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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 103 KB, 1200x800, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11539003 No.11539003[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

All the good spices are from brown people countries

>> No.11539017

So are most crops and cattle.

>> No.11539029

So what? Brown people have good food.

>> No.11539033

Brown people also eat cakes made of mosquitoes and flies.

>> No.11539042

Green has always been my favorite color, but god damn do I have frog posters.

>> No.11539046

Not anymore.
But it used to be that way. Why do you think Europe conquered the world? For them spices, salt, and sugar.

>> No.11539048

>but god damn do I have frog posters.
Where do you keep them?

>> No.11539059

They're just in the middle of the road, but I do make a conscious effort to hit them with my tires.

>> No.11539111
File: 89 KB, 450x470, fines-herbes-french-herb-blend-drawing_csp21418849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The white mans spice.
Come home brother.

>> No.11540025

not true, you can get salt everywhere

>> No.11540074

This with cylantro and GARLIC included. The only exotic spices worth a damn are peppers, actual pepper itself and cumin. Everything else is dogshit used to mask how terrible the ingredients being cooked actually are.

>> No.11540193

Shit taste confirmed. This is why brown people make fun of your white """cuisine"""

>> No.11540212

Literally all those spices are fucking disgusting. If you had also put anise, you had put all my most hated ingredients in the world. I love most ingredients, when well cooked, but those spices are literally subhuman shit. Except saffron, it's alright.

>> No.11540215

That's not a European spice, South American I think.

>> No.11540221

I'm redpilled, kid. I browse /pol/. It makes me fucking furious, did you even see my sad frog?
The idea that these subhuman shits claim to have good food angers me to no end. I SHOULD GET THAT PRAISE

>> No.11540240

Really, we use it a lot in the south of Portugal, so I assumed it also grew here. Nice to know.

>> No.11540247

opinion discarded

>> No.11540263

Try the redpill. Human = me, subhuman = women, blacks, Jews, Asians, mixed races, liberals, leftists, vegans, vegetarians, cardigan wearers, soy eaters, homosexuals, trannies, anarchists, atheists, weed-smokers, alcohol drinkers, people who don't like anime, sexually active people etc.

>> No.11540304

All the inventions are from white ones, so are we even yet?

>> No.11540306
File: 179 KB, 500x659, 1532030981106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got another crying redditor upset 4channel isn't the safe space he expect.

>> No.11540308

This. We whites created everything of value. Okay, so some spices were found in you're countries? Big deal, our white ancestors created civilization which is falling (because of nonwhites and women), and all the good things in it

>> No.11540313

And that bothers you?

>> No.11540317

Imagine if an American said something like this

>> No.11540320

Kek this. Proud to be part of this community. We will never relinquish the redpill
About as much as dogs eating dogshit. Don't pretend they're equal to me

>> No.11540324

Might as well kill yourself /pol/lack

>> No.11540326
File: 2.81 MB, 800x450, mosquitoburgers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more stuff grows near the equator
I don't believe it

>> No.11540327

Also mustard and coliander and paprika
Cooking with heavy emphasis on the herbs (fresh and dried) and only light and occasional spice use is the most satisfying and patrician way of cooking

>> No.11540330

portuguese are the niggers of europe

>> No.11540333
File: 80 KB, 850x400, quote-i-ll-tell-you-what-s-at-the-bottom-of-it-if-you-can-convince-the-lowest-white-man-he-lyndon-b-johnson-107-70-60 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic very much relates to (You)

>> No.11540340
File: 82 KB, 423x435, 1447714315099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic very much relates to (you)

>> No.11540351

It's okay anon, most losers look for something to blame their predicament on.

>> No.11540352

? How about you look up something before spewing nonsense
Coriander was grown by the Mycenaeans and coriander seeds are pretty common spice throughout europe

>> No.11540496

>we've brought the world to the brink of self destruction
>deny the fact overwhelming, incontrovertible evidence indicates we're currently balancing on a razor's edge
W-we was kangs 'n shite, right earth?

>> No.11540521
File: 77 KB, 423x435, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic very much relates to (you)

>> No.11540523

So what's taking him? It only took Jesus two days, Adolf's had almost 75 years.

>> No.11540531


>> No.11540535

that's why they need spices

>> No.11540536

Hitler was revved up for way longer than six years. Just goes to show the type of person who doesn't understand history and just spouts memes. I hope you graduate high school with a 4.0, bud!

>> No.11540547

I still wonder why Woodrow threw that shitfit to this day

>> No.11540603

>two days
found the atheist

>> No.11540757

breed your own new spice then.

>> No.11540760

>We whites.
oh, you're an inventor? show me your Nobel prizes and patents.