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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11540616 No.11540616 [Reply] [Original]

What do poor people eat?

>inb4 nothing

>> No.11540621
File: 115 KB, 1280x854, metallica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the Metallica of foods?

>> No.11540626

mostly beef ravioli. i just bought a ton of cans on sale and donated them to look good in front of my boss.

>> No.11540633

Mmmm, BEEFY!

>> No.11540644

The dented cans

>> No.11540646
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>> No.11540659

Reasonable poor people subsist off rice, beans, cheap bread, peanut butter/jelly, and maybe some milk +/- discounted (possibly canned or frozen) produce. When they eat out, it's the McChicken, BK 10pc, or a Costco dog (you don't need to be a member).

Unreasonable poor people eat out all the time and buy overpriced garbage. They also buy overpriced junk at grocery stores too. Some sell their food stamps for gambling/drug/liquor money.

>> No.11540667
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>Have never been cool or trendy
>Completely inoffensive
>Most people know what they are/have heard of them but don't care enough to know why
>Are correctly associated with feces

>> No.11540674

each other

>> No.11540677


>> No.11540682

Is this a clip from the latest night of the living dead?

>> No.11540690
File: 37 KB, 300x451, Metallica3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You FUK! Your mother sucks me.

>> No.11540691

thanks bro

>> No.11540693

Mac Donalds

>> No.11540708

>>Have never been cool or trendy
they were the thing back in the late 80's early 90's
>completely inoffensive
back in those days people weren't competing as to who could be the most offensive

I don't even listen to their music but you seem to be judging them from this current year rather than when they were at their prime.

>> No.11540713

they were the biggest whiners during the napster days and all their music sounds the same

>> No.11540721

I thought whales eat plankton

>> No.11540728

Even in their prime the only thing decent about them was the bassist that died. There is a good reason the fans of Metallica and people who play Yu-Gi-Oh cards at the mall have such a massive overlap

>> No.11540733

What a dumbass, probably listens to modern butt metal or alternative rock lol. Nice hairdo man, totally cool to have one eye covered that way....

>> No.11540754

Pasta and pesto. I think I somehow gave myself celiac disease since whenever I eat it intestines feel like they’re being stabbed.

>> No.11540964

Not bad kid, you may make it around here yet

>> No.11541120

*james hetfield spits on your grave*

>> No.11541278
File: 7 KB, 250x140, Smash3Ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would call it poor, perhaps unfortunate, but they can be seen as my sapphic fart sucking slaves.
if you live in a sizable city like Cologne or Atlanta, there's a very large chance you've crossed a member of my order before

oh relax, there's nothing to be afraid of...this happens to a lot of people and you were kind of foolish to put yourself in an elevator with me, i mean it almost seems like youre asking for it

lets get this over with, shall we darling? Let me just bend over here and


a hot, wet gust rips forth from my asshole and fills the room to the brim in a miasma of funk. You gasp in surprise but this only hastens your demise. you don't even see yourself slurping the air, slack jawed and droopy eyed, and means my gas is achieving its desired effect. youre mine now pet, theres no going back and you know it

>> No.11541512

This. >>11540708

You colossal faggot, valuing things based on how offensive they are.


>> No.11542289

Cheapest you can get is when you prepare it yourself.

- rice
- cheaper parts of chicken
- 1 onion/pepper

enjoy 2$ per serving

>> No.11542295

Rice and beans, Eggs and potato, chicken and veg soup. Bar-S hotdogs

>> No.11542363


>> No.11542378

whales eat krill

>> No.11542381

today they're pretty cringe but what I'd give to be alive and at this show

they were pretty amazing pre black album

>> No.11542391

Well, I work in a Krispy Kreme, so I eat shitloads of doughnuts for nothing. However, I cannot afford dental care, so this is not sustainable in the long term.
Beans, peas, tinned of course are the usual for my lunch. Slice of toast in the morning.

>> No.11542403

Pretty much what >>11540659 said. Aldi's is pretty dope.

>> No.11544180

>$9 mince
>$1 pasta
>$2 sauce
>hope you got some spice n shit layin around
feed myself for 4-7 days depending on how much I need to stretch the mince out
water for breakfast
water and apple/carrot for lunch if i'm feeling rich
you don't need to eat as much when you sit on your ass all day

>> No.11544190

holy kek
they actually do fucking shamble

>> No.11544248

>any type of potatoes
>swiss miss hot chocolate
>foodstamp people buy Arizona, riceroni and hamburger helper a lot
>discounted food at grocery stores or handouts, like asking for the food that’s going to get tossed when the college kitchen closes

Also during the summer a lot of people grow their own vegetables. I get bags of tomatoes and squash from customers at work who just don’t want them

>> No.11544357

Slayer always has and always will be better than Metallica.

>> No.11544379

I feel like I've read this before and it was probably on /mlp/

>> No.11544547

[this triggers the boomer]

>> No.11544611

At my poorest, breakfast was homemade bread with schmaltz and vegemite, and lunch and dinner was bean-based curry (with trace amounts of chicken) and rice. Every fucking day, shit's depressing.

