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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11532378 No.11532378 [Reply] [Original]

Gentlemen, this is your /deenz/ thread for the week of Nov 26 in the year of our Lord 2018.

>cue the theme song

>> No.11532393





>> No.11532405
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>cue the theme song
Ok, fren

>> No.11532419
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Lunch a couple days ago

>> No.11532420

Thanks for reminding me to pick up some saltines when I go out on my liquor/taco bell run, OP.

>> No.11532422

Deenz and canned tuna have been really helpful in my weight loss recently. I chop them up and mix 'em into a bowl of steamed green beans with a smattering of mustard.

What other ways do y'all make a healthy sardine meal?

>> No.11532423

I would have felt better if the Deenz Theme guy fucking recut it instead of leaving like 1/3 of the track him and his drummer bantering... jazzy fucking fags

>> No.11532426
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Lunch yesterday

>> No.11532470
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Lunch a few days from now

>> No.11532476
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>> No.11532486
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Nice. Probably my favorite kind

>> No.11532497


Love these.

Picked up the KO boneless skinless spanish style online. Ive never had boneless and skinless but i hear this flavor is superb.

>> No.11532505
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Brislings or bust.

Those cheap bug chunks of fish are better left for bait.

>> No.11532514


Tomato sauce?

How was it?

>> No.11532542

That's what I told the pianist and drummer but they said no

>> No.11532580

tomato is the most "meal" ish you can find, fishy salty semi sweet sauce with deens, good with plain rice bowl since it already has a decent sauce

it's still good but is a little annoying and detracts from repeated playing. contradicts the whole premise of being all about them deenz when you force the audience to endure mid song conversation

>> No.11532610
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>What other ways do y'all make a healthy sardine meal?
Try "Nordic" inspired with potato topped with plain yogurt, some garlic, home made pickles and fresh veggies.

Med inspired. Grill some tomato, chop it up and toss it in a bowl, add some olive oil, basil, oregano, chopped onion, red pepper flakes, sardines, lettuce of your choice, and jam that fucker in a pita bread.

>> No.11532611

i like it. it adds an element of novel intimacy that balances well with the sardines motif. as if youre there in the living room apartment where the setup is concentrated in the corner farthest away from the connected kitchen, with the light from the lamp granting enough illumination to make the glimmer of the roommate's smile comfortable and reassuring, as they stand in the hallway overlooking, humoring, the impromptu expression of character.

>> No.11532691

Pretty plain. Not great on crackers. No "zest" as the wrapper promised. I liked the jalapenos better.

>> No.11534298
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Today’s lunch

>> No.11534371
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Do you guys even buy fresh ones?

>> No.11534383

You guys really make me wanna try this but I can’t get over eating the bonez and headz

>> No.11534563


No fresh deenz available in my area. Chargrilled sounds bretty gud though

>> No.11534567


Never seen a canned deen with heads on.. and high quality bristlings are so small that you dont even notice them. You are doing yourself a disservice by not trying some (high quality of course)

>> No.11534882
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I prefer mackerel.

>> No.11534895

Yesm. And fresh anchovy

>> No.11534898

It sounds like a jam session. I have nothing against jam sessions if the players and the material are good.

>> No.11534957

never had sardines or anchovies in my life. not because of availability but because im really bad handling strong flavors (like black caviar for example, which ive tasted but havent particularly enjoyed). even though the macros seem pretty fucking great and im always willing to eat stuff i dont appreciate if it helps my nutritional goals.

how do they taste like to you fellow anons?

>> No.11534970

Like fish. You know when people say this or that fish tastes good because it doesn't taste like fish? Yeah they dont like deenz and deenz tastes like pure fish. They are good paired with something bland like potatoes or bread to spread all that flavor out. Preserved anchovies tastes like fish + salt. Pickled anchovies taste a lot better and are really good in Caesar salad. A bright acidic somewhat ocean like flavor.

