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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11540618 No.11540618 [Reply] [Original]

>"I don't know how to preheat my cast iron and expect it to perform like teflon durrr"
You can stfu about cast iron now, /ck/.

>> No.11540637
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>20 minutes and 12 steps to overcook two shitty looking eggs
Ironfags BTFO by their own people

>> No.11540645

Unless it's a fucking dutch oven there's no reason you need to wait 20 minutes. My cast iron griddle is ready in 5 minutes or less. All you have to look for is the dancing water before adding your oi/butter. Christ.

>> No.11540649

5 min to preheat, then a minute and a half tops to cook it. If you cook bacon beforehand you don't even need to wait for preheating on the eggs

>> No.11540683

>flipping the eggs

>> No.11540689

This, even if you want to sear both sides of the egg you only have to flip once.

>> No.11540697

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Cast iron is great for frittatas. Other kinds of eggs? Rather pointless.

>> No.11540703
File: 107 KB, 600x799, 1539934467832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They showed a person brewing and drink a cup of French press coffee while they waited for the skillet to get to temperature. The brewing part alone is minimum 4 minutes so unless they swallowed the piping hot coffee down in 60 seconds that's longer than 5 minutes

>> No.11540704

Why even bother with all this time wasting shit when you could make some fine microwave eggs?

>> No.11540706

You can literally cook omelettes on it after a few months of proper use. Cast iron takes some time to "break in" which is why so many people give up on it so early. My parents have been using cast iron cookware since like 1990 and nothing sticks to it now as long as you use a little dab of butter.

>> No.11540710

Did you think that was a single continuous shot? Gtf outta here retard. And go take a film class.

>> No.11540712
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wtf man

>> No.11540720

Oh I know, you definitely can. I just don't see the point. Other pans work better for it. Cast iron I use for plenty of meals, just not eggs. Other than frittatas. It's perfect for frittatas.

>> No.11540726

just a bunch of poofs in this thread that think they’re better because they use meme iron fucking piss pots
stick to the basigs

>> No.11540727
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I flip Spanish tortillas bigger than my face on my 12 incher. Wish I had a pic on this phone, I dont think I do. Nope, just a wild pepe in a pipe. Here have a wild pepe in a pipe

>> No.11540731

Mainly because the only drawback cast iron has is you have to wait 5 minutes for it to preheat. Beats having to buy new teflon pans every year and risk eating toxic chemicals.

>> No.11540735

Agreed, I never use teflon.

>> No.11540736

Nonstick does it better and it's easier to clean and handle. If all I'm making is some eggs I don't see the point in busting out the cast iron.

>> No.11540737

>he clutters up his life with unnecessary pans when cast iron makes the best eggs

A cluttered kitchen is a worthless kitchen.

>> No.11540742

Not all of us live in a 200sq ft shoebox roach motel.

>> No.11540743

>sunny side over
get out

>> No.11540749

One major problem with cast iron seems to be the retards who use it have been poisoned by all the gunk that leeches into their food.
How else to explain some 10-15 separate threads on the same subject? Obviously its users are too mentally decrepit to search the catalog and realize a multitude of discussions already exist on the subject.

>> No.11540750

Let me guess, you got conned into buying a $1,000+ of chink stainless steel pots and pans for a 9001% markup, didn't you?

>> No.11540758
File: 37 KB, 547x314, main-qimg-80da11ba90a1a3ef6d33aeaf1ea5bc18-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Needing a college level course on cinematography and film, tons of preparation 'breaking in' and coating a pan, 20 minutes to preheat pan, 12 steps all in order to just cook two sad looking eggs
>Oil the pan, 40 seconds to get hot, cook your eggs, enjoy

>> No.11540762

I don't care how big your place is replicating pans so you can have multiples of different styles in is the fastest way to take up space. Anybody who has more than 4 pans and 4 pots got memed and probably can't cook for shit.

>> No.11540764

Prove it was 20 minutes, I have never had to wait that long for my 12'r to preheat.

>> No.11540766
File: 69 KB, 775x837, 1478201807359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have an aunt with cabinets full of pots and pans she was never used in her life and just got more for black friday
Preach brother.

>> No.11540777

a small nonstick egg pan, 2 over easy eggs in like 90 seconds. if you just want two eggs using a cast iron is a giant waste of time. if you aren't doing a whole fry up they are just two eggs....keep it simple.

>> No.11540787

Is 5 minutes really THAT detrimental to your schedule? You spend at least 25 hours every day browsing 4chan.

>> No.11540798

well played...I love my cast iron but not for just a couple of eggs. I also think the improvement in quality is waaaay overblown. :(

>> No.11540804

can you imagine being so poor you have to cook your own meals? lmao

>> No.11540809

>I also think the improvement in quality is waaaay overblown. :(
It takes time man, it's one of those things you simply can't rush. But for real if you're that adamant about cooking your eggs so quickly why not use stainless steel instead? I think teflon is overblown to the max especially when it releases toxins over time.

