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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11535587 No.11535587 [Reply] [Original]

I work at Dominos, AMA

>> No.11535589

Why is brooklyn style the only decent choice

>> No.11535593

Where do you work?

>> No.11535594

Is your mom hot?

>> No.11535595

Is there a military discount?

>> No.11535596

Why does your pizza give me vomiting and explosive diarrhea bordering on food poisoning every time even when I wasn't drinking? Also what's that foul powdery salt on the crust?

>> No.11535597

how do i get free pizza

>> No.11535599

what is the phone number of your store?

>> No.11535600

did you ever get to meet Domino?

>> No.11535601

Why do they cut the thin crust pizzas into little squares instead of normal triangle shaped slices?
Also, how do they update that pizza tracker? Do you have to hit a button or something when you start/finish each stage of the order?

>> No.11535604

is your name Shawn and did you fuck up that guy's order?

>> No.11535607

What are the most fresh/least fresh ingredients you guys use?

>> No.11535610

Have you ever seen anyone do anything gross to someone's food because they were being a rude costumer or in general?

>> No.11535613

Got any connections/insight on corporate? I'm trying for a summer internship there.

>> No.11535616

And OP was never heard from again.

>> No.11535619

Are you Shawn? >>11527116

>> No.11535628

It's not and it's a bitch to make

At dominos


Because you have a weak digestive system and you would have died in the wild

Call and say your order was fucked up, they will give you another pizza but you will be an asshole


You can ask for it regular cut, and the tracker is updated when the order is bumped off the computer after it's made. Then it's all automatic by time until the driver clocks it out

nothing is fresh

never, that's niggerish behavior

>> No.11535638

Strangely even this anon who pretends to work for dominos gives the same shitty service as the real life dominos do. And their pizzas are trash

>> No.11535641


>> No.11535655

>anon who pretends to work for dominos
its not like its a hard position to obtain why would anyone need to do that?

>> No.11535657
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>thinks dominoes is found in the wild
Nah dude I eat raw milk and cheese and consume minimally processed food most of the time but whenever I'm at a friend's place and they order it that's what gives me issues. There's definitely some weird fucked up preservatives in that shit. You still didn't tell me what that nasty crust powder was either so I'm honing in on that being a likely culprit. Mom and pop places never have that stuff and they don't make me sick.

>> No.11535664

Garlic oil is put on the crust, the "powder" is remnant cornstarch put on the dough to prevent it from sticking. I've never met anyone else with this issue so something's fucked with your body bud

>> No.11535666

>He's never heard of the dominos pizza bush that grows dominos pizza fresh in the box for all the wild animals with only the toughest stomachs
also how the hell do you EAT milk? is raw milk that fucking chunky?

>> No.11535677
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>> No.11535679

There's quite a few people in every dominoes thread with the same complaint
I didn't know Satan was an insufferable pedant but I should have guessed

>> No.11535681

Whats your Dominos number? I wanna prank call the shit outta your place.

>> No.11535682

The only reasonable solution I can think of is that you don't eat a lot of fiber or are on some sort of diabetic medication so oily things go right through you, that or you have an unknown food allergy

>> No.11535721

Nah see that's not it at all because when not eating out, which is 90% of the time, I always eat vegetables, legumes, and whole wheat products.

>> No.11535734


50% off the next few days. Gonna get 2 pizzas tomorrow after work for drunk food. What's your fav pizza so I can get it tomorrow?

>> No.11535744

I always thought pizzas grew under ground.

>> No.11535815

Your cinnatwists suck ass

>> No.11536420

Is it true that most dominos employees smoke weed/are complete stoners?

>> No.11536429

what does ama mean?

>> No.11537266

Bacon pineapple with regular sauce, or bacon jalapeno wit garlic parm AND barbecue sauce

>> No.11537272

Am I the only guy who orders anchovies

How many anchovy pizzas do you get a day and how do you store them and what brand do you use

>> No.11537281
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What do you think about this combo, bruh?
I want to make an Italian sub pizza. So here are my toppings. Check it.
Banana Peppers
Finish it with a drizzle of olive oil and vinegar
I'm just trying to make a pizza that reminds me of a great Italian sub.

>> No.11537286

do you work at dominoes?

>> No.11537291
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Where does he work?

>> No.11537295

god I would love to smell my exfarts after she ate this

>> No.11537312

We don't have anchovies at all, maybe it's just my store

>> No.11537322

What does OP do for work?

>> No.11537390

Are you satisfied with a $2 tip because that's all I give.

>> No.11537457

Do you make fun of people who order pizza from you around once a week?

>> No.11537692

How's business been lately? Did Pizza Hut starting that 5 dollar deal kill sales for you guys?

>> No.11537701


>> No.11538157

Why are the pizzas crusst on the whole pizza feel and taste like it was fried in oil instead of baked?