>> No.11535049


High quality brislings just taste like a stronger canned tuna with a good smoky olive oil flavor. Paired with a cracker and something acidic like mustard or hot sauce it is very nice and balanced. Try a can of king oscars for your first can.

>> No.11535067

Smoked mackerel packed in oil is delicious. The stuff in tomato sauce not so much.

>> No.11535079

>how do they taste like
Good, but what you want is the smoked variety in spring water. Those are fucking goat-tier.

If you like tuna fish sandwich, then just sub the tuna for the sardines. If you think it's too "fishy", just rinse them under cold water and dry them with a paper towel before you put them in anything.

>> No.11535096

>how do they taste like to you fellow anons?

With canned seafood price is king. It ranges from rancid cat asshole to ZOMG fucking amazing.

>> No.11535104

Really bad or really good depends on the brand start with expensive ones

>> No.11535246

thnx for replies. ok, will aim for not-cheap(ish, im not rich) kind, either water or oil.

>> No.11535276

I love me some deenz

>> No.11535382


I would suggest King Oscar Wild Caught in olive oil or Mediterrainian Style for your first can

>> No.11535615

Scram-b-alam eggs my guy

>> No.11536547

i mash a tin with a bit deli mustard and soy sauce on crackers

>> No.11536554
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For me, it's the Portuguese sardine, the best sardine. Not too small, not too mushy. Packed in lemon olive oil... god damn

>> No.11536578

im convinced the shinier the healthier

>> No.11537053

Deenz fucking suck.

>> No.11537068
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>> No.11537156
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god I love me some deenz

im always worried that im going to just get a can full of mush, king oscar has always been good but my favorite have been trader joe's brand deenz if you've got a trader joe's nearby. Also the smoked mackerel is unbelievable.

>> No.11537159

my favorite way to eat deens:

>pour off oil into frying pan
>fry omelette in oil
>put deenz inside omelette
>put on plate
>salt and pepper
>toast if im feeling fancy

>> No.11537206

Thanks for this pairing, looks promising as a solution to my disinterest to canned fish which I find dry and papery.

>> No.11537218

So today I had 1 can of deenz w/ soya oil and 1 w/ spring water. This is because I can't find the tomato sauce ones. They were okay, but nowhere near as good as the tomato sauce. Is there any other types worth trying?

>> No.11537305

This. That shiny pinkish sometimes rainbow color that is on the scaled sardines are always the first to be eaten.

>> No.11537735

I'm in Thailand atm teaching until January and I'm really starting to miss deenze. Although the street food here is so cheap and yummy, there is something about deenze and rice that made me so happy. Would eat the Deenze here but it's Pacific caught and I don't fancy a can of fukashima fish

>> No.11537741
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Just waiting in this comfy food place for my spicy rice pork and two eggs.

>> No.11538536

Sardines are great, but why do you idiots have to use a stupid grade school tier meme word all the time? Just use "sardines" like normal people and quit acting like a bunch of 12 year old faggots.

>> No.11538652

you seem angry, anything you want to share?

>> No.11538667

You didn't answer the question, anon.

And while I can't speak for the other guy, nobody is angry, we're puzzled as to why adults would choose to behave like infants.

>> No.11538690

seemed angry to me by his choice of words: "idiots", "stupid grade school tier meme", "faggots".
and as for the question, how the hell would i know, maybe some people enjoy the feeling of belonging that comes forward through the use of a shared "slang", maybe they are just playfull, maybe maybe maybe etc.

it seemed weird to me to get all fuzzed up about some words, so i wondered if that was really anons issue.

>> No.11538707

>seemed angry to me by his choice of words: "idiots", "stupid grade school tier meme", "faggots".
That's just normal 4chanspeak bro.

>>it seemed weird to me to get all fuzzed up about some words
I think your confusion is because you think anon is "all fuzzed up" when in reality he just asked a simple question.