>> No.11544638
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This is pretty much correct. Today I ate:

>Black coffee
>2 slices of bread (home-made), with a spread of creamed butter & sugar

>Borsch with sour cream
>1 slice of buttered bread
>Tea with lemon

>Borsch with sour cream
>1 slice of buttered bread
>Tea with lemon
>Smoked sprats with mayonnaise

Price of groceries this week: $8.71 CAD ($6.56 USD)

>> No.11544639

That's white trash as fuck and awesome at the same time.

>> No.11544688
File: 176 KB, 1200x877, 1200px-Hotel_de_Gink_-_preparing_Mulligan_stew_LCCN2014698227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mulligan stew.

>> No.11544894

Slayer fucking sucks

>> No.11544912


>> No.11544920


>> No.11545037
File: 69 KB, 720x960, sponge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spic here living with parents working minimum wage: it's really not as bad as people make it out to be. Typical menu:

Breakfast: coffee and bread for the weekdays and on the weekends we also make fried eggs/plantains/beans with cream

Lunch (only weekends since both work and my 2 siblings go to HS): beef stew with corn tortilla and mexican rice, red bean soup with corn tortilla and hard salvadorean cheese, beef/seafood soup with corn tortilla

Dinner: seared chicken/steak with caramelized onions with corn tortillas + mexican rice, spaghetti with meat sauce with toasted french bread, fried tilapia/shrimp with mexican rice and corn tortillas

On average our budget hovers around $600/month but it feeds a family of 5 including myself. My parents usually cook too much for dinner so they can eat it later for lunch at their jobs the next day. On special occasions like new years we'll grill steaks/chicken/chorizos + mexican rice and corn tortillas. I'm in college so I mostly only see my family on the weekends since I study full time and work part time. It can get boring after a while but I take great pride we haven't completely fallen apart yet as a family.

>> No.11545143
File: 164 KB, 1465x1047, Maseca Masa Flour nutrition facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding to this: you should all try to get some corn tortillas into your diet. They're extremely cheap and easy to make, you feel fuller which helps you slim down a little, and in a very tight pinch can keep you alive for a very long time if you eat them with eggs/chicken since they have protein as well. A bag of maseca is like $3 and makes us around 50 chunky tortillas for us so it's like 6 cents per tortilla. Only caveat is these things stick very easily to stainless steel or cast iron cookware, we've only been able to tame them on non-stick double burner griddles using medium heat (we cook eggs and meats here too).

>> No.11545158

vienna sausages

>> No.11545162

slayer is excellent faggot

>> No.11545243

Undisputed Attitude was their only good album.

>> No.11545245

Homeless people might actually be spending more money than poor people that still have a roof over their head. The latter presumably has a kitchen while the former doesn't even have that.
I thought about this because I literally just fed a hobo the other night. Got him a loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter. Came to around $5 for however many servings of what is essentially urban survival food.

>> No.11545253

Their own saliva

>> No.11545321


Breakfast: nothing, maybe a pasty
Lunch: nothing
Dinner: usually some processed garbage thats on sale.

I eat when i starve, not out of routine.

>> No.11545329

You actually have it far worse than the spic but only because you're stupid. Wow.

>> No.11545333

im thinking more, or less reign in blood, or show no mercy

>> No.11545334

???? reading comprehension you mega idiot

>> No.11545338

k y s

>> No.11545340

How so?

>> No.11545345

sip *ahhhhhhh* now there's a band

>> No.11545357

>most likely have some form of malnutrition
>eating mystery meat
>can spend 10 minutes cooking something cheaper way healthier but choose not to

>> No.11545378

5 that can last almost a week cheap?

>> No.11545390

rice, beans, eggs, chicken bought in bulk would average about that.

>> No.11545396

First three likely but not the meat. Shit's too expensive.

>> No.11545417

Costco sells chicken drumsticks and thighs for $1/pound and most grocery stores for about the same price too. A $10 pack would last you the entire month if you ate it along with a heaping serving of rice or beans.

>> No.11545420

Rice + eggs + tempeh

>> No.11545424


>> No.11545433

Britbong. Food, meat in particular is more expensive.

>> No.11545444

You sure you've never seen chicken drumsticks for around our price at something like tesco? Chickens are massively inexpensive to raise.

>> No.11545453

Why? You think only vegan can eat tempeh?

>> No.11545455

Cheapest i usually find are 1.66.

>> No.11545457

Rice-A-Roni is vastly underrated. Do you have any idea how powerful the emulsifiers in the boxes with flavors involving cheese are? You can put heaping handfuls of actual cheese into that stuff, and it will smoothly blend.

>> No.11545460

per kg?

>> No.11545479

It's ok lad, you don't have to answer. We all make mistakes. Good luck.

>> No.11545485

Yes. I assumed you didnt mean 1$ per pound for some reason.