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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11532308 No.11532308 [Reply] [Original]

My daughter asked me "If planting apple seeds can make apples grow, can planting gummy bears make BEARS grow?"

What should I answer to her?

>> No.11532314

"don't be a dumbass"

>> No.11532315


>> No.11532316

apples are plants so they go in the ground
bears are animals so they go in your hoo-hoo chute

>> No.11532318
File: 3.00 MB, 600x338, fuck off.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11532321


>> No.11532323

>could have just said "yes" and given your daughter a cute memory to look back on when she gets older
>ruin the moment instead by posting about it on /ck/
shitty parent

>> No.11532325

Plant a gummy bear with her then a few weeks later wrap a teddy bear in a lettuce head and show her, feed the childhood wonder OP

>> No.11532331

Gummy bears are for feeding, not for seeding.

>> No.11532333

Explain to her that gummy mammals have to be inseminated to procreate and make her swallow them and your cum.

>> No.11532334

what anime is that from?

>> No.11532336

you could explain to her how plants are alive, and how it's actually murder to eat fruits and vegetables.

>> No.11532339

shut up hippie

>> No.11532344

You tell her that gelatin, which is what is used to make the gummy bears, is extracted from living cattle's toes at great pain to them. But it's ok, because hurting animals in order to eat parts of them is fine, according to carnivores. Or, you could just tell her to stop eating that shit and go vegan, like Jesus would want.

>> No.11532349

shut up hippie

>> No.11532360

Yozakura Quartet. It's pretty meh, desu.

>> No.11532367
File: 531 KB, 615x469, Giant-Gummy-Bears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show her this and order one of those giant gummy bears to give to her. She'll believe it and tell her friends and they'll argue with her and make fun of her and think she's stupid and she'll be so frustrated and cry hot tears it will be hilarious. Even better when she finds out the truth and feels so betrayed by you and develops trust issues I can't wait this is going to be awesome.

>> No.11532394
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>> No.11532408
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what do hippies eat then?

>> No.11532410

Shut up Sneed

>> No.11532413

smegma and dirt

>> No.11532414

You don't deserve your dubs, or oxygen in general

>> No.11532448

Jesus disapproves this message. Go vegan. NOW.

>> No.11532452

So it’s just like every other anime?

>> No.11532455

Don't use Jesus to push the vegan agenda.

>> No.11532456

*hits pipe*

>> No.11532459
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Don't feed her gummy bears.

>> No.11532461

Mediocre shit that lasts one season? Yeah, pretty much.

>> No.11532464

>gummy bears
>not superior haribo bears

You should disown her and put her up for adoption for being such a pleb

>> No.11532478

Holy shit

>> No.11532551 [DELETED] 

Americans are truly retarded. Sage

>> No.11532556
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>"like Jesus would want"

>> No.11532594


>> No.11532598

Haribo fucking sucks now. Enjoy chewing your plastic, pleb

>> No.11532614
File: 641 KB, 876x651, serveimage?url=https:%2F%2Fthemennonite.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F09%2Ffish-feature.jpg&sp=d7a079ffad57b153f18d11558bfdd18d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like Jesus would want.

>> No.11532679

Sage and kys you'reself

>> No.11532682


>> No.11532692

Get a job.

>> No.11532715


>> No.11532725

Trips confirm. OP missed his chance.

>> No.11532739

Holy shit, Apples cause more tooth decay than fish cakes? I ate nothing but fish cakes for 3 years my teeth all rotted out of my head wtf

>> No.11532988

>no not exactly
>you see the soil has to be the right kind
>and the seeds have to be planted at the right time of year, with the right climate
follow up with >>11532325

>> No.11533456
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Very wholesome

>> No.11533482

>not training your kid to fight from an early age so they can be confident through there childhood and smash the fuck out of anyone who starts shit
How does it feel being a pussy?

>> No.11533506


>> No.11533545

shut the fuck up and eat your gummie bears

>> No.11534136
File: 11 KB, 259x194, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a fucking stealth sneed thread?

>> No.11534224


>> No.11534227

Say yes, then go on twitter and pretend she said something bad about Trump

>> No.11534232

all threads are stealth sneed threads
look harder

>> No.11535307

If you say so

>> No.11535319

based butter.

>> No.11535332
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>> No.11535333
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>> No.11535339

I would instead hide one of those giant vat19 gummy bears in one. Can you imagine her face when she opens it up and sees the huge thing?

>> No.11535407


>> No.11535424

Watch the good one, dumbass.

>> No.11535678

Your daughter's a fuckin moron.

>> No.11535766

I think not brushing for 3 years will do that regardless of what you eat.

>> No.11535992

>ice cream that low