>> No.11538718

You seem to be 12 years old. You shouldn't be here.

>> No.11538724

Sounds great.

>> No.11538725


No need to talk like children or force stupid memes here.

>> No.11539019

It’s just like saying ‘go ‘za And ‘cha.
It’s to rile you up and it worked
Wa la!

>> No.11539073
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>It’s just like saying ‘go ‘za And ‘cha.
Exactly. Grade school tier. You faggots need to step up your game.
>It’s to rile you up and it worked
So did my post. Now grow the fuck up.

We're done here, Skippy.

>> No.11539087

how do you lads like to eat your deenz?

i usually eat them by themselves out of the can, but doing so makes me feel like such an asshole for some reason. what are some good ways to elevate it? i kinda like how the op pic looks, is that mustard?

>> No.11539101


>> No.11539158

Agreed. Brislings are so tender and oily. God, I love them.

>> No.11539164

I know it's kind of memed here but seriously get a tin of King Oscar brislings. They're not dry nor papery; they're really soft and fatty.

>> No.11539258
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What brands do you guys prefer? Just realized these Latvian deenz I enjoyed are in hydrogenated oil, nope.nope.nope, so need a replacement.

>> No.11539327
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>tfw bjs replaced king oscar with these and they're not as good

>> No.11540709


>> No.11541475

For me, it’s Deenz and Tinez.

A nice tiny brisling on top of a saltine with a dollop of yellow mustard or splash of Tapatio. People at work think i’m lying when I tell them that i went home and had sardines for lunch. They have such a bad stigma around them, like the only people that eat them are old fisherman hermits.

>> No.11541546

How do you know how many calories/whatever you're eating when you read the sardine label, when the sardines are in oil? Does the label include the oil? All of it or just some of it? I usually drain them a little before I eat them and I'm definitely not eating all the oil, but I'm certainly eating some. I've never been able to get a decent answer for this.

>> No.11541552

I'm a Deenz and Squits man, myself.

>> No.11541585

Anyone else like pan frying some /deenz/ in some motor oil on an old hubcap over a garbage can fire?

>> No.11541645

Had the boneless and skinless variety today.. wasnt a fan. The appearance was offputting to me.

>> No.11542661


>> No.11542672

honestly why would you take a picture of this
i'm being 100% serious right now

>> No.11542700
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Are we allowed to talk about fried whitebait here?

>> No.11542746

>That's just normal 4chanspeak bro.
So is deenz, bro. What kind of 12 year old faggot gets upset about meme words on the chan(nel).

>> No.11542779

>meme words
Who were you calling a 12 year old faggot again?

>> No.11543918


Gentlemen, let’s remain civil in our deenz conversation.

>> No.11543936
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>> No.11544531
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Fuck I miss bella's piri piri deenz. I've been in bongland for uni and can't find them here.
On the bright side these cheap ass deenz are better than anything you can get in the states for <$1

>> No.11544573
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>made mistake of eating Chicken of the Sea deenz
>see a post here about how garbage they are
>try King Oscars as per recommendation

>> No.11545132

Do you eat them with the bones?
Arent they supposedly super salty?
Ive never had a sardine

>> No.11545180


>> No.11546033

imagine being this butthurt over a word

>> No.11546192
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Had deenz for the first time in my life and I gotta say.
They're just okay.

>> No.11546292

I enjoy some sardines in tomato sauce on a cracker with a dab of tapatio and a little lime

>> No.11546302

I want you to know that I hide your absolutely shit tier thread and your eternally look down upon your shit taste in food. Please neck yourself.

>> No.11546507

What's wrong with whitebait?

>> No.11546861
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Got this at my local supermarket.
How did I do?

