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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11546816 No.11546816 [Reply] [Original]

Is it legit advertising or 4channel's sense of humour

>> No.11546820

>Why do people that post on an anime image board talk about fast food a lot
Ok reddit...

>> No.11546823

I've never even heard of Johnny Rockets so if it is advertising, they're not doing well.

>> No.11547109

why is reddit to ask why /ck/ consistently shills for the major fast food chains

>> No.11547114

>why does a food board talk about some of the most popular food in the country
you're a real Einstein

>> No.11547199

there's a difference between constantly talking about fast food and literally posting adverts with >for me its the big mac

>> No.11547229

Anons eat a lot of fast food because they're usually young and poor. They find it fun to take pics of their order and make threads about it. It's also fun to pretend to be a shill for reasons not entirely clear. If you try it you'll probably get a kick out of it.

>> No.11547237

>They find it fun to take pics of their order and make threads about it
Why do they do this?
Why isn't this taken as some kind of sign of horrible mental illness, at which point the people doing it are locked way from society in some horrid asylum for the rest of their days?

>> No.11547246

if taking pics of your food is a sign of mental illness then we'd better send all of instagram to the nuthouse, lol

>> No.11547249

it's just shitposters, unwittingly advertise. /ck/ doesn't have enough traffic to warrant shills. /v/, /tv/, and /co/ have shills, but i doubt /ck/ does.

>> No.11547255

I don't see a problem with taking pics of food that has a purpose. for example, if you're showing someone how to cook, or if you have something really special that is worth photographing.

But taking pics of fast food? What's the point of that? It's not special, it's shit. Why take pictures of shit?

>> No.11547257
File: 60 KB, 840x565, 1354556309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone advertise Wendy's delicious never frozen burgers on 4chan?

>> No.11547274

Maybe they do it to try and convince themselves that they're not eating dreadful swill. It's easier to choke down a shitty chicken sandwich slathered in mayo if you tell yourself it's a masterpiece of modern cuisine. Notice how these memes are always about shit you can find on the dollar menu. It's clear they're eating it out of necessity.

>> No.11547281

>dreadful swill
Except it isn't. God you're an insufferable faggot.

>> No.11547287

lmao ok harold

>> No.11547295
File: 7 KB, 301x167, forme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's the McChicken

>> No.11547296


I think its because they are younger people who dont know anything about food or cooking.

>> No.11547605

It's not bad, a little expensive for diner style food.

>> No.11547677
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>> No.11547911

>Johnny Rocket's
Haven't had those, but that pic is missing the new Taco Bell Rolled Tacos. They're more or less like a taquito as most people know them, but they come with UP TO THREE SIDES!! Choice of Avocado/Guacamole, Spicy Ranch, or our signature favorite, Nacho Cheese. Head to the border now AND STOP BEING POOR!

>> No.11547915

/ck/ has always been a fast food board because no one knows how to cook

>> No.11547916

fuck I could go for one of those right now, also wanna go to McD's to try that new Mushroom Swiss Chicken, always wondered how it would taste on a grilled or fried chicken patty instead of a burger

>> No.11547933

You could buy a bag of a dozen taquitos from the grocery store for the same price and fry them yourself and they'd be much better. Fritos burritos and the 5 layer is where it's at.

>> No.11547943

for me, it's the Naked Chicken Chalupa. Fuck, why don't they make that a PERMANENT menu item already?

>> No.11547946

you call it chilllin shillin whatever
it's on,ly shil'lin wh'en th'ey pay y'ay

>> No.11547953

At least half of us are morbidly obese

>> No.11548049

I take pictures of a lot of the stuff I make. Sometimes it's worth showing off, other times it reminds me of something I need to fix next time. Either way, it's kinda fun to flip back through the meals over the years and see how my cooking evolves and improves over time.

>> No.11548084
File: 1.76 MB, 3350x2512, tb95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or if you have something really special that is worth photographing
If that's not how you feel about your Taco Bell order then you're probably doing it wrong.

>> No.11548088

Please leave

>> No.11548188

It's shitposting you dumb cuck.

>> No.11548192

That thing was gross, and also tiny.

>> No.11548219

4chan is nothing but shills and viral marketers. How do you not know this already?

>> No.11548326

I think you mean 4channel friendo

>> No.11548350
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>> No.11548360

>Horrible asylum for the rest of their days
Where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.11548625

>locked way from society in some horrid asylum for the rest of their days?
How are you going to pay for that????

>> No.11548634

>Is it legit advertising
Some, yes.

The rest comes from idiots that think it's cool to be brainless sheep walking off into obesity and diabeetus.

>> No.11548640

Instagram is a sign of mental illness in and of itself, as is all (((social media))) that's little more than attention whoring and marketing.

It's cancer.

>> No.11548998

>4chan[nel] is not social media aimed at attention whoring and marketing
Anon I...

>> No.11549046

don't eat fast food there is a good chance it has rat urine on it

>> No.11550004

>Anon I...
...don't really know what "anon" means.

>> No.11550027

>Is it legit advertising or 4channel's sense of humour
Why are you this retarded? McDonald's alone serves something like 70 million customers PER DAY. Maybe the fact massive amounts of people eat fast food all the time has something to do with all the posts about it?

>> No.11550036

Don't be racist.

>> No.11550041


>> No.11550058

What happened to the Jollibee shilling?