>> No.11538201

they closed the chain in my country a while back because people found some live roaches flourishing at the kitchen.
also, the cooked dough used to be greasy as fuck, in a non-appetizing way.
are those situations common?

>> No.11538274

>no military discount

I'm never eating domino's again. Can't support this unpatriotic SJW crap.

>> No.11538278

throw some capicola on that

>> No.11538283

First step is to fill out an application so you can work there too.

>> No.11538299

I used to work at dominoes but when I was putting my dog down my manager tried to get me to come in when I wasn't assigned a shift and got mad when I said I wouldn't come in. I was in a weak emotional state and said fuck you on the phone and quit. But other than that being a driver was lit I got paid to drive around high listening to music.

>> No.11538312

The worst part was when I started keeping tracknof who tipped what I realized white people on average over the course of two months tip 4 dollars more than black people. Gender didn't have an affect except black woman drove the black man's tip average down a dollar and 50 cents.
I think nigger women are to blame for the black man's problems.

>> No.11538328

Not op but their pizza is greasy as all hell just look at the bottom of the box when it gets to your door and compare it with any other pizza place they all use the same boxes

>> No.11539135

how much do you lose on 50% off pizzas?
t. buying a $30 pizza for $15 today

>> No.11539227

why is brooklyn style "a bitch to make?"

>> No.11539241

Fucking redditcancerfaggots can't even figure out what site they're on anymore.

>> No.11539292
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He's just saying that he works for both Domino's and the American Medical Association.

>> No.11539315

Is there really a difference between the extra cheese and the extra extra cheese option? How much difference?

>> No.11539708

There is extra, which is 1.5 by weight, and double, is actually double. This works with all toppings except pepperoni, where extra actually means 8 more pieces (there's 30 on a medium, 40 on a large by default). You're charged for two toppings with both, so it's best to just get double instead of extra. Little jewings like this are why domino's doesn't lose too much money with half off pizzas >>11539135

You take a small dough and stretch it to a large size. It rips a lot and makes a super greasy pizza

>> No.11540106

Hey lads, I'm this guy >>11535734

I know you care... I ended up just duplicating my last order because I was at work and have a slow phone and had to order it real quick. Got 2 large pizzas. One with mushrooms and green peppers and the other with italian sausage and pepperoni. Pretty solid. I also ordered it at work as a delayed carryout order and My order was ready on time. I ordered it 3 hours prior. I was actually impressed.

Pizza is as expected, but for ~$15, 2 large, 2 topping pizzas is a great deal. Also sipping on Wild Turkey which pairs well. I love you all, have a great night, gentlemen!

>> No.11540127

if i bring my own cheese from home to your local store and ask for a veggie pizza with no cheese and use the one I bring you, can you guys use said cheese on a pizza and heat it in on of your own ovens?

Can I buy raw dough from you guys?

>> No.11541202

When someone orders a pizza well done how long do you keep it in extra? It never seems enough but I dont wanna be enough of a pain to ask them to put it back in.

>> No.11541229

wtf thanks for telling me about the double thing bro, i'll always get double 'ronis from now on
but brooklyn style is objectively the best pizza. just know that when you make it the toil is worthwhile because you're satisfying the cravings of a man with patrician taste.

>> No.11541233

What do you make or yourself?

>> No.11541274
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tell me the truth.

is the Noid real? and if he is, do you avoid him?

>> No.11542172

Um. I know the president of this organization...
Are you a legit doctor? I am.

>> No.11542184

Tell me about Dr. Harris, why does he wear the mask ?

>> No.11542214

I was in ACEP when Steven J. Stack was president. Now, we have a nigger in AMA. I know Stack personally.

>> No.11542255

He is a big guy

>> No.11542256

Not OP, but I also work at Dominos. No, we can't use your cheese on the pizza, and no, you can't buy our dough.
My store typically puts it back in about 3/4ths of the way through the oven. It's on a conveyor belt sort of thing, like those tortilla machines.
The Noid is a cartoon and I avoid him by living in the current year, where Dominos does not guarantee 30-minute pizzas after half a dozen people literally died because of people driving too fast trying to meet an unreasonable deadline.

>> No.11542263

okay dude, you fucking stink!
you stink!
you stink!

>> No.11542288

Nice get. Not really a BIG GUY. Just bald.
Holy fuck, Georgetown grad. How esoteric is this place?

>> No.11542918
File: 76 KB, 637x656, 38813795_2123140564571203_7524735153009065984_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite order when I'm drunk as fuck is a garlic white sauce pizza with double bacon, nothing else. Is there a better dominoes drunchy option?

>> No.11542925

Why do you feel like you're entitled to a discount just for serving

>> No.11542931

They use fuck tons of oil. I can't even recycle the boxes because the grease attracts mice and shit so I have to throw it out.