>> No.11547100


>> No.11547121


>> No.11547160


>> No.11547188

back to pol friend

>> No.11547201

Good morning folks. God a nice setup here this morning, I'm going plain today with no crackers or anything, but i got a colorful spread of mustard deens, hot deens, and two tins of smoked oysters. Add a nice dewdriver and I've got a nice chill day of no classes or work to do fuck all. Cheers

>> No.11547251

>pirri pirri deenz
Check Portuguese deenz on Amazon

Here you go fren.


>> No.11547264

I've never had them.

I like all variety of fish, I like pickles, and I generally like canned things. Spicy is my personal preference, but what kind do you recommend?

>> No.11547335

I wonder if we can get the theme song used by some large deenz company? I know it's 4chan, but this is probably the most wholesome thread on this board. It'd be cool if the guy got some royalties, but even if he didn't, it would be some kind of small victory.

>> No.11547567


I love a good can of smoked oysters. It only feels right if i shake some hot sauce on them and eat them right out of the can with a toothpick. It sad that so few young Americans know the joy of tinned fish and oysters.

>> No.11547576
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The Deenz community is a pretty chill and mature lot. I enjoy the company.

>> No.11547592


Quality is key. I always recommend a newbie try a tin of King Oscar wild caught brislings with some crackers. KO are widely available and top quality. If you cant find them focus on brisling.. these are the smallest fish and are a lot better than the large cut chunks found in cheaper tins. Also, steer away from cheap oils like soy and sunflower. EVOO is king, followed by mustard and hot sauce. Try some

>> No.11547597
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Rate my deenz haul boys.
5 cans of Chicken of the Sea sardines
5 packs of Brunswick kippered snacks
13 bucks

>> No.11547599

hey i made that last year

/deenz/ forever bros

>> No.11547729


It is pretty spot on.

Well done sir

>> No.11547744


Hopefully you enjoy them, but I had to throw an entire tin of that exact chicken of the sea away. The texture was mushy and the oil had a very offputting bitter smoke flavor to it. Unfortunately the quality was just not up to my specific tastes.

>> No.11547754

Oh man. This doesn't bode well. Thanks for the heads up my brother. Though they were only 94 cents a can so it's not a big loss if I end up hating them.

>> No.11547759

Can I get a quick rundown on /deenz/? Do you just eat the bones and all? What's the best pairing?

>> No.11547781

Yeah you eat the bones. They're kinda chalky but soft enough to chew up. They're good on a cracker with cream cheese, and there are a lot of recipes out there, but seasoned deenz veterans will likely eat them straight out the can.

>> No.11547864

>Love deenz but never eat them

Should I start slipping them into my diet?

>> No.11547894

Good small fish have such tiny soft bones that you literally dont notice them in the slightest. Best pairing in a hurry is deen on a saltin cracker with the mustard of your liking. Vinegary hot sauces cut the taste very nicely as well.

>> No.11547897


For me, its a fast and healthy lunch when I come home from the office. The smell and stigma keeps me from eating them at work

>> No.11547906

Tastelets deserve to suffer anon. Eat the DEENZ

>> No.11547912

Just nom on some onions and parsley afterwards

>> No.11547968
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Well that's not nice.

>> No.11547985

I love smoked oysters, but I can only stomach one tin for like a week. I don't know why, but after a tin, I don't feel like eating them again for awhile.

>> No.11547993

thanks lads next time I'm at the store gonna see what they have to offer

>> No.11548704

They're usually shipped headless and the bones are so tiny and soft you literally don't even notice them. There's no crunch or extra chewiness or anything.

>> No.11549041

do you ever get guts or intestines in your deenz??

>> No.11549624


Never in a tin of high quality. There have been tales of guts, egg sacks, worms, scales, and other things in cheap cans.

>> No.11550103

I got some questions.
Do yall just eat whole sardines/whatever other tiny fish in a can?
Do you eat the fins n shit, scales n all?
Doesnt that bother any of you?
Do fish have assholes? Are you eating the assholes?
Genuinely wanna know how you guys eat this stuff, I cant stomach it. But I keep trying.

