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11532036 No.11532036 [Reply] [Original]

DO you say grace before meals? I hope that you do.

>> No.11532052

I do but it’s always something blasphemous like “rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub” or “allah, buddha, jesus too. who loves ya baby? time to chew. amen.”

>> No.11532053

We do around my in-laws, but I never close my eyes and pretend to say Amen because I feel awkward saying it. My wife and I also playfully squeeze each other's hand while whoever is saying it is saying it just to play around a little.

>> No.11532055

Wow kid, that's edgy as fuck. Damn.

>> No.11532062

Nothing I said was edgy or trying to be edgy, retard.

>> No.11532069

see how cute it is playfully squeezing satan's hand IN HELL

>> No.11532083

Rockwell was best well

>> No.11532085
File: 916 KB, 785x929, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_17.07_[2018.06.15_22.40.16].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I thank my daddy every time before I devour his dick

>> No.11532107

No, my family wasn't retarded. However, as an officer in the army we had mandatory prayer breakfasts where the smarmy chaplain presided and I kept my head up and eyes open and surprisingly there were others who did the same. Pissed the commmander off something royal where his panties got as flustered as if someone made an orange fool on presidents day, lol.

Christianity is dead, killed by it's own cannabalistic hypocrisy, get used to it. You're a fucking joke.

>> No.11532113

Goodness, anon. I feel like if I touched you, I would cut myself.

>> No.11532127

cringe but also based

>> No.11532147

*tips to you, good sir

>> No.11532225

Good to see you have no argument. Now, please expatriate with your christian sharia baggage to the taliban state or some shithole like the US subsidized state of Israel since you're the same trash. You can't even pretend anymore given the current crop of clowns who prance around braying about muh jeebus. Stop, you're embarassing yourself.

>> No.11532244

Well I just got off a two week ban so I'm not going to post anything controversial, so you win by default, sir. And the hat tipping guy isn't me.

>> No.11532296
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my aunt does despite not being religious. Her parents did so I think she latched onto that. Her sister is like that too, none of her brothers or their kids give a shit

It might be a woman thing a la pic

>> No.11532337

Fair enough.

>> No.11532346

you're pretty clearly mocking the ritual bud, that makes it edgy

>> No.11532353

My family only does on Christmas and Thanksgiving. I don't get it since Thanksgiving isn't even a religious holiday.

>> No.11532687

I used to but stopped when I lost my faith.

>> No.11532707
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>> No.11532721

>Christianity is dead
It is very much alive. You have the choice to to believe but that doesn't mean it isn't real.

>> No.11532748

Pretty faggy people are unironically trying to be christian again because they think it'll upset some faggot somewhere

>> No.11532756

that is a bit judgmental and ignorant on your end to make such claims, no?

>> No.11532764

Nah religion is lame. Christians are barely tolerable but they're getting more annoying lately

>> No.11532772

it's more than just a religion anon. why do they annoy you?

>> No.11532779

They make faggy purposely obtuse posts like you're doing right now.

>> No.11532781
File: 8 KB, 485x443, 1542181846765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing hats indoors and at the table.

>> No.11532788

Literally every antichrist I met is a jew or some skinny low t edgelord.

>> No.11532791

it was not my intention to come across that way. but i would appreciate it if you could genuinely answer my question. if you don't want to that's fine also.

>> No.11532792

*anti christian, woops auto correct

>> No.11532799

Nah, I think we stopped when my parents split when I was a kid.

I look down and glance around awkwardly when there's grace being said at a friend's house. My disrespect levels are the worst lol

>> No.11532916
File: 366 KB, 1802x1399, Grace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