>> No.11550099

>Some, yes.
I don't even believe there's occasional fast food shilling here honestly. There are social media jobs for fast food chains, but I'm pretty sure they use the kind of social media you can actually bring up and discuss activity on openly in an actual corporate workplace e.g. Twitter and Facebook. I mean, how would that even work with 4chan?:
>Anon, I notice with your latest viral marketing campaign on 4chan we're seeing an incremental uplift of 10% among our "gas the kikes race war now" demographic. Let's take the template for those targeted bait thread initiatives we ran last quarter on the "traps are gay" and "enjoy your Monday, wagies" segments and add in some redpills about our competitors being good goy cucks for Israel."

>> No.11550111

They're the vast majority of our species, so they have more right to be considered people than you anti- fast food fags do.

>> No.11550125

Hardee's breakfast food is pretty good. So happens that one is right close by my house so those mornings when I'm rushing around hardee's is a life saver.

>> No.11550440

>hardee's is a life saver.
Sounds to me more like it's an enabler to your shitty time management skills.

>> No.11550507

go eat some baked kale

>> No.11550542
File: 61 KB, 586x577, 1537587511059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw people seriously think a major demographic for fast food chains is a bunch of autists on 4chan.

>> No.11550627


I bet you and I could be acquaintances. I see the same truths you do but often when I explain this I am the odd duck. It's disheartening.

>> No.11550748
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Back in my day if you didn't have anything worth saying you fucking lurked until you could at least ask worthwhile questions. Fucking millennials.

>> No.11551198

>massive amounts of people eat fast food all the time has something to do with all the posts about it?
That doesn't hold water. If that were true you'd hear people discussing fast food all the time irl and you don't. I've never heard anyone bring up or have a conversation about fastfood irl. I mean never. The only explanation is shills.

>> No.11551233

Thanks, doc

>> No.11551262

>If that were true you'd hear people discussing fast food all the time irl and you don't.
Real life isn't an internet forum with an explicitly set topic of "food" you retard. Also I have a really hard time believing you've "never heard anyone bring up or have a conversation about fastfood irl." Were you homeschooled and then immediately began working at a monastery? I can't even count the number of times people have discussed fast food at my office. I've heard people complain about Popeye's calling boneless wings "wings" when they're really just chicken nuggets. I've heard people talk about the McRib being back. I've heard people talk about how Subway doesn't do $5 footlongs anymore. Do you live in a third world country or something?

>> No.11551282

>can't even count the number of times people have discussed fast food at my office
I would expect that to be the case when you work at a fastfood shill farm, shill.

>> No.11551285

I'm a software developer you idiot. Maybe you should stop going off your schizo meds.

>> No.11551400

You're not schizophrenic and you're not imagining things either.

This board has more shills per capita then any other board I've been to, and yeah the mods absolutely get kickbacks for letting these viral marketing teams shill their products here every single day.

Ever wonder why those al/ck/ threads got banned? anbev shills paid off a mod and now they have a nice safe /beer/ gen to shill all their new releases.

Ever notice those taco bell threads where a guy buys the newest product and does a "product review"? You think that guy is just doing it for (you)s? He's a god damn viral marketer, this place is chock full of them.

Or how about those monster energy drink gens that were constantly babysat. I could go on and on but I think you get the point. /ck/ is shill city.

>> No.11551410

because poorfags on neetbux cant afford decent food

>> No.11551829

For me it's the BK 10pc

>> No.11551834
File: 255 KB, 898x648, ForMe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does a website filled with young male Americans have so many posts about the food they're extremely over-represented as customers for?
It's a mystery, OP.
>posting adverts with for me its the big mac
You genuinely have autism FYI.
Also, I notice real ads for fast food on other websites, yet on 4chan what I see isn't fast food ads but ads for stuff like "21 Awkward Vacation Photos That Will Make You Cringe" or "Get 9.99 Free Credits Live Webcam Sex." And 4chan advertising is dirt cheap. If fast food places wanted to advertise to you so badly they'd pay people to make shill threads, why wouldn't they bother also paying the couple of bucks required to have some over the table ads here?

>> No.11551836

It happens on every board. It's just for fun. I hope.

>> No.11551856

>Mcdonalds has now begun advertising on the notorious racist web site 4chan.org, there are already widespread protests, and the Mdonalds ceo has stepped down in shame after saying "I don't know what the fuck I was thinking"

>> No.11551913

Yes, and that's why McDonald's doesn't pay people to do shill threads here either. There's nothing to gain and everything to lose if a single laid off and disgruntled former corporate employee with knowledge of what their marketing department is doing goes to some news outlet about it. I'm sure they do have social media teams, but that's for shit you can actually plan around, measure performance on, and discuss openly in an office without getting in trouble for creating a hostile workplace with exposure to the sort of content that's on 4chan. Meaning shit like twitter.

>> No.11551923

>tfw there's built-in plausible deniability for advertisements because everyone assumes they're ironic when in reality literally the only point of an advertisement is to keep a product in the forefront of your memory so it can be readily called upon whenever the need arises organically
wow i love 4channel, I can't remember a time when shitposting wasn't overwhelmingly for branded products available Near Me™

>> No.11551945

It's almost like people can't believe there's anyone willing to sit in front of a computer for 8 hours spamming ads on popular sites for rupee's or something.....nah, people aren't that stupid.