>> No.11550727

Fish is good. Whole fish. Mmmmm. You wouldn't butcher a clam, mussel, or oyster would you? I eat intestine, offal, and pig skin. Nothing wrong with any of it.

>> No.11551036

Boy do i like them deenz. I think deenz with garlic-y tomato sauce are just the best. Spread' em on a piece of bread and it's fucking heaven i swear.

>> No.11551565

based crackers n deenz poster

>> No.11551789

I unironically say 'zza

>> No.11551885


Never seen this flavor

>> No.11551891

/deenz/ threads are the comfiest place on this godforsaken website
love you deenzbros

>> No.11551894

to share in these based threads?

>> No.11551907

yeah, whatever you say, boss ;)

>> No.11552434

What do yall know about other types of canned sea creature?

A while ago I saw my local walmart has what appears to be canned squid. Kind of want to try. I remember I couldn't read the label, couldn't remember if it was in arabic or spanish. Will it kill me?

>> No.11552527


Try sardines first. They aren't as strong as anchovies. If you like fish, you will probably like sardines.

>> No.11552545
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Trying to decide between these for breakfast.

>> No.11552552

I fucking love the Brunswick herring in Louisiana hot sauce. Maybe my favourite zero prep meal.

>> No.11552559
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Sure you're not thinking of canned octopus? I've bought these from walmart, they're from spain and were good. If they're from spain it wouldn't hurt to try, I mean it's not like chink poison.

>> No.11552564

You just eat out of the can / on crackers?

>> No.11553220

Yeah, with hotsauce, pretty much my goto on all the /deenz/ style products. I feel that's the best way for me to cleanly evaluate each one.

>> No.11553381


Smoked oysters are superb
Smoked clams are also good
Kippered herring is good depending on quality
Anchovies by themselves are disgusting but ok in recipes in tiny amounts
Cant speak on any tentacle pals

>> No.11553523

Riga sprats are fucking amazing, literally prefer them over sardines everytime

>> No.11553531
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>buy 8 packs of deenz
>open 1
>pop deen in mouth
>this dont taste right
>look at label
>sourced from china

>> No.11553871
File: 52 KB, 450x450, 41E8B846-5A21-439B-9554-7F305719E6D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order 2 jars of these from wally world
>package arrives, open box
>hit in face with oily fish bomb
>jar busted in box and covered other jar and items in box
> i’ll never get the smell off of everything
>thanks guy who packed box

>> No.11553885
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oh god no

>> No.11553888

this is fucking nasty don't buy it. It's so overly salty and texture is bad, use it in recipes or dont use it all

>> No.11553890


Luckily the other items were sealed food items. Some of that Shin Black ramen that people rave on.

>> No.11553896

>Shin Black ramen
meh/10, i refuse to eat top ramen/maruchan etc so Shin is my absolute bottom which is saying its still shit but edible. Did Amazon make you send them back :)

>> No.11553903
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Try to find this on sale, it'll be the best decision of your life, also tonkatsu but I prefer miso

How was the jarred sardines tho compared to canned

>> No.11553951


It was walmart and theres no way i could send them back being an oily mess... im out $4 on them so im not going to bother. Will just stick with cans next time.

Ill have to look for them. And very good quality, a lot more smoky than average if thats your thing. Polar brislings are top notch in any form.

>> No.11553956

>not pickled herring

>> No.11554040

selling the song would be like trying to sell the dungeness crab pasta to long john silver's

>> No.11554279

those herring fillets are really good. my grandmother used to feed them to me when I was young and I developed a taste for them.

>> No.11554300

how are those chink eels
I keep hearing conflicting opinions

>> No.11554320

what song? where is the song?

>> No.11554345
File: 346 KB, 1600x1218, P7209292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this blogpost about sardines a la plancha marinated in green chutney. In it is a link to the recipe for the chutney.

>> No.11554356


A super based deenz poster posted a glorious recorded track about deenz... somebody must have the link.

