBM keyboards and they sure as hell wouldn't have had private offices you stupid motherfucker

>> No.11549198

>he already said people back then still understood each other with all the clacking
I don't care about understanding other people. I care about not having to listen to clacking noises. Two entirely different issues.
>there were no complains
There were no alternatives either. That's the point.
>now what's your argument
Same as the first time around. Citing how something used to be bad by necessity in the past isn't really an argument for continuing to do things that way in the present when it's no longer necessary.

>> No.11549258

They also dealt with typewriters, prior to clicky keyboards

>> No.11549468
File: 166 KB, 960x897, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah imagine an office full of these. I'd go out of my fuckin mind

>> No.11549485

>ibm clicky
You don't even know what it's called and you're calling others degenerates?

>> No.11549809

mine is from the 80s and is a month younger than me. feels good man.
I'm jelly of OP's windows key though. I never thought I would miss it.

>> No.11550011
File: 103 KB, 403x428, 1232931963267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at work
>*loud crumbling sounds as you open your wrapping*
>*sound of someone probably choking on a fat dick as he tries to chew and swallow*
>*CLANK CLANK CLANK CLANK* randomly inbetween

You must be really popular at work.

>> No.11550034

You can literally buy model m style keyboards RIGHT NOW.

>> No.11550785
File: 310 KB, 1920x1080, topre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buckling springs are sucky and overrated, Topre master race!

>> No.11550796
File: 62 KB, 600x663, 1526173095327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being such an antisocial cuck that you can't stand the sounds of human activity
Please tell me you don't do this, anon.

>> No.11550943

Seriously though, why are you eating at the desk? Doesn't your office have a cantina?

>> No.11550959

Sound hypersensitivity is a classic major symptom of severe autism, anon

>> No.11551148

Just a break room with one table. It’s awful

>> No.11551166

>durr you're not normal if you don't love annoying loud noises
I know, right? My favorite is a tossup between repeatedly activated car alarms and people near my office loudly laughing at each other's obnoxious jokes. Helps get my blood pressure nice and elevated, it's basically a form of aerobic exercise.

>> No.11551200

What this guy >>11547566 said is true, especially the American made IBM ones.
Those things could be tossed out of a three story window onto concrete and do more damage to the concrete than to the keyboard. That's no made in china joke.

>> No.11551215

>he doesn't have a private office with a door

>> No.11551218

Nice model M. I have one too

>> No.11551219
File: 316 KB, 432x413, Laughing_Parakeet-Budgie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11551231

No, I do. It's not even an office if it doesn't have a door so I have no idea what you're talking about. Is your office door soundproof?

>> No.11551541

I know exactly how that feels, especially when fuckers chew or speak with their mouth open. If you're going to talk with your mouth open, cover it as a courtesy. I would visibly cover my mouth in front of the mouth chewer until he started doing it too. Finally realized it's fucking wrong.

>> No.11552486

And why the fuck would you want to eat around other people? I'd eat any day in front of my comfy computer screen browsing this shithole.

>> No.11552727
File: 35 KB, 500x375, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work in an office with a lot of chinese/japanese tech monkies
>a lot of them will get soups for lunch or some noodle dish
>they make slurping noises for a solid hour as eat their soup

Apparently this is normal for Asian cultures so they don't even know any better.

>> No.11552883

That looks awesome.

>> No.11554251

>breakfast bagels don't have breakfast sauce anymore
Fucking mccucks

>> No.11554528

How the fuck do people eat bagels as a bun? The bread is so tough when you bite it all the contents squirt out the other side. Fucking Americans

>> No.11554557

It's rude not to. This is a custom based on the science of the olfactory sense. By slurping, you interlace air with the food for maximum flavor.

>> No.11554572

I work at a 60 person office. We have a break room. I just get in my car and eat my lunch and cry.

>> No.11554595

There was also a time when typewriters filled offices, and offices had three times as many people typing. It would have been way worse. If you don't make use of the benefits of technological progress, what's the point of technology?

>> No.11555824

Technology has, arguably, led to the decline of our civilization.

>> No.11555848

ted, that you?

>> No.11555856

Literally the best keyboard ever made

>> No.11555885

I'm Ted but probably not the Ted you think

>> No.11556060

He's correct though, but he forgot to mention it's responsible for the irreversible destruction of the planet.

>> No.11556068

Do wagies really do this? Dehumanizing

>> No.11556070


>> No.11556072

>best keyboard ever made
This one always gets me out of all the hipster trash fads.

>> No.11556085

Do you blame Americans for your small penis, too?

>> No.11556092

The mechanical keyboard and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the workplace

>> No.11556102

Kill yourself.

>> No.11556107