>> No.11540817

>puts butter in the pan

Is this some new zoomer terminology to replace grease for all purpose food based lubrication?

>> No.11540818

I would need a $50k monthly budget to eat at places that meet or exceed my cooking ability. Don't really feel like down grading my lifestyle and I dont think I'll be a multimillionaire anytime soon.

>> No.11540825

>he really thinks his shit tier cooking is worth 50k a month

>> No.11540844

At least desu senpai. I make my pasta from scratch source 90% of my ingredients from farmers markets and never buy frozen or farmed fish. I could charge $50 a plate for my spaghetti ragu

>> No.11540854

>I could charge $50 a plate for my spaghetti ragu

And yet the restaurant using the same ingredients and doing it better only charges $24. I could charge $300 for my can of tuna on a piece of toast but that doesn't mean its worth it.

>> No.11540859

It's honestly up to you. Some people don't like the flavor olive/corn/vegetable oil leaves behind.

>> No.11540865


I'm a damn good cook, but holy jesus, you think your cooking could take the place of a 50k per month restaurant bill?

WTF are you smoking?

>> No.11540866

Honestly, i prefer poached or soft cooked eggs. the crispy bits on the bottom of skillet eggs aren't really my favorite, but if i'm making bacon, mushrooms, etc etc I'll definitely make skillet eggs and enjoy them. As for toxins, maybe true, but I drink a LOT and smoke cigarettes so it's kind of the least of my worries? i dunno. I spend all day making food when i'm at home i just want shit to be done.

>> No.11540867

That's a lot of innuendo in one post

>> No.11540868

just stop
they will make any mental gymnastics they can do avoid using cast iron and it's fine
the pond scum can kill their birds and eat all the teflon flakes they want

>> No.11540869

Aren't you supposed to season your eggs after you take them out of the pan?

>> No.11540875

so you only eat caviar, foie gras, and overprice dry aged meat? You're never paying much for technique....

>> No.11540878

>$24 spaghetti ragu
Choose only one. Imagine being so poor you don't even know you're poor. I bet the ol lady takes you out to a "fancy steakhouse" for your birthday and treats you to a half assed b.j. after. Get gud faggot or stop trying to judge people or stunt online. Your poverty literally seeps through my screen.

>> No.11540882

>overcooked eggs
Gross. Yes, you can technically cook eggs in cast iron, but a modern nonstick coated aluminum pan that heats quickly and evenly works much better. You don't need a lot of heat capacity to cook eggs, but it is nice for the pan to respond quickly if you need to turn down the heat.

>> No.11540894

Why are you so angry Anon? You are at the point where you can't even comprehend what you are reading. I think maybe you need to take a break and go lay down.

>> No.11540896

That's not how it works at all. You season while in the pan because the salt and pepper infuses into the food. If you have to salt and pepper AFTER you cook your eggs then you're not using enough salt and pepper.

>> No.11540924

Yes. I only use premium ingredients. I know full well that those items are always overpriced at restaurants but I don't buy them at restaurants. I but bulk imported charcuterie direct from an importer in south San Francisco I dry age my own beef at home in a converted mini fridge and do enjoy foie gras on occasion. So yeah unless I get that monthly stipend eating out every meal is going to be a downgrade for me.

>> No.11540950

>Anybody who has more than 4 pans and 4 pots
so you're saying you can have more than just a cast iron pan... good job contradicting yourself I guess

>> No.11540957

Nope all just a few pieces of all-clad you sad poor nigger.

I don't know what world you live in where these pots and pans take up all this amount of space. All together I have around ten pots and pans that all get use from hand me downs to my own personal purchases and it takes up two cabinets. Whoopdy fucking do you gatekeeping cunt.

>> No.11541111

>ci 8 inch
>ci 12 inch
>copper sauce pan
>150 year old ci chicken fried
I wouldn't replace a single one of those with nonstick
>TWO cabinets
Sorry the other cabinet is for my sous vide, large slow cooker, and dehydrater. There's never a justification for more pans than you have stove for.

>> No.11541133

>doesn't have a stock pot to make his own stock
>constantly moves goalposts
>talks up borderline meme kitchen equipment

Why do you act like such an enormous faggot? Don't ever come on my board again.

>> No.11541164

Stock pot goes under the 4 pots category numb nuts. No wonder you bought extra pots and pans you can't even tell which is which.

>> No.11541172

>copper sauce pan

>> No.11541223

>WTF are you smoking?

>> No.11541263

Are the surface of cast iron pans supposed to be rough or not? New pans are rough, and they claim the seasoning adheres to it or something. However, old ass pans like my grandparents have are smooth as glass, so I suspect manufacturers are just being too cheap to polish their shit.

>> No.11541492

I use the cast iron for eggs only if I was already cooking other stuff. I have no tricks to cooking with cast iron other than using butter.