>> No.11554379


i found the archived thread with the vocaroo link but it says its expired or deleted..

>> No.11554386

here's the song boss.

>> No.11554424

They're good but possibly too mild.

>> No.11554636
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I don't care if this is old news I lol'd way more than I was prepared to.

>> No.11554642

When are we going to get these threads sponsored by Nigeria?

>> No.11555242
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*ting--I mean *clunk* *clunk* *clunk*
Sirs, gentlemen, may I have your attention. Attention please!
This is a warning. From one sucker for sardines to another.
deenz reduce inflammation but this also weakens your immune system. Be warned before you eat em if there are sick people around. I made the mistake, and good heavens, I fell ill, with influenza and dropsy. I had weathered the season well until the deenz were ingested.
I'll head the CDC one day so sick people aren't legally allowed to be in public or they'll be put in a work camp or shot. Until then, limit deenz intake if there are sick people afoot in your midst.

>> No.11555245

well that was a funny post

>> No.11555270

What should I look for in a can of deenz?

>> No.11555279


>> No.11555290

What does that mean? I've only had deenz once or twice. What sort of texture am I looking for?

>> No.11555330

Portuguese or Spanish is top-tier.
Followed by French/Italian though they are rarer and expensive and not worth the price.
Followed by other nearby deenz such as those from Morocco.
Lastly, you got the northernly ones from the baltic states and poland which are hit or miss.
Worst tier is Thai and Sea of China deenz.

>> No.11555389
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gotcha m8, thanks for the tips.
What about Canadian sardines? Pic related seems pretty common around here.

>> No.11555394

They're alright. Overpriced but I'd eat em.

>> No.11555769

Wait, how do inflammation and the immune system interact? Or are you just bullshitting?

>> No.11555892


Can you recommend a brand(s) of spanish or portugese readily available online?

>> No.11556476

don't get discouraged easily! i bought some deenz on sale early and hated them so much i almost swore off deenz. now i eat a tin a day of the fuckers, the trick is finding the good ones

>> No.11556490

i make fancy sammiches with my deenz

>> No.11556502
File: 35 KB, 479x254, RugenFischHerringMustard200g_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ate an entire tin of these
>look at nutrition facts
>apparently just got 100% of my daily protein

>> No.11556766
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>> No.11556885
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>fried eggs with spinach, tomatoes and deenz

breakfast of kings

>> No.11557243

Ive never had Deenz before. Never really gave them a second thought really before I started seeing these threads. I'm glad you took this picture because that looks pretty good. What kind are those?

>> No.11557681
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Once you go lemon olive oil you never go back

>> No.11558265
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Hate sardines but I ate pic related the other day. Was good.

>> No.11558270

King Oscar jalapeno

>> No.11558284


>> No.11558293

They're not for everyone.
If the flavour isn't for you, you can at least appreciate the value. Deenz are about the best bang for your buck in terms of nutrition and as far as healthy food goes. Plus extremely convenient.

>> No.11558337

Walmart will replace or refund. Chat with them and tell them what happened.

>> No.11558419

anti-inflammatory = immunosuppresant generally.

>> No.11558452
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>> No.11558464

Best deenz I can get in Central Europe? Prague to be specific

>> No.11558500


>> No.11558568

Had these in plain olive oil this morning, was my first foray into the world of /deenz/. Breddy good, but expensive

>> No.11558574

I can't force myself to eat deenz, they just taste gross

smoked trout in a can is fucking magical though.

>> No.11558579

Can I ask you why there's such a big gangbang scene in Prague?

>> No.11558849

Anyone else tried Aldi deenz? They’re something like $0.75 a tin and although I’m new to sardines the quality seems good for the price.

>> No.11558863

they are bad.

>> No.11558868

I know they aren’t exactly Brislings, but I enjoyed them well enough.