>> No.11542956

What pisses me off so much I've just stopped ordering delivery pizza, because it happens everywhere;
>pizza is always fucking underdone, everywhere
>ask for well done
>it arrives cooked perfectly two or three times
>then the extra well just becomes normal undercooked forever more

>> No.11543252

Violent diarrhoea after Dominos the night before, what did you do?

>> No.11543266

Not OP but I also work at dominos as a CSR.

I've personally never seen it happen except for a few times people dropped food and put it back in the box like nothing happened. We have cameras and managers in the store watching us, so doing that kind of fucked up stuff to people's food is less likely.

However, I can't say the same for drivers. If you are an asshole to them, and they are in a really bad move they will probably be the first ones to do gross shit to your order. They are the only employees who are left completely unsupervised with the customer's food and can do whatever they want during the delivery.

>> No.11543270

That, or they are huge alcoholics and precription drugs. My manager acts like someone who abuses stimulants like adderall and he's always super anxious, impatient and talks really fast.

>> No.11543272

Not at all. We have that deal going on this week that discounts 50% off all online orders.

Its been a complete nightmare.

>> No.11543312

Managed a dominos for three years here's some useless info.

Everything but sauce and mushrooms come in frozen, or in a giant can, even tomatoes.

Sauce sits out at room temp for hours on end and developes a nasty crust that's just mixed back in.

Theres a blacklist for ass hat customers, yes we save notes in the computer on people who dont tip or complain about stupid shit.

Bread sticks and the like are just half a medium dough with trans fat buttery goo on it and then dusted with garlic seasoning.

Deep dish is just a pre made pizza crust.

On the topping line it's made over grates where toppings can fall through into a removable trough like thing. Every now and then the toppings are picked out by hand and thrown back into their respective receptacles.

It was an ok job.

>> No.11543337

Do they make you run the pizzas out the door to your car or was that only the franchise I worked for?

>> No.11543346

>Everything but sauce and mushrooms come in frozen, or in a giant can,

Even the cheese?

>> No.11543353

Yes, especially the cheese.
It's tedious as fuck. Sometimes we don't even bother and just throw it all away unless the managers complain about it.

>> No.11543368

>Deep dish is just a pre made pizza crust.
not any more, now it's pan dough which we stretch out every time. The same dough used in bread twists and parm bites
>Theres a blacklist for ass hat customers, yes we save notes in the computer on people who dont tip or complain about stupid shit.
my store doesn't really have the time to do all that

>> No.11543410

My dominos has a card reader that asks me if I want to tip, but since I'm getting the pizza myself, I see no reason to tip. Is that enough reason for employees to fuck with my food?

>> No.11543624

>Is that enough reason for employees to fuck with my food?
Maybe, but not usually.
Also, just an fyi, leave a squiggle line on the "Tip" part of your receipt just so you wont get scammed out of extra money by some scum driver.

Had one guy get caught turning a 1.00$ tip into 7.00$ because the idiot forgot to also change the total of the order so that it would add up.
Not sure what happened to him afterwards but the managers chewed him for it once they found out after cataloging the receipts for the day. I don't think he got fired though.

>> No.11543730

>1.00$ tip
Who the fuck would only tip the driver $1? I always give the driver 5 or 6 bucks.

>> No.11544156

No. Only like 5-10% of inside customers tip, it's the expectation. Tips when you pick it up go to the people working the line, but they make more by default and aren't hauling their cars all over creation for you. So it works out.

>> No.11544266

Not OP but my store would get 1 every couple days. They come in little sardine tins. Interestingly enough that makes them the only topping we're allowed to send on the side raw (Domino's has a touch and go relationship with food handling so only prepackaged or cooked items are allowed out those ebony doors)

>> No.11544275

why do u work at dominos lol

>> No.11544341

how come when i eat dominos sober i wake up feeling and looking hungover

>> No.11544508

Sodium and preservatives.

>> No.11544539

When's the last time you (or anyone else) cleaned the equipment

>> No.11544549

do you like being choke by mexican boys while you masturbate in the shower?

>> No.11544554

Why do people who work in fast food think that is an interesting fact to others?

>> No.11544568

why is pizza hut better?

>> No.11544576

how often do u change ur meats

>> No.11544584

He can't give out no intfermashun.

>> No.11544603

Domino's gives me VIOLENT, painful shits the next morning. Normal pizza doesn't do that to me.

>> No.11544643

Where is the location of the Domino's that you work at?

>> No.11545662

Thanks for the update

>> No.11545679

how big is your cock?

>> No.11545849

Why is your chicken alfredo such fucking garbage?

>> No.11545865

Dominos always gives me violent horrific shits

>> No.11545930

why did you run over my dog?

>> No.11546402

Some weird things happens sometimes. Feel like twin peaks.

>> No.11546703

Hey man, you're welcome. I just finished them last night. Was hungover as shit and ate like a slop last night. Trying this air fryer out that someone gave me and it's surprisingly good for reheating pizza.

Will report back later today or tomorrow on how my bowels are doing.