>> No.11558873

nah they are REALLY bad in comparison to a $1.20-2 can

>> No.11558923


Obviously some deenz

>> No.11558924

Anything in specific you’d recommend? Getting King Oscar’s at $3.50 a tin is a bit excessive for regular consumption with my current financial situation

>> No.11558965


Beach Cliff are the only cheap ones I can tolerate... in mustard or hot sauce

>> No.11559131

>only cheap ones I can tolerate
>in mustard or hot sauce
Sounds like you aren’t truly a fan of them deenz

>> No.11559178

I am the truest of fans... which is why I enjoy quality deenz, namely brislings. Not the pleb huge chunks of cheap fish with the guts and eggs left in them that you find in cheaper tins. If I do find myself eating a cheap can, you can bet your ass it will be saved by mustard or another vinegary sauce.

>> No.11559219

>deenz long considered hobo food for years or even decades by normies
>can get decent deenz for 88cents a can
>start seeing these threads crop up
>they've gone up to like $1.50 after tax for cheap beach cliffs in the past 2 years
Fuck you all why can't I just enjoy nice things by myself.

>> No.11559227

Chicken of the sea are *okay* deenz. They're a bit salty for my taste, and basically taste like tuna. Probably not even actual sardines (not protected name in the US afaik), but some other small fish.

>> No.11559318

Don't "sardines" only come from the Med'?

>> No.11559384

Aldi deenz are the only ones I've tried, but I love them.

>> No.11559424


>> No.11559734


>> No.11559747

>the bones are so tiny and soft you literally don't even notice them.
this has never been my experience, what the fuck
i end up picking out the crunchy bits

>> No.11559915

What the hell deenz did you have? Last time I got CotS they tasted nothing like tuna, they tasted like the bottom of a fishing trawler mixed with cat food and were basically inedible. Maybe it was the soybeal oil or maybe they just suck.

Never tried those Brunswick fillets though, I saw them on the shelf but ignored them. Will definitely have to give them a try.

>> No.11559985

I can't eat fish in oil anymore, I fuckng hate the taste of oil

>> No.11560257

Bela (Portuguese)
Matiz (Spanish)

Used to be the latter was better but the portugese stepped up their game. I prefer water and regular olive oil, followed by the pepper one.

>> No.11560270

What’s best deenz for Caesar dressing I can find in a store lads?

>> No.11560293

Use Anchovies instead.

>> No.11560299

You know what, me too. I haven't for the life of me been able to find Caesar salad dressing lately. It used to be everywhere say 5 years ago. I found some low calories shit of it but still, not good.

>> No.11560382
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65 aussie cents.
I mean is it worth a try at that price?

>> No.11560417

probably not but who yolo

>> No.11560507

Did not know that

>> No.11560566

Yeah, they're probably tough, boney, and large. But who knows.

>> No.11561237

Nordic would be sour cream instead of yogurt and no garlic

>> No.11561261

Getting upset over a lighthearted meme word makes you seem like a 15 year old trying to act sophisticated, the same type of person who'll sip juice from a wine glass

>> No.11561275

>meme word
What a faggot!

>> No.11561301

inflation, how does that work?

>> No.11561307


>> No.11561546


It's just porn. But I guess the Czech are more open about sex and kinky, too. Like Germans

>> No.11561567

Costco deenz worth the sale?

>> No.11561587
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My wife texted me "420 blaze it" and I just happened to be eating lunch at that time so I responded with the pic.

>> No.11561593
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They're alright. Good bulk option. Pretty meaty taste.

They were better before they switched to these gay foil "easy pull" tops. Honestly harder to open without making a mess than the old pull tabs, and the outside of the can is always oily, which makes me constantly worry that the packaging is compromised.

>> No.11561613

This. Also the prefer the ones with skin and bones. Better. Also uses EVOO.

>> No.11561619

Whole sardines (skin and bones) yes.
Boneless and skinless, no.

>> No.11561624

I hate the bones. Skin